A Wolf's Territory (Wolf x Wolf RP)

Should rather make a Wolf or Werewolf rp

  • Wolf

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  • Werewolf

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • No Keep This On !!!

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  • Delete this one

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Rareck pushes her tail off of her face " well now the picking is at an end and the crush evolved into something bigger, in after tonight the gift of life will be given " he said moving his head closer to hers (im sorry im trying to cut it as close to a boy as possible and i think that i might be failing at it)

Shadow closed her eyes nuzzling against him "I hope they will be healthy and strong like you and as playful as I was" she opened her eyes, they looked soft and kind.

He stood still from the answer , freezing in place as he heard 'yeah'.

his ears shot up and schatten was suddenly given enough energy to last a week. Although , he didn't want to be rude , so he continued to lower his head and lay on the ground, restless.

He continued to stay completely still, wondering about the future.

he looked up, seeing the cloudy sky. he felt a drop hit his face, a light drizzle started.​

Astrien could feel little drops hit her pelt. Raising her head, she looked up at the sky.


She said quietly, smiling softly. She glanced at Schatten for a brief second, standing up. Astrien looked up at the sky, closing her eyes. Her ears flopped back against her head as she just let the light drizzle hit her.

"Do you want to stay in the rain?"

She asked, peeking an eye open to look at him.


Astrien glanced at him.

"I'm okay with staying or going."

She said, walking up to him. Astrien stood in front of him, just watching him stand there.

"Would you like to go?"

He stretched his legs as he finally got to his feet (Or paws...)

"Well , there is an unoccupied den nearby..." he said, finishing the stretches.

Astrien watched, nodding.

"Alright. Let's go there."

She said, nudging his head gently with her snout.

"Lead the way."

She said, glancing around briefly.


Nightfall was coming,and the familiar feeling of uncertainty came along with it. It had been days since Dante managed to get a decent night of sleep. He was pretty much exhausted and at the verge of collapsing. But there wasn't much choice for him. If he let his guard down during sleep,his clan could find him. And while he was definitely a strong fighter,he would be severely outnumbered.

The blurry silhouette of grey trees appeared in front of him,just as rain start to fall. Dante hesitated,slowing his steps when the familiar smell of wolves hit him. He was near the territory of another clan,but it wouldn't be right to simply barge in without an invitation. So he stayed out instead,rolling his blue eyes to the rain. Just what he needed,pouring water diminishing his ability to sense smells. With some annoyance,Dante laid on the ground and waited for it pass.

Schatten was quick to trot as he stepped into another area of the forest. the footsteps were slightly quiet as he walked. the light drizzle quickly turned to full drops of rain, splashing against his grey and black fur. He looked slightly confused , as he didn't recognize some of the landmarks that led to the den.

He quickly scrambled to the nearest tree and dug his claws into it , climbing slowly to get a better view.

Astrien trotted after him. She wondered where this den was. She slowed down as he climbed up the tree. Astrien glanced around, checking for anything. It was hard to hear past the pouring rain. She spotted a small hole in a hill. A den.

"Is that it?"

She asked loudly, motioning to the place. It looked like a den. But was it a den?

Once he had gotten to a branch that could support the weight, struggling slightly to keep balance. The branch slightly creaked.

"W-what? " he looked at the direction she was facing , only seeing a tree in the way. He slowly walked along the branch , stepping closer to the other tree. He looked down , seeing one of the dead trees that had fallen recently. it ran diagonal along the ground.

"It looks like a den."

She called, looking up at him.

"I'll go look at it."

She said, stepping towards it. Astrien wearily peeked her head inside. She was right. It was a den.


She called, glancing out and back up at him.

The call startled him , sending one of his paws sliding off of the slippery log. the weight shifted as he lost his balance.

He fell from the tree trunk , yelping as his muscles tensed, preparing for ground impact. What he didn't prepare for , was a sharp object being stabbed into his back and breaking his spine, turning him into a trunk wolf kabab .

He had fallen onto the dead tree, being skewered onto one of the branches. His vision blurred as the pain slowly started to fade.

He was dead.

His face was frozen in the state of fear, the breathing stopped as the blood covered branch that skewered him had destroyed the heart.

(Yup , Schatten was just 'Game of Thrones' ed)
Amoux shook his head. "No Linara." He said. "I will not be risking your life as well. Please, I must do this alone."
Linara whimpered putting her head under his "please come back safely " she kept whimpering
Amoux woke up next to Linara. He licked her cheek and got up on all four paws. He walked out of the den and out of the camp. He slowly ran towards Lunar Glow.

((Wait wot))

Astrien heard the yelp, turning to look what it was. She didn't expecting what she saw. Astrien gasped, dashing over to him.


She called silently, gently nudging his head with her snout. Getting no response, Astrien just sat back, staring at him. Slowly, she lifted her head and let out a deep, long howl.

As Amoux reached the border of Lunar Glow he slowed his pace. Even though this was indeed his own territory he was extremely cautious, he had after all not been present for many days. As he entered the camp he could feel his pack-mates eyes on him. He spotted his Alpha standing not that far away. As Amoux approached him he turned to face him, he had disappointment and anger scribbled across his face.

"Finally have time to show up Amoux? I thought you were too busy with that she-wolf from Shadow pack!" He hissed as his neck fur rose.

Amoux laid down his ears. "You knew all along?" He asked.

"Of course I knew!" The Alpha snapped. "I know you very well Amoux, I've kept my eye on you ever since your brother turned his back on us!"´He walked in circles around Amoux. "And now it seems your doing the same. It appears you fancy joining Shadow pack. Traitor!" And with that last word he snapped out after Amoux's ear and tore a piece of it off. Amoux hissed in pain, but did not fight back.

"Come on Amoux! Fight me!" The Alpha growled. But Amoux simply shook his head, he knew he had to be punished, there was to need to fight back. His thorn ear bled making his white pelt red. The Alpha growled and jumped on Amoux. He bit down on his shoulder, making Amoux loose his balance. The bite made a deep wound and blood gushed out of it.

"Fight me Amoux!" He yelled as he gave Amoux an opportunity to fight back. But Amoux did not take it. He rose to his paws, shaking from the pain. "I will not." He said. And with that the Alpha's expression soften and he let out a sigh.

"Leave." He said. "If you ever return to Lunar Glow, do not expect to be shown any mercy."

Amoux nodded and limped his way out of the camp, getting insults along the way. He made his way to the Shadow pack border, having to stop now and then due to the pain. He entered the camp and started searching for Linara.o

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Astrien sniffled, walking away slowly. There wasn't much she could do. She walked around the forest, not minding where she was going. She couldn't smell, the rain was diminishing anything. Her vision was slightly blurred, and she didn't mind if she was making any sound at all. Walking around, she spotted something laying on the grass. Astrien sneaked closer to whatever it was, keeping her guard up in case it wanted to attack. It was a wolf. She wondered how it hadn't spotted her already.


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