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Fantasy academy de feast

( um Lauren and Dylan are still stuck in wherever land lol, and this is what I posted on Jen: Jennifer was upset. There was something serious happening and he's to busy eating. "I give up. Lauren is outside covered in blood and looks dead. Dylan is not there but there's a strange voice in him talking to me and your eating pickles." Jennifer sat down on the floor eating a bit of it. "Where does this at all maybe make you concerned a little bit?" Jennifer asked. : and I think that's it lol.)
Dylan looked at her then looked strait "Can we at least watch a movie?" "Yes" said the mysterious voice as he raised a TV set with movies in it "what would you like to watch?"
Wuskan feel drowsy at the improvised camp that he build half a mile from the main road that night.

He was finally here, he thought.

*some hours pass by*

In the morning, with his things on him he was looking at the magnificent academy at the end of a stone road. he thought of the moment when a human mercenary that he met on a dungeon told him about this amazing academy at the center of a mystical country.

And now, here he was, at front of the it.

So he stood at the massive door and knock hard three times.

"Hello, is someone here" he said and he feel stupid the moment after he said it.
Jennifer looked and saw both of them. She remembered the promise she made for Zera. She looked at the teacher and gently grabbed his arm pulling him back away from Zera.
Jennifer knew the teacher wanted to keep and eye on his brother, but she had to tell him. "Look we need to talk alone now please." Jennifer whispered in his ear.

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