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Fantasy Abnormal High


New Member
Welcome to Abnormal High! This is a high school role play! Here are the guidelines and rules

1. You can RP as a human with a speciality, mythological and supernatural being too.

2. You are available to be good,neutral, or evil.


4. Fighting/Combat is allowed as long as your opponent agrees.

5. Characters are available to die as long as they agree to it.

6. No intense sexual interactions. Just type fades to black if needed.

7. Enjoy!
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Sol walks inside of the lobby seeing an person that keeps checking his watch and walks to an bench and sat down at it looking at the person who keeps checking his watch
"Hello, you must be student. My name is Akio and I've been expecting you. I'm just waiting on a few others to walk but I'm head of the student council so I'll be directing things once you all arrive." @Pika the Pikachu
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"Sol, the demon human? I researched all of the students. Just for understanding and future reference." He smiles happily as he speaks. Akio was excited that new students are coming today. The school mostly was blank. @Pika the Pikachu
The sound of an alarm went off; her own alarm clock that is. Misa sleepily turned it off. It wasn't for a few minutes that she actually looked at the time. In an instant she shook herself awake. She was going to be late if she didn't get to school soon. Quickly getting dressed she rushed out, gulping down her blood juice box on the way. She ended up bursting through the door, her wings drooped a bit. Out of breath she took a few minutes to compose herself. She wasn't late after all. Noticing the human she took several steps away from him. His scent filled her and she was glad she didn't skip breakfast. The other guy smelled interesting. Human, but not quite. She steaded him for a moment. A demon...a half demon?

Misa steadied her wings. So there was someone like her here. She couldn't help but envy him a little; his wings weren't apparent. She assumed he might be able to retract them at will. Thinking she stared too long she blushed and looked down, carrying her books tightly against her chest. She wasn't even sure what her schedule was. Did these guys know? Was she the unprepared one? Thoughts made her worry.
"Yeah that's me" He said to Ario suddenly Sol looked at the girl who was starring at him wondering why she was blushing a little "Uh Ario who is that girl looking at us?"
"Now the pure demon arrives. Are you gonna eat me? He asks with a joking grin. Akio holds the schedules in his hands. Give it to the students I'm few more mins. He wanted to get to know them a bit longer. "Misa if you wish. You can take a seat because I can see you're out of breath" @Pika the Pikachu @NyxNightmare
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"Correct. I keep my distance. She's quite too dangerous to accidentally annoy." He smiles and laughs a little. @Pika the Pikachu
Deep down inside, Akio was a little bit weary about her. She would be able to honestly destroy him if he isn't prepared in a fight. He's still human but his intelligence and fighting skills are the only reason he's able to be there. "I am human. So I have to watch myself" he says under his breath @Pika the Pikachu @NyxNightmare
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"To be honest you do need to watch yourself Akio cause there are some things you don't really need to know about" I said glaring at him
Her name is "Tessa, but it's going to be interesting to see what she can do. Right Sol?" Akio glances.
Misa's heart sank as the human, Akio, blurted out her identity. So he knows everything about everyone? She shifted uncomfortably as she took a seat as he instructed. She wanted to say that he didn't have to be weary but she knew that wasn't true. He didn't have to worry about keeping his distance, she would do that herself. However, she felt a sharp pain in her chest. She didn't like to be thought of as a monster. She didn't look it at the least anyways. Her violet eyes only turned red when she was hungry. The fact that Akio knew everything kind of ticked her off. But what does he really know? He's just a hu-

Her thoughts stopped. The demon side was taking over, and she hated thinking bad things. So she took a deep breath. This school year was going to be interesting that was for sure.
He look at the the girl named Misa seeing that she is concerned and worried about something so he went up and sat near an desk near her "Hello uh Misa s-sorry if I said it wrong but my name is Sol nice to meet you" I said smiling at her @NyxNightmare
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"That's far from what I meant Sol. I just never witnessed a shapeshifter in my life. So I'll be shocked that's all" he says really fast. Akio seems he offended when simply he was just trying to make his research was right
"I just...just... I don't know." He says nervously. Let's go show you guys to your dorms. Shall we?" He ask the group.
Misa's eyes flickered to the half demon, Sol. "N-nice to meet you..." Her voice was soft, like she was choosing her words carefully. She had met several demons in her youth, but a half demon was new. She had a lot of questions about him but thought it was rude to ask right away, so she kept that to herself. She was pretty bad at normal conversation. She was lucky to be saved by Akio as he offered to show them around. She got up and followed them.

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