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Fantasy A Totally Free Fantasy RP - The Group Version

"I'd say so to since he had no idea he was even one." Ashley said.

"I'm not sure either can you hear what they say to?" Emily asked Asher.
"So you have the same power as me. Don't be scared about this i've used it for good things I helped Ioan and Dracula get in touch with their families through this." Emily said.

"Can you tell Kelly that I love her Emily?" The ghost asked.

"Yes I can." Emily said then looked at Kelly "Hey Kelly your mom says she loves you." Emily said.
"You don't have to be sorry," the father said. "You didn't hurt anyone... and it's good to ask if someone's okay if you aren't sure about it."
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Emily heard her brother's voice in her head he was talking to her telepathically. "I hear Josh he said our mom just talked to him and wants the family together she wants to talk to the 3 of us about something." Emily said.

"I wonder what mom wants to tell us all." Ashley said.
"Well I guess we should go but we will be back." Emily said then her and Ashley teleported out and was in Josh's room. "Wow I didn't know I could do that." Emily said.

Kelly was left back with the others "Hope you don't mind being left here." Kelly said.
"Well I didn't know since you guys don't know me to well if that would bother you me being here." Kelly said.

"Ok mom we are all here what did you want us all to meet about?" Emily asked.

"Well soon I will be leaving but i'm hoping to still contact you 3 through your dreams." Their mom said.

Emily told Ashley what their mom said. "Ashley say's she don't want you to leave." Emily said.

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