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Fantasy Academy De Feast (Reboot)

Orpheus' shadow was sucked up by him, and his eyes were slightly blackened. He got up silently, looking down and not saying a word. The corruption had taken over. A black aura began surrounding him, similar to the one Erebus had and shadows came up from the ground, surrounding him like a force field. "Kill..." He whispers. The corruption was feeding his head with evil thoughts that he could hardly resist against. Such a powerful force of evil... One could almost feel Orpheus' negative energy when near enough. @MorticiansDaughter @Daimao @Kai123 @Irregular

Cordelia frowned, she knew Orpheus had a bit of a darker side after watching earlier but this was different. She put her hand on his shoulder and leaned down a bit so she could be face to face with him.

"What? Orpheus we can help if you tell us whats going on. You know we are all friends here..well..most of us anyways."

She watched the fight with Kai and Erebus continue..maybe Kai could hold him off for the time being. For now She wanted to figure out what was going on with Orpheus and what had taken over him so suddenly.

@Verdas @Kai123 @Irregular @Daimao
Orpheus reached out an arm and grabbed Cordelia by the throat. He turned to her and said in an emotionless voice, the orders that were being given to him by Erebus telepathically through the shadows "Kill." He says once more in a much louder, clearer voice. The aura becomes darker and darker by the second. Black blood begins leaking from his lips as his body was being pushed to the limit by these shadows.

@MorticiansDaughter @Kai123 @Daimao @Irregular
Alpharius looked at Orpheus, disappointment in his blue eyes. "Crux likes this one, so I cannot have you killing her," he said simply, spitting acid into Orpheus's face.


Cordelia cringed when he grabbed her throat, hissing as she grabbed his wrist and tried to pry it away. She opened her mouth to try and speak but it was difficult.


She closed her eyes when Crux spit acid..though she was sure that wasnt him in his body at the moment. She used her tail to wrap around Orpheus, going all the way up to his chest. She squeezed him but not to tight. If he was savable she didnt want to kill him so for now she just hoped he would release her. She still kept her hands on his wrist trying her best to pry them away.​

@Daimao @Verdas @Irregular
Orpheus takes several steps backward, then his venom sacs well with a far more potent and effective venom than even that of the hydra's. He suddenly stops gritting his teeth as he struggled to remain in control. "Quick. Kill me before I do anything more. I cannot maintain control for my own body. I'd rather be killed by something with a will of it's own instead of this black thing." @MorticiansDaughter @Kai123 @Daimao

Cordelia released him and for once managed to focus enough on being in human form, dropping to the ground with shaky legs. She was panting and holding a hand to her throat. She couldnt believe what he was saying. She tried not to get attached to people for this reason but now she couldnt imagine anyone she met here dying now and so suddenly. Especially since this was all only their first day. So she shook her head.

"Im not doing it..im not a killer. We might still be able to help you Orpheus!"

She knew that was probably a false hope but she wanted to do all that she could to try and keep as many people alive.

@Verdas @Daimao
"That is doable," he sighed. "I regret not being able to converse with you, Old One," Alpharius said, walking over to Orpheus and lifting him by the neck. "Send my regards to the residents of the underworld." with that, Alpharius opened Orpheus's mouth with his free hand, and blew poison smoke into his body.

Orpheus gritted his teeth and, seeing that it would be hopeless to think that this soft-hearted girl would even try to kill him, he turned to Crux and Videl, hoping they would be able to give him a death worthy of one such as him. "End me while I'm still able to think reasonably." He says in half plea. "Alpharius, our time was short though I'll give you something if you kill me. My poison is very potent and can boost the effect of your poison if consumed, though I would rather give this to Cordelia, she lacks the heart to kill." @MorticiansDaughter @Kai123 @Daimao
@MorticiansDaughter @Kai123 @Daimao @Verdas

This was a setback. As the boy (Orpheus, the lady had called him?) pushed himself up, Johann could see that something in his eyes had changed. "Stop. Don't get close. He-" He tried to say, but it was too late. With a mighty grip, Orpheus lifted his friend up and held her by the throat. Inwardly, the young Wallenquist cursed. This would be a problem.

As the other boy spoke, Johann stood up and prepared himself. He'd have to act quickly to prevent the monster from causing more harm. For now, all he could do was bide his time, but once the opportunity arose, it'd be time to act...

...And then Orpheus spoke. This was his chance.

"As you wish."

Sailing through the air, a gout of fire struck Orpheus on the wrist, raising the temperature by a good dozen degrees from ambient heat. As he concentrated, willing the flame to spread, Johann spoke. "Goodbye, Monsieur Orpheus. I wish we could have met under better circumstances". A thick smell filled the air, of brimstone and burning flesh, and something about Johann seemed...changed. His eyes seemed deeper. Crueler. More imperious. "BURN."

And suddenly, the fire exploded into a massive blaze, engulfing the boy whole. Keeping his hand extended, Johann stoked the fire, as a palpable sense of unease washed over the other students. Had his hair always reached down his back and been so clear?

Soon, the work was finished, and a charred body was all that remained. Panting heavily, Johann let his hand down, though the lingering wrongness about him remained, none too different from the one that had enveloped Orpheus moments ago. "Woe and damnation...I wish there had been another way. My condolences Miss Cordelia, Monsieur Alpharius. I am sorry for your loss."
Orpheus' body soon becomes limp after Alpharius blew the poison into him. The poison was very potent, and could be even stronger to protect Cordelia while he was there no longer. He was dead.

Erebus opened his mouth, and from it, a spine-chilling sound came from it, almost like a laugh. He turned to Crux and Cordelia. "It seems the old snake is dead. He's a lot weaker than I expected." He says mockingly in a deep, forbidding voice.

Cordelia couldnt stand well at the moment..so as she watched her friend die she simply had to sit in the grass and watch her heart swelling.

"Im sorry..for once I couldnt help..."

He was right though..she couldnt kill. But if this is what this world had to offer for people like them maybe she needed to learn how because obviously life was no longer the easy one she knew form before. She looked down at the grass and balled her hands into fists. The dried blood from earlier she noticed was still on her skin. She didnt want to see anymore. So as they finished up she stared down. She hissed when she heard Erebus speak once more.

"Watch your tongue you bastard.."

Her yellow eyes burned as she managed to stand up on her own. Though her legs were a little wobbly she didnt mind at this point. She dare not look to her left where they his body and for now she stood her ground. Her arm started to tingle as the blood seemed to vanish.

(Getting lost! oh well..what had he done with the blood again to cordelia after he died??)​

@Verdas @Daimao @Irregular
(All Orpheus' powers go to Cordelia through the symbol he drew on her hand. If Crux drinks Orpheus' poison his poison will get twice as efficient.)
"And you'll join him!!" Kai says opening his eyes with an angered voice."Sorry for the wait guys but I'm back." Kai says slowly walking past Erebus crouching down holding Orpheus up." I'm sorry it took me so long to get here.. But I'll make sure I end this guy for you." Kai says creating a small crater putting Orpheus dead body in it, Kai then put the dirt over it and stood there. "Now I'm mad...." He says as his back is turnt to Erebus. @MorticiansDaughter

"You say such words but can you back it up, such a barking dog that can't even bite a simple piece of meat. You let others do your dirty work, that I truly hate and despise. We may have had a bad introduction, but he is still considered my friend." Kai says while remembering seeing Orpheus smile, Kai then smiled as well thinking in his head. ' This will be for you my "friend.' Kai thought to himself thinking of Orpheus. "Cordelia are you ok? Same to you Crux are you both ok? This disgusting piece of trash didn't harm you right?" Kai says as his eyes seem to be a blazing red. As he said so it seemed that the battle was just about to begin as Kai spread his long black wings, then closes them to show that he was ready to fight again. His black aura burst out as a little bit of white began to show in his aura. The white symbolized that Kai actually cared for someone other then himself, Kai then looked at Erebus with an angered look on his face. " Your time on this world is over!!! EREBUS!!!!" Kai yells out as his black and white aura burst out like a light in the darkest day and the shadow in the lightest day. His aura was so powerful wind around him blew roughly as dirt built up blowing in everyone's faces. " I..... Hate....... YOU!!!!!!!" Kai yells as his magic aura was so strong it made boulders come out the ground, Kai's rage from losing a friend was so great no one can stop such a power. His left wing became white as the other stayed black, Videl and Erebus could see the reflection of the first Archangel from Kai (if they knew of him).


(Oh dang Stuff just got real Kai seems more angry then ever lets see what Erebus has to say about this, it seems like Erebus messed with the wrong guy (Orpheus) xP time to pay him back for what he's done.) @MorticiansDaughter
@MorticiansDaughter @Verdas @Daimao


The word came with the weight of an imperial order, harsh and undeniable. Straightening himself, Johann adjusted his tie slightly and glared at the winged boy, as the evil pulse receded, bit by bit.

"You will not take up another quarrel. Enough blood has been shed on this day, and I will not suffer you to spill more. One of our number has died already. Is this not enough for you, you uncontrollable little boy?" The look he gave the angel was severe like that of a strict father. "You will not lay a hand on anybody else. No one will. If there is a score you must settle, do so with words, not fists. If you attempt to start another fight, I will interpose myself to break it up as best as I am able. Are you ready to kill an innocent for the sake of revenge, feather child? If not, settle down and let us resolve this matter like adults."
Isaac had been sitting on a bench inside the academy, periodically glancing around in a mockery of someone taking a look around - he used this to pick up moving sound cues. Hearing nothing but the sound of cold air within the hallway, he crossed his arms over his lap and frowned.

He was new, there was no denying that, and he was lost, too. He couldn't think of anything more embarrassing at the moment, his legs dangling over the edge of the bench to occupy himself. His legs weren't long enough for his feet to touch the floor, but he could barely brush the tile each time his foot slowly swung forward.

He tightened the straps of his backpack awkwardly, waiting for someone to come by - if they ever would. He presently had no clue about the dangers that studied within the Academy.
Irregular said:
@MorticiansDaughter @Verdas @Daimao

The word came with the weight of an imperial order, harsh and undeniable. Straightening himself, Johann adjusted his tie slightly and glared at the winged boy, as the evil pulse receded, bit by bit.

"You will not take up another quarrel. Enough blood has been shed on this day, and I will not suffer you to spill more. One of our number has died already. Is this not enough for you, you uncontrollable little boy?" The look he gave the angel was severe like that of a strict father. "You will not lay a hand on anybody else. No one will. If there is a score you must settle, do so with words, not fists. If you attempt to start another fight, I will interpose myself to break it up as best as I am able. Are you ready to kill an innocent for the sake of revenge, feather child? If not, settle down and let us resolve this matter like adults."
( Read what was going on I haven't done such things yet Kai was just gaining his body back k thanks)
(@Kai123 He most definitely called out for Erebus and yelled his hatred. Johann is responding to that. He is sick of seeing more fighting and is not having any of it.)
Kai not listening to the man looked at Erebus, as his magic aura began to calm down as he seems to be done powering up. " Are you ready Erebus? I've never had this much power before and I will test it on you no matter what anyone says I chose this road to follow you and me Erebus. We end this now!!" Kai says with a more emotionless tone in his voice, as his wings spread out Cordelia and Crux could see that Kai was not joking around, he was serious about fighting this time. With anger in his eyes Kai only looked at Erebus as a disgusting waste of air who will die by his hands and his hands alone. " God or not I don't care I hold the burden of Orpheus, and the humans he had eaten I will fight for them all this fight will end with only you and me!" Kai says surrounding Erebus, Cordelia, Crux, and himself in a barrier where no one else can enter. " Your not getting away from me... Not after what you did to Orpheus.!"


Irregular said:
(@Kai123 He most definitely called out for Erebus and yelled his hatred. Johann is responding to that. He is sick of seeing more fighting and is not having any of it.)
(Understandable but I was referring to the whole fight xD from the beginning so you know where my character is coming off from.)
@MorticiansDaughter @Verdas @Daimao

"You must be hard of hearing, or so lost in your zeal that you cannot understand simple words." Contemptuously, Johann walked towards Erebus, stopping a half-step away from him, and extended his arms outward, forming a barrier between him and Kai. "If you wish to start more violence, winged crusader, you will do so over my dead body. Tell me, how many innocent lives lost can your petty vendetta tolerate?"
Isaac heard the sound of footsteps approaching through the hallway, and he looked up in the general direction of the sound, offering a wave.

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