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A Vampire and a Fae Walk Into a Bar

He stopped when he was just a few inches away from her, his hand rising up to cradle her cheek. "Your skin is so soft..." He whispered, a note of see entering his voice. Luelle was a perfect, ethereal being... She was beautiful. And with that he simply couldn't resist his urges any longer.

He kissed her softly. He didn't pull away after a respectable amount of time, instead he simply deepened the kiss, his lips gently molding to hers firmly.
Luelle didn't pull away from his touch even though she should have. She also should have pulled away when he kissed her but she didn't then either. The thought to leave and never see Kayre again made her heart ache even as he was there kissing her so gently. This was wrong. He'd get hurt. Lucille would be hurt. How could Luelle be so selfish though?

She couldn't resist him any longer it seemed though. She leaned against him and returned his affections equally. Just let her have this one happy moment.
Feeling her response, Kayre couldn't hold himself back any longer. Stepping up so there was no distance between them, he placed his hand on the small of her back, his other moving from her cheek to the back of her head to press her closer. Sliding his fingers into her hair, he tilted her head back so that he could slam his mouth down on her again. Gentle still but harder, more... hungry.
Luelle felt her heart racing as Kayre closed this distance between them. She was losing her resolve every second that ticked by to push him away. She didn't even hear the noise of the bar any more. As far as she was concerned they were the only two present. She wrapped her arms around his neck relishing in every sensation and feeling he brought about. Just a moment longer is what she kept telling herself.

Eventually she did start to pull away from him though very reluctantly.
With a tortured groan Kayre allowed Luelle to pull away, taking one last deep inhale of her scent before straightening up to look at her with his golden eyes. "Where's Lucille?" He asked, wondering if the other Fae could be convinced to help him try to woo Luelle. Then he remembered the person claiming to be Luelle's father and he frowned. That man made it clear that he couldn't be with her... At all. But Kayre did not intend on giving up. He would fight for her.

"I want to meet your father." He suddenly declared to Luelle, jaw set. "I want to tell him my feelings for you and try to convince him to let me woo you." This would be the fastest way, he knew. Best to go directly to the source then work downwards.

(Sorry for the late reply, I had a major case of writers block and I had to struggle through some remaining bit of it to get this out.)
Luelle had turned to look around the pub for her friend but her attention suddenly snapped back to Kayre when he asked to meet her father. She hadn't expect that sort of demand at all and wasn't sure how to reply exactly. Her eyes scanned over Kayre's expression to see if maybe he had been joking but it didn't appear to be the case.

"That wouldn't be a very good idea. He'd permit you to set up a meeting out of politeness but what you're asking..."

She sighed and turned just in time to see Lucille sitting at the bar trying her best to not look in their direction. Lucille was trying to avoid being a witness to any intimate moments so that she wouldn't be lying if she told Luelle's father she hadn't see anything.

"Being what I am means I have to meet certain expectations. If I don't do my duty then I get punished."

She was trying to explain something common within her culture without telling too much information. Part of her - a little voice - commented that she should just let him meet with her father since maybe it would help Kayre better understand the situation.
Kayre set his jaw and had to resist the urge to grab her and just kiss the senses out of her. "Then come with me, I'll protect you. We could do anything, I just want to be with you..." Shaking his head softly, he sighed. "I'm sorry, that was wrong of me. I won't force you to abandon everything you know just to come with me." He didn't add that he wasn't worth that much, scared that the one woman he had chosen to pursue might just leave him.

"Maybe I should just meet with your father. I want to explain to him how I feel about you, maybe he would be convinced then..." Even Kayre could hear the doubt in his own voice. Judging by what Luelle was trying to tell him, it wouldn't be that easy, but he had to try. There was no way he was going to give up.

(Again, so sorry for the long delay. I hope you can forgive me.)
Luelle debated fiercely within herself. His offer was tempting but those type of actions and thoughts weren't as easy as human movies made them about to be. In reality there were many things that would happen as a result of any action she took and not any of them would be positive. She wasn't sure how persistent Kayre would be. So far her half-hearted rejections weren't working to separate them.

"I'll speak with my father, but I wouldn't expect any sort of friendly discussion or for him to even considered any sort of proposal from you," she warned.
"Luelle, I am going to fight for you. Even if I have to fight your father, I will." Kayre said softly, one hand coming up to cradle her cheek once more. He just couldn't stop himself from touching her, making sure she was real. She seemed to good to be true, perfect in almost every way. And the fact that she wanted him - at least, Kayre hoped she wanted him - that made everything he would have to go through in the future worth it. Just to know that she would smile at him, like this.

His other hand drifted down to hers, gently clasping her fingers tightly as he leaned down to brush his lips against hers again, helpless to stop himself. Her scent made his fangs ache but he refused to show her, not wanting to ruin the moment.

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