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Fantasy A Thestral Encounter


Magic Eight Ball
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"If he had had to give them a name, he supposed he would have called them horses, though there was something reptilian about them, too. They were completely fleshless, their black coats clinging to their skeletons, of which every bone was visible. Their heads were dragonish, and their pupil-less eyes white and staring. Wings sprouted from each wither — vast, black leathery wings that looked as though they ought to belong to giant bats. Standing still and quiet in the gathering gloom, the creatures looked eerie and sinister." -Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

The following is an RP based based in the world of Harry Potter and occurs over the summer break of 2018. Two boys from different worlds meet under an omen of misfortune.
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Eyes turned to the sky, he waited. Whispers of a breeze stirred around him, carrying the faint smell of a summer newly begun. Softly, a bird sang nearby. Chester took in the moment and thought back to the past few weeks. Running. Hiding. Not even certain what he was fleeing from but knowing that he could not afford to be found. For just this moment, he let himself relax. On his shoulder, a small flower covered bowtruckle clung delicately to his short, dirty hair. It, too, was at ease. Its soft trills and playful attitude to the breeze told Chester as much. Well that, and way he could feel the waves of contentment rolling off of the little stick creature.

A sudden sense of surprise and fear burst in the air above him and stopped as the birdsong was cut short. A moment later, a large shadow dropped from the sky, landing with a surprisingly soft thud. Turning, Chester reached a reassuring hand towards Sprig only for the wily bowtruckle to climb the back of his head and peer at the beast from behind his ear. There, standing no more that twenty feet from him was a creature of nightmares. The skeletal body, the raptor beak, the elongated neck. There was no doubt who would win in a fight.

Hooves stomped. Nostrils snorted. Blank eyes that stared into and through. The dark creature loomed above the boy's head, its bat-like wings stretched momentarily as it found its footing. Tossing its head in victory, it abruptly charged towards him. In the span of a single intake of breath, it closed the gap. Twig screamed in panic and clutched ever tight to its host.

Impact. Blood. Meat. Bone. Feathers?

Knocked back a step by the force with which his thestral friend had launched its captured prey at him, Chester barely had time to catch the playfully delivered meal. Praise give. Hunt good. Flying meat. The thestral stamped the ground with impatience, its thoughts simple and clear. With a sigh, the boy stepped forward and placed his forehead against the thestral's nose, exuding gratitude and praise for a good meal. He wished that he could make the creature understand that eating something else whose emotions he had felt was not particularly appetizing, but he was grateful none the less. Without the help of his friends, he never would have made it this far.

Speaking of which, Twig called out in alarm as a second thestral dropped from the sky, nearly landing right on top of them. This time, a true omen of warning. Snorting with urgency, the creature prodded Chester roughly with its beaked nose. Stranger. Move. Flee. Hide!

Before he could react, a rustle in the trees proved the second thestral right. They were not alone.

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