Academy for Supernatural Creatures

When they arrived at the hall, West felt more out of place than ever, not feeling like this was a good place for him to be at all. He knew at heart that attempting to speak to someone only one time, and it failing, didn't mean that everyone resented him, but it did sort of feel like that anyway. He sat down in an empty seat, not wanting to sit near someone in case he would be in the way. If someone wanted to sit next to him, that was their choice, but he dind't want to force his company upon anyone.
The room for orientation was huge. She wasn't sure where to sit. Neil was sitting upside down (Chanter tried not to find that unusual).

There was another person, a boy, sitting by himself. She wasn't sure what to do.

Chanter didn't particularly want to sit by herself, but she didn't want to bother anyone either. She took a seat near the quiet boy and kept adjusting her hat and playing with her fingers out of boredom. Orientation hadn't started yet, and she began to day dream looking lost in thought.
Volkaen Stood at the podium in the front of the all the students he spoke in a loud voice. "My Fellow Creatures! I will ask that you settle down for a brief moment and Grt ready for you orientation Speech." He said and immediately the place got quiet.
Chanter roused herself out of her distracted state and moved her eye to the front of the room, distracted only by the ominous quiet that permeated the room. It was dis-consorting after such a long period of noise.

She kept her eyes toward the front waiting on what the headmaster had to say, trying to hid her nervousness. What if she didn't really fit in at this school? She instinctively touched the top of her head. Thankfully, at least, her snake friends were still quiet.
Mr. Volkaen had spoke for at least 2 hours straight before letting the next person speak. Neil had got so jittery she did a silent jump and landed next to Chanter in the seat behind her. "Hey! Sooooooo this is booorrriinng don't you think?" She asked and held her own head.
Suddenly from no where a chibi boy, carring a long sticked cross, tugged on the coat of volaekan "e-excuse looking for the teacher im new my names alexander creed..but my friends call me alex"
Chanter jumped slightly at the voice behind her. This talk had gone on so long that she had dozed and was half asleep in her chair praying to the gods for it to end. She turned slightly toward Neil. "It is! I stopped listening an hour and a half ago." She smiled slightly at Neil. For some reason she thought she had scared her off. It was nice to know she had met one nice person on the first day. "By the way, thanks for helping with my friends" She patted her head, "They haven't made a peep."
Evelyn was behind a tree and she was starving! She knew school had probably started already, but she knew the risks of not consuming human souls often enough. She hated doing it- she thought it cruel to leave someone alone, with no soul or sanity. When her rare breed of Crocotta fed from a human(by kissing them), they left them physically unharmed. However, they would be damaged mentally. They wouldn't remember the feeding, but Crocottas were usually the cause of 'illnesses' such as Bi-polar disorder, stuttering, anorexia, insomnia and paranoia.

She heard faint footsteps coming from the path the other side of the tree she was hiding behind. Reading them, she instantly knew all the details she needed-

Name- Stephan Howard

Age- 19


Voice to use- Girlfriend Cassandra.

When she heard him come near, she started screaming, using Cassandra's voice. "STEPHAN!! Help me! Please!" She faked crying, and heard the boy running in her direction. When he came into view, she crept behind him and pinned him to the ground and kissed him. She felt his innocent soul run down her throat, taming her uncontrollable hunger. After she had drank, she propped him up against a tree and darted as fast as she could to the school, bursting through the doors.
Rrkah wasn't one to bore easily-he excelled at things percived as "boring", by most people. Speeches being one of the things. But when a speech goes for two straight hours, it begins to get boring. He had begun to fidget, removing his glasses and toying with the fabric that formed a loop, allowing for him to have them around his neck. He stopped after a few minutes though, and began to think.

He hadn't bothered socializing with anyone yet, he didn't know how but would give it a try. When he actually found someone nice enough.

Rrkah was sitting near the back of the hall, with a one chair gap between him and two girls. One turned to the other and they started to talk. Even though they were whispering, he could hear what they were saying in perfect clarity-this wasn't something he was proud of, evesdropping on conversations, but it certainly had its uses. He lent to one side. 'Hello?' he asked the one closest to him, his voice a husky whisper.
West heaved a deep sigh. The speech was going on for a long time, and he was bored. The first half hour he had let the time pass while worrying over things, but even that had to get old some time. Now he just sat wondering how he should pass his time. He'd taken it for granted that he wouldn't make any friends. It wasn't that he didn't want friends, he just... For some reason people always seemed to dislike him. Maybe he was too pathethic, he didn't know.

This thought made his heart sink in his chest and he heard even less of the speech than before.
Chanter looked at the boy with the glasses. His almost whispered hello almost went unnoticed. "Um... Hi." She gave a small smile and a little wave with her index and middle fingers.
Rrkah looked at the girl in shock. She had responded to him! While maybe not the most...exciting thing he had ever done, it was interesting. The most communication he had had with one person would have to have been with his mother, his tutor, or Maria. Never had he spoken to someone, making a specific effort to socialize since he was five. And that was a while ago. 'Erm...' he stuttered. 'What's your name?' tumbled out of his mouth, following the awkward "erm." Rrkah began cursing himself. What a truly blunt way to word it.
Mr Volkaen had then said with a large voice and it echoed through the whole room. "Neil Vear! May you come to the front please." Neil's super senstive ears went berserk. She ran up the long walkway to get there as fast as she can.

Mr. Volkaen put his hand on her shoulder. "I want to introduce to you all This Academy's first Hellhound! Treat her well or you might end up in Hell!" He tried to joke but was horrible at it. Neil Spoke in a shrill voice.

"I'm excited to Be at this Academy! I am sure you all will treat me nice." Her voice came louder than the mic.
Chanter smiled, she liked the boys directness. "It's Chanter. Yours?"

After she asked the question, Neil was called up to the front. The first Hellhound, huh? That would explain the snake thing.
Rrkah smiled, and looked to the stage where the academys first hellhound was standing. He wouldnt have thought she was a hellhound, from just the general appearance, but then again, if certain rules weren't in place...

He turned back to the girl-Chanter, he had to remember that he was talking too. He then followed it up with a quick pronunciation lesson. 'Like "rar-car". Kind of.'

'Anyway,' he said quickly, 'what type of creature are you?'
[she's new. Where do we start off?]

Name: Luna

gender: Female

species: tiger beast




[she's new. Where do we start off?]
"That's and interesting name. I've never heard it before." She tried it out mentally before she spoke again. "I'm a Gorgon. You know like turn you to stone, and snakes for hair and stuff?"
Rrkah smiled, trying to seem sympathetic. 'Must be a bit of a hassle, keeping the snakes under control.' He said, still whispering. 'I can turn into a wolf whenever I want-hence the yellow eyes-' he pointed to them '-, but people still perceive wolf shifters as werewolves-it's really quite insulting. Mind you, not all werewolves are bad. They only get a bad rap because they tend to eat house guests and lack proper toilet training.' Rrkah ended off. 'Sorry-I tend to rant sometimes.'
( @Sliverwolfx they are in Orientation.)

Neil ran back to her seat and sat back down and looked at the boy talking to Chanter. "Soooo who are smell like *sniff* ......well I don't know.." Neil's eyes searched his face for answers.
'Well, I think you'll find that I smell like lime juice, with a nice hint of wet dog.' Rrkah laughed. For the benefit of the hellhound, he added on-'I'm Rrkah, by the way, Neil Veer.' He smiled, showing his sharpened teeth. 'Do either of you know about these "customizable houses?"'
Chanter liked this kid. He seemed funny. She laughed. "With a hint of wet dog. Haha!"

She thought about his question for a moment. "No I have no idea about the houses. I'm new this year. A transfer. So I don't know a lot about this place. Just kind of winging it, ya know?"
Neil turned her head. "Lime....and Wet dog...never smelt that before...customizible houses I kinda know about it." Neil saw his teeth she decided to show her teeth. She smiled showing her hellhound teeth which were a thousand needle sized and shaped teeth.
'Yes...they aren't really something you...associate together...' Rrkah said meekly, after catching sight of her needle-like teeth. He reached into his bag and pulled out a pamphlet advertising the academy. A healthy wad of maps was also removed along with it. He opened it up and spread it out. He found the section he was looking for and indicated with a finger. '"Houses are fully customizable, with groups between two and four occupying them. All house organizations must be submitted to the reception." Handy, but it Doesn't tell you what it means by "customize."' He began to fold the edges of the pamphlet.
Neil brain acted like a light bulb. "Ooooooohhhh that Those. I actually have it right here...." She pulled from seemingly nowhere a long piece paper. "This is the info on what you can exactly customize." She handed it to him and then her hand seemed to twitch.
Rrkah looked at the sheet. And then put on his glasses. And then looked again. It was a long list, covered with things like "bed cover colour" and "cutlery material" and..."toilet paper pattern". His favourite thing to customise. He bit his lip, and noticed the hell hound's-Neil's-hanUmd was twitching. 'You okay?' He asked her, looking at it.

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