A Visit to the Upper World - IC


Upon arrival, he saw his demon friend run away. "Must be busy. Shīre, a thought came into my head when running here. Humans have parents, right? Yours are probably worried. So, my friends back there gave me this for you to contact them with." Sulfur took out a flip phone and handed it to Shīre, smiling widely. He was curious about this other human girl, however. Were all humans female? He had seen the occasional male, but maybe they're all demons incognito? He's really only spoken to female humans. "Isn't it customary for humans to introduce someone to one another, Shīre?" Grinning, he looked at the sky and checked his watch. Dusk already? Although he wanted to fight more nightmares and gather information, he was intrigued by this other human female, who didn't seem to be phased by his fear aura, much like how Shīre has now become. He analyzed her. That pose wasn't anything any demons nor Shīre did. She also wore all black, with sunglasses.

This woman faintly reminded Sulfur of a demon's dream he once entered, because this demon had claimed constant nightmares causing sleepless nights. It seemed to be a cherry blossom tree hanging over a dark bench. This looked oddly human to Sulfur, which he noted. There was a male human and a female human sitting on that bench, the female holding a baby. This baby is the one he's comparing the new human girl in Kirnas to. The man, bawling, seemed to have announced he had some kind of disease and he was dying in one week. The woman, on the other hand, wasn't crying. She seemed neutral to the news. Sulfur could easily see how this was a nightmare. He disposed of it swiftly, receiving thanks from the demon the next morning.
Realizing she is still holding the cash the green haired girl had turned down, she nonchalantly shoves it back into her pocket and then folds her arms across her chest. Drumming the well manicured fingertips of her right hand over her left elbow, she quietly debates with herself as she continues to wait for the boy to arrive. Honestly, I just do not get people! It's free, why not take it? I was just trying to show some gratitude. Ah well, I suppose I could have been a bit nicer. She did give me back my Ray Bans. Stupid things cost me a fortune! Wait, what's this? Her thoughts begin to scramble as an odd sense of fear begins to assault her senses. What the hell is wrong with you Marilyn?! You suddenly scared of the dark? Hmm, something...isn't quite right. Maybe I'm just tired. Yea, tired, I shouldn't have stayed up so late last night.

Shifting on her feet, she raises herself to her full five foot eight and struggles to maintain control of herself as she quietly listens to the dark haired boy talking about her as if she wasn't even present. Well, he has no manners, that much is for sure! Mary, control your temper, you can handle this! That's right, just stand tall, chin up, we got this!

Silently, she hoped that her years of practice in self control would continue to pay off this time, as she stared to the side with what she hoped was a blank face, her brilliant, blue eyes focused on nothing in particular. As optimistic as she tended to be, there was no denying today has been a very long day and she wasn't sure if it was going to get any better. Finally, as the boy falls quiet, she softly utters a single word, "Marilyn..." Her voice is deep and Smokey but not unpleasant to most.

Sulfur crooked his head when the human said her name. He then gave his signature smile. "Sulfur Blackbody! Nice to meetcha, Marilyn! Your sunglasses are cool!" The cheeky, wide, and obviously enthused smile Sulfur was known for was blatantly expressed on his face. He soon plopped down where he stood and took out an object which looked like a trading card but thirty times thicker and made of titanium. Making various modifications to it with numerous tools, his smiled had faded to a completely neutral expression. "You two go sleep, I'll be here in the morning." This device would help him a lot on Earth. He now refused to move from this spot, constantly working on this device.
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Shīre looked at the girl who's name was apparently was Marilyn.

Marilyn seemed nice and all, but she looked kind of...awkward standing there.

Shīre shrugged this off and looked at Sulfur with a hard expression. She hopes that she could contact her mother so that way she wasn't freaking out, but...the story she will have to tell sooner or later...

Well...at least I might have a decent sleep...but, I kinda feel bad because he's gonna be here by himself...

Shīre felt guilt wash over her at the thought of Sulfur just standing here all alone in Kirnas. She had to think about her decisions wisely, because if she made the wrong one then it wouldn't be the best time. A sigh escaped her lips and she softened her gaze at the boy like she did before.

"Hey, uh...Sulfur. If you want, you can stay at my place for a little...you know, so you're not as lonely here...?"
...Kirai! Get up, I have a task for you.

Mitsue woke up with a start, his head spinning from his rude awakening. He had made his way to a calm park to relax until needed by his master. However, he had been waiting so long that he had fallen asleep on the bench he had sat down on. He scanned his surroundings on instinct: A group of people on a bench across from him - nothing out of the ordinary. Well, he thought that, but there was something off about them, he just couldn't quite put his finger on it. But before he could ponder it further, the Wind Lord spoke again, this time out into the open and with and excessively loud voice.

"Listen to me, Kirai, I have an important task for you."

Mitsue got up from the bench, got down on one knee and bowed his head, murmuring softly

"I am at you command, great Wind Lord."

A gust of wind stirred up some leaves, which began to glow softly. A blue, glowing circle etched itself into the pavement, pulsating and humming loudly. A jogger passing him scratched his head in confusion at the sight, but continued running in fear of being included in... Whatever that was.

"I believe you know of the crack in Hell, since you exited through it?"

Mitsue nodded, keeping his head down.

"The other Lords are unsure of how it has opened up. I do not usually work with them, but this is important. You are my best Disciple, so I want you to carry out this task."

Mitsue stood up and called to the leaves

"What is your task, master!?"

The wind picked up and swirled into a small pulsing whirlwind, an emerald silhouette of a bird in the centre.

"Find the other daemons and ask them how they got here. Befriend them and report back to me. There is a religious building in the city where you can contact me directly."

With that, the wind dropped and the silhouette dissipated, any trace of the contact gone without a trace. Mitsue stood up sheepishly, dusting the pebbles off his train.

"Ok, I better find out where they are, I suppose..."

He figured, setting off toward the gates of the park.
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Keeping her arms folded tightly across her chest, she pivots on her foot and turns to look at the boy who named himself as Sulphur, her unruly, raven hair falling back down over her eyes. "Sulphur? Seriously? You cannot possibly expect me to believe that is your real name! Sounds more like something some wannabe rock star would think up because it sounds cool. I suppose it explains things a bit though, what with your talk of demons and humans. Hey, you don't really think you're a demon do you?" Finishing her rant she sucks in a deep breath and quietly struggles to reign in the fear that has continued to grow within her.

The last time she remembered feeling like this was when her last boyfriend had thought volunteering at the local pound would be a good second date. "Come on Mare, it'll be fun! What's your problem anyways?" He had asked as they pulled up in front of what could only be described as her worst nightmare. It wasn't his fault really, he didn't know about her fears. Sadly, it had been the first and ultimately final nail in the coffin for their short lived relationship. How quickly the conversation had turned bad, her own ego refusing to admit the one thing that haunted her nightmares. Terriers, how aptly the little rodents were named; viscous, ugly little creatures!

She wasn't quite sure what had gotten into her today but she really did not like it. Marilyn was used to being in control, constantly wearing the carefully crafted mask she had designed to protect herself from the outside world. Now she could feel it slowly crumbling away under the constant bombardment of outright terror that threatened to overwhelm her senses and to make things worse she was taking it out on this poor kid. She inwardly groans, knowing this probably was not going to end well. Sad, the two seemed interesting enough, almost nice even. Deciding at this point, that it would probably be best to remain silent, she watches Sulphur and Shīre, determined that she would not be the first one to walk away.

Sulfur, uncharacteristically perceptive, began to notice Marilyn's loss of composure due to fear. This was to be expected and he's still surprised she lasted this long. But, this was the first real compliment he's ever been told. This snapped him out of his inventor mode and he smiled up at Marilyn. "I know my name's pretty weird, even to demons, but you still called it cool! Thanks a bunch, Marilyn! Also, if you don't believe I'm a demon, why don't you go sleep? I'll also bet you'll become less terrified the farther you are from me. And Shīre, you don't have a home in Kirnas." He laughed. "Sorry, I greatly appreciate the gesture but I can't leave Kirnas. I'd also like to mention really the only safe and somewhat timely way for you to get back to Giru is by what I believe are called 'cars'." Changing his gaze to the stars, he dreamed at the mass amount of possibilities there were in Earth's universe. Hell and Heaven were tiny in comparison to Earth's realm. It would take a demon to explore both within three years. An angel probably less so.

This began to make his gears turn. The device he was working on was almost essential to his operations on Earth, but maybe he could invent something for humans, too. He cared about nothing more than the happiness of others, this was a definitely engraved into his life. He snapped out of it and turned a cheerful gaze to Shīre.
"Also, my friends said humans require currency to buy a place to sleep. I did think ahead bringing you here, ya know." Sulfur handed Shīre about fifty dollars and smiled. "Like I said, I will be here when you wake up. You really want to worry about me, now? I thought demons were your mortal enemies!" He laughed profusely.

KG had finally determined how he would get the woman's soul. A flawless plan, really. Nothing that could be traced back to him, from a terrestrial point anyways. He had to find somebody else to do it. Somebody in need of help. Money, preferably, someone in desperate financial need. Smirking, KG went off in search of the unfortunate soul who fit the description he was looking for.

It didn't take him long really. In the city there was many homeless people. One held up a sign while he begged; "Will work 4 anything, Veteran, will loose house". KG ran a hand through his hair and tapped the man on the back of his shoulder. This wasn't the smartest idea, because the veteran appeared to be suffering from PTSD, and swung a hard left at KG. Ducking, he waved his hands apologetically.
"Woa woa woa hey now," KG soothed, "I'm just tryin' to help a brother out. I might have a job for you." The veteran, seeing that KG wasn't a threat, tucked his sign under his arm and gave him a hug. "Sorry sir, terribly sorry. I... I served in Iran, it was..." "Hell?" KG interjected, knowing it was far from it. But the human brain was fragile, so he could understand this man's pain. "Hey, all good, man. Here's this, what I need done is pretty sensitive, so how about I take you out for something to eat, and we talk aout it there?" The veteran nodded, he himself hadn't eaten at all today. Smiling, KG jerked his head to the nearest resteraunt. "C'mon. You choose where we go."

The veteran origionally wanted to go to McDonalds. The idea was thrown aside by KG.
"Dude, I don't want you eating garbage. Let's go to outback, get a good hearty meal in you." So they did. KG learned the Veteran's name was Mick. Mick had served in a batallion in Iran during the afgan-irani war in 2005. He'd been in multiple combat zones, and alot of his friends had died. KG litened, nodding intently every once in awhile.

After their meal was finished, KG finally told the man what was up.
"Tell me Mick... Are you religious?" Mick shook his head. "No sir. Grew up in the church, but it just felt like I was going through the motions. Maybe if I believed in a God, I wouldn't be in the situation i'm in now." KG raised his eyebrows, smiling. "Well, it's funny you should mention it, because you could think of me as... Your saving grace. An angel of sorts. seeing the distaste on Mick's face, KG held up a hand. "Purely metaphorically. I'm not actually an angel. And I'm no friend of jesus either." taking a sip of his water, KG continued: "You see, I'm an investor. I try my best to help people. I don't go out of my way to do it, but I've decided I wanted to help you. Now. Your sign said you'll loose your house. When is that going to happen?" Mick was listening now. He was paying attention. "In about six months. Why?"

KG stroked his chin, forming his next words carefully.
"Well then. What if I told you that you never had to make another house payment again? Perhaps, you take out a mortgage to get some extra money, and the bank simply... 'Forgets,' about what you owe them? Mick stood up. "Look, this all seems kinda shady, I'm not liking where this is going..." "Oh, come on, sit back down." KG waved to him, palm down, "I'm pretty high up. I can pull some strings. I told you I'm trying to do something good here, can you listen? Mick obliged, easing back down into his chair. "Now look," KG folded his hands and placed them in front of him on the table, "Once you loose your house, you'll be on the street. Maybe in a homeless shelter. Either way, it's going to be nigh impossible for you to get back on your feet, ever again." KG pulled an ornate piece of paper from within his hoodie, pushing it across the table to Mick. "All I need you to do, is sign this agreement that says you'll drive around this corner, at 45 miles per hour, at this exact time. And all your debt will be forgiven. You'll even make out with more money than you came into this situation with." KG rolled his fountain pen across the table to Mick. "Trust me. I'll have it all taken care of."

Mick had the creeping sensation that he was signing a deal with the devil. However, as he combed hrough the contract, he couldn't see anything about souls, or the supernatural. That was nuts anyways, he didn't believe in that shit. The contract did however say that he'd have 100% financial forgiveness, and he'd be enrolled for veterans benefits. But failure to keep up his end of the bargain made the contract null and void. He did have a car, an old, beat up one. And to be honest, the twenty bucks he'd pay for gas would be a small price to pay to get completely debt free. Nodding solemly, Mick Scrawled his signature on the dotted line.
"Thank you for your business, Mick. Mick saluted as KG stood up and walked away. "Not a problem, sir." However, Mick couldn't shake the feeling that clung to the pit of his stomach that he'd just woke the wrong dog.
Shīre paused a bit as Sulfur had responded to Marilyn's comment on his name with such enthusiasm. For whatever reason, Shīre relaxed more as she heard this. She didn't know why, maybe because he was just so optimistic.

She gave him a look that could easily be described to be saying 'are you serious'.

When he handed her a fifty, she hardened that look. She didn't want to leave him here by himself because most likely if she left he wouldn't be here. She didn't always take someone's word for it.

She sighed and glanced at Marilyn before looking at the road as a Taxi Cab drove by.

"I'll just stay here for right now."

She murmured.
Marilyn just could not seem to get her head around this odd situation. The girl who had turned down her money had easily taken his even though as far as she could tell Shīre had done nothing to really earn it. People certainly were strange. Glancing at Sulfur, she marvels at his response to her harsh words. She shakes her head softly, relaxing her posture and suddenly begins to laugh hysterically. Her arms slide down to her ribs and her hands clutch at her sides as she tries to pull herself under control. "You really are a strange one, aren't you? Look, I live nearby and it looks like she isn't going anywhere, how about you two come crash at my place for the night? Least I can do since Shīre returned my favorite pair of shades.", she somehow manages to squeeze the words out in between bursts of laughter.

Sulfur laughed with Marilyn. The offer to stay with her satisfied all previous questions. He could prove he was a demon, Shīre would be safe, and he could work on his device in peace. He didn't quite understand Shīre's look, however. "If Shīre will be safe, that's a-okay with me! But are you sure you want to keep me around? You'll still be scared until you fall asleep." He didn't seem to care if Shīre wanted to go with Marilyn, as he had planned to force her to go anyways. Putting his device into his pocket and biting on a probably stolen chocolate bar, Sulfur stood up and smiled at Marilyn. Was this the friendship he had searched for so long? Shifting his eyes and smile to Shīre, his thoughts remained unchanged. Humans really are neat.

The breeze hadn't changed in it's pace, but it got slightly warmer. He looked at the bustling trees then at the bustling city he stood in. He felt the grass move with his hair, and suddenly felt happy. There was only one thing missing. The other demon. However, he figured he couldn't do anything tonight. He sighed, the warm air becoming one with the like-minded breeze. "Let's get going then, eh?"

The wind whistled through his shaggy, white hair. His legs pumped, his arms stretched, repeating the same action over and over. Reach, grab, pull. Reach, grab, pull. KG was scaling an abondoned apartment building, window by window, a gust of wind helping him up each repetition. He climbed like a cat, moving swiftly and gracefully. Making it to the top of the apartment building, KG had gained just enough altitude to see the rest of the horizon. The sun shone bright orange, beams of radiance cascading over the city. Here he stood, silhouetted by the dying light of the setting sun.

A smile crept over his face, a genuine smile, not the devilish smirk he wore when he knew something was going his way. At least a thousand years (probably more) in hell, and this was the first time he was watching the sun set since he fell. Damn, it was beautiful. Felt good too, this time he didn't have Raguel barking down his neck, or crazy voices singing incoherently, almost intolerably angelic in the background. As of now, in this very moment, KG was a free man. The fallen angel who did what even Lucifer couldn't do for long periods of time. He had left hell.

Launching himself into the air, KG let his light self blow around in the wind, unzipping his hoodie and putting his hands in the pockets, stretching them outwards and using it as a type of glider. He found the one cloud he saw the previous night and alighted on it. Humans thought clouds were just bits of water. Well, they were right, but to angels, even the fallen ones, clouds were very special things indeed. Sitting down and lying back, KG used his powers to whip up the sides of it to envelop himself partially, his torsosticking out of the top. Collecting some of the cloud and sticking it behind his head, KG let out a happy sigh and closed his eyes. Because, afterall, as any angel will tell you (fallen, ex-human, arch, or otherwise), a cloud is the most comfortable place to sleep in the world.
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Shīre looked at Sulfur and then at Marilyn before speaking.

"I'm going home, Sulfur. I need to make sure my mother is ok."

With that she turned and started off for Giru, hoping that maybe the next day will be a little more relaxed.

Because everything was so tense that day, she started to have a headache which throbbed. She didn't want there to be anymore surprises, for it was harder to keep up with.
She rubbed her temples to receive the feeling of pain from her skull.
Suddenly Sebastian wakes up in a hospital bed . He sits up in the bed and looks at the time , it was 8:28 PM , of course he didn't know what that meant so he looked out side the sun was setting . He got up from the bed , the doctor walked in and told him to sit down
Marilyn's blue eyes sparkle with amusement as Sulfur joins in on her laughter. Odd, terrified as she was, she had not allowed herself to be this comfortable around other people for quite some time. She still didn't quite believe that the dark haired boy was a demon but figured it couldn't hurt to play along. "I don't mind the fear, it's perfectly fine. Besides, I doubt anything could possibly stand between me and sleep when I get home, it's been a long day.", she chirps, a wide grin on her face.

Running her fingers through her hair she watches Shīre walk away, confused as to why she was leaving. Her apartment really was close by, it would have only taken them ten minutes to walk. Sighing, she shrugs her shoulders and turns her attention back to the demon softly muttering, "Well, it looks like your friend isn't interested. You still coming? I really need to crash."

Sulfur was extremely not okay with Shīre walking home, alone, in the darkness. He gave her that phone for a reason. Tempted to just sleep gas her and drag her back, he believed this to be extremely immoral and he had already done enough to screw up Shīre's life. A wave of depression drowned Sulfur. However, he didn't let this affect his smile and eyes. "Okay. Lead the way, O fair Marilyn!" The walk there was full of pleasant conversation between the two. Sulfur mainly spoke about the stars and the Universe, and how curious it made him. "One day, I wanna see it all in person." Once the pair arrived, the human went into her kitchen to ge- "FOOD!" Sulfur, with the widest and mischievous grin in the universes, ate as much food(if not a little more)than his new friend did. Waving her off to bed, he got back to work on his device.

In the dead middle of the final process, he heard erratic movement and quiet yet still screamy screams. You know, the kind of screamy screams that weren't a loud level of screaminess but were still pretty screamy scream. His new friend was having a nightmare. Determined to save her and also prove his demon species, he entered her dream. It looked a lot like regular Kirnas, but all lights were off, no people were present, Hell not even a single car.
Do all human females dream of loneliness? Then, suddenly, he heard massive and heavy footsteps. I can tell this will be a grand adventure already.
Marilyn still had an overwhelming sense of fear and danger, but she coped with it as best she could, dismissing it as her own exhaustion and irritation at her father's rejection. She enjoys Sulfur's friendly banter and readily chimes in as they stroll to her cozy two bedroom house, a mere ten blocks away from the park they had just left. The universe was indeed fascinating, an endless expanse full of limitless possibilities, so much of it still left to be discovered and understood. She had never really wanted to explore it much herself but she loved the mystery that surrounded it. "Hmm, so you want to be an astronaut then?" She was not quite sure if this was what her new companion had meant but it was her best guess. After all, demons don't really exist, do they?

Entering into the house, she shrugs off her jacket and tosses it onto the couch, then turns right and heads into the kitchen. Rummaging through the fridge, she set out a large spread of cold meats, cheese, fruit and crackers to share with Sulfur, delighting in how much the thin demon was capable of putting down. He really was an odd one. Finishing her meal she chuckles as he shoos her off to bed and leaves the rest of the food out, just in case her new companion found himself hungry again, heading to her room with a loud yawn. Not really caring that she had just left a stranger with full run of her home.

Just as she had expected, she had no trouble finding sleep that evening. No sooner had she placed her head on the pillow after changing into a light t shirt and shorts, darkness overtook her and the real terror began. It was the same nightmare she had been having ever since she was three. The city was cold and quiet, all lights off and not a single car drove down the street. "Hello?!", she called out, only to hear her own voice echo back to her over and over again from the walls of the towering buildings. Then, the footsteps came, heavy and hard, causing the ground to vibrate beneath her. "No no no no no no, this cannot be happening! Please, not again!", she whimpered as she took off running at breakneck speed. She did not dare look back, she knew what was coming, she had seen it so many times before all she had to do was close her eyes to see the beast. Tears streak down her cheeks and she pushes herself forward, her bare feet slamming painfully against the pavement. Rounding the corner she trips, just like she always does and stares up in helpless terror at the hideous monstrosity that was pursuing her.

Standing 40 foot high, the shaggy, blonde Pekingese looked down on her with glowing red eyes. His maw was stretched wide in a ferocious snarl, revealing bloodstained, razor sharp teeth the size of small trees. The beast let forth a terrible growl, the buildings around her shaking with the sound, and bent his head. Drool dripped from his mouth, making hissing sounds as it burned into the pavement at her feet. Marilyn stared up in abject horror, unable to do anything but cry and silently pray for a quick ending, her muscles paralyzed with fear.
Sh?re had arrived home, shaking from the idea that her mother might not have been home. However, that thought was quickly pulled away from her when she heard the familiar screech of a higher pitched wail of a women behind her.


Sh?re quickly turned around and saw her mother for only a second before being pulled into a hug that could have easily have crushed her. At this point her mother was screaming in her ear that she was scared.

Sh?re didn't take it as a surprise because she thought as much.

"Mom, it's fine, I'm ok. I was just making new friends..."

At this her mother calmed her self a bit and released Sh?re of her death grip. Wiping her eyes, she looked at the small green-haired girl and smiled.

"Your father would love to hear that."

Sh?re has a second to process that before hey eyes widened and she grabbed her mother's arms, speaking lowly and nervously.


Her mother nodded and smiled before motioning to the living room where the usual fire was made.

Another second and Sh?re smiled and ran into the living room, skidding to a halt and looking around, scanning the room. Over off to the left side was a couch, a beautiful red couch that looked as though it had been newly refurbished. Over to the side was an ordinary lamp and a red chair.
Sh?re was about to give up on it, but finally she noticed a man in a chair in the left corner next to the fireplace, and a wide smile spread across her face. She quickly rushed over with tears in her eyes as she hugged her father tightly.

At her hug, her father dropped his book and saw the long locks of green on his torso. It took him a long time before he realized that it was his only child that he had said goodbye to before leaving for a long 5 years in another country. He was so happy to see her, and after being full of work and stress, it was great to finally be able to be there for his daughter.

However, he might have to leave again, but he wouldn't tell her that unless it actually had to happen.
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Dashing to Marilyn and taking her with him to cover, he looked into her eyes and smiled. "I'll save you, don't worry." He winked, then ran in front of the nightmare dog. Sulfur made his right hand a fist and shot his arm up. NIGHTMARE PULL. The sky had swirled into a deep blackness, and the dark, ominous clouds funneled into his fist. The clouds did this until there was none left, leaving a crimson sky. "Human dogs are nothing to hell hounds. This is my nightmare!" He made finger guns with both his hands, and shot black lightning bolts at a high fire rate out of each, bombarding the Pekingese. Sulfur then shot himself up into the air, becoming eye-level with it. He grinned before roundhouse kicking it to the floor and landing gracefully. His hands were charged with black lightning, and he used these to grab the dog of nightmares by it's nose. "I threw a frisbee a while ago. Why don't you go-" He threw the dog so fast and far north it became out of sight. "-fetch." Sulfur was prepared this time to be launched out of the dream.

He ended up lying next to Marilyn, and, fully aware of the connotations, he darted out of the room and resumed work on his device. In about half an hour, he had finished. A trans-dimensional camera phone. The phone itself was made of a purple metal, and it only weighed a gram. Strangely, a call from Hell came in a few minutes after completion.
"Sulfurious X. Blackbody. I knew one day you'd make this device, so I had sensors constantly monitoring for new devices connected to either of the ethereal planes. Unfortunately, your family or patients never gave out a location for you as they died. Now I know; you're on Earth. If you don't know who I am..." An angel with pitch black wings came soaring through one of Marilyn's windows, holding a black blade which radiated the same crimson which was Sulfur's eyes. Pitch black clothing and hood covered anything else. "...I am Moloch." Sulfur had heard of him while in Hell, and he was revered as the strongest of demons. This was not even close to good.

The enemy shot a black arrow out of his free hand, puncturing Sulfur's stomach. As he was flying back with the arrow in him, many thoughts flooded his mind. How he had disappointed Shīre, how the other demons, even the one he met here, have been disappointed by Sulfur. Flashbacks of him getting bullied and thrown around drowned him. Shīre's terrified face flowed through. The demon sneaking away as he returned to the park. She leaving him with Marilyn, who at least complimented his name. Sulfur hit the wall with his back and slid down to the floor. His stomach turned to sleep gas and the arrow fell out, the wound remaining. He stood up, his hair covering his eyes and his mouth forming a serious position.
"I didn't expect it to be so easy. I will not let you live, Blackbody!" Moloch charged at Sulfur with his blade outwards. A "schling" sound could be heard...
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KG's eyes fluttered open. He'd awoken with the sunrise. Not too bad, his internal sense of time that all angels had said it had been at least eight and a half hours. Stretching, he patted the cloud he'd slept on. "A promise is a promise," KG smiled, standing up. Spreading his arms, KG closed his eyes and fell forwards.

He decided it was a new fascination of his, falling. Symbolic, really. Falling from heaven, falling from the sky after being chucked out of a mountain, and now, falling from the cloud he'd slept on. Once an angel, now a fallen one, still with a love for the sky. And constantly, constantly falling. A broad, warm smile spread across his face, one that he'd never let anyone see. Using the wind to guide him, KG drifted between two buildings, splaying out his arms and legs to wedge himself in place, a gust of wind upwards to keep his limbs from snapping off from the sheer pressure of falling at least 40,000 feet. He gently slid down the rest of the way by gradually loosening his grip, letting go the last two stories. Given his slight weight, he wasn't even shocked by the drop. Swinging his arms behind him and in front of him, KG stepped out onto the sidewalk.

Standing on the corner of the sidewalk, KG looked up at the nearest clock, which just so happened to be hanging from a nearby lamp-post. 6:28AM. Rocking back and forth on the balls of his feet, his keen eyes watching people walk. There were only a few out this early, most of those who arose before seven had the mind to pay for public transportation. Hardly a car was in the street. Coincidentially, (or not?) KG was in front of the Pastry Place. It's neon sign didn't flash, and the paper one hanging from the door read "CLOSED". KG did, however, observe those he'd made contracts with. And the doughnut lady, as he'd taken to calling her, had a bad habit. Jaywalking. She came to work every day at 6:30, and crossed the same street the same way at the same time every day, monday to friday. KG's face was solemn, but this had to be done. No way was he running into Raguel again. Next time, he'd have backup. And next time, KG might not come away with his claws clean. He might not come away at all.

6:30. KG spotted her. The doughnut lady. She was walking straight towards the pastry shop. Tick. Tick. Tick. She'd stepped off the curb now. Her foot had touched the street, the black pavement colliding with the brown sole of her shoe. Tick. Tick. Tick. The digital clock changed. 6:31. Right on time, a gray, rusted out jalopy rounded the corner, making a (legal, by the way) right turn past the bakery. The pastry lady didn't even have time to react before the fender smacked into her midsection, sending her sprawling. She flew forward a good ten meters, rolling against the pavement. To top it off, she smacked the back of her head on the nearby lampost with the clock on it KG was watching. It didn't take a medical genius to tell that the woman was dead. The car door opened and Mick stepped out, covering his open mouth with his hand. The man couldn't believe what had just happened. He looked around, first at the light to see that he hadn't mistook the traffic signal (he hadn't), then to the woman. As KG stepped into his gradual field of vision, Mick's eyes only widened. He was speechless, not even words could describe the confusion he felt right now. KG stepped up to the woman, bending over her, placing his hand on her chest. As her last breath was released, KG's hand glowed, her soul seeping into his existance.

Standing up, KG headed away down the street, brushing past Mick and his car.
"You've held up your end of the bargain. You'll be debt free within a day or two. And then he left, leaving a sobbing Mick, a car with a newly formed dent in the hood, and a corpse whos soul would never see heaven, nor hell.

As KG continued down the street, he could feel the newfound strength he had absorbed from the soul. Coursing through his veins was something new, neither angelic nor demon. It was... Foreign. It didn't feel good, but it certainly made him feel bigger. Metaphorically really, he wasn't anymore than the one kilogram he usually was. But damn, it was something. His attention was grabbed by something far off along the horizon. The untrained eye would just see a bird, but KG could tell that the black spec with wings circling above was no eagle. It was an angel. His breath quickened, his face flushed. He started quickening his pace, rapidly placing one foot in font of the other. For the first time in a long time, KG felt something else foreign aside from the soul coursing through his veins. He felt fear. His brisk pace eventually built up into a run, and he blew past other pedestrians, bumping into them, trying to gain some ground on his winged enemy.

Looking back over his shoulder, KG noticed that the angel wasn't headed towards him. It was closer to the ground now, KG's trained eyes could make out the color of its wings. Black. KG's origional state of panic turned into one of curiosity. Someone shoved him. "Hey, I'm walkin' here kid, buzz off!" A man in a suit said. KG did as he was told, but not before using a bit of air magic to blow the mans wallet out of his pocket. Picking it up and sticking it in his own for future use, KG began to follow the dark angel.

As he got closer, he could see the angel had selected a particular apartment to land in. KG wanted to leave it alone, but something told him to keep investigating. His angel side said that someone with dark wings had no place on earth. That was true, in all his time in heaven, KG had never seen an angel with any other colored wings than white. The fallen part of him told him that it wasn't important, The fallen part of him had dismised the figure, and wanted to go about seeing what was in the suits wallet. As his hand went to his pocket, KG pulled the wallet out halfway, then stopped.
"Jesus christ," He mumbled, dropping the wallet and wiping his face with both his hands, "What the hell are you getting yourself into? Reasoning he'd find out soon, he pushed open the doors to the apartment building and shot up the stairs.

Once he'd identified the apartment the 'angel' had entered, KG slowly eased open the door. No sooner had he done so than Sulfur was shot with an unholy arrow, being thrown against the wall. The 'angel' was not that, as it drew a blade that glowed with demonic light. Not taking any time to ask questions, KG shot forwards, using the air to push himself with inhuman speed. His hand glowed blue, his claws forming. Bracing his legs far apart for impact, he grabbed the blade in his left hand, holding it above his head.
"SCHLING" the blade sung, running up his hand all the way to the crossguard. KG stood his ground, his hand now glowing neon blue, his veins a darker shade and the tips of his fingers formed into points. His eyes shone, the right one blue, the other red. He stared defiantly at the agressor, who still held the blade, albeit restrained at the hilt by KG's unique grip.
Sulfur Blackbody

Sulfur shadow walked behind Moloch, although wounded he was still fully capable of going full power. His right fist became charged by black lightning as he hit the pressure point behind Moloch's jaw. He was confident this would at least break his jaw. This didn't even leave so much as a bruise on his foe's face. It did, however, save his fellow demon from the blade. Shadow walking next to the demon to dodge a powerful slash, Sulfur maintained the serious face and neutral eyes. Sulfur looked at the damage that missing slash caused. The area where he stood was absolutely decimated. It was even smoking. Although Sulfur himself and probably his partner weren't scared, he was in utter awe of Moloch's power. Of course, he didn't physically display this. The pain in his abdomen was powerful, but it wasn't poisoned at least. He also considered that one of them needs to discreetly get Marilyn out of here, or she'll be tortured to death much like the demons in Hell. God and Lucifer, how was this going to work out? Thankfully, Sulfur had a plan. Putting on a faux smile and fake happy eyes, Sulfur nudged his partner. "You're like a damn angel magnet, demon-bro! I'll call you if I ever need heavenly feathers!" A very convincing fake laugh followed. "....Angel magnet?" Moloch looked at them with a sincere yet malicious curiosity. "Oh, yeah! This guy even shook hands with a few of 'em last night!" Sulfur's acting was surprisingly impeccable.

He did take note that his demonic partner came to save him. Sulfur was led to believe he hated him, it was one of the reasons he was about to let himself die by Moloch. Judging by this, he was entirely incorrect. He wondered what other things Earth was hiding from him. This was interrupted by a feeling of utter wooziness. The amount of blood he was losing combined with the pain was finally getting to him. Stoicism took over and he hid it well, but he didn't know how much longer he could last. He hoped with so much energy this plan would work well and fast.
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Shīre awoke to her mother shaking her, and as her eyes fluttered open, her father stood there as well, but...in his work clothes...

Shīre felt her heart sink as the idea of her father leaving once more flooded her. She didn't want him to leave, and especially not for another year or two. He had already been pulled from her because he was needed to do studies on a creature that they found that wasn't even relatively real. It was a creature that was living on this earth, but it seemed almost unnatural that it would be so...strangely mangled.

Shīre's eyes began to display the sadness she felt, which made her father frown.

"Do you have to leave again, Chi..."

Shīre's father shook his head and smiled at her before helping her sit up. He kneeled in front of her and held her hands tightly as he replied with such great news.

"No, Shīre...I am never leaving again. I found a permanent job here."

At those words the young girl allowed her eyes to water before hugging her father tightly, relieved that he was able to stay with her from now on.


Shīre's Father was given a new job as a doctor at one of the hospitals in Kirnas, and today he had taken her with him so that way he would be able to spend a little more time with her. She didn't mind it, and all the people at the hospital were really nice to her. The patience were pleasant too, and each one smiled as she spent time with them, especially the elderly.

She noticed that the hospital wasn't busy, and peeking into most rooms showed them to be empty. It was calming to her that she would be able to relax, since all the demon stuff. However, that was about to change.

Her father was with a patient named Sebastian, a man who fell from about 3 stories and somehow survived with only minor cuts and bruises. Her father wanted to check to make sure he wasn't mentally deranged, but Shīre watched from the window of the hallway that lead into the room with a curious look in her eyes.

She waved once when he noticed her, and pulled a small, friendly smile too. Then, she started to walk around again and talked to a couple other patients.

The dark angel didn't swing the blade at KG again, however, it did slash at Sulfur twice more. He missed, but the little demon was being more of an annoyance than anything else. The dark angel would stick him again, sooner or later, and when he did, KG would be next. He felt pumped from the soul he'd absorbed, but it wouldn't be enough to keep him at bay. "Oh yea!" Sulfur said, a bit too cherrily for KG's taste, "This guy even shook hands with a few of 'em last night!" The dark angels hooded face slowly turned to KG. Shit. Silently cursing sulfur, he kept his claws at the ready, once again, thinking on his feet.

"Not gonnal lie, that never happened." KG said, "But hey. I did know some of those guys." The dark angel didn't seem to deterred, and KG could see his grip tighten on the blade he carried. "However. Claiming to know someone doesn't mean I do. You should know that names have power. I've already been visited by the archangel of vengeance once and left alive. Next time he comes, he'll probably have company." KG flexed his hands, wiggling his claws. "It should be mentioned I like making deals. I currently have a contingent offer with the archangel. So I'll make you a deal. You leave us alone, and I don't call him." Eyes still glowing, KG slowed his breathing, trying to keep his heart rate at normal. This dark angel was probably someone pretty powerful. He wasn't especially bluffing, he could probably cry out to god for help, and help would come. If it worked though, he'd probably die. If it didn't work, hell, he'd die anyways. But KG wasn't planning on dying, he'd run if it came to it. He wasn't proud, and he'd be chased, but he'd still have his life.
Sulfur Blackbody

Sulfur grinned. Please fall for it, Mr. Asshole Dark Angel. We both might die if you don't. Moloch stared very intently into his partner's eyes. Most likely seeing if he was lying. The dark angel scoffed and flew away. Sulfur's face returning to the sincere one he isn't known for, he fell to the ground. "Ugh... I've lost too much blood..." He coughed up a good puddle. Was this the end? A single arrow to kill all he's worked for and done and maybe ever will do? It can't end like this. Sulfur knew he was stronger than that. He looked into the demon's eyes with the most serious pair of eyes a demon could have. "There's a hospital somewhere.... please..." Coughing again, Sulfur maintained eye contact. For some reason, he had always put a good portion of his trust into this demon whose name remained unknown. He then looked towards Marilyn's in tact room. She was still asleep. But, who knows might come next? She might still be in danger. Sulfur fell to his back.

Returning eye contact with the demon, he muttered with little to no energy
"Never mind me... the girl in that room, get her out of here..." Coughing left and right, the little demon couldn't take much more. It was ironic, really. Someone who never had friends, who always hated others because of it, was trying to give his life for someone he just met. This nightmare demon, wanted everyone to keep having dreams. Sulfur had then passed out.
That night while Sebastian was asleep he had a dream of meeting a girl with green hair and he called out to her like he knew her name "Shīre" she started to turn around but then he woke up and all he could think about was that name Shīre.

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