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Fantasy Academy De Feast (Reboot)

Lizzy noticed the boy doing the usual stuff he does whenever he meets someone, but it seemed somewhat different, almost sluggish. Was he tired? Although she couldn't tell, she assumed that Fan was using his telepathy to communicate with Ms. Bilious. The blush on his face was adorable, causing Lizzy to show off a small smile. "Aww how cute, someone is crushing" teased Lizzy in the ancient language both of them were knowledgeable on.

"Uhhh... huh?" Fan seems to snap back into "reality" upon hearing Lizzy's words. He shakes his head, sending off a few drops of water that instantly evaporate. The blush on the nature spirit's face quickly disappears, his ears and fishy tail no longer twitch, and his spectral orb resumes a more stable luminosity.

"Was I doing weird something, Lizzy?" The piscean child telepathically inquires with a confused tilt of his head and a raised eyebrow. "And... crushing? I do not see any objects that could be used to crush in this classroom," quickly sweeping his azure eyes around.

"I am sorry, but I spaced out a little," unaware of his own pun. The merboy legitimately seems to not remember what just happened. "What are you talking about, Lizzy?" he psychically presses the elf as though annoyed by himself, holding a closed fist on his bare chest, just below his throat.

(Just for reference, the telepathic communication is two-way.)
Lizzy smiled a bit at how the boy responded, he was so ignorant. "Crushing... falling for someone? You were blushing quite a bit" replied the girl with a light smile as she made a heart with her hands to make it more clear for the boy.

(Using Italics with "" to signify the telepathic link)

"Crushing... falling for... oh," widening his azure eyes as he comes to the realization. "I think I know what just happened; it occurs from time to time," Fan begins to explain in a calmer mental voice.

"I am a nature spirit of water, space, and time," making such clear as his spectral orb exudes a fine mist that distorts space and gives a strange sense of deja vu.

"I cannot resist it, but I find myself mesmerized by sources of non-polluted and non-poisoned water, timekeeping devices, and space-measuring devices," gesturing up towards the clock at the front of the room with a fog-shrouded hand, without looking at it. "During Science class, I was entranced by the wall clock and by the teacher's alcohol bottle."

"When I encounter someone with a powerful degree of magic that covers two categories out of water, space, and time, I can sense such, and, well..." The piscean merboy shifts his gaze away from the kitsune, elfin ears twitching and thumbs twiddling, "Then I get enthralled even more and go into a daze. I just... cannot help it, Lizzy. I am sorry..." Fan slumps his shoulders and wears a small frown.
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Kai can only see darkness as he ventured down the stream. It then led him down a waterfall where he was un able to move and he crashed down into the bottom of the lake. Kai was so deep in the lake he fell into his inner world, where buildings where sideways and nothing was turned out right. There he lay with moving a muscle, he looks around only using his eyeballs. He felt like his strength was slowly coming back as he stood up looking around where he was. Kai had never been here before this was so sudden in a change where he couldn't remember seeing such a thing like this. A little vortex appeared before Kai's eyes as it begun to transform into something. There before his eyes he saw reflection of him only reversed colors, he looked at it with a shocked look on his face. ' Welcome home Kai how are you?' Iak said with a smirk on his face.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/57a8c1a4a0b90_Innerworld.jpg.b04570fc3019efb63144f2f499b9e3ac.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="43407" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/57a8c1a4a0b90_Innerworld.jpg.b04570fc3019efb63144f2f499b9e3ac.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Lizzy nodded as she listened to the boys' explanation; the boy seemed to be getting down. With a sigh she put a comforting hand on his shoulder and smiled a bit. "You have nothing to be ashamed of nor to be sorry about, stop getting down on yourself" replied the girl through their telepathic link that Fan established.
@Federoff @OrenjiGatsu

Lizzy's hand upon the nature spirit's shoulder still seems a bit "off" somehow, but yet again, Fan hardly acknowledges it.

"S-Sorry, Lizzy." With a deep breath, the nature spirit recomposes himself, and the piscean child is back to a cheery mode with perked-up elfin ears and a gently swaying fish-tail.

"Anyway... it looks like Ms. Bilous is a zenko kitsune, a celestial fox," gazing towards the English teacher for the briefest of moments, then turning his gaze to the side once he feels the start of another onset of enthrallment. "In my experience, such kitsune are very nice to people and to nature spirits too. Many of them are spirit magicians who help us nature spirits in our own duties," the merboy compliments with a content, amicable smile.

"Have you met any kitsune in your travels, Lizzy?" he asks with a friendly glance towards her.
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"Yes I've met many Kitsune, we had a lot in our little village; Leo was one of them" replied Lizzy with a smile as she let her memories come back, something she did rarely. They were good times; Lizzy zoned out for a few moments before finally speaking again. "Our village was a mush pot of species, elves, half breeds,kitsune, humans, we even had a few Dwarves" explained Lizzy as she sent images of the town through the telepathic link.





"Oh... I thought that Leo was just a regular foxperson. If he was a good-hearted kitsune, then that explains quite a bit." Fan's psychic tone is reverent and soft-spoken. "If you would like to make friends with more kitsune, I am sure I c-- oh, umm, never mind," twiddling his thumbs and turning his face away as the merboy recalls the rejection of the previous offer.

"Ignis and the exterior of the Tower of Infinity look just as beautiful when I spatio-temporally scried on them earlier," the piscean child compliments while gesturing with a fog-covered hand towards the spots in the air where the scrying windows appeared, "but... I could not help but notice that Ignis does not seem to be around any more, and your images seem to be from a much earlier age."

"Did... s-something happen to Ignis?" Fan asks with a somewhat melancholy tone. "I am sorry if I am bringing up anything you do not wish to speak of, Lizzy," placing two hands over his heart. "If you would rather let the past stay in the past, then I can understand."
Lizzy thought about the question for a while before nodding, "Leo was very kind, a dragon priest" agreed Lizzy, unsure of why she revealed that but did not regret it. "If you wish to listen, I do not mind telling. Ignis now lies within the forest of beginnings due to the wishes of everyone and the divine dragon of wind who Leo was priest to" explained Lizzy through the telepathic link, it seemed natural to let the memories tell the tell.

"I have read that the priests of the dragons of the age of Atlantis's civilizations were some of the most enlightened of willworkers of all history." Fan's psychic voice goes upbeat and fills with wonder and awe, and his spectral orb drifts closer to the elf. "Leo sounds more and more amazing a hero as you speak of him," complimenting with candor and uplifted, liquid ears.

"I would love to hear of the tale of how a town made it into one of the Supernal Realms, the Primal Wi-- err," shaking his head and loosing a fine spray, "the forest of beginning. That is such a great and wondrous accomplishment that nature spirits and the Awakened alike would love to hear, Lizzy!"

"Could I... please share this story with my scholarly contacts as well?" the merboy politely requests, piscean tail curling up. "It is a valuable piece of mythic history, and I am sure it means just as much to you as well," tilting his head and smiling gregariously, eyes wide as though enraptured by the mere prospect of the tale.
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"Well first off, Shark Bait, if you are going to do those actions when you first saw me again," Bilous said to to the nude fish boy," I will call an ambulance. As for all of you else, welcome." She then got in front of her desk. "As an introduction," she continued," I am a kitsune. Don't worry, I'm the good kind. I once worked as a messenger for the god Inari at a shrine. Though however, some mishap happened and now I am your English teacher. Now with the class, this is English as in 'let's write about blah blah blah' and 'time to read blah, the story by bluh'. I'm expecting you to know how to read and write English. If not, then go find a class on the English language to take with this. Now if I wasn't so lazy, you'd all be singing the ironically named "happiest days of our lives". However, I am lazy, so you guys are lucky. For your first day, I would want..... Eh.......oh uh, ah ha. I want everyone to introduce themselves." She then went behind her desk with her feet on it and looked like she was about to sleep. "Come up," she said.

@Agata @Federoff
"Of course" Lizzy said with a nod, she did not mind at all; besides it was not like she could do much to stop the boy, you cannot really un-learn anything. "The tower of infinity can give a massive amount of energy to beings, after all it is able to keep alive one of the four divine dragons. After a few years of living like she was, Zara grew sick of it and decided to pass away back into the spirit world. Due to the wishes of the people, it traveled into the forest of beginnings. This was of course, after I left." explained Lizzy contently, trying to not omit anything.

"I have read that the Supernal La-- umm, the Tower of Infinity was a wondrous source of power indeed," eyes growing ever more enthralled-looking by Lizzy's tale, "but I was previously unaware of how it empowered the dragons of the age of Atlantis's civilization. That is an interesting fact," nodding slowly as the merboy processes it.

"And so one of the dragons sought to return to the Realms Supernal? I suppose I can understand that," looking towards the ceiling as though to gaze at a blocked-off sky. "But why had the town of Ignis followed the great dragon Zara along? Was there a great impetus?" the nature spirit presses with much inquisitiveness.

"O-Oh," he nervously goes, elfin ears skittishly twitching. "Let us just continue this story as we introduce ourselves to the teacher, alright, Lizzy? This is a school, and I am glad to learn more about the world, whether it is from a teacher or another student!" the piscean child jovially transmits.
Lizzy got to the front of the class and blinked, "Hello, my name is Lizzy" simply greeted the girl before sitting down, not caring what the class thought of her at the moment. "Well the tower responded to the wishes of my friends, and of Leo; so it was made possible due to the connection Leo has with the tower" replied the girl to Fans' question via telepathy.

"I-I-I am sorry, Ms. Bilious," lowering his head both out of shame and out of a desire to not gaze upon the manipulator of space and time. "I am a nature spirit of water, space, and time, and you are a powerful willworker of space and time, so... I was inexorably enthralled." Fan's telepathic words carry deep embarrassment, and even his elfin ears are droopy.

"It will not happen again as long as I do not fix my gaze on you for a prolonged period, ma'am," he swears while lifting his head, glancing at the kitsune for a few seconds, and then gazing towards the side of the blackboard.

After Lizzy's own introduction, Fan hovers over to the front of the classroom; his spectral orb tracks the merboy's motions for a constant orbit. After a spry aerial loop and a bow, he transmits a telepathic introduction of, "My name is Fan. I am the 『Nature Spirit of the Ocean of Space and the River of Time』," his tone a bit boastful, though it carries a strong undercurrent of unconfidence.

The fishy child takes the time to grasp a piece of chalk and write out "Fan" in English on the blackboard at a swift pace; the end result is a word that looks as though it was from an unusual calligraphy piece, wavy and curvy like an ocean's waters. Below it is the same name, only written in beautiful, water-like script of the First Tongue.

"I hope that I can enjoy my school year alongside my new peers human or otherwise. If you will accept me, I will be glad to make friends with you," words back to cheerful, smile approachable and friendly. He bows a second time before sweeping his gaze across Lizzy, Softwer, Rosey, Elsa, and anyone else who might be present.

"I can offer my services as a nature spirit to anyone in need of them, and also imbue magical abilities upon others, so if anyone would like those, I would be happy to offer them to those in need and brighten the world just a bit," both hands over his heart, piscean tail gently swaying. The little merboy then "swims" back behind his desk, keeping up his smile.

@Queen of Fantasy
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A boy and girl, presumably brother and sister due to how similar they look, with ancient Egyptian clothing came to the front of the class after Fan finished his introduction, and smiled at the class. "I'm Nal" "I'm Ishtar" greeted the two before walking over and sitting in the general place in where Lizzy and Fan were sitting, waving at the two. "Lizzy and Fan right?" asked Ishtar as she pointed to both of them.

"Oh, so... the town of Ignis wanted to follow the dragon Zara to the Supernal Realm of the Pri-- umm, the Forest of Beginning?" the merboy continues to ask Lizzy now that introductions are over. "I can certainly understand that as well; the Realms Supernal are supposedly paradisical planes of enlightenment... at least from certain perspectives." The nature spirit's phrenic voice sounds drifting and almost lost in thought.

"And the town of Ignis, the kitsune priest Leo, and the dragon Zara accomplished this through nothing more than their wishes?" he asks in a nearly disbelieving tone. "I... that is... wow, Lizzy," accepting the claim with astonishment, trying to conceal his outward expressiveness. "The Awakened magic of the era of Atlantis's civilization truly was the stuff of legends... and it is little wonder that mages are also known as willworkers."
Lizzy nodded her head at Fan with a light smile, "Once the people of Ignis are determined, we cannot be stopped" replied Lizzy before turning to the new people and nodding at them. "Yes we are" said Lizzy.
"Watching corners and crossing

Watching all the red lights

Watching the stress

Watching beggars and bankers and rushing cars

I'm drowning in this mess..."

There was a soft bump as the limousine slowed to a halt and the windows came down. "Ah, finally. We've arrived." Looking out the window, Johann Wallenquist took in the grounds, smiled, and took his headphones off, putting them back on the wall slot where they belonged. As he motioned to move, the door of the limousine slid open, granting him free passage to the world outside. A few meters away, a short, mousy girl with long black hair down to her waist and a studiedly neutral expression was waiting for him expectantly, carrying several bags that looked much too big for her. The sight made Johann's smile broaden ever so slightly.

"Excellent work as usual, Ingrid." Looking around, Johann took a deep breath. "Take in the ambience for a moment, please. This will be our new home for the next few months." Once the brief period of reverie was concluded, he gave her a brief nod. "We should get settled down now, as quickly as we can manage. Deliver our personal effects to our room. I will head for our first class and explain the reasons for our tardiness to the teacher."

Before he had finished giving the order, Ingrid was already gone. Looking around, no one would have guessed she'd ever been there. Still smiling, Johann closed the door, and set off for the buildings of the campus.


As he wandered through the halls, Johann had to admit one thing: The décor was considerably less tacky than he was expecting. It was harsh to hold up any place to the standards of Europe's best architectural offerings, of course, but it was a comparison he could not help but make. Overall, the Academy got a passing grade from him. Certainly, it would be sufficient for the purposes of his education...his social education, really. He doubted there was much it could teach him, academically speaking, but the contacts he could make...those were an entirely different story. This school had a reputation for teaching remarkable individuals. Who could say how many doors a few friends here and there might open up down the line?

His musings were interrupted by heavy sounds, echoing across the halls. Most strange...and worth investigating. Quickening his pace by a fraction, Johann soon found the source of the noise: Apparently, there was some sort of struggle going on between other members of the student body. A perfect opportunity to make an entrance if there ever was one! Raising a hand to his throat, he coughed, loudly, in a way that would attract attention as surely as a gunshot.

"Excuse me." He said, all smiles. "I see you have some kind of problem. Is there anything I can do to help?" Dressed casually as he was, Johann seemed far more approachable than he would have in his usual choice of attire. Of course, for him, 'casual dress' meant something approaching Business Casual, nothing so crude as sneakers and T-Shirts. For his first day at the Academy, he had chosen a plain, elegant white shirt, with the sleeves rolled up to just below the elbows, dark blue slacks, black shoes, brown belt, and a deep blue tie that served to highlight his eyes. Dressed in this way, he looked almost like young faculty, instead of a student, something the air of authority in his behavior only served to reinforce.

(OOC: Those with supernatural senses may notice a heavy aura of evil emanating from Johann. For those so gifted, it is not unlike walking into an area filled with thick smoke.)
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"Oh, hello, Nal and Ishtar," the merboy telepathically greets the Egyptian-clothed twins. "The two of you look to be Anubites," speaking that word in a way that makes him sound impressed. "That is pretty cool and prestigious. Not many can honestly claim to be divine scions," placing a hand over his heart.

"My parents have told me tales of nature spirits working alongside the gods of Egypt; I have heard that they are very principled, loyal, dedicated, and just people because of their virtue of Ma'at," the nature spirit goes in a complimentary tone, "and I am sure the two of you are just as good people. It takes a strong and patient soul to be a guardian of the underworld." Fan directs an amicable smile at the brother and sister pair.

"I love your clothing," the merboy continues the honest psychic praise. "My parents say that I would look great in Ancient Egyptian-style fashion, but I prefer to stay even lighter," placing a hand on his bare chest. "I suppose I would be willing to give it another try some day though, if you can recommend some fashion articles and jewelry for me," widening his smile a bit.

"I wonder about your name though, Ishtar," turning his azure eyes towards the girl of the pair. "That is the name of an Assyrian, Akkadian, and Babylonian goddess of fertility, love, and war." Fan cannot help but tilt his head and blink hard in curiosity. "Were you named after her, or was she named after you?"


"I will be sure to submit all of your testimony to my fellow nature spirits and the Awakened willworkers of the Diamond Order!" the piscean child happily tells the elven girl. "These are such great discoveries!"

The incorporeal, wispy sphere orbiting Fan limns itself in an indigo glow for several moments, before it light resumes a varicolored hue.

"All done! Thank you so much, Lizzy!" he jovially expresses with a hearty smile.
Lizzy chuckled at the boy before patting him on the shoulder, "Alright, take it down a notch" said Lizzy, she couldn't help but chuckle at the boys' innocence.

Both Nal and Ishtar smiled at the boys enthusiasm on the subject, he sure was... something?
"Father named me after her" replied Ishtar with a smile as her eyes scanned the boy up and down. "Exactly as you said" replied Nal with a small smile on his face, he had still yet to determine the boy a friend or not so he was not as talkative as he usually is. "So are we physically able to touch you?" asked Ishtar with curiosity in her voice.

"Your testimony has already sent though, Lizzy; no taking it back, silly!" Fan tells the elven girl with a friendly, almost mischievous smirk.


"Oh, if Anubis really did name you after Ishtar," the merboy tells the Egyptian sister with a curious telepathic voice, "that has me wondering..."

"How are the relations between the Egyptian gods and those of the Akkadians, Assyrians, Babylonians, Sumerians, and others of the area near and around the cradle of civilization?" he inquires with wonder-filled words and perked-up elfin ears. "Given your name, they must get along swimmingly, right?" As though responding to the unintentional pun, the piscean child's ethereal orb sprays a splash of glimmering water upon the face. Fan shakes it off and puts on a bit of a pout before resuming a friendly smile.

"You most certainly can touch me!" The merboy extends a fog-shrouded hand to do exactly that. "I must warn you though... my body might feel a little 'off,' because of my properties. I am incorporeal," he admits softly as his phantasmal orb brightens for a moment, "so I must use short-range telekinesis to make contact with matter. If I funnel all of my will into it, however, I can make the effect more lifelike..."

Fan narrows his eyes and furrows his brow. The nature spirit's tiny sphere pulses with purple power, and the fog around his hand disappears. "There. It should feel more natural now, alright?"
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"That's cool" replied the girl as she now became distracted by the switch in feeling his hand, it was totally bazaar ya know? Nal took over the conversation for Ishtar, nodding and replying with "Many gods of the pantheons are close" to answer Fans' question. Ishtar smiled after a few moments of being lost in thought, "Well that means now I can do this" stated Ishtar before slowly leaning up and placing a small kiss on the spirit boys' cheek. "I think you would look nice in Egyptian attire" claimed Ishtar with a small smile before sitting back down in her seat, waiting for the boys' reaction.

"Lizzy might have noticed this earlier," gesturing with a misty hand over to the elven girl, "but if I do not concentrate on a lifelike feel, then touching me is a little... umm... unnatural-feeling."

After disengaging from the handshake at a polite moment, Fan tilts his head and gives some friendly telepathic words to the boy of, "It is well to hear that the deities of the cradle of civilization have a good rapport with one another," a relieved smile crossing the mer's face.

"My parents and my fellow spirits are admittedly more familiar with other pantheons that are especially friendly to animistic beliefs, like the Chinese Celestial Bureaucracy, the Japanese kami, and those of the Native American tribes, but the Egyptians are a pleasant bunch to be around too," his praise honest and never quite sounding forced.

Upon receiving the kiss from Ishtar, the mer blushes furiously, cheeks like a beet, so much that his ghostly orb glows a deep red as well. He reflexively jerks away, mouth, elfin ears, and piscean tail all twitching... and soon his whole body trembles. "Th-That is a... an interesting way to g-greet people, Ishtar..." If Lizzy the elf is observing, she might note that Fan's reaction seems to be actual embarrassment from the kiss, as opposed to the spiritual-purview-based enthrallment he displayed towards the kitsune English teacher.

"D-D-D-Do you think it would look n-nice, Ishtar?" the nature spirit anxiously stammers out through the telepathic link. "Y-You can... p-pick out clothes and jewelry for me, if you l-like... just p-picture them in your mind, send them to me just like your thought-words, and... I-I will go and apport the closest things I can find in the world..."

After a long, nervous pause in which his blush and his orb's red glow both intensify, Fan adds a mousy, "I-If you think I would look... g-good in Egyptian girls' clothes... I c-can wear those too..."

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