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Fantasy Academy for future gods/goddesses (3 spots left)


Summer Wishes
Welcome to academy for future gods and goddesses.


This is where your classes will be held.


This is the place you will be living in. I will assign your dorm mates.

This academy is so you can master your powers and become the next god/goddess.

Aphrodite: Ruby

  • Apollo: Anastasia

  • Ares: Valentina and Kain

  • Artemis: Selena

  • Athena: Whitney and Briar

  • Demeter:

  • Dionysus: Chelsea

  • Hades: Aideneus

  • Hephaestus:

  • Hera: Ayuma

  • Hermes: Marshall

  • Hestia:

  • Poseidon: Miles

  • Zeus: Marvin and Deacon
  • Thantos: Kein
  • Persephone:
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Ruby got out of her mom's charite and went to get her schedule. After she got that she went to g to her floor which was 7 and apparently the highest floor which means tons of stairs and\or an elevator. She sighed and started walking toward the building that she was staying in with her roommate which was a girl named Anastasia according to the paper.
Anastasia stepped out of her mothers car, standing still for a moment enjoying the scenery of the academy and the bright sun shining down on her. A sign she took as her father was looking down on her first day, which is more than she could say about her step father. Her mother and her younger step sister stepped out of the car to give their excessively teary goodbye despite her embarrassment. She hugged and kissed the two of them anyway and after getting the standard "be careful and call me at so and so time" speech from her mother she was finally allowed to leave. She grabbed her schedule and went to her new dorm room and saw her new roommate."Hello, shiny Ruby."She greeted.
So apparently his father decided it'd be a good idea to have him come to the academy on a white horse with a mix of sea blues and greens in its mane. It was far too dramatic for his own personal taste, but it would have to suffice for now.

Upon arriving, Miles dismounted his steed and smiled at it, waving an empty water bottle in front of its snout. "Sorry, girl," he told it, removing the lid, "But you gotta go back to the bottle."

Don't forget me this time! she snapped, huffing as she would flick her tail, Find me a nice bowl, okay??

"Right right," he would say with the wave of his other hand, "I'll get you the nicest fish bowl I can find - Scout's Honor."

Her abyssal blue eyes narrowed and she pressed her forehead against his in warning. You were never a boy sc-

Typhoon - as he had named her - was cut off, becoming a horse-shaped form of saltwater before splashing into the plastic container. The brunet put the cap back on before finally continuing onward, bottle returned to his black backpack. His father was sending the rest of his things later on via bathtub (don't ask), so all Miles had to carry was his necessities and - technically - his horse.

Going to the front office, the boy retrieved his schedule and other little flyers that were part of the "starter pack" (rules and such), before he started on his way to- Was that a five? God he hoped so; it was starting to look like a six... And what was his roommate's name??

He was sort of a dyslexic bastard.
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Ruby turned around. "oh, hi Anastasia," Ruby said. Then she said, "Theoretically speaking what would you do if, let's say, there was a swan in your room?" she asked. "It's a survey that I'm doing," She asked her not being theretical at all.
Aides gloom-fully stepped onto the side walk just before the school. It was large and in some ways too cheery for his pleasure. Would his room be dark like him back home? Would he have a roommate!! Other people just seemed either lackluster or annoying to no extent for the god in training. Hades told him it would be a great idea to send him here for 'Training' As if he didn't have a lock on his abilities already. Maybe Aides could convince the school to allow Cerberus here, then he would ACTUALLY have a friend. No matter now.

The boy walked to the doors and inside, a large corridor leading straight to the office where his schedule was most likely located. "Fantastic, a perfect place to interact with people." Aides spoke sarcastically. His somewhat long jacket swayed from the wind of the door shutting. One foot before the other down the corridor.

He received his schedule, looking for a damn room number. "Five..Easy enough." There were two directions to go, left or right. The right side had a staircase near the end, and the left had a sign above it that stated room numbers one through seven. Off he went down that way. You know now that I think about it..what is there even to eat here..do they cater to anything that we like? Aides blindly thought as the number five came up to him. Inside of the room. Great. Two beds. "A roommate..joy." Aides placed his things onto one of the beds, claiming it as his. "This place need a serious makeover. I may as well start placing my things." Aides got to work patiently awaiting his 'wonderful roommate'.
Ceres said:
Ruby turned around. "oh, hi Anastasia," Ruby said. Then she said, "Theoretically speaking what would you do if, let's say, there was a swan in your room?" she asked. "It's a survey that I'm doing," She asked her not being theretical at all.
She chuckled knowing that there is no theoretic about it. "I am not cleaning bird poop but other than that, I doubt they will be a problem... You actually make me curious of what you have in mind.. Considering how grandaddy zues got his jollies on."She smirked wondering if ruby was aware if the mythology."oh I tend to spend late nights reading if not sneaking out, also I play guitar. " She said tapping her guitar as before placing that and her suitcase on the bed. "I bet this pales in comparison against a swan."
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"School? That still exists?"

That was the words that came out of M's mouth before being sent off to school. M was a blabber mouth. His parents decided he could annoy someone at school. He walked there, umbrella in hand. He yawned and walked inside.
Ruby smiled and walked to the walk in closet (one on each side) and got out her swan, which she named Emmy, out. "Don't worry about the bird poop. She's house broken. And I also play an instrument," she said. "also what do you mean about Zeus?" she asked with a puzzled look.
"Ow, she is just gorgeous."She said with a little awe at the swan never seeing a creature like that in the flesh before, she gently went to stroke. "Hmm... Oh... In Greek mythology, probably true considering, Zeus has always been a bit of a player. It is said he has changed to a swan once to bed a married woman."He chuckled."Apperantly that is how Helen of Troy was conceived."
Marshall started looking for someone to blab about his problems to. Maybe if he found his roommate...

The raven-haired male walked forwards slowly, a bright silver bag hung from his shoulder and his brilliant ocean-blue gaze cast down onto the ground below his bare feet. In his free hand a pair of black bondage boots hung loosely from his fingers, threatening to fall from his grip if he were to twitch his hand in the slightest. His feet had gotten sore from wearing the heels earlier, so he walked barefoot instead. Ambling around in socks wasn't his style either, so he had also taken those clothing items off as well. Now, his tiny pale feet could be seen. The cement below was also quite a bit heated up, so when he stopped to look around for his destination, he ended up skipping around to keep his feet from getting burned.

He got into the school soon after, relieved to feel the cool air and gentle texture of the floor below. He quickly scampered over to the office area- where just a few other students were gathering their supplies- and got his schedule along with his dorm information. He walked out from the office, staring at the sheet of papers in his hand before his shoes suddenly dropped. The boy looked over to the items casually, bending down to pick them up.

.\ /.

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Keir walked towards his room, having already collected his room key and school documents(map, schedule, e.c.t), and was pleased that his room was so clsoe to the main foyer. Keir sighed as a thought reached his mind 'room number 1, they better give the number 1 room to the child of death...watch me get put with some Narcissus brat'.

//ew, someone interact with Keir quickly so my posts are as shit.
Deacon got off of his father's chariot and looked at the school. "Father sure does love to torture his sons doesn't he?" He said looking down at his schedule. "R... Roommate? Is this a joke this has to be a joke. And it's Keir Midnight... You've got to be kidding me!" He handed his schedule to his brother in hopes that he would tell him it wasn't true. He knew about Keir, being Zeus's son he knew all about they other gods/goddesses sons and daughters. And he knew this just wasn't going to be easy on him.
With a swift screech at the corner of the street, Chelsea pedaled away with her bike. As she turned the corner the tires kicked dust into the air, spinning out on the road. "Yahoo! She yelled out as she pedaled slightly faster and shot forward towards the gate of the school. As she rode closer, she reduced her pace, as to not damage anything around the school. She then stood up on the pedals of her bike, looking around to see the entrance. As she saw the archway she called out "Land ahoy! All thrusters at full power!" with a dumb smile. She sat back down in her seat and pedaled as fast as possible. Throwing dust everywhere behind her, she then made a quick turn at the gate riding into the school.

Chelsea made an abrupt stop, as if she was a drag race car, she went from 60 to 0 in the matter of seconds. As she relaxed on her bike she noticed she had lost her papers on the way there "How do I know what to do?!" she thought. She then stood upon the seat of her bike, being careful not to topple over. Putting her hands around her mouth to emulate a speaker phone she yelled "Hey! Anyone got a schedule!?" hoping to attract some attention to her.
Keir finally made it to his room and tried to open the door, locked, means his roommate either hadn't arrived or he didn't have one, he hoped for the latter. As he unlocked the door and entered he looked around the room, two beds, 'joy' he thought sarcastically before slumping down and burring his face in his pillow.
"Well she's 100 percent swan. I think," ruby said. "I've heard rumors about Zeus's sons coming here," she informed Anastasia. "Oh and Emmy likes to sleep on beds when she can," ruby told her and Emmy waddled to Ruby's bed, flew on it, and got comfortable.
Marcus couldn't help bu laugh at Deacon's reaction. "Bro I don't know what to tell you. Though the look on your face says enough." Marcus then just started to laugh a little more." Well my schedule says I'm in dorm 2, but no roommate yet." Well have fun with your new buddy Deacon." Marcus said as he gave his signature wink and zapped him with a little lightning.
Deacon gasped at his brothers zip and wink. "You little brat." He said under his breath. Then zap his brother back and walking past him and ruffling his hair. "Don't forget, I'm still older than you and I don't need to zap you to take you down."

He walked up to his room and turned the doorknob. Walking in he saw Keir lying on one of the beds. "At least he's asleep." He said walking to his own bed and setting down.

Ayumu began walking again, however he had put back on the shoes. The heels clicked below him, making his steps loud in the hallway. The reason for his attire including heels was simple: hi mother was the goddess of marriage. Initially she wanted a daughter, but then had a son. So, instead she had her son walk around in heels and keep his hair at a shoulder-length measure. That way, she could be proud of what she had created.

Ayumu ambled his way over to the dorms, being perfectly confident in his shoes. It was obvious he had practice in heels. The male went up to room six, his room, and played around with the handle. It didn't seem that anyone had been in there yet, for the door was locked. Ayu unlocked it and went in slowly, closing the door behind him and sighing. The room was quite nice actually, Ayumu found. He looked around, finding two beds, two desks, two dressers by the beds. It was quaint, however, Ayumu got a weird feeling from seeing the second set of items. The fact that he was to be sharing a room with someone made Ayu a little uncomfortable. He looked at the two beds, finding that both seemed to be equal, therefore, no matter which side Ayu had decided to take it wouldn't matter. So he went to the left and set his bag on the bed, laying on it soon after, curling up as if to fall asleep. He closed his eyes, finding the bed to feel great. He was honestly expecting rock-hard mattresses, so it was a relief to find the beds feather soft. Ayumu pulled out the sheet of papers with the dorm information, finding himself seeing his roomate's name on it. He was to be in the same room as a male called 'Marshall'. Ayu dropped the paper and sighed, relaxing.


@solicitude /.​

Marcus just took that as a compliment. "Yeah I know Deacon, but all the girls still think I am cuter, and like me over don't forget about Naomi." Marcus knew that would get him a little so he said it as he walked away. "What to do what to do." Marcus said this as he whistled and used the winds to lay on his back hovering over the ground.
Keir smirked to himself as someone walked into, he quickly flipped himself over with a smirk "who said I was a-" He cut himself of as he saw his new roommate and his face dropped"Really, you're my roommate... well there goes all my fun." Keir wasn't even going to try and Manipulate this guy, the son of Zeus. Keir kinda wished it was a son of Narcissus now.
"Hi to you too." He said not looking up. "Keir, son of thanatos. Likes to manipulate. Try that on me and your not going to be able go feel any part of you for a week." He said pretending to sound unenthusiastic about his roommate. Though he was always interested in him. He never understood how Thanatos or Keir worked. Deacon was very interested in psychology and how the brain worked. And thought this was be the perfect way to see how he ticked.
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