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A Twist in Time (Scarlett Ivy & Terra)

Anastasia snuck out the castle at a late hour in a grey shift dress and her black cloak. It was raining, her favorite kind of weather. Rain was free and liberating like how she dreamed to be. But at the bright age of 19, she needed to be a proper queen. Which meant lessons of all boring sorts, meeting with all her advisors on things that are super important as they say, and meeting all potential husbands that all the same boring, stuck up, and want to make her boring and dull like the rest of her life. She didn't want that and her Father didn't want that for her either when he was still alive. He wanted her to get to know the people of the kingdom, get out a lot, and find someone she actually loved. Since her father died last year, Anastasia had to lose all of that and become queen. Now the kingdom wanted a king and she had yet to find that. The only time she had to be herself was at night when the darkness could hide who she was and she could be as free as a bird. So when she finally snuck out into the back garden, Anastasia started to dance in the rain hoping no one would discover her some what "childish" behavior as queen. She loved to hear the thunder roar and the lightening flash. She also loved how the rain drenched her skin. She giggled as she jumped in the puddles. The guards knew of her nightly charades so they didn't mind. She looked up at the gloomy but lovely sky, and prayed that god would hopefully bless her with someone that would be different for once.
Troy opened his eyes suddenly, startled as he felt water splashing on his face. It was raining and he could hear the thunder roaring in the distance. He had a massive headache and felt his head was about to explode. He slowly sat up as he rubbed his forehead and looked around. He could see the edge of a forest to his left and a big stone building ahead of him the distance. He didn't recognize his surrounding, especially when the city he lived in didn't have any forests or stone buildings. He felt panic rush through him as he tried to recall what happened and how he got here, but he couldn't remember a thing. "What have you gotten yourself into this time Troy." He whispered as he reached out for his cellphone, he was going to call his father who will surely give him the usual 'how could you be so irresponsible at 20 years old' speech. But the cellphone had no signal whatsoever. He tried standing up but still nothing. The rain has soaked his blue jeans and brown leather jacket and shirt and he needed somewhere to dry up and a phone. He closed his eyes and took a few deep breaths to calm down the fear he was feeling, then he started walking towards the big stone build. Maybe someone there can help him.
Anastasia could hear foot steps approaching her. She panicked as she quickly pulled up her hood and hid behind a tree. The last thing she needed was to be murdered by some thief. She was baffled how this mysterious person got inside. The castle was pretty much guarded, so how did this person. Of course Anastasia loved all her subjects, but recently there had been some thefts in the kingdom. She reached under her skirt and placed her hand on her dagger that the knights have given her to protect herself. She was skillful with a blade thanks to her father. She peaked around the tree to look at the person that was approaching. She gasped and went behind the tree. It was a man, but thank god it wasn't a murderer or a thief. She slowly peaked out and looked out again at this man. He was oddly dressed, but very attractive. He looked older, but not much older than she. Anastasia felt her cheeks get hot, and heart skip a beat. What was going on? She noticed a lost look on his face and was about to cry out for help. Anastasia started to panic if he screamed out, people would wake up and she would get in trouble for not being in bed. She took a deep breath and pulled out her blade while stepping out slowly behind him putting her hand on his mouth and her blade close to his neck. "Make a sound and you will die." She says taking away her hand and blade slowly.
Between the massive headache he had and the pouring rain Troy was feeling really lost. And the fact that it was raining really confused him, they were in the summer, how can it rain so heavily?" He walked slowly while taking in the scene around him. As he got closer to the stone structure he started to realize how massive it really was. It looked like it was a castle! His heart started beating faster as looked took some deep breaths. There was something strange about the air, it was... clean. Maybe this was just a nightmare that he needed to wake up from, he slapped his face but it all that did is add to his headache. "Oh God, what is going on... where am I?" He said as he continued on towards the castle, all the while he was trying to hard to remember what happened to him and how he ended up here. "Okay Troy, you're fine... Just keep it together, we'll get to that castle structure and borrow a phone... And a hot soup sounds pretty good right now." After a couple of minutes and out of nowhere a hand grabbed his mouth while he felt a sharp sting on his neck. His body shook as a jolt of fear surged through his body. But he didn't try to talk, he simply nodded and slowly raised his hands. The voice was of a young girl's from what he could tell. This night just keeps getting better for him.
Anastasia put her blade down and pushed up her hood while stepping in front of him. She didn't want him to recognize her, then get all proper. she didn't want to be treated like a queen right now. She got a better look at him now that he was in front of her. She felt her cheeks getting hot again, but she quickly shook that off. Even though she didn't want to be treated like a queen, She didn't want to appear weak and vulnerable. He might take advantage of her she didn't know what could happen. She looked at him again, he looked scared for his life. She slowly and shakily raised her dagger. " I give you permission to speak.Who are you and how did you get in here? How did you get through all those guards at the gates? Its impossible!" she exclaimed quietly as she took a step closer to him eyeing him up. He was very attractive, she wasn't gonna lie. He looked like he would make a powerful king, but he wasn't royal. He certainly didn't dress royal. He looked like the fools that come to entertain Anastasia once a month. She couldn't think like this with him in front of her. It was completely inappropriate, and not how a queen should behave. Thats the one thing she could agree with in all her boring lessons. She needed to be strong while in this situation.
As the girl stepped around and stood before him, he couldn't really make out her features very well because of her hood but from what he could see, she was beautiful, maybe a few years younger than him. Any she was wearing odd and interesting clothes. His deep blue eyes stared at her as he awaited her instructions. He tried to relax and calm himself down but the cold and his soaked clothes didn't help him stop shaking. His mind started thinking of a way out, a way that he could defend himself as she slowly raised her blade. But he didn't think he was capable of doing anything in his current state. And she looked like someone who knows her way around a blade. He looked at her with a confused expression as she asked him her questions. Gates? guards? What was she talking about. He drew a heavy breath this spoke. "I... I don't know how I got here. I must've passed out or something and I woke up in this place a few minutes ago. I mean you no harm, where are we? What is this place?" He asked in a serious tone. "Can I please borrow your phone? I need to call my family. And my phone is not getting a signal in here."
(OOC: Hahahaha she's only 19 and he's 20 theres only a year difference)

Anastasia pitied the poor man in front of her. In her mind, she believed he was shaking in fear of her. She wasn't a fearful queen, she was actually very kind. She was only like this to defend herself. She quickly put away her knife under her skirt. "I'm sorry to scare you theres just people out there who harm you know." she says kindly as she noticed he was shivering. She took off her cloak and put it on his shoulders. Yes it was damp from the rain, but it could at least warm him up some what. "We are in England and this is the castle of one of its many kingdoms. What is this magical device called a phone? I'm sorry you're lost maybe you could tell me what kingdom you're from. We could get a letter out to your kingdom" Anastasia smiled her light grayish blue eyes met his while she gave him a small smile. Her dark brown hair that is usually waves was drenched straight. She pulled him under a tree to get him out of the rain somewhat. "Don't want you to catch a cold." she says kindly. She felt bad he was away from his home, people probably missed him very much. He was probably married most people at her age were married.
He was surprised by her act of kindness as she put her cloak on his shoulder. "Th... Thank you." he managed to say as he tried to understand why she did it. His mouth and eyes opened wide as she explained that they were in a castle in England. What is this some kind of a joke? "England? We're in England? No, no, this can't be. It's impossible! Are you trying to play some kind of trick on me?" He said accusingly but then calmed himself down. "Many kingdoms? England has many kingdoms?" Then an important question dawned on him as they reached the tree. "The year, what year is this?" He asked her as he slowly puller out his phone, it was still malfunctioning and had no signal. "This isn't a magical device, it's a phone, haven't you ever seen one?" He said as he showed it to her. With the screen glowing in her face he could make up her features more clearly. She was much more beautiful than he first thought with her brown hair and captivating eyes. And she was so kind towards him even though he was a stranger to her. "I'm sorry about all these questions but I'm... I'm lost. I'm not from a Kingdom, I'm from a place thousands of miles away from here." He then extended his hand towards her. "I'm sorry I haven't intreduced myself, I'm Troy."
Anastasia nodded he thanked her. He seemed shocked that she was so nice to him, did he not know who she was? She was taken back by him freaking out, what did he mean if she was tricking him? She would never do that if was her subject or not. She tries to put her hand on his back to calm him down. What's scaring him so much? "It's the year 1066, and where are you from if you're not from England?" She studied his weird and mystical device he called "a phone". It was odd, but very bright. It hurt her eyes so she squinted at the sight of the bright almost blinding light. "I've never seen anything like this before. It's simply magical!" she said looking it closely and squinting. "It's ok knowledge unlocks all sorts of doors so asking questions just gets the keys."she says simply with a smile as the phone's screen turns off. She looked at his hand as he introduced himself to her, what a weird greeting? Anastasia smiled and curtsied, "My name is Anastasia, but please I prefer you to call me Anya. Anastasia is way too proper, unless you're married of course than your wife might not like you calling me by my short name." she says getting back up from her curtsy. "It's very nice to meet your acquaintance Troy." She decided not to add the fact she was queen because she was enjoying his company, and didn't want the night to end.
Troy felt every muscle in his body stop functioning as he slowly sat down when she told him what year it was. "1066? That's impossible! How could this happen?" He said as he put his hands on his black hair. He was silent for a time, trying to wrap his mind around this reality. He was pretty sure now that this wasn't a dream, he would've woken up by now. He tried to reach out for his memories again but they were still out of his reach. He smiled a little as she mentioned his wife. "Anya, I'm not married. I'm only 20 years old. And it's nice to meet you too." He said. "Knowledge unlocks all kinds of door huh? That's a very wise statement. But if I told you the truth, would you believe me?" Troy looked into her beautiful and graceful face as he took a deep breath. "I know this is going to sound crazy but, it's not about where I'm from... It's about when. I'm from the year 2016, almost a thousand years from now." He then reached out and grabbed her hands tightly. "Please you have to believe me, if you don't I might go insane! I don't know how I got here." His body was starting to shake again. This is a nightmare, it has to be.
Anya saw Troy starting to shake and she pulled him in her arms and started to rub his back as her father did to her as a child, "As crazy as that sound I believe you. From an outsider's perspective it makes a lot of sense. The odd clothes, the magical and mysterious device called a 'phone', and being older than me and not being married. I'm sorry you are thousands of years from your time. I wish I could help you I really do. My father's only wish to help everyone no matter how insane the request was. But look at it this way, God must've sent you here for a reason. Maybe there is some quest you must go on to make you truly happy." She says looking at him with a bright positive look. Anya shakes her head, "I still can't believe you're not married though! 2016 must have some weird courtship practices because at your age you're expecting your second child, and ruling a kingdom or if you're not of the wealthy class having you're own business or farm." she says rambling feeling her cheeks get warm
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