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Fantasy Academy for non-humans

Oliver reared his head back and hit it against the guys forehead. "Ghh," He didn't give himself time think before he started swinging his fist at him. whether or not they blindly hit, he didn't care. He hated being looked down on.

Nagisa nodded in agreement, the transformation wasn't just horrible to go through, it was also horrible to watch, the popping and the shifting of the body was enough to make anyone want to throw up. Nagisa almost did and it took him off guard, realising his mistake when the metal bar thwacked him in the head. "Well.... I'm um... friends, with the Werewolf... Before transformation of course... "

Timothy stopped, knowing that he should say something sympathetic to the man, but he was struggling to figure out exactly what. His brows were furrowed in concentration, trying to think of something good. He had helped him with his books, after all, and now he looked sad. Which, in the small vampires mind, was unacceptable.

Finally giving up on finding something appropriate to say, he bit his lip and tentatively reached out his small hand, patting the bigger person on the arm in a gesture of sympathetic compassion, looking up at him solemnly.

Nagisa felt the hand on his arm and looked down at him, he gently smiled in response to the Vampires attempt at sympathy and then looked down the corridor, "You like to read I take it? I like to read too, you have a selection of interesting books, I might have to pinch one of them off you when I get the chance." He let out a little laugh, there were some interesting titles here, but for the next week he probably wouldn't have much time to do some reading. @Cryobionic
LonelyAssassin said:
Cody didn't know what to say, he just kept looking and hugging his knees, he was just too guilty to be able to bring together proper words and make a sentence good enough to reply. In the end he gave in and hugged Angel, like a Kid that was apologising to his parent he rested his head on his chest and his lip quivered, he kept in the crying, he didn't want to do that. He didn't deserve to let it out.
He sighed softly and hugged Cody close, rubbing his arm gently. "You c-can cry, you know.. everyone needs to cry sometimes.." He whispered, he presumed Cody would keep beating himself up for what happened. "Cody.. would you help me find a cure, for you?" He asked slowly. "I'm gonna find something, I promise that on my immortality" He whispered.
Darkwolf1344 said:
He sighed softly and hugged Cody close, rubbing his arm gently. "You c-can cry, you know.. everyone needs to cry sometimes.." He whispered, he presumed Cody would keep beating himself up for what happened. "Cody.. would you help me find a cure, for you?" He asked slowly. "I'm gonna find something, I promise that on my immortality" He whispered.
Cody hesitated for a moment, he had spent his whole life looking for a cure and the tribe had been looking for one even before that, he didn't even know if you could cure a curse that changed it's host every generation after it's previous dies. He parted from the hug and grabbed his clothes and started to put them on under the blanket, he didn't answer, he didn't know how too, "Of course I'll help... but... it's going to be difficult. Really really difficult." Even though his tribe was away from civilisation, there were members of it like Cody who left to try and research more about the cure and none had come back successful. He stood up, holding his shirt in his hands, he traced over the thousands of scars covering his torso and face with a fingertip - at least they would heal later on.
The vampire hugged the books to his chest, and smiled a small secretive smile. "I love to read," He replied honestly, as they began walking again, "And I kind of have to, else I wouldn't know anything about the real world." He added as an afterthought, thinking about how lost he had been when he had first left France. "Though," he murmured softly, looking up at the incubus through his dark eyelashes, "I'm still not really sure how to properly act around other people."

Then, frowning a little when he realized he may have told him a little too much, he shook his head, making his hair bounce around his head. "You're welcome to borrow any books you like."

Ash touched his forehead after it was hit and huffed, blinking when a fist came to hit his chest and shoulder. It stung, but it only made him a little aggravated again. "you should try not getting so excited," He grabbed the boys wrists before he could be hit again and tucked them the behind the boys head. His fingers quickly wrapped around Olivers hair to pull his head back along with his arms, just before he licked the skin above his jugular vein,"it's no fun when your food is already heating up." Ash could practically taste it, and he had delved too deep into the scent to turn back now. At the moment, what wanted was to taste this boys blood, and he was almost asking for it. The sooner the better. He moved so that he didn't directly pierce the boys vein as he dug his teeth into the flesh and started to drain him.

@SorenDarrah >:}
Cryobionic said:
The vampire hugged the books to his chest, and smiled a small secretive smile. "I love to read," He replied honestly, as they began walking again, "And I kind of have to, else I wouldn't know anything about the real world." He added as an afterthought, thinking about how lost he had been when he had first left France. "Though," he murmured softly, looking up at the incubus through his dark eyelashes, "I'm still not really sure how to properly act around other people."
Then, frowning a little when he realized he may have told him a little too much, he shook his head, making his hair bounce around his head. "You're welcome to borrow any books you like."

Nagisa smiled, looking down at the Vampire, "That's okay, you could say that I don't act properly around with them either, since I try to hit on them all the time. Though I think I can hold a conversation or two - if you want I can help you with that, that's if you want to interact with people. You know we are supernatural, it's not something to be a shamed of, if people knew who we really were they wouldn't know how to act around us either."
"That's not it," Timothy informed him softly, deciding to take a chance and trust the other white haired male for a bit, "I'm not... I never got to grow up, Nagisa."

The vampire sighed and looked down at his shoes, his good mood suddenly gone. The odd part about this entire thing, was that while he wasn't used to talking about it, he kind of wanted too. That confused him greatly.

Nagisa stopped walking and looked down at Timothy again, "Pfft who wants to grow up?" After a second he immediately regretted saying what he did, it was a bit unthoughtful. Over 100 years being stuck inside the body of a little kid must be wearing thin on him now - Nagisa couldn't imagine being in that body for as long as he had, because... you know, Incubus and all that. Nagisa crouched down and placed the books beside him, looking directly at Timothy now, "Sorry... I guess being a 'kid' for as long as you have must be getting boring, especially with all that experience and knowledge in your head. "
(D: You did it. @Risk )

Oliver squirmed when his hands were taken over, and winced his head was pulled back by his hair,"what are you-....AHH!" He froze when his neck was licked, suddenly understanding the situation he was in, and he yelped from being bitten. His aggravation was quickly replaced by..shock? No...fear. He'd been warned that there were all types of creatures at this school, but a mummy who drinks blood? No, he couldn't be a mummy. he had no idea what this creature was or how he could defend himself against it. It was when he could feel himself being drained that he started to fight back again, kicking at the air even though all he could see was the ceiling and the side of the persons head neighboring his neck when he looked down. Shit shit shit. It hurt when he yelled, but he had to try, and let out what he could make of a yell.
The vampire blinked at him, his large eyes showing every one of his years. "I'm not nine, but I technically am. So sometimes, I react the way I would have before I was bitten, without meaning too" He told him, wishing he could twirl his hair around his fingers. He settled for running his index finger over the outer cover of the bottom book, enjoying the feel of the rough texture, "And since I never got to know what it was like to grow up, I never learned the social skills needed to survive as an adult."

Tilting his head to the left, he looked straight into the incubus' eyes, his face devoid of any emotion. "So I'm stuck between two worlds, doomed to never entirely fit into either one of them."

The vampire averted his gaze, a hint of a frown appearing on his brow. "And that hurts."

Nagisa's eyes saddened at how the effects of Vampirism affected Timothy personally, so he has these kid tendencies that he can never get rid of, it would be difficult to get him out of it and cures for vampires are impossible at the moment to Nagisa's knowledge anyway. "Well what you need is a Friend to support you in this world, and a Friend you have." Nagisa holds out his hand, "I'll help you, and you can learn from it, don't be afraid to ask me to take you to places. If you want to go, I'll accompany you, I promise."
Timothy looked down at the offered hand, then up at Nagisa, his eyes filled with confusion and disbelief, before hesitantly reaching out, placing his smaller hand in his larger one and squeezing it softly. "A friend." He murmured, trying to understand just what that title implicated. He had seen friends before, while watching from the sidelines. He had seen people having fun and being happy, with other people. "I'd like that, I think."

With that, he gave the white haired man a rare, real smile, complete with both fangs and dimples, his eyes lighting up in unfiltered gratitude. "Though, I think I should get these books back to my dorm room now."
Cryobionic said:
Timothy looked down at the offered hand, then up at Nagisa, his eyes filled with confusion and disbelief, before hesitantly reaching out, placing his smaller hand in his larger one and squeezing it softly. "A friend." He murmured, trying to understand just what that title implicated. He had seen friends before, while watching from the sidelines. He had seen people having fun and being happy, with other people. "I'd like that, I think."
With that, he gave the white haired man a rare, real smile, complete with both fangs and dimples, his eyes lighting up in unfiltered gratitude. "Though, I think I should get these books back to my dorm room now."
Nagisa smiled back, a big toothy grin with his eyes closed in response to Timothy's smile. His eyes opened and he stood up, sweeping his books up off the floor, "Yeah we should, we still go a way to go?" He started walking down the corridor until the Vampire said otherwise.
Ash caught the boys ankle with his foot as it came back down, making them both fall to the floor with his mouth still latched onto the boys neck. The blood was hot, to the point that it felt like it was boiling, and he loved it. It warmed his throat and left a trail of heat as it rolled down to his stomach. He could feel himself taking more and more uncontrollably, beads of the dark red liquid falling from the edge of his mouth and escaping, wasting away in swears against his skin. Or was it skin? Mostly. Small black scales began to seemingly appear around his jaw line and the backs of his fingers. Oops, he was letting it slip, but he couldn't help it.
Timothy nodded, walking after him. The two walked in silence for a while, something the smaller one didn't really mind much. He clutched his books to his chest, feeling better than he had in months. A friend.

After a few minutes, they reached door number 23, and the vampire reached down into his pocket, balancing his books on his hip before fishing up the key and thrusting it into the keyhole. He swung the door open and walked inside, placing his stack of books on the floor by his bed, nodding to himself before looking up at Nagisa and taking the other stack from him. "Thank you for your help," He told him honestly, the corners of his mouth tilting up a little, "And... for talking to me."


(I'm really sorry, but I have to go. ^^")
Oliver's breath was broke when they hit the floor and he tried to get it back, but it was hard now that he had this guy laying on him. Not to mention draining him of life. He was in pain and getting weaker by the second. Yelling didn't do anything to help, it just made his throat coarse and sore. Ollie could barely move from the weight on him, but he refused to give up and let himself die here. Especially not so soon. He had to finish this mission and go back home...to go home and help everyone....There were a few seconds of complete silence coming from him, before his body started to become covered in flames starting from his hands and feet. It didn't effect himself, though it started to slowly burn through his gloves. "Get..off..of me," he croaked as the flames grew and crept along his limbs in hopes of burning the creature.
Ash released his teeth from around the boy's neck with a hiss and jumped back when he felt his hand being burned. He was a few feet from him when he looked back at oliver, his body half facing the boy in a crouch as he held his hand. There was a childish pout on his face as he looked at the charred skin, and something long and thin curled up beside him; a tail. "That hurt!" He exclaimed quietly, moving farther away from the boy with a frown carved onto his blood-stained lips. Though there was a sense of immaturity to it, he also looked angry. It was like taking soda from a child.
Cryobionic said:
Timothy nodded, walking after him. The two walked in silence for a while, something the smaller one didn't really mind much. He clutched his books to his chest, feeling better than he had in months. A friend.
After a few minutes, they reached door number 23, and the vampire reached down into his pocket, balancing his books on his hip before fishing up the key and thrusting it into the keyhole. He swung the door open and walked inside, placing his stack of books on the floor by his bed, nodding to himself before looking up at Nagisa and taking the other stack from him. "Thank you for your help," He told him honestly, the corners of his mouth tilting up a little, "And... for talking to me."


(I'm really sorry, but I have to go. ^^")
Nagisa walked with him the rest of the way, happily plodding along the corridor. He entered the dorm after Timorthy when they reached it and went into his room. Nagisa handed the stack of books to him and grinned, "It's a pleasure, any time! Come visit my dorm whenever you like Timothy." Nagisa walked towards the exit, but stopped before he completely left the bedroom, "You sure you don't need help with anything else?"
(Won't be on much. @Risk )

Oliver couldn't reply to this creatures nonsense. The boy could barely talk because of the wound in neck. He grasped his neck and sat up a little, backing away from the creature until he was pressed against a wall. His hand started to move around in the blood as if mixing it, forming a healing rune that burned his skin as it lit up and started to heal the wounds. Ollie felt a relief from the pain after a minute, his eyes weakly closing until he was knocked out on the floor, his flames dwindling away.
The small vampire grabbed the first book from the stack and jumped up on his bed, bouncing a little on the springy mattress. Hugging the tome to his chest, he gave the bigger white haired boy a tiny smile. "I'm sure," He nodded, opening the book on his lap, running his fingers over the first page while his other hand automatically shot up and began twirling a strand of his hair, "Thank you again, though, for your help."

With that, Timothy allowed his eyes to be pulled down towards the printed words, losing himself in the information they contained. He stared at the page for about four seconds, before turning it, and repeating the process, now completely oblivious to the world around him.
Ash watched the boy knock out and huffed. Bummer. He stood up, his body aching as he hid his scales and tail once again, and finished uncloaking himself to shower.

When he finished, he got out and put his bandages and shorts on. He was clean of the blood, but the smell still faintly clung to his skin. His attention turned back to the boy after he made sure his face and back were thickly covered. The Suna walked over to him and grabbed the back of his collar, dragging him out of the bathroom and into his room. He stopped beside his bed and proceeded to tie the boy up to it. There was no real reason why he wanted to do it, but he cackled a little as he got up and shuffled out of the room. Ash had forgotten about the cobra running free in his room, and closed the door behind him without a second thought. He left the dorm room and sighed lightly, his belly full and still warm from the blood inside. It was different than most of the blood he had, which would usually cool down in his stomach. It made him feel a little energized. Now, what next..

He started walking down the hall, popping his knuckles as he thought about what he should do.
Willow sighed in content before getting up off the ground. Sunlight always managed to improve her mood. Maybe it was because she rarely got to see it. Very few spots in the rain forest allowed sunshine through, therefore making each time more special.

The question now was what to do. She looked around the blank room. It was obvious she wouldn't find anything fun to do within her dorm, so out the door she went now in search of something entertaining.


Nate pulled a long, hollow piece of wood from his bag. He lined his fingers up with the six holes on top before resting his lip on the opening. The quena was rather simple in design except for a symbol carved near the mouth piece. He sat down on the edge of his bed, playing a soft tune. His gaze flicked up noticing he had forgotten to shut the door. Within an internal shrug he continued playing. If anyone had an issue with him playing they could shut the door.

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