A Visit to the Upper World - IC

Marilyn shot up in her bed, blinking at morning light streaming through her window., a hand raised to shield her from the worst of the glare. She'd had that dream again last night but this time it was different. Maybe it had all been a dream, maybe she hadn't really brought some strange guy home with her. Of course, that had to be it! Who the hell calls themself Sulphur? Taking a deep breath, she slides her bare feet off of the bed and braces for the cold of hardwood floor, before exhaling and setting them down with a wince.

No time to stay in bed, she needed to get started on a new presentation for her father. Rising to her feet she stretches, her face falling into a confused frown as she hears voices coming from the living room. "What the hell?", she mutters softly, peering toward the open door. "I guess I wasn't dreaming after all." Padding her way across the cold floor she stops at the door frame and runs a hand down her face at the sight before her. Sulphur lay on the floor in a pool of his own blood, while the other stranger from last night stood staring at him. "What?! What did you do to him! Don't just stand there, can't you see he needs a doctor?!" She races across the room to grab the cell she kept tucked away in her jacket not waiting for a response.

KG watched as the dark angel left. To be honest, he didn't expect his semi-bluff to work. His hands dimmed and he let out his breath in a long, low sigh. Turning to Sulfur to repremand him, KG realized now was not the time. How the hell had the kid managed to stay functional with a wound that big? He was doing alot of bleeding, lots and lots of bleeding. Too much bleeding for someone who was going to make it through this alive.

A paniced voice came from the other side of the room graoning, KG turned to look at the person, and she had... Oh shit. A cell phone. She had picked it up from a pocket in her Jacket... Throwing his arm out, KG caused a gust of wind to knock the cell phone out of her hand, falling safely onto her bed. He couldn't risk Sulfur, nor himself, being discovered.
"I'm sorry sweetheart, but I can't let you call anybody." KG said, wiping his face. What the hell was he supposed to do? Aside from himself and the dark angel, Sulfur was the only other demon he knew of in Kirnas. The dark angel wasn't friendly, and KG would rather not tangle with him. But he had the sneaking sensation the dark angel could and would show up again sometime, and KG would need some backup when he did.

So. This left two predicaments. Predicament one: the woman. She looked to be as old as KG appeared. Sighing, KG knew the only thing to do was to kill her. If not to preserve his own safety, it was to give her a quick death instead of the painful one that awaited her now that she most certainly knew about demons, having three in her living room. His hand glowing, KG took a few steps towards the woman, holding his claw out behind him threateningly, ready to strike.

'No', the angel side of him said, 'You have to work on predicament two first. Sulfur.' KG told himself that Sulfur had gotten himself into this mess, and had to get himself out of it. However, his angel self persisted. "Geez... Sulfur, why the hell do you have to be so STUPID!" KG said, running a hand through his hair. The angel side of him was right. Kneeling down behind the unconscious Sulfur, KG cradled the boys head in his left arm, propping him up. Sulfur was dying. And he would, if KG didn't do something fast. Now, healing miracles didn't usually work on demons. Technically, fallen angels weren't supposed to be able to perform them either. But KG had to try. Taking a deep breath, he dug inside himself for the soul of the doughnut lady. Using almost all the energy from that, KG placed a hand over the nasty wound in Sulfur's stomach, palm open. His eyes glowed once again, the right one blue, the left one red. Tendrils of soft light, the same color as KG's eyes, seeped out of his hand and wrapped themselves around Sulfur, causing a purple patch when they intermixed on top of the wound. He stayed that way for a few minutes, then removed his hand, the wound completely healed. Sulfur would be unconscious for the next couple of hours, however.

Now. Time to deal with perdicament two. KG lied Sulfur on the floor, then stood up, brushing himself off. He turned to look at the woman. Once again, the angel side of him was screaming 'no, no, no,' and the fallen side of him was yelling 'it has to be done, it has to be done,' so KG decided to ignore both of them and gestured for the woman to sit on the couch across from where Sulfur was on the floor. Pulling a chair over from a nearby table, KG sat backwards in it, legs straddling the back of the chair, arms folded over the top. He faced the couch, watching the lady intently.
Marilyn looked back, her mouth hanging open and blue eyes wide with shock, at the tiny cell phone that had just flown out of her hands to land upon her bed. "What? How...", she squeaked, unable to form a coherent sentence as the possibility that Sulphur had been telling her the truth finally took root in her mind. No, it wasn't possible, there was no way demons were real. If they were, people would have found out by now, there would have been a war. Everyone knows humans cannot accept anything different than they are, specially not something that may be more powerful. Isn't that the whole reason people go to church on Sundays? Fear that some greater power might get angry and judge them?

She turns her attention back to the stranger standing on her living room, her brow deeply creased and a frown on her lips, as she struggles to find some logical answer to fit the situation. Her frown deepens with concern for her own well being as she comes to the conclusion that there is no way to rationalize what she was experiencing. Watching the stranger with fear in her eyes she backs against the wall, her arms wrapping protectively around her chest. Somehow she just knew things were not going to end well for her this morning. This creep might have hurt Sulphur and now he was going to hurt her too. Why did she have to open her big mouth? He probably would not have even noticed her if she had just stayed quietly in her room and waited for him to go away. Seeing him step forward she quietly waits for the inevitable, the sound of her own heartbeat thundering in her ears, as her eyes fall closed.

After what feels like an eternity, the stranger speaks again but not to her, to her newfound companion who was lying on the floor probably dead by now as far as she knew. "Geez... Sulfur, why the hell do you have to be so STUPID!" Her eyes fly wide and she opens her mouth to scream, rally, do anything really to take his attention off of Sulphur, only to see him cradling the demons head in his lap. What ...the hell..is going on here?!, she silently screams to herself, watching as the stranger's eyes began to glow a bright red and blue. Strange tendrils of light came from his hands and wrapped themselves around Sulphur, causing Marilyn to step forward both concerned with her friend and curios as to what this man was doing. Seeing the wound begin to close, she sucks in her breath and simply stares with wide eyed wonder. Her cheeks flush with shame, why had she judged him so harshly? He was helping Sulphur not hurting him. No, he could not have been the one who had wounded her new friend so badly, no one could do something so cruel just to turn around and make them batter afterwards.

Sighing softly, she turns and heads toward the couch, drawing her knees to her chest and wrapping her arms around them. Placing her chin on her knees she looks back to the stranger and with a very blunt tone unloads, "Look, I don't know who...or even what you are and honestly, I don't really care. I mean, I thought you...but you helped Sulphur. In my book, that makes you a good person. There are a million different things I want to ask you but somehow I don't think I will be getting any real answers and I can understand why. I-if you have to kill me, just get it over quickly please? I won't fight, not like it would matter if I did anyways, right?"

KG was glad the person spoke first. He was glad she'd adressed the issues on his mind herself, that meant he could do less talking and more thinking. She didn't know who he was. She didn't know what he was. She probably had a good guess, from Sulfur, and the dark angel who she'd apparently missed. She understood things would be hard to understand, and she realized that the knowledge she possesed, or would eventually, would lead to her demise. KG was honestly feeling the same as he did before, it would be a day or so before the doughnut lady's soul recharged and he could use that amount of power again. The woman also realized that she was weak, and that KG was strong. That was good. She was scared of him. Also good.

Clicking his tounge and filling his upper lip with air, KG turned his head, a bit to the side, choosing his next words carefully.
"It appears you just missed your third guest." KG stated bluntly. Putting his hands behind his head, KG cracked his neck, getting comfortable. It looked like he'd be here awhile. "You're a smart woman. I could probably kill you, but that isn't my way. Not that I'm not going to, it seems like I might have to." Glancing sideways at Sulfur, KG could see that he was breathing. Slowly, but regularly. That was good. Returning his gaze to the woman, KG continued. "The deed however, is, to say, something in neither of our best intrests. So. I'd like you to tell me about how you met Sulf-... My brother." KG didn't like the fact that the two seemed interconnected, but that was the way the universe appeared to have it. So for cover purposes, KG might as well start referring to his fellow demon as his little brother. "First, Start with your name. That would be nice. Then, start from how you met him, and anything you remember after that."

It would be good to know this woman's interactions with Sulfur entirely in order to make a descision about what to do with her. Once again, his fallen side was saying
'Self preservation, you could leave Sulfur and the dark angel will kill both of them. You allready healed Sulfur, and you shouldn't even have done that. Now at least they'll be bait.' And like most situations, KG's angel side was saying the exact opposite. 'Sulfur is an ally. This woman is an ally. Her life will never be the same, but at least you could save her. The three of you could ride this out.' Naturally, KG was getting pretty fed up with the both of them. He thought about some television programs he'd watched from heaven, when the mian character had a little devil and a little angel on either shoulder. He now knew how the character must have felt, and why they were so conficted about making decisions. Damn, being a fallen angel was hard.
Sulfur Blackbody

Sulfur was in a train station. A human one. Completely and utter white. No shadows. No other shades. Just white. Yet, there was still details which could be told apart from one another. Like the bench he was sitting on. There was no trains blaring by on the tracks a few feet in front of him. He had no idea why, but he was compelled to wait for one to come on this bench. He was cold. The same sincere expression with depressed eyes he bore before he passed out was still glued on in this train station. Why am I here? I need to ensure Marilyn and my partner's safety. A demonic figure was walking down the side of the railway, and eventually got to Sulfur. He looked up at the demon, still with rather sad eyes. "Why the hell do I have to do this? Ah, whatever. Sulfurious, you probably don't know where this is. This is... well, your subconscious. Afraid you're gonna be spending a lot of time here. You see, you should've died. But, you stayed awake longer than you were supposed to. God got pissed, but then you passed out. It was as if the timeline fixed itself, and you were going to die. An angel, I'm guessing KG, healed your wound however. Now He's pissed off even more. You're pretty good at pissing people off, huh?" Sulfur had no idea who this demon was. Or his typing, even. KG? Was that his partner's name all this time? Either way, he knew trusting KG was a good idea and he was glad it finally paid off. "What do you mean by 'spending a lot of time here' ?"

Sulfur gritted his teeth, as well as getting shot by a ray of utter sadness. The demon had explained Sulfur was in a coma. He wasn't going to be waking up anytime soon. He needed proper facilities, such as ones in the nearby hospital. And only one doctor in the world could possibly save him now.
"You know that human girl, Sh?re, right? Yeah, her father is a pretty damn fine doctor. In other words, hope KG will bring you to that hospital before it's too late. He can't do it instantly, nor any time soon, but hey, at least you'll wake up eventually." Yellow tears began to run down Sulfur's burning cheeks. He was so happy KG saved him, but he was much more depressed that he let himself almost die and failed to protect anyone. Moloch, was it? "I need to become stronger..."

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Marilyn stares at him blankly for some time, trying to digest the fact there was yet another person who had invaded her home this morning. Pushing her raven hair back behind her ear she looks at him and nods her head against her knees, deciding it would be in her best interest to be honest with the stranger, who knew if he could tell whether or not she was lying? "Right, so debrief then kill? Boy, this has been one hell of a day and it's just getting started! Let's see now, I was walking through the park like I always do after visiting my father. Ugh he makes me so mad! Anyways, the park relaxes me, so there I was walking along and some girl taps me on the shoulder. I dropped my favorite Ray Bans and she was giving them back to me, you see. Then I noticed her green hair which was really odd and Sulphur comes running up out of nowhere. Anyways we were just chatting really and he seemed like a nice guy and the girl wasn't from around from what he said. I offered them a place to stay for the night, It was late and I was tired. The girl left and Sulphur came back with me, we talked about space and stuff and ate dinner then I went to bed. I think he said something about being a demon at some point but I didn't believe him, until now. Right then, so what are you going to do with me? I mean, you guys can stay here if you want to. There is plenty of room and such, that is if you don't decide to kill me or whatever it is demons do to make people keep quiet."" She sucks in a deep breathe after spewing the chaotic mess of a story out in one long spiel and smiles warmly at the demon.

Rubbing her arm, she looks at the stranger and then at Sulphur who was still laying on her floor out cold and frowns. "I-is he going to be ok? I mean, I hardly know him or anything but... I dunno, I guess he's kinda like a friend to me. Don't you dare tell him I said that!" She shoots him a stern look and then sighs softly. What kind of mess have I gotten myself into this time?

KG was only half listening to Marilyn. He was still trying to think of a way to get out of this whole thing. Sulfur was still lying on the ground, and would probably need some medical attention. What KG would tell the doctors had happeed to him was anyones guess. A seizure would probably be the most believable answer. KG did note that Marilyn had held at length conversations with Sulfur, and Sulfur had told her that he was a demon. KG stood up, walking back and forth as Marilyn spoke, one hand rubbing his chin, the other halfway in his pocket.

"Well," KG said, ceasing his incessant pacing, "The thing that hurt Sulfur looked like an angel. However, it had black wings." This could be proven by the few feathers that littered the floor by the window, but KG didn't point them out. "This means it was most likely a spirit of balance. He was after the thing Sulfur made, therefore, it shouldn't exist yet. Or it's very, very important." Scooping up the... Whatever it was that was left on the table, KG bent down and stuck it in Sulfur's pocket. To be honest, it looked like a cell phone, but KG didn't dare turn it on to see what it did. "Whoever it was, it'll probably come for it again. But hopefully, not for awhile. Nevertheless, it would have killed you as well if I hadn't intervened."

KG grabbed Sulfur by an arm and a leg, slinging the boy over his shoulders. He wasn't light, but he wasn't heavy either. KG weighed only a kilogram, but he could still lift. Turning to leave, KG threw a comment over his shoulder.
"It shouldn't be able to follow my brother and I unless one of us uses the... What Sulfur made. But it will come back here." KG's fallen side was roaring at him, cursing him for everything he was doing. It hissed, spat, growled, writhed within him in torment. His angel side was doing the same thing, albeit more pleasantly. In order to silence at least one of them, KG turned back, looking at Marilyn once more.

"In order to keep my conscience clear, I'm going to offer you a choice. If you stay here, you'll be killed by the dark angel. Your death will most likely be horribly painful. Adjusting the way Sulfur was so he was easier to carry, KG grunted a bit, wiggling his shoulders uncomfortably. "Look. I'm a fallen angel. So although praising god, and singing beautifully might not be my thing, neither is blood, death, destruction, the like. So I've got a proposition for you. Option one: You can stay here and be brutally eviscerated by the dark angel when he comes back. Option two is a bit better. You say you're going to stay here, and I put down my brother and rip your heart out and suck out your soul. Alot less painful than whats to come if you choose option one, but it also makes option one not much of an option. Which leads us to option three." KG nodded his head towards the door. "You come with me, leave your hideously boring life behind, never able to return to anything you once knew upon penalty of being found by the dark angel. You run with Sulfur and I, probably getting into more and more dangerous situations, and never mention anything of demons, our wereabouts, or the supernatural to anyone, ever." Scuffing his foot on the carpet by the door, KG raised his eyebrows, jerking his head towards the door once again. "To be entirely honest, The fallen side of me wants you to choose option two. Then I can have two human souls instead of one. The angel side of me wants you to choose option three." looking at the ground sheepishly, KG added: "That, and I need someone to open the door for me."
Shīre's father called her into the room with the man who's name was Sebastian, and he told her to watch after him for a bit while he talked to the other doctors.

After he left, she peered over his bed like a small toddler and stared at the man in wonder. She let her green bangs fall and cover her eyes a little.


She said in a childish and happy tone.
Sebastian looked at the girl and said "do I know you" suddenly he remembered the dream " is your name Shīre ".
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Shīre nodded in response to the man and kept the childish look on her face along-side pulling her lips together to seem even more so.

"Did my father tell you about me?"
Shīre was rather confused at his question and shook her head.

"I'm human..."

She was worried that this guy was a demon as well, and backed away a bit to allow herself to become more comfortable with his presence. She was confused to say the least, and now she even wanted answers from her father.
Marilyn didn't much care for the options she was being given but she didn't really see where she a lot of other choices either. Running her hand down her face with a loud groan, she pushes herself up and jumps from the couch without a word, walking to her room. Grabbing a fresh grey t-shirt from the closet and a pair of shredded black jeans , she hastily changes while calling out to the other room. "I'll have you know my life is not boring! I do lots of interesting....stuff and no, you certainly are not ripping out my heart, you aren't even my type! I'm going with you but only because I want to make sure Sulphur is ok. So don't go thinking I'm grateful or anything hmm?" She swipes up her favorite black boots and tugs them on with a hard jerk then walks out of the room and slips on her sunglasses. "Well, let's go then. Honestly, can't even open your own door!", she quips, shaking her head and grabbing her jacket from the table before walking across the room to open the door with a smirk. "After you!"

KG waited until she was within his field of vision before he replied: "I meant literally. I have the capacity to." And he did. Was that the cleanest way to kill someone? No. It was very messy. Was it the most efficient though? Aside from throwing someone off a building, yes. But that was also very messy. Rolling his eyes at Marilyn's smirk as he walked out the door, KG sidestepped to keep Sulfur's head from hitting the frame.

Once outside, KG had a bit of an easier time with his load. The nearest hospital was only a couple of blocks away, and although KG would rather float there than walk, the weather wasn't too bad. Plus, he was carrying a heavy demon on his back, so floating wasn't an option. His fallen self cursed everyone else from being so heavy, why couldn't they just weigh as much as him? KG's angel side rebuked his fallen one, being so light was what made him special.

"Stay close. I might not be able to see you, but I can hear you. Try anything and I'll push you in front of a car." KG said to Marilyn, just loud enough for her to hear. He whipped up a large gust of wind around her hair to prove his point, blowing her glasses a bit off-kilter. He was carrying an incapacitated 17-year-old, and he couldn't move too fast himself, but KG WAS in charge. And he wasn't afraid to flex.

Once in front of the hospital, KG stopped. Looking up at the large building, he glanced at the doors. They were push doors, but KG still didn't want to risk smacking Sulfur's head against anything. Nodding to Marilyn and jerking his head to the hospital, KG spoke.
"Once we're inside, keep your mouth shut. As far as anyone else is concerned, you're just here to open doors and look pretty. Are we clear?" KG allowed his eyes to glow again for emphasis.
Marilyn pulls off her shades and tucks them into her pocket, shooting the demon a withering glare. "I'm beginning to believe the car bumper might be better company. You must have gotten the bad end of the gene pool, hmm?" , she grinds out from between gritted teeth. Rolling her eyes she opens the hospital door and bows with a dramatic wave of her arm. "Yes master, after you master, shall I make you a sandwich too? Oh oh, I know perhaps I should fetch your slippers?"
MyrnaCat13 said:
Shīre was rather confused at his question and shook her head.
"I'm human..."

She was worried that this guy was a demon as well, and backed away a bit to allow herself to become more comfortable with his presence. She was confused to say the least, and now she even wanted answers from her father.
Sebastian looked at her and said "I am a demon but I think I lost my powers so I guess I am human". Sebastian got up and grabbed his human clothes and went in to the bathroom and got changed " I would like to leave and you have the key to the room can I have it".
Superbutter117 said:
Sebastian looked at her and said "I am a demon but I think I lost my powers so I guess I am human". Sebastian got up and grabbed his human clothes and went in to the bathroom and got changed " I would like to leave and you have the key to the room can I have it".
Shīre shook her head at him, determined not to disobey her father's orders.

"I'm sorry, sir, but I can't give you the key. Besides, I don't have it."

She wasn't lying, but also wasn't telling the truth either. She didn't have the exact key, but she knew that she could open the door using another tool that she had on her.

She thought that this guy might be a little crazy from the fall of about three stories, and she then glanced at the door to the hallway. She could ask her father about him, but then he would be left alone.

Afterwards however, her father came back with a nurse and ordered Shīre out of the room for a while. He allowed the nurse to step inside the room and locked it behind her after giving her instructions. Shīre in the other hand was left outside the room and watched for a bit through the window.
Sebastian was a little scared he didn't have his powers to escape so he pointed his hand at the doctor like he is going to fire something out of it " stand back or I will fire my soul shot". He wasn't sure this would work but he had to try.

KG brushed past Marilyn, entering the hospital. Lights, sounds, and smells that were familiar to him assaulted his senses. He'd only been in a hospital a couple of times before, back when he was an angel, to soothe those who were loosing someone, or the person who was dying. He never liked the places, he ended up just sitting next to the mourning person and saying nothing. Afterall, there was nothing really to say. The person would die, then either go to heaven or hell. It wasn't up to KG to influence people to believe in god, that was god's job. And god did nothing. Nonetheless, KG was moved to a different job area in heaven after one of the patients he was watching over pulled his own plug.

Walking up to the counter, KG nodded at the lady behind it.
"Hello, I'd like to check in my brother. He's been having seizures lately, he hit his head the last one he had, and he's not waking up." The woman nodded. "We'll have a bed for him in a moment. Name?" "Sulfur," KG replied, "Blackbody." The woman nodded, scrawling on a sheet of paper. "And yours?" KG hesitated for a second, but caught himself."Keegan." "Relation is brother. Mmhmm. And you miss?" KG answered for her. "Jamie." The lady made a 'go on' gesture, he realized she was looking for a last name. "Wilson. No biological relation to the patient." Not the most generic name, but it was enough to cover Marilyn's tracks if the dark angel was chasing them. The lady behind the counter looked between KG and Marilyn, raising her eyebrows. Facepalming to himself, given that he was currently carrying a man-child, KG sighed. They didn't give off that vibe did they? "Down the hall, to the right. Room 104." The lady directed them, "the specialist will be with you as soon as he can." Nodding his thanks, KG followed the lady's instructions, jerking his head for Marilyn to follow.

Once inside the room, KG set Sulfur down on the bed, none too gently. He then stood by the door, gesturing for Marilyn to take a seat.
"Get comfortable. We're probably going to be here awhile."
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Marilyn scowls at the nurse before she turns to follow the man she now knew as Keegan down the hall. She did not appreciate the assumptions the woman had come to. Her and Keegan, no way that was ever going to happen. She found him to be brash, rude, and more than a little annoying with his whole "I can kill you if I want to" attitude but she was willing to be friendly enough considering he was Sulphur's brother. Grumbling to herself she steps into the room and ignores Keegan's gesture toward the chair. Instead, she leans her back against the wall, kicking one foot up to rest on the stark whiteness behind her. Folding her arms across her chest she frowns at the demon, her blue eyes blazing with her annoyance. "You could be more gentle with him you know? Why hasn't Sulphur woken up anyways? Did you mess up his head or something? And what kind of name is Keegan. Ugh, why am I even talking to you?!" she snapped before falling silent and staring down at the tiled floor. She knew she her behavior was ungrateful but there was just something about the demon that brought out the worst in her. To top it all off Sulphur had not woken up yet and she was worried there was something terribly wrong with him. She heaves a sigh and speaks, her voice barely higher than a whisper. "Sorry."

Shaking his head, KG scowled. "If you hadn't noticed, I gave her a fake name for you. If I didn't think it was necessary to not tell her your real name, do you think I'd tell her mine?" KG wiped his face, rubbing his temples. Was it just him, or were humans more stupid than when he was an angel? No matter. Hopefully he wouldn't have to put up with this one long. But then he'd forgottem, he would have to put up with this one. He'd made a deal. And KG was determined not to break any of his deals. Speaking of which, he still had to figure out how to deal with Mick's debt. His hand went to his pocket, remembering the suits wallet. Taking it out, he found a business card, and coincidentially enough, it had the bank Mick's house was being forclosed by listed as place of work. Oh, this was going to turn out nicely.

Frowning as Marilyn's incessant chatter penetrated his thoughts once again;
"Did you mess up his head or something?" "Why am I even talking to you?!" KG slowly turned his head from the wallet to Marilyn. "Listen, Marilyn. That, right there, is the first time I've ever attempted a lifesaving miracle. Hopefully, it'll be the last, because I didn't enjoy it. I don't know if Sulfur will ever wake up, all magic comes with a price. Perhaps this is said price." Sitting down in a chair at Sulfur's bedside, KG leaned forwards, resting his elbows on his knees. "Now. Correct me if I'm wrong, but before we entered the hospital, I vaugely remember telling a certain individual to keep their mouth shut. I would appreciate it if you remained quiet. If you don't, I will silence you more forcefully." Marilyn stared at the floor, a soft sigh escaping her lips. "Sorry," She said softly. KG gritted his teeth, leaning back in his chair. "You'd better be."

(@MyrnaCat13 now would be a good time for the good doctor to make an appearance)
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Shīre's father peered into the window of the room Sebastian was, watching carefully for a minute. However, a nurse walked over and told him about three kids in the room down the hall. He glanced at Shīre who was looking up at him with hopeful eyes. So far she enjoyed being here at the hospital.

The nurse spoke again. "Dr. Rolaf, we need to address the other kids."

Shīre glared at the nurse for her impatient attitude and then looked down the hall.

"Shīre." Her father said softly. "Go check in those kids, give them some company." He was obviously busy because there was another patient here.

Shīre nodded and wondered about what he was going to do, but she went anyways after he gave her the number.

After walking down the hall to the room at the end of the hall, she slowly opened the door to see Marilyn and she was shocked.

Then...who are the other two...?

Opening the door a little more, she saw the boy from before at the park, and then Sulfur on the table. Her expression became full of confusion and sorrow as she saw them, but tried to hide it as best she could.

KG looked towards the doorway as he heard someone approaching. Poking her head in was the green haired girl he'd talked with at the park. Well. This was coincidental indeed. What was she doing here? She wasn't wearing scrubs, she didn't work here. Perhaps she had listened to KG and believed she was crazy, going to the psyke ward for examination.

Sighing, KG stood up. He walked over to the doorway and knelt down in front of the girl. Observing her facial features, he could tell she was confused or sad, possibly concerned. Choosing his words carefully, KG attempted to diffuse the situation.
"Hello. I remember you from yesterday. It was nice of you to stop by, but at the moment, my brother is not well. What he needs is a trained professional, not a little girl." Standing back up, KG gently began to closse the door
Shīre's facial expression changed as her heart rate sped up and her nose twitched.

She pushed the door open and stepped in, trying to keep herself relatively calm. She was mad because he called her 'little girl' even though she was almost eighteen.

"I'm not here for games. Listen, my father works here and he wanted me to check on you before he stepped in. He's dealing with another patient."

She glanced over at Sulfur and continued to speak when she looked back to the boy in front of her.

"Besides, I should be allowed to see my friend."

After about a couple minutes, her father stepped in and examined the three other people in the room besides his daughter. He wasn't sure what was happening, but he knew that he wouldn't ask questions right now.

"Alright, Sulfur Blackbody, huh? Said to be suffering seizes and is not waking?" His voice was kind but a little deeper than one would expect.

He looked towards to the boy on the table, then towards the boy Shīre was talking to.

"Then you must be Keegan, correct?"

KG raised his eyebrows at the girl. A doctors kid huh? Well, this just got more and more interesting. This meant the doctor was a family man. Hmm. That meant he had some leverage if it came to it. He was about to retaliate with the "patients rights" shpeel, given that KG actually could be considered Sulfur's legal guardian, but the doctor came in then. KG's restraint was also

due to the fact that he wasn't exactly sure what country Kirnas was in, and what rights people had.

"Keegan" KG heard. Recognizing that as his alias, He looked up at the doctor.
"Yes, Keegan Blackbody. Older brother and legal guardian." He stated. Stepping back and gesturing to Sulfur, KG nodded to the doctor for him to do his thing. "Sulfur lives with me, but he's covered under my stepfathers insurance. I'll give your secratary his info when needed." KG was planning to give the secretary one of the suits's business cards at the opprtune time. By the time the hospital bills got to the man, KG and Sulfur would be long gone. He hoped. Besides, if everything went right the next few days, the suit would allready be dead.

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