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Fantasy Academy for non-humans

Darkwolf1344 said:
"It's just a spirit overshadowing Cody's.. if someone he held strong emotions to got though to him.. He might try and take back over his body.. It's just a fight between light and darkness..." He whispered.
Nagisa didn't hear the rest Angel whispered to himself, he was changed though, barely as he wore a sleeveless red jack that was unzipped to reveal his chest and 3/4 light brown shorts. He sat on the ground with his legs crossed and started drawing with his finger on the carpet, ever line he made it glowed purple, making symbols in a circle around him. Once he was done he stood up and bit his thumb, drawing a little blood and stepped out of the ring, a little blood dropped from his finger and into the middle and as soon as it made contact with the floor the glowing purple became brighter and brighter leaving everyone in the room with momentary blindness until it subsided. In the Middle of the Ring, Cody stood, unconscious and fell on Nagisa who caught him. "Oh... Heavier than he looks." Nagisa picked him up and put Cody on his bed, covering him with his blanket used to cover the cage.
Ash tensed when he felt something touch his back, and started to turn around. He slung his hand back and grabbed the stranger's wrist, spinning the boy around to face the other direction and letting go. Only to wrap his arm around the guys' and pull him backwards, pinning him and his arms with a tight one-armed "hug". "What do you think you're doing?"
Oliver didn't get a chance to react before he was pinned backwards against the mummy person. "I was just looking!" He squirmed to get out of the hug, rambling excuses as to why he came in the bathroom in the first place. For some reason, he felt nervous being close to this guy, and he didn't like it one bit! "Let me go!", He could feel his blood start to boil from the sudden fluctuation of his thoughts and kicked at the air with both feet.

Kai turned off her music when she heard Amalia speak. Nope. Not a soul. You got before I finished the rock casing for your room but I got you back here before you could even get down the hall. I had you in the air for basically the whole time until about an hour ago. Kai stopped to point at the blanket. Now might be a good time to put on some clothes. I laid some out in the bed.

He closed his eyes at the bright light before he sighed and sadly looked at Cody. "i feel bad for him.. not like pitty but.. I don't know, I'm really going to find some way to break that curse, even if it does kill me.." He said in determination before he looked at Nagisa. "Will you help me?"

Ash stood as still as he could considering all the squirming the boy was doing. It was rather annoying actually. He listened to him blurt out excuses and objections all while staring at him in silence. Why? Because he smelled of human, The strong and potent stench wafting towards him the more the boy moved. Ugh. Ash could feel his teeth beginning to ache again and his stomach drop with emptiness. The stranger's yells to be set free only agitated him as well. It was too early to be dealing with such a loud mouth.

Ash exhaled a breath and let the squirming brat go, turning himself around so that his face wasn't seen," get out."
Not being able to make it into Amalia's room after many tries, Willow headed back to her dorm, deciding to try sleeping on the ground.

She woke up the next morning, stretching out on the tile ground. It wasn't the best place to sleep, but it was more comfortable than hanging off the bed. Slowly she sat up, crossing her legs like a child. Sunlight shined through the window, warming the spot where Willow sat. She let her eyes slip closed. Taking slow breaths, she held onto her calm state.


Nate walked through the large wrought iron gate. The willow trees swayed in the autumn breeze, curling over the stone path. With his hands deep in his jacket pockets he continued down the path, admiring the mysterious castle that had been renovated as an academy. Vines climbed up the seams of the building, bending towards the sun. "This should be interesting." A faint smile formed on his face as he entered the academy.

The entrance took him by surprise, it was much more modernized than the exterior, though his expression revealed no emotion. After getting his key and schedule from the woman at the front desk he made his way to his dorm. Others in the halls stared at him, more so the large horns that protruded from his head, but he didn't really care what they thought. With the key in hand he opened the door, questioning whether he was hoping for a room mate or not. Once inside he dropped his messenger bag down on one of the beds, looking around the relatively blank room.
Darkwolf1344 said:
He closed his eyes at the bright light before he sighed and sadly looked at Cody. "i feel bad for him.. not like pitty but.. I don't know, I'm really going to find some way to break that curse, even if it does kill me.." He said in determination before he looked at Nagisa. "Will you help me?"
"Of course, don't you think I've already been trying?" Nagisa looked at the floor sadly before walking towards the exit of the bedroom, "I'm going to go back to my dorm, I need to pick up some things... I'll see you around Angel, don't make any sudden movements." Nagisa left the bedroom and then left the dorm, closing the door behind him. He made his way to his own dorm with his hands stuffed into his pockets.

Cody wasn't asleep, he was looking at the ceiling with his eyes open, his forearm covered his forehead. He was silent. Sad. Guilty. His face and body was scarred by the werewolf turn, cuts all over his skin and blotches of red blood every now, not his own of course. He reached for his eyepatch that Nagisa had placed next to him and put it on. He remained silent.
He bit his lip before he sighed softly and turned on his side. "C-Cody, are you alright?" He asked softly, obviously worried.

Oliver gave an agitated huff when he was finally let free, and turned to look at the bossy guy with a finger pointing at him," Why the hell should I listen to you?!" He was annoyed from being handled in such a way by a complete stranger," You're just a mummy! You're no better than me!" Even if he was in the wrong here, his temper didn't allow him to see it that way.
Darkwolf1344 said:
He bit his lip before he sighed softly and turned on his side. "C-Cody, are you alright?" He asked softly, obviously worried.
Cody remained looking at the ceiling, he couldn't bare to look at Angel, it hurt him too much to see what he'd done to him. Cody turned his body around so that he was facing away and gripped his blanket tightly. He spoke in a monotonous voice and tried to stop himself from choking up as tears poured from his eyes, "Yeah."
His brows furrowed sadly before he closed his eyes and took a breath, slowly pushing himself up so he was sitting, going to attempt to stand up again. "y-you shouldn't blame yourself..." He croaked out as he was trying to ignore the burning inferno of pain raging through his torso.
Cody quickly turned back around with a serious look on his face, "Idiot! Get back in bed!" He sat up, though before he got out from beneath his blanket he realised he was naked and blushed. Too embarrassed to get up now he decided to just shout at Angel instead, "You're gonna hurt yourself!"
Ash froze when he heard the word 'mummy' coming from the boys mouth. Where he was previously feeling a bit of amusement from the brats ramblings, came a hint of murderous intent as he turned around with a sigh," you know....it's very rude to talk to someone like that," He started slowly took a step towards the boy, his eyes, at first, focused on the bandages he was unwrapping from his hands rather than the guy, but shifted towards him when he spoke,"it's almost as if you're uneducated."
LonelyAssassin said:
Cody quickly turned back around with a serious look on his face, "Idiot! Get back in bed!" He sat up, though before he got out from beneath his blanket he realised he was naked and blushed. Too embarrassed to get up now he decided to just shout at Angel instead, "You're gonna hurt yourself!"
"Cody, relax, it's just pain.. the most that could happen is I fall on the ground, cry or pass out from the pain" He said, chuckling to cover up a wince as he moved the arm that was connected to the shoulder he got a chunk bitten out of. The spots where he was injured, had scars, pale white scars that showed just the amount of damage the lycan who took over Cody did.
Timothy strolled down the hallway, contently listening to the sound of his shoes echoing off the walls, his arms filled with a stack of books he had borrowed from the library. He had just discovered that he could borrow, borrow, the books for himself. He could literally take the books with him to his dorm room, and keep them there for a period of time. His mind was blown, and he was planning on staying inside his room, absorbing all the information the books contained.

So, because of his large stack of books, effectively limiting the small vampire's vision, the tip of his nose just grazing the cover of the book on the top of the pile, he couldn't really see where he was going. Though he thought this was pretty risky, he was in too good a mood to really care. Plus, the odds of him running into something were very slim.

Or so he thought, because his theory was instantly crushed as he was thrown backwards after colliding with something hard, the books flying out of his arms as he hit the floor tiles with a grunt of pain, the sound of his footsteps instantly being replaced by the thuds of his precious books landing all around him.

@anyone ^^"
Darkwolf1344 said:
"Cody, relax, it's just pain.. the most that could happen is I fall on the ground, cry or pass out from the pain" He said, chuckling to cover up a wince as he moved the arm that was connected to the shoulder he got a chunk bitten out of. The spots where he was injured, had scars, pale white scars that showed just the amount of damage the lycan who took over Cody did.
Cody hugged his knees, resting his chin on them and looked away from angel, just forward, he regretted looking at him, "I'm so sorry..."

Cryobionic said:
Timothy strolled down the hallway, contently listening to the sound of his shoes echoing off the walls, his arms filled with a stack of books he had borrowed from the library. He had just discovered that he could borrow, borrow, the books for himself. He could literally take the books with him to his dorm room, and keep them there for a period of time. His mind was blown, and he was planning on staying inside his room, absorbing all the information the books contained.
So, because of his large stack of books, effectively limiting the small vampire's vision, the tip of his nose just grazing the cover of the book on the top of the pile, he couldn't really see where he was going. Though he thought this was pretty risky, he was in too good a mood to really care. Plus, the odds of him running into something were very slim.

Or so he thought, because his theory was instantly crushed as he was thrown backwards after colliding with something hard, the books flying out of his arms as he hit the floor tiles with a grunt of pain, the sound of his footsteps instantly being replaced by the thuds of his precious books landing all around him.

@anyone ^^"
Nagisa was too busy thinking about last night to notice, it was rather too late to dodge the walking stack of books, and he also hit the floor, his bum now sore. Ouch. He got up and quickly started taking the books and stacking them on top of another, "I'm so sor... oooh hello Timothy!" Nagisa smiled as he stacked the books up, "Sorry for not paying attention."
Oliver brought his hand back, a confused and aggravated expression on his face,"what kind of come back is that supposed to be?" He grumbled and stomped his feet like a spoiled brat," are you calling me stupid?" Ollie didn't really understand what he was trying to say. He was the one being rude first!
The small vampire's eyes were wide as saucers as he tried to make sense of what had just happened. When he saw the incubus, he instantly put two and two together, and smiled softly. "Hi, Na-" Timothy stopped himself abruptly, remembering his embarrassing attempt at pronouncing the guy's name yesterday, "-You."

Crawling over to the stack, he began grabbing the rest of the books, piling them on top, giving Nagisa as grateful a look as he could muster, before slipping his fingers under the pile and standing up, trying to balance them the best he could.

He was just about to thank the man, when a rusty, familiar scent hit his sensitive nose, making his throat tingle. He stared at the other over the stack, his red eyes wide with curiously. "You smell like blood."

He sighed softly and managed to get up, limping over and sitting on the edge of his bed, tears uncontrollably running down his face and his breathing heavy. "It wasn't you who did t-that, Cody.. it was the creature that took over your body..."
Cryobionic said:
The small vampire's eyes were wide as saucers as he tried to make sense of what had just happened. When he saw the incubus, he instantly put two and two together, and smiled softly. "Hi, Na-" Timothy stopped himself abruptly, remembering his embarrassing attempt at pronouncing the guy's name yesterday, "-You."
Crawling over to the stack, he began grabbing the rest of the books, piling them on top, giving Nagisa as grateful a look as he could muster, before slipping his fingers under the pile and standing up, trying to balance them the best he could.

He was just about to thank the man, when a rusty, familiar scent hit his sensitive nose, making his throat tingle. He stared at the other over the stack, his red eyes wide with curiously. "You smell like blood."

Nagisa had a confused look for a split second when Timothy referred to him as 'you', but it was replaced by a smile afterwards, he stood up as Timothy stood . To be helpful took over half the pile for the little guy and faced in the direction Timothy was going before looking back down at him, "I'll help." His friendly smile faded when he told him he smelled like blood and was replaced by one of anguish "Ah... Yeah, got into some Werewolf Trouble last night."


Darkwolf1344 said:
He sighed softly and managed to get up, limping over and sitting on the edge of his bed, tears uncontrollably running down his face and his breathing heavy. "It wasn't you who did t-that, Cody.. it was the creature that took over your body..."
Cody didn't know what to say, he just kept looking and hugging his knees, he was just too guilty to be able to bring together proper words and make a sentence good enough to reply. In the end he gave in and hugged Angel, like a Kid that was apologising to his parent he rested his head on his chest and his lip quivered, he kept in the crying, he didn't want to do that. He didn't deserve to let it out.
"Thank you," Timothy said as the incubus took off some of the weight, craning his neck to smile at him as they began walking, his face actually visible now. Then the second half of what he had said registered, and a small frown made it's way onto his pale face. A werewolf? He had heard the screams last night, only, he hadn't known then exactly what it had been. "Were you very hurt?" He asked, mistaking the scent of blood for the mans own.

Ash ran a finger under the boys chin, flicking it upwards when he spoke,"What if I am?" He didn't look annoyed, aggravated, or anything of the sort. In fact, he looked amused. Even though he honestly just wanted to drain the boy dry,"what are you going to do?"
"I Took a Metal Bar to the head and got knocked out, other than that I'm fine." Nagisa rubbed the back of his head nervously, walking in the same direction as the Small Vampire, "Did you hear it happen? I'll be surprised if you didn't, unless you were out last night." Nagisa started looking at the books, holding them between two hands he looked at the spine to see if there was anything he was interested in. @Cryobionic
"I heard it from outside," He admitted, looking straight forward, biting the inside of his cheek, "before I went into the city. I pity them, I've read it's a horrible process."

And he really did. He guessed he could consider himself lucky in that regard, as he didn't have to go through any unwilling, painful transformations every month. The small vampire then thought of something, and frowned, "Why were you fighting with a werewolf? You don't have to answer that, if you're not amenable."


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