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Fantasy A World Forsaken

TW: Body harm

Only moments later did Guardian truly begin to process the fuel behind his action and words, but before he could fully internalize it, the knight responded with steel, swing his sword at Guardian. The armor protected him but he staggered from the force of it and further losing his balance as the dog sunk it's teeth deep into Guardian. His vision blurred and his consciousness soon faded.

The body however quickly began to recover, strength flowed across every part of them and with the hound still biting into the armor, they smashed the dog into the knight's skull, knocking the knight on his ass with the dog whimpering and releasing his hold, yet they had only begun. They quickly grabbed onto the dog once more, wrapping their hand around its neck, squeezing it tightly whilst also quickly reaching down to grab the knight's right ankle, raising it up and almost lifting the knight himself. With another sudden motion they raised their own leg and with their entire weight behind it, stomped the family jewels of the knight. The knight recoiled from pain, letting out a gasp as all the air escaped from his lungs.

The hound had now fallen unconscious from their grip, dropping the dog to the side as with their newly free hand they struck at the knight's kneecaps with enough force to bend it incorrectly. The knight screamed in anguish, mustering up the strength to try and swing at Guardian, but having his blow easily stopped as Guardian's other foot crashed onto the knight's wrist, shattering it completely. Even if the knight hadn't dropped unconscious and was screaming in pain, they had been thoroughly neutralized. They let go of the ankle and stepped off the knight. Kneeling down, they wrapped their hand around the knight's helmet.

palmtree219 palmtree219 Arai Arai
Helped in the Post: Juju Juju
The Sanguinite crystals embedded in Nishi's collar glowed ominously at the approach of Reaper's hand, pulsating with light as if beating from some unseen heart. Any amount of godly power clearly caused the gems to glow brightly, and any divine tricks did nothing to break the shackles. However, the collar itself looked to be made of common iron and could likely be destroyed by the right tools.
Examining the collar, the Reaper held Nishi with surprising tenderness, even if his hand felt skeletal underneath the dark gloves, and his grip was eternally cold. He held them with gently, as if one errant move could prove fatal. And given the fact he was the god of death, it wasn't entirely unsurprisingly that he wanted to take no chances. Tapping upon the collar, Grimm hummed thoughtfully for a moment.
"Bari. (@SirDerpingtonIV ). Can you remove it? My powers extend to the dead, and I'd rather not kill them if I can."

Severed Heaven

The war-god nods. Hopefully, Bari could hang on long enough for Nishi's sake, if nothing else. The Deterioration of them all was a ticking clock, an ever-present reminder of their approaching mortality. But there was still yet time. There was always still time, right up until the very last moment. Severed Heaven looks to the Reaper, before he speaks, his voice soft yet firm as he assures the Death-God.

"Take care of them. I'm off to find Bari some tools so that he can remove it."

Then, Severed Heaven begins to head out into the streets at night. He'd braved this way before, during his many wanderings, he knew where he might be able to find a Blacksmith's shop. Theft wasn't too hard if you were simply audacious and fast enough to take an opportunity and pursue it to its fullest. The war-god walks through the night with quick, silent tread, making his way through the streets like a ghost.
"Go, get out of here!" Aisyr gestured to the pair inside to run, trusting them to open the cage itself. Her master plan complete, she turned to Altaqula with a thumbs-up. "Alright mom, do your thing!"

Although he was still nursing a broken nose, the old man was quick to notice his opening of escape. Wasting no time, he hobbled out of the cramped prisoner cart and landed sloppily on the ground. With bloody hands covering his nose, he raised his eyes to Aisyr. Though wrinkled, they glimmered with a youthful shine.

"Thank you! May the gods bless you!" He said, then took off at a limp-run off down a nearby alley and into the darkness.

The younger prisoner was surprisingly slower to get out than the old geezer. Wounded and drowsy, it took some effort for him to get out. He ended up losing his balance on the way out of the cart, but managed to pull himself up pretty well. He didn't even say a brief thanks, but he did nod slightly in Aisyr's direction before slinking away.

She watched as Aisyr freed the prisoners, themselves moving to leave the cage. The girl seemed to be expecting Altaqula to do something, but without a large body of water she was limited in her capabilities. For now, she needed to delay the incoming guards to give Guardian chance to dispatch his foes. Inhaling deeply, she blew out a deep thick fog, directing the water to cool and form thick and fluffy clouds in the morning streets. It would buy them some time at the very least.
TW: Body harm

Only moments later did Guardian truly begin to process the fuel behind his action and words, but before he could fully internalize it, the knight responded with steel, swing his sword at Guardian. The armor protected him but he staggered from the force of it and further losing his balance as the dog sunk it's teeth deep into Guardian. His vision blurred and his consciousness soon faded.

The body however quickly began to recover, strength flowed across every part of them and with the hound still biting into the armor, they smashed the dog into the knight's skull, knocking the knight on his ass with the dog whimpering and releasing his hold, yet they had only begun. They quickly grabbed onto the dog once more, wrapping their hand around its neck, squeezing it tightly whilst also quickly reaching down to grab the knight's right ankle, raising it up and almost lifting the knight himself. With another sudden motion they raised their own leg and with their entire weight behind it, stomped the family jewels of the knight. The knight recoiled from pain, letting out a gasp as all the air escaped from his lungs.

The hound had now fallen unconscious from their grip, dropping the dog to the side as with their newly free hand they struck at the knight's kneecaps with enough force to bend it incorrectly. The knight screamed in anguish, mustering up the strength to try and swing at Guardian, but having his blow easily stopped as Guardian's other foot crashed onto the knight's wrist, shattering it completely. Even if the knight hadn't dropped unconscious and was screaming in pain, they had been thoroughly neutralized. They let go of the ankle and stepped off the knight. Kneeling down, they wrapped their hand around the knight's helmet.

palmtree219 palmtree219 Arai Arai
Helped in the Post: Juju Juju

A thick mist creeped out from the inn's entrance, obscuring the group from anyone inside the inn or outside of the vicinity. The two guards could clearly see the cloud form, but they kept running until the guard in the lead tripped over a wagon wheel and landed on the ground. The one holding the lantern stopped to help up their companion, who only swatted at them and ordered them to rush on ahead.

Nodding his head, the lantern-guard ran through the gates of the inn's courtyard. The wisps of cloud dissipateed around the crimson glow of his lantern, which unsurprisingly was holding a brightly glowing Sanguinite shard within. The guard arrived just in time to see Guardian snap a man's leg and brutally assault him. His wide eyes went to the dog laying limp to the side, its black fur covered in dirt and straw.

He clutched his lantern like a lifeline and took a step backwards, face pale and arms shaking. He looked to be barely a teenager, with mousy brown hair and a delicate face that was dangerously close to breaking into tears.

He was not the only guard to appear.

"Mathias?" A woman's voice came from the entrance to the inn, voice cracking. The shift from shock to fury was swift as she spat, "You cultist bastard, I'll cut out your tongue and make you eat it!"

She was wearing a loose linin shirt and padded leggings, something that one might wear beneath armor or to bed. Her long hair was bound back in a messy bun, and her eyes were sharp despite having just woken up, the sleep burned away with pure hatred. She may have looked like a commoner, if not for the fine blade she held in her hands, its black pommel embedded with a red gem. Even with a bandaged arm, she held her stance with practiced poise. To a trained eye, it would be clear that unlike the previous man this woman had formal training. Despite a lack of any armor, she looked confident.

Behind her, a woman screamed. It seemed that some of the people at the inn had woken from the disturbance.

"Stay behind me!" the swordswoman barked, causing the other woman to cower back inside. Her eyes flicked to the retreating prisoners and then to the terrified lantern-holder. "You guard, Get those prisoners! DO NOT let them escape!"

Shook back into action, the young guard took one last look at the limp dog and then rushed towards where the two had fled, bringing him sprinting past Aisyr and Altaqula. He was in so much shock that he barely seemed to notice them.

The swordswoman then swung her sword down upon Guardian's hand, intending to sever it from his arm. It seemed she did not approve of him looting the writhing man, who was still screaming in pain. After her sword swing, the woman advanced forward, hoping to separate Guardian from the downed guard. Every strike was precise, aiming at the obvious weak points of Guardian's old armor.

Examining the collar, the Reaper held Nishi with surprising tenderness, even if his hand felt skeletal underneath the dark gloves, and his grip was eternally cold. He held them with gently, as if one errant move could prove fatal. And given the fact he was the god of death, it wasn't entirely unsurprisingly that he wanted to take no chances. Tapping upon the collar, Grimm hummed thoughtfully for a moment.
"Bari. (@SirDerpingtonIV ). Can you remove it? My powers extend to the dead, and I'd rather not kill them if I can."
"Tools..." Bari wheezed, barely conscious himself. He then fell into a coughing fit, the plates that held his broken body together shaking from the effort.

Thankfully, Severed Heaven was able to elaborate further.
"Take care of them. I'm off to find Bari some tools so that he can remove it."

Then, Severed Heaven begins to head out into the streets at night. He'd braved this way before, during his many wanderings, he knew where he might be able to find a Blacksmith's shop. Theft wasn't too hard if you were simply audacious and fast enough to take an opportunity and pursue it to its fullest. The war-god walks through the night with quick, silent tread, making his way through the streets like a ghost.

Severed Heaven was quickly able to locate a building that looked to be some sort of horse-shoeing and carriage fixing shop near Utos' house. It was quite fitting, considering he had been the god of transportation. Perhaps he even had a hand in its creation, though it was impossible to ask him now. The worn sign above the shop read "Barlowe and Sons" in fresh paint.

The shop's barn stood to the side, and through the dusty window it was clear that there were two freshly repaired wagons inside, along with a plethora of tools scattered about in shelves and tables. Although the barn's doors were locked, it didn't look to be anything special. Maybe Utos hadn't been affiliated with the shop after all. Part of the wood on one of the doors was soft with rot, and could probably be broken with ease. A small house was beside the shop, presumably belonging to the owner.

During his search, the war god would also be able to hear the distant sounds of screams and metal clashing. It was coming from the inn, where a cloud of unusual mist was flooding out into the street.
Part of the wood on one of the doors was soft with rot, and could probably be broken with ease
Severed Heaven

No use making this louder than it needed to be. Severed Heaven lets the distraction at the inn go on, he'd investigate soon enough. He draws his sword carefully, eyeing the soft, rotten part of the door. He could kick it down. It would be easy. But he didn't want to wake the owner with that sound. Instead, he centers himself, breathing in deep, and raises his blade. While Severed Heaven was many things, he would be dead long, long before he lost his skill at arms. With a weakened door, and a blade sharper than anything a mortal could make? If he couldn't do this right, he'd be a poor excuse for a war-god indeed.

A moment passes, as Severed Heaven concentrates, and then... to the outside observer he merely shifts, ever so slightly. But in truth, he had cut the door, his blade cleaving through the weakened wood at a speed that defied mortal understanding. With such speed and precision, that part of the door was cut apart nearly silently, which was precisely what he intended. He didn't need to cut much of an opening, just enough to get himself thorough with a bit of jimmying, and then he'd pick up some tools and go investigate whatever the hell was going on down at that inn. That mist... Was it one of his fellow gods' doing? It was terribly unsubtle if so.

As they gripped deep into the knight's helmet, Guardian's consciousness flowed back into his very being. The scene before him had changed, no longer was it the quiet, but instead a chaotic symphony of screaming and panic. Why was he holding the knight's helmet? why was he screaming? Did he cause this? Guardian tried to remain calm, he had to assess the situation first. Guardian quickly retrieved his hand away from the knight's helmet inadvertently dodging the swordswoman's strike.

Who was she? an inquisitor perhaps? his thoughts raced faster as he instinctively took a defensive stance facing her. Her strikes were precise and brutal, aiming for weak points and openings withing Guardians aged armor, yet only few connected with his armor as Guardian elegantly weaved certain attacks. Yet for each hit he received to him it felt as if his opponent was becoming faster. Guardian cautiously observed his surroundings, the panicked faces, the injured knight who had previously struck the prisoner. Bit by bit Guardian slowly realized that he may have caused this in retaliation, yet he was never this brutal.

The swordswoman did not relent and her opponents movements slowly began to change the more hits she landed, from graceful dodges to more alien techniques. Guardian used his arms to block and redirect any attacks he could, yet his legs also kept the swordswoman form in check, forcing her to compromise her footwork and thus the strikes themselves. Yet the God was slowing down and he was not showing any signs of aggression, not a single strike had been thrown out against her.

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