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Futuristic A World Divided.

So I am highly considering joining. However this one thing will be the deciding factor. That is the mechs. In every mech rp I have seen they most never have their own mechs and let people choose their own randomly. This causes many different pre say "types of mechs" to be introduced into the RP. Some being more run down then other, and some more futuristic then others. The out come is that you have many different mechs that don't fit and work together. Now I once tried to think of a mech RP. My only issue was finding mechs that I could work with. So to just get to my point, do you have mechs for us to choose from?

And if not I could recommend some. I am not sure what "type" or "style" of mechs you would like, but these are from two different games. Yes they are from two games, but this was the best way I found to keep things with the mechs from getting out of control. But this is all pointless if you already have your mechs for the RP. :D

The first is http://www.titanfall.com/titans/atlas

Three mechs to choose from, but with many weapon options.

The second http://hawken.wikia.com/wiki/Mechs

These are a bit more run down in terms of looks. However offers a lot of variety and has three classes( Light, Medium, Heavy) with many mechs making up the three classes.
Ah, Titanfall. The Atlas, Ogre, and Strider. And I've seen Hawken, thought about getting it numerous times but see it as a pay to win. I hadn't really been set on a mech, that's why I asked people to pm me about them.

I had made a mech rp previously with classes, but everyone picked the same class and it was all rubbish that I had to work around. But I'd think that both sides would just be pumping out rather standard mechs. So in terms of class and overall looks, Titanfall is the direction you should be headed.
i must say...yes this is Interesting and i think we shoold add types to make things stable and each were advantages and disavantages and Overral Option picking

I have play titanfall (FUCKING LOVE IT!!!) and maybe we could Include 3 Classes light,medium and heavy and like Beo said....those would be best and aswell i have Pland and theas 3 fit great,as for apperance i bet will Vary but this will be the main classes....or will they appear similer to each other.

@Beowulf what you think?
Ah, Titanfall. The Atlas, Ogre, and Strider. And I've seen Hawken, thought about getting it numerous times but see it as a pay to win. I hadn't really been set on a mech, that's why I asked people to pm me about them.

I had made a mech rp previously with classes, but everyone picked the same class and it was all rubbish that I had to work around. But I'd think that both sides would just be pumping out rather standard mechs. So in terms of class and overall looks, Titanfall is the direction you should be headed.
I love both games a lot and play both. I only just got titanfall awhile ago though. However I have been playing Hawken ever since open beta. Hawken is per say pay two win. Yes everything goes a lot quicker if you use real money however with time and grinding you can get everything you want(expect for cosmetics). It does take time to get the new mechs but if you put time into working for them it is well worth with. (FYI if you do play the game avoid scouts. Those evil little mechs are like flies but with shotguns that hurt a lot).

Anyways are we going to be basing the mechs off of the Titanfall titans then?
Stupid internet. Anyways, I doubt the factories can make a different looking robot for each person. But for the sake of it let's say they made an exception. And there will be noticeable differences between the three classes. Not only will the Light have less armor and more maneuverability, it can only carry light items and less of those items. Imagine the battle suit that all of the soldiers will be in, then add a light metal frame. That would basically be it. And everything would scale appropriately, with the heavy class mechs being boulders with legs and arms.
I've played Titanfall also on Origin gametime, and it was awesome. Alas my financial situation doesn't allow me to continue playing it. I've also played Hawken, the controls there seems a bit more inline to what I believe real mechs would behave like (but that's not the point).

Titanfall mechs seems like the better choice really. IMO, we don't really need a hundred types of different mechs: just Light, Medium and Heavy would do. The pilots themselves can customize the mech's appearance, of course (paint job, personal insignias, slap a name on the side,...). Maybe even a choice of arsenal?
Well on the battlefield I am sure there will be extra parts and such that would allow for mechanics and pilots to use to give character to their own mechs. As well each mission would require different equipment for it. Also since this platoon(if I am not mistake) is a special one that is put on Spec ops like missions they would be given a few extra toys and such to play with. :D


JDParadox said:
we don't really need a hundred types of different mechs: just Light, Medium and Heavy would do
well if I am correct the three titans cover the Light = Strider, Medium = Atlas, and Heavy = Ogre. And from their you can describe what customizations you have. Well that I think would be the best way to go about this.
[QUOTE="Dai tenshi]Well on the battlefield I am sure there will be extra parts and such that would allow for mechanics and pilots to use to give character to their own mechs. As well each mission would require different equipment for it. Also since this platoon(if I am not mistake) is a special one that is put on Spec ops like missions they would be given a few extra toys and such to play with. :D

well if I am correct the three titans cover the Light = Strider, Medium = Atlas, and Heavy = Ogre. And from their you can describe what customizations you have. Well that I think would be the best way to go about this.

Load outs are changeable. I do believe Yons has plans for you that'll require you to change gear.

So, dai, what is your verdict? You joining or just helping us figure small things out?
I am sorta nocturnal at the moment. so I might be falling asleep some time soon. So it might be up tonight, most likely tomorrow.
Sorry I didn't feel well yesterday and wasn't up for writing. I am busy most of today, but I should be able to finish it tonight.
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I apologize, but after helping a friend move furniture for most of today in 95+ heat. I am exhausted. You can start or whatever without, and I can join in latter or something.

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