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Abducted for Safety

She shakes her head and chuckles "I'm just kidding. This is from a surgery the day I was born. I don't even know how to surf." She takes a seat by him at the table. "But if it makes you feel better, everyone I've told that lie to has fallen for it straight."
Will shook his head and smiled. "I used to lie for a living, I have no excuse."
"Used to, huh." the princess took a deep breath and propped her chin on her fist. "No one ever stops lying, mister. I don't care if you're the Pope of the Catholic Church..."
"Se do it to hide the truth, I did it to protect it." he said. He thought for a minute, then, "your scar, does it itch sometimes?"
"Not at all." She says, playing with a strand of her hair. For a proper royal she has a wild look to her; large curious eyes, a lion's mane of wavy brown curls. "My mom..." she gets a little sad at the mention her, but finishes her sentence anyways, "...always asked me if I wanted to get it removed, and I always said no. Scars are really cool looking. They're like natural tattoos."
"Strange, mine do, a lot," he admitted. As he listened to her, he knew talking about her would be difficult, so he steered it away. "That's good, that you kept it. I like to think its an award, for living life and not taking anything from anyone. "
"Maybe thats what they mean to you," she smiled sadly. "But I never got to do anything fun, so if anything, my scars were a basis for an overactive imagination; to dream of dangerous adventures. Well, adventures that don't involve anyone dying for good." Her upper lip wobbled a little. "I must strike you as such a little wanna-be." She shrugged it off by chuckling. "Like those little Chihuahuas that think theyre big dogs..." She noticed she was slouching, and as a habit, snapped back into perfect posture. Her hair spilled over her bare left shoulder like a chocolate waterfall on white rocks. "I was never into politics, especially since my brother was planning on taking our parents place. I was a creative writing major in college, despite being pre-med." Her eyes looked distant, as she imaged it all. "Nothing better then writing about crazy adventures, then training to cut someone open for their own well being. And don't even get me started on horror movies..." She smiled at him. "My friends thought I was crazy, and honestly, I think they were right..."
"My dad was a drunk, my mother a waitress. We never had much. I joined the army at first, but I got talent scouted into the Agency," William explained. "I trained more, never looked back, and here I am."
Tami nodded her head. "But that doesn't tell me much about your personality. What do you like to do. You know, for fun?" She smirked. "Besides hitting people and guns?"
He looked away, "I was undercover for so long, I lost touch with who I was before." he admitted. "Now, I never really had time to do enjoyable things. Between running for my life and dodging bullets, I don't have much me time."
"That changes now." Tami sneaks her head in his line of sight. "I'm a big believer in balance, and since you apparently saved my life, I'm going to help you the best way I know how."
"You don't need to, your highness," he said, not looking away. "This is my life now."
"Well I'm not suggesting I force you to change, especially if you're content in who you are." She offers a reassuring smile. "But something tells me you wouldn't mind a little helping hand..."
He sighed and met her eyes. He just couldn't find anything to say. All his life, he'd worked on his own. And now the girl he tasked himself to protect wanted to help him be... Normal again?
"Ok," she smiled in a way that crinkled her nose. "So he's thinking about it. He's considering saying yes. He's wondering why I'm narrating his thoughts."
"Why?" he asked, finally forcing words out of his mouth. "I knocked you out and kidnapped you. I've lied most of my life, I've killed people. You are about as pure as you could be."
"First of all, people are more alike than different." she propped her feet up on a chair on the other side of the table. "And I'm really not that pure. I'm just inexperienced. Second of all, we're stuck here regardless. Do you suggest we stare at the floor the entire time? I was taught time is money. You can do a lot with pretty much nothing if you put your mind to it." She ran her fingers through her hair as she looked for where the drinking water would be. "Third of all, if I have half the brain I hope to have, I can see that you're a good person. A lot like Rorschach from the Watchmen. You ever heard of him?"
William sighed and looked at the table, "the closest cabinet," he said, for the water she would be looking for. A few cases of bottled water. "Saw the movie, a long time ago." he admitted, listening to her words, and wondering how one could be like her. Her family, killed, her country in turnoil, and being kidnapped by a man claiming to want to protect her, and still she wanted to help him.
"Thanks. I'm too lazy to get it now, but when I do, I'll pour you a glass too. "She took a deep breath. "And to answer the root of your question, I'm doing this little thing because I've been through worse experiences and came to the conclusion that life is too short." She looked down at the ground like she was ashamed, but her voice was as steady and strong as ever. "This one time, I snuck out of the house to go to a party with some friends. I'm not the drinking, drugging or hooking up type. I'm just a weird ass virgin who likes dancing on tables in the odd hours of the night. The kind of chick that likes the atmosphere but not the lifestyle. So keep that in mind when it comes to context." She finally got up to get water. "I changed my mind. I'm more thirsty than I am lazy. Anyways," she continued as she poured some water into two glasses. "I was with my best friend since childhood, and she was...more adventurous than me. She had a boyfriend before I even knew what sex was. And we happen to look a lot alike. Long story short, I walk in on a dude strangling her to death while he's...uh, I'll spare you the details. By the time I get him off of her, it's pretty fucking clear that she's dead. But that wasn't the end of it. Turns out, the dude was some sort of assassin that had personal ties, bad blood with the family. He got drunk and followed us to that party. And when he realized he had the wrong girl, he jumped on me and tried to replicate what he'd done with my friend. He didn't get farther than gnawing on my face like a horny serial killer before some guys heard my screams and ripped him off me. Police were called, he was arrested, and that was the end of that." She put the water down in front of him. "I cried myself to sleep for days. Not only was it the fact that I'd lost her, it was the first time I'd gone out without some sort of filter on what the real world was like and it went to literal hell. But it ended up being one of those things that put life into perspective. I woke up one morning, thinking that I could either spend the rest of my life being jaded to what was going on, or I could accept everything that happened to me, good and bad, and make the best of it." Her bottom lip quivered a little bit. "Losing your folks is worse than losing your best friend, but unlike right now, I wasn't ready for losing my best friend. That's the worst part, you know? When you don't see it coming. When you're so sure how the day is going to go, but then it roundhouse kicks you in the heart and laughs in your face. That's why I seem like I don't care about your past or what happened to my family. Obviously, I'm going to cry myself to sleep tonight. Obviously, I'm going to lock my bedroom door - again, no offense. But I'm not going to be BITTER about it. It won't help ANYTHING to be bitter. I guess I've just...realized that life isn't a fairytale, and that if I want to be happy - especially in my unique position - I have to grow a pair and keep my eyes open for hidden miracles..."
He looked away as he listened, "I'm sorry, your highness." William though hard, trying to find the root of his problems, but couldn't definitively pick one. "I guess I'm like this because of my desire to keep breathing. You never hear about the cold, heartless asshole dying early, it's the warm, loving person that everybody will miss. So, I grew cold. I did my work, just to survive."
"Granted, I've known you all of five seconds, but first impressions reveal a lot if you ask me..." she propped up her feet again. "You may be a little chilly, but you aren't heartless or an asshole from what I can see."

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