Academy for Supernatural Creatures


"You are a Ocean of Gray Waves..."
The Creatures of the night came together to make a School for their children. In that school there are many rules to go by. But the most important was to never turn into your monster form.
The Academy. Not know to human kind has Been around for 300 years. It was built on the foundation of the Supernatural Treaty. That was when the Vampires, Werewolves, and Witches made a pact for they could co-exist with each other.

The Academy is literally a minature city itself, with everything already supplied for them. The Headmaster of the Academy was a Vampire, the Dean was a Werewolf, and the Counslor was a Witch. They allow any student that is a monster to enter provide they had gotten a letter of acceptance into the school.

A girl skipped around looking at the large school. She got lost so many times now it was scary for her. She got super jittery. "I.... Am lost........ Nooooooooo!!!!! This sucks! I need to get to orientation!!!!!" She said out loud. Her Name is Neil Veer, a first year student and the only Hellhound to ever attend. She looked at the statues that were around. She whistled to herself to calm herself down. She blinked as she looked at the customizible houses.
Chanter was just seconds away from going crazy. Well, more so than she already was.

This school required that she never be in monster form. That was easy when it came to her snake like body, unfortunately, concealing her hair... was another story. Gorgons were... gifted?... with snakes for hair. Even with her human legs she was cursed with a head full of hissing friends. The dilemma had just occurred to her that morning... her solution? A hat.

She sighed. She was getting kicked out for sure. She had no sort of magical abilities to silence the disgruntled rattlers... she supposed she would have to befriend a Witch or something... Even better, making friends. She might rather leave.

Chanter looked down at her schedule... Orientation. She had absolutely no idea where that was. The place was huge! How was she supposed to find her way? That was when she saw the girl. Whistling and looking lost.

Chanter walked up to talk to her... "Uh... Hello? Maybe we can be lost together?" After all misery likes company, right?
Here again, huh?

Sergeant looked up at the monstrous school. He swore that it started to become smaller and smaller he more he stays here, this school. He watched others getting ready to possibly torture the freshies and probably end them up in the big boys office again for tricking them into their monster form. Sergeant never really had a 'monster form' if anything, he did change or mutate a bit when he continually used his powers [eyes change, teeth, claws, etc.] He was never one to help out any one who was lost in this place, but he knew that tons of people day upon day get lost in this place. Yeah, yeah, I get this place is big and mighty, but t shouldn't be to the point that everyone looking like sitting ducks. He shook his head, running a strong hand through his gem red hair. He caught drift of people staring at his maw of sharp teeth and bare it at them, making them look away. He always had this row of sharp teeth, and got the nickname of shark for them. Good thing it didn't spread far, he beat the guys who came up with that nickname to a pulp the first time he got teased with that. Made sure to mark a few bites on them, too.

Serg eyed two presumably freshmen huddling together whilst others passed and grouped together in different areas, he felt almost sympathy for them. He didn't panic when he get lost, he only got angry and rudely asked for directions.
Neil jumped at the sound of Chanter's voice. "Waaaaahhhh. Oh hello." She yelped and her ears popped out. And her tail came out. "yeah i'm conpletely lost" her light voice said and she tilted her head. She examined Chanter.
Chanter looked at the girl. "I'm Chanter. It is my 12th year but I just transferred to this school. So I am completely lost. Is this your first year?" Chanter wasn't sure why she was compelled to talk to this person. She usually wasn't the talking or socializing type, but for some reason she was, so she soldiered on. "You wouldn't happen to know any Witches would you?" She raised a hand to her unruly head (the cap she dawned was currently moving and hissing). "My hair wont shut up." She only realized how weird that sounded after she said it.
West looked disconcerted out over the area. The building was huge, and he felt like it really wasn't a place for him to be. His brothers had sent him, to get him off their hands he felt. It was full of creatures who were different from him, of course, there ought to be other Witches and Wizards here, but most of them would probably be a lot stronger than West was. His magical powers were ridiculously bad.

He headed towards the place he supposed orientation must be taking place. He ran a hand nervously trough his long purple hair and stared around, feeling everything was rather intimidating.
"W.. Witches? No no. I know no witches. Your right I am a first Year. Uh your hair?" She put her head in a cocked side glance. She bounced around and her tail and ears disappeared. She held a map that was upside down.
Well that stunk. Chanter would have to continue her search for someone who could quiet her mane. "Yeah...uh... I'm a Gorgon." She pointed to her head a and explained. "Snakes. They wont shut up. I've never worn a hat before, they don't like it." She noticed the paper in the girls hands. "Is that a map? Can I see it? It might tell us how to get to orientation. That is where you're headed right?" She held out her hand for the paper, wondering if she was frightening this girl. She wasn't getting very far in the friend making process... that was why she didn't do it. She was bad at it.
"maybe I can help with your hair." She said and took Chanter's hat off and touched her hair. The snakes seemed to freeze at the sight of a hellhound. "There that should do it." Neil said then introduced herself. "I'm Neil."
Chanter breathed a huge sigh of relief. Those stupid snakes were beginning to give her a headache. She held out her hand to the girl to shake. "That's a neat trick you have there Neil, thanks." She smiled, hoping it didn't look like a scowl. "I'm Chanter." She took back her hat and placed it on her head, hoping the effect would last for a while. "So are you headed to orientation as well? I don't know how I am ever going to get used to this place. I wonder if anyone has it memorized?"
Neil shook her hand and she kind of jumped up and down. "Well I had it memorized....but I forgot since I memorized it upside down .." Neil looked at the map trying to match herself with the map.
Neil handed it to her and then fiddled with her backpack. She started to sing. "La..lalalalalala I leave the world. And love the world sooo blue..." She sung with a soft voice.
The mass amount of maps on these people's hands were slightly agitating Sergeant. Virtually anything slightly irritates Sergeant by this point, the most common emotion he felt was anger or rage, either it be minor or chronic. He decided to play the hero and use his 'super cool senior powers' to help them out. Walking up to the nearest group of people looking highly lost or confused, he listened for a moment and shook his head. One of the girls asked the other if she could see the map, but before they could befuddle themselves further, Sergeant cut her off, not by swiping the map, but speaking. "Look, freshies, if you ogle at the map, you're tangoing with bewilderment. If you read maps right side up," He glanced at Neil. "You're still bound not to know what the hell is going on. This is how to guide through this dump... Listen closely." He thought this was a good time to make a dramatic pause. "You take this nice little map here for reference... And ask someone who looks like they know where the hell they're going. Do that, and all of sudden you're home base. Comprende?"
Chanter was not amused. Who did this guy think he was?!? If Neil hadn't helped with her hair, the rattlers would be spitting mad and going wild. "And you think you're the guy for the job? I would rather be lost in this dump forever, than ask for help from someone as rude and egotistical you. Comprende? Have you ever considered not being extremely rude and off putting?" The words were out of her hotheaded mouth before she realized that they might actually need this guys help.

She could have slapped herself. "Well... um... what I mean is..." She was sure he wouldn't help them now.
Sergeant stared blankly at Chanter, staring only for a moment. "I'm... Rude. And off-putting by trying to help you and your buddy here. I'm... Rude and off putting. Me. By trying to help you guys. I'm egotistical by my slang and way of speech, is that it?" He licked his lips in anger, a habit he's developed. "I apologize, I'm just so blown away by ya logic right now." He had to grin, baring some of the shark teeth burrowed in his jaw, he gave the biggest sigh today and bit back the heat rising in his hands. "Instead of shoving my fist into the hole on your face where all that crap came from, how about I ask what in the good name of Genera do you mean?" Sergeant rage went up and he shakily breathed in, puffing out dark black smoke. "Actually, no no... If you're in my presence a few moments longer, I'll wake up in a prison cell." He said, balling up his fists and shoving them into his pockets, he stomped off in the other direction, a thick line of toxic smoke following him.
West, having watched the scene from afar, stared anxiously as the group split off, and reminded himself to not go near that person. He wasn't about to get himself hurt, not on the first day at least. He slowly made his way over to the two still standing there, and looked at them, feeling a bit nervous.

"Um.. Hi. I'm also new here, but.. I can try and help you with the map, if you want," He said, feeling a bit un-sure. Maybe he was just being unescesarry, they could probably figure it out by themselves
Neil was scared of the senior so she hid behind Chanter. She saw the other boy come too but was too shy to say anything. But then she felt a shiver down her spine.

A shadow of a man had stood behind them. "You are all lost? My my.... " he said and radiated a strange aura. "Display of your powers is prohibited if you read the rules." He seemed to blend in with the shadows behind him.
Scarlet quietly walked through the gates of the academy. This was her third time at a different high school. She saw a group of individuals near the entrance that looked interesting. She wasn't nervous about hiding her creature. More so about being at a new school. She shivered, looking at the shadow of a man that warned the group. Unsure of what to do, she just kept quiet.

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The man walked up slowly and he soon came into view. "I'm Headmaster Volkaen. I am the founder of the Academy." He said with a monotone voice. He let his shadow move without moving. He was the fabled vampire.
Chanter looked at the founder of the academy. wasn't sure how to respond she was sure she was going to get expelled now. "Oh... um... I'm sorry sir. My temper just got away with me. We were just trying to find orientation."

She sighed. What a great way to start her first day, she was seriously dysfunctional.
Neil had jumped up in down infront of Volkaen and she spoke fast. "We need a way to get to orientation can you take us? Please, Please, Pleeeeaaaaassse!" Neil begged and Volkaen laughed and scratched his head.

"Okay okay Neil Veer, And the rest of you follow me." He said and turned on his heel. He seemed to not touch the ground as he walked forward.
Chanter was slightly in aw of the Headmaster. Deciding that her mouth had gotten her into enough trouble, she silently followed behind, willing her mouth to stay silent rather than question the vampire about his grace.
Everyone was gathered in a large theater like hall. With all the different monsters the smell was a pleasent but also questionible. Volkaen excused himself. "Sorry I must instruct my staff." He bowed and disappeared. There wad several empty seats in the back. Neil ran over to a seat and jumped over it. She landed on that same seat though. "Here Is a perfect spot for me!" She said and turned her body upside down loooking at the large stage.

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