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Realistic or Modern A Summer to Remember



Mood: Relieved, a bit nervous

Interacting w/: @Keira Winston (Cacia)

This was it. For sure, Levi was super nervous about proposing chatting about their breakup. Yet, he felt relief immediately after she gave him the ok. He knew he would have regretted it if he did not bring it up to Acacia.

"Care to take a walk with me?"

The simple question took Levi back into a montage. Acacia and him used to walk by the seaside every time they came to the beach house. The weather was always bright, not a raincloud in the sky. The wind was there to keep them cool, and the ocean was a beautiful mixture of greens and blues. It was wonderful. It was perfect.

Levi couldn't help but smile. Things were different now, for sure. But they were able to keep the tradition of walking on the beach this year.

"I'd love to." he replied. Levi got up and looked down. He realized he was still in his pajamas.

"Could I change though? I'll be ready soon." he asked sheepishly, laughing. He found it ridiculous that he talked about such a serious topic in his pajamas.

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K y l y n n


Kylynn walked down the hallway, her feet rhythmically taking step by step as her feet hit against the floor and her music plays in her ears.

She was always the one to blare music in her ears, she hated dancing, but music was always her thing. She made it into the end of the hall, when she bumped into Levi. Kylynn noticed the nervous look in his eyes so she smiled, hoping to calm him down.

Hey, my pair of Jeans. She joked, hoping to lighten him up. Are you okay?

She placed her hand on his arm. It was the first day and her boyfriend looked like he was freaking out. He was still in his pajamas and she expected him to barge into their room to change, so that they could go on their walk. Yet, she still thought he was cute in his pajamas.

Why aren't you ready to go?

Kylynn was a little anxious and scared that he wouldn't go with her, but she didn't show it. She never wanted to be a clingy girlfriend. She feared she would run him away. Levi was her first, serious relationship.

The girl was never the one to chase after love, hoping to get through high school without the distraction. When she met Levi, she thought she knew she wouldn't fall for him. But they close after his break up with Acacia and then it happened. She fell in love with him. And Kylynn was praying that their relationship lasted.

Interacts: @Periidot

((that's all I could pump out at the moment. I literally just shitted this out.))

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Mood: Relieved, a bit nervous

Interacting w/: @ALittleRed

Mentions: @Cosimia

Levi felt a soft pair of hands touch his arm. He looked down to see Kylynn comforting him. That's what she was really good at--though it wasn't the only thing. Levi might have started to have feelings for her after his breakup with Acacia, but he loved so much about her. She was talented in many things, on top of being the nicest person ever. Sometimes, Levi wondered how he ever deserved her attention.

"Hi baby.." he said, doing his best to smile. His eyes, however, said otherwise--they were dark and worrisome. Levi was horrible at having a poker face. Many could easily tell his true emotions simply by looking at his facial expressions.

"I, um..." he cautiously picked out the words he wanted to say. It would break his heart to lie to her, but he wasn't sure how she would handle the complete truth. He was quiet for a bit before speaking once again. "...I got into a little misunderstanding with someone. But you don't need to worry." At least it was half of the truth. After all, Levi still had to talk to Jada later on and try to apologize for the incident earlier.

Now, two girls wanted to walk with him by the beach. Levi had to find a way to walk with both of them, if he could.
“When did you want to walk? We could go at night…the beach is really pretty then. But I don’t know..” he suggested. He hoped this would work, because he actually…kind of wanted to walk at night now.

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K y l y n n


I'm good with going later. She nodded, catching his forced smile. Don't worry, it's no big deal. You fix what you got to fix, okay?

Kylynn didn't like the vibe which she was receiving from him. She decided to give him as much time as he needed. She smiles at him. Levi was never the one to leave things with no solution. It seems like this is really bothering you, so take your time. We don't have to do this tonight, we have all summer.

She gives Levi a quick hug and places a kiss on his cheek.

Quickly nodding to her boyfriend, she passes around him and enters into the dining room, everybody else still occupying it. She grabs a water and some yogurt, before heading to the door.

If anyone needs me, I'll be out for a swim. With that, the girl exits the house walking herself to the shore.

Interacting w/:@Periidot

(Sorry it's short, I have got to go. I might be gone for a week or so. Still working on when I'll be back, it shouldn't exceed a week. Don't get crazy without me. I'm literally dying inside. Control my character if needed.)​
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Mood: A bit nervous

Interacting w/: @ALittleRed @Keira Winston (Cacia)

Kylynn felt so nice in his arms. It made him forget about his dilemma for a moment. He wished he could hold her for a little longer, but he needed this time to fix what went wrong. He smiled as she gave him a quick peck on the cheek. "Love you.." he said to her as she was walking away. It hurt him to not tell her everything...but he knew that he couldn't tell her he was going to talk with Acacia.

As he entered his shared room with Kylynn, he thought of ways to make it up to her later. His mind still felt cluttered; he spent at least 10 minutes pacing around his room before picking a casual outfit to throw on.

"This is it. Don't screw up now." he thought to himself as he took deep breaths. After what seemed like forever, he finally got up from his bed. He slowly made his way to the living room to go talk with Acacia.

"Ready?" he gave Acacia a reassuring smile, still wondering if she was nervous. He looked over at the door, waiting for her response.

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Bryson was in his own world. He gave all his attention to Jada which was what she seemed to always need. She survived on it, but for some reason his full attention didn't seem to help the situation right in front of him. He never gave Jada his full attention knowing it was exactly what she wanted. Plus, he liked to leave girls wanting more. He almost forgot anyone else was in the house until he heard the closet door close behind him.

Bryson abruptly let go of Jada turning around to find Abi watch them and leave. He's just realized that he was supposed to be going to the skatepark now. He then began to question if inviting both girls along with him was the right idea, but then shook it off knowing he'd like to have Jada with him during her fragile state.

"Uh.. Are you ready to go?" he asked Abi pretending her didn't just forget about the skatepark. He quickly changed the subject when he glanced down at her skateboard. It was an old one. He remembered it from the years they've came here. She never brought it back to Orange County and probably rarely used it. He's tried teaching Abi a ton of tricks on it which led it to being so scratched up.

"Haven't you had that skateboard for like 4 years now?" he asked raising and eyebrow. Bryson never expected her to keep an old board like that. Most people he knew would change one out after it got beat up, but he wouldn't be one to judge. Though Bryson has many skateboards, he's kept his first one for 13 years now. It was pretty beat up, but he carried it everywhere. He even slapped a ton of stickers on it.

@Smoaki @Cosimia




Acacia had been upstairs for the last 10 minutes trying to find the perfect outfit. She knew she was taking a bit long to get ready for a casual stroll on the beach. The couple used to just go out in the pajamas, but that was before. They've done it every morning, every afternoon, and every evening through the past four years they've came, but this time, it was different. Though she knew she did not have to get all dressed up, she never wanted to look shabby.

She eventually decided on a pair of ripped denim shorts and a white halter top. She made her way downstairs and stood my the door waiting for Levi. She was surprised he was taking so long. It used to be the other way around. Cacia remembered making him wait downstairs for up to an hour before she was ready to let him take her out. Due to her insecurities, it took her forever since she spent lots of time questioning whether she looked good or not, but Levi always made her feel beautiful.

Levi eventually came downstairs ready to go about five minutes later.

"'Kay, let's go," she said with a smile. Acacia took a deep breath, looked back at Levi, and opened the door. She was finally ready to talk about the breakup.





Mood: A bit calm

Interacting w/: @Keira Winston (Cacia)


Levi noticed Acacia's outfit. She always had a timeless look to her no matter what she wore. She could wear a baggy t-shirt and still look beautiful. However, knowing how she really acted made Acacia all the more beautiful to Levi.

He walked out of the living room to meet the ocean. Levi breathed in the salty smell of the waves and felt the sunshine sink into his skin. The weather was perfect--any frequent beach goer would be ecstatic about it. It helped to ease his mind a bit.

He held the door open, waiting for Acacia to exit the beach house. What was about to happen would hopefully ease the storm over both of them. Or, at least, make things less awkward between the two.
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Acacia followed Levi out onto the beach. She sighed and breathed in the salty air. It was all too familiar to her. She was met with a cool breeze as it whipped her hair. All this reminded her of California, her home state, and everything to love in it. She was bummed that she would be leaving her home and friends behind, but Julliard was waiting for her. She had a bright future ahead of her, and that started in New York.

"I can't believe its our last summer here..." she said with a sigh. "I mean, Im going to miss everyone and everything. Time flies."

The group had the beach house for the whole summer, but it still wasn't enough time. She wasn't ready to say goodbye, and Acacia barely even knew how to. Goodbyes were the worst. She hated nothing more than goodbyes, but she would have to face it. She'd first begin her goodbye by making amends with Levi.

Acacia stepped off the porch and into the bright, golden Californian sun. It was no surprise it was nicknamed
The Golden State. California was pure gold. From Silicon Valley to Hollywood, there were so many opportunities here, but she would be saying goodbye to it all.

Acacia was ready to begin the stroll and her confession.

"So, I've been meaning to tell you this for a while, but I never knew how to," she began slowly. She was unsure of how to say it. The truth was cold and harsh. It would make her seem like a horrible, selfish person. She never fully forgave herself for it.

"I don't even know how to say it. Its all my fault. I'm such a horrible person," she said looking away from Levi. It was hard to talk about it. He might never want to look at her again after what she had to say.





Mood: Reminiscent, then concerned

Interacting w/: @Keira Winston (Cacia)

Mentioned: @Keira Winston (Bryson)

Levi sighed in agreement. The fact that he graduated high school was still hard to comprehend. He heard his parents, teachers, and other similar figureheads talk about it once in a while. Levi still remembered going through puberty, with college just a dream away. All too soon it became his reality.

He loved high school, though. Even though the breakup happened, and he didn't do too well in classes, he had the time of his life. He put himself out there and build up more confidence. Levi finally signed up for a sports team, something he promised himself he'd do, but always put off. In fact, he wasn't really athletic as a kid--when he hung out with Bryson, he wanted to play video games rather than run around outside

"I'm sure well all keep in touch somehow." he said to Acacia. He gave her a big grin. In the age of social media, Levi knew he could easily catch up with all of his friends.

His thoughts of the future came to a halt when Acacia made a surprising comment. She too felt she was at fault for their breakup. Levi was so astounded. He wondered why she felt this way when he was the only one who lashed out at her. Was there more to this momentous event than he thought? Something seemed to be eating away at her.

"Well...you're not a horrible person." Levi tried to talk in a slow, calm manner. "And I'm not saying that to make you feel better...I mean it. What's been done has been done already, I guess. I want to look at this with a open mindset. Plus...I don't think you're the only one at fault. If there even is a person at fault.."

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Acacia took a moment before saying anything. She was finally going to make amends with Levi right before they all depart. She thought it took too long, but its only been a couple of months since their break up. She'd been waiting for this moment to come. Cacia had even practiced it in her head a few times, but now, she didn't know any of the right words to say.

Hearing Levi's voice was
so reassuring. He always somehow managed to calm her down. She felt safe and comfortable with him, but she wasn't sure what he would think after she told him. It was better to come out and say it just so she could get it over with.

"Oh, no, you're going to think I'm a completely selfish and horrible bitch," she said trying not to look him in the eye. "I'm just gonna say it. Just promise me you won't hate me," she said jokingly, but she meant it at the same time.

"You know... I'm the one that totally screwed you over. I drove you off the edge with the whole 'you're spending more time with your tutor than your girlfriend' thing," Acacia stated and took a deep breath. She began walking down the beach as she spoke.

"But- that's all you know. I really should've told you, but-" she stopped again trying to find the right words. It was always easy for her, and the struggle was so new and foreign.

"I fell for Damon while we were still together. I should've known to stay away. I didn't want to be the one to end things with you, and I never wanted to anyways. I just didn't want to hurt you," she said finally.

"I knew our relationship was on the rocks, so I tried to make up an excuse 'cause I knew it was me. I turned to Kylynn because the tutor thing was the easy thing to blame. It know it got frustrating and out of hand, but hearing you reassure me about our relationship made me feel so much less guilty," she explained looking him directly. Acacia couldn't hide it anymore. She needed to be as genuine as possible.

"I drove you over the edge and then-" Cacia stopped as tears welled up in her eyes,"and then 'that' happened."

She remembered the breakup like it was just yesterday. It was such a fresh memory.

"I'm so selfish for throwing away everything we had. I should've just told you the truth from the start," she said as tears began falling down her cheeks.





Mood: Unsure

Interacting w/: @Keira Winston (Cacia)

Levi stopped walking. There was a lot of information to take in from what Acacia said. Moments passed by without saying a word. Levi slowly started to repeat what Acacia said to him.

Sure, what came to him was a surprise. He didn't know that Acacia liked Damon when they were still together. He didn't know that she was actually not jealous of Kylynn at all. He especially didn't know that she trusted him with Kylynn.

But...Levi wasn't angry. He thought things through. Of course, Acacia was special to him and he wanted to make her happy. But he also knew that she was perfectly imperfect. She was beautiful and had a mysterious charm about her. Yet Acacia made mistakes like everyone else. She acted upon her feelings, just like a someone who was in love would have. Levi figured that was why she pushed him away.

Now, he had all new questions. It took a while to form them, but he was ready to talk things out.

"Cacia...I'm not mad at you. I don't know why, but I don't feel...mad. I just want to know...do you still love Damon?" he asked her.


K y l y n n


Kylynn floated on her back, watching a bird fly across the sky above. She felt tense, all she wanted to do was relax. But she just couldn't.

She started swimming back, trying to get herself closer to the shore. She loved the water, but always had a fear of drifting off. Moving her body upward, her eyes trail across the beach, few people occupying the sand and water.

Kylynn notices Acacia walking. Kylynn could find that girl easy, they've competed against each other in dance for years. The swimming girl noticed who the walking beauty was walking with. And she frowned. Letting herself float on her back again. Acacia was with Levi.

I'll never be better than you, huh? She breathed out, a little disappointed. All of a sudden she didn't feel like swimming anymore. She drops under the water, before bring herself back up, keeping her eyes away from where Acacia and Levi were.

Her feet reach the sand and she pulls her stuff from the ground, drying herself as best as she could. And soon making her way back to the beach house.

I'm over reacting. She thought to herself, knowing that Levi did want to fix something with someone. She shouldn't judge who it was. You trust him Ky. She whispered to herself. She shrugged, contemplating if she should ask him about it later. Deciding to take her mind off of what she just saw, she turns to her housemates. She notices Jada and Bryson off on the side, their energy different then everyone else's.

Hey guys, are you good? She turns to them, hoping to find out whatever the hell happened earlier. She knew it was going to be about Jada, almost everything was. By how close they looked, Kylynn figured they probably got back together, again. Kylynn smiles to them, somehow able to keep herself in a good mood.

Interacting w/: @Cosimia @Keira Winston (Bryson)

Mentions: @Periidot @Keira Winston (Acacia)



Acacia watched Levi take in what she had just said. She watched with tears still in her eyes. She hoped she hadn't disappointed or angered him. She tried to read his face. Was he mad? disappointed? betrayed? She looked for those traces in his face but couldn't find any.

Though Cacia couldn't find any traces of Levi being upset, she knew he didn't quite understand her. He was confused and unsure to say the least. She didn't blame him. She had sprung all this on him. During the end of their relationship, he hadn't really known why they'd broken up. he deserved an answer. Acacia pretended to be the jealous girlfriend this whole time. Now that she had finally told Levi the truth, it was going to take a while for him to digest the information.

She wasn't sure if what she did was a mistake, but she was starting to see that it was. She had always tried to tell herself that it wasn't. Acacia told herself it was the right thing to do, but she knew she still loved Levi. She knew Levi was something special. She just wasn't sure of how he felt about her now that he knew the full story.

"I don't even know how I feel anymore. How am I supposed to know if I don't even know who I am?" she asked as tears rolled down her cheeks.

"I definitely screwed you over. I just want to let you know that I'm sorry," she said choking up.



"Oh, I'm just going to the skatepark with Jada and Abi," Bryson said to Kylynn with a shrug. It was a bit awkward that she had just walked in on Jada and him, it must've looked like something it wasn't. His friends knew of his on and off relationship, but he can assure them they've haven't gotten back together this time, yet.

"So, I see you've went swimming... so what are you up to now?" he asked trying to strike up a conversation.

"Oh, and I saw Acacia and Levi earlier... Is everything okay? What are they up to?" he asked slightly concerned.

Bryson didn't want to bombard Kylynn with questions, but Acacia and Levi haven't been talking in the few months after they've broken up. Kyle barely left Levi's side, but now that she has, Levi was with Acacia.

@ALittleRed mentioned- @Smoaki @Cosimia


K y l y n n


Kylynn nodded. She noticed of which the predicament Jada and Bryson were in and she felt like she was intruding. But she smiled.

Yeah, just wanted to relax a bit. She shrugged, not making a big deal out of it. She noticed her hair dripped down onto the ground and she silently cursed. Pulling her hair away from her face and up into a quick bun.

I don't know what I wanna do. There's a lot of things, but everybody seems busy. They're running off to do their own thing.

Kylynn noticed the worry in his voice when he asked about Levi and Acacia. She didn't know how to answer him, because she didn't know what was going on. And Bryson sounding worried, made her worried. He and Levi were best friends, and the surfer didn't know what was going on with the old couple out there. She was internally freaking out.

But she just shook her head, and grinned.

I don't know. He didn't tell me. Ky chuckles. She wasn't going to make it a big deal with just her assumptions. But when she answered Bryson her voice broke.

Don't cry, no crying. She cleared her throat before nodding her head. Maybe we can all head out to the boardwalk when everyone's back? The girl was going to hold a strong barrier, they were just talking and she wasn't going to worry. She glanced back at Jada, Do you guys want me to leave you alone?

Interacting w/: @Keira Winston (Bryson) @Cosimia

Mentions: @Periidot @Keira Winston (Acacia)

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Mood: Unsure

Interacting w/: @Keira Winston (Cacia)

Levi froze as he watched Acacia slowly crumble. His heart dropped immediately. Time just seemed to stop, like they were the only people on this beach. It almost felt like they were the only people on the earth.

He felt guilty for watching her cry for a while. He was perplexed; should he hug her? Tell her everything is all right? Levi asked himself questions, only to have no reply. His brain was utterly empty.

Out of nowhere, Levi placed a hand softly on her shoulder. It was instinct. He would do this when they were still together whenever Acacia was feeling down about something.

"...Even if you don't know how to feel, I don't want to make you cry again." Levi said. He wanted to get Acacia out of where they were, at least so she could calm down a little.



Acacia just stood for a moment. She didn't make a sound. All she did was stand there watching Levi as the tears rolled down her cheeks. She didn't know what to do. She had never really cried in front of anyone before. After all, what was the pretty face going to cry about? The last person she's cried in front of was Levi, and that was during the breakup. She felt so vulnerable all of the sudden. This feeling was so foreign. She'd never expected to feel this way. Cacia never thought she'd cry doing this. All her practice conversations in front of a mirror always seemed to turn out perfect, but she couldn't hide herself anymore, at least not around Levi. Levi knew her and never judged her. He was the only one who really knew who "Acacia Monet" really was.

Levi's hand on her shoulder really reassured her. To her, it meant that she was alright and that he understood. As always, he seemed to know what to do around her. He always somehow managed to make her feel safe and loved. It reminded her of the times they were together. She came to him when she was upset about family, school, or her friends, but she'd instantly forget about it when she was with him. He knew of all the right moves and words to say to her. He was one of the only people of had a way with her. He knew her.

"Its not you that's making me cry," she finally said.

"I-I think I still love you," she confessed. She always had. Cacia had never stopped. Saying it surprised her. She never thought about it, but she always knew he was in her heart. Acacia didn't know what her words meant, but it meant something. She just hoped Levi wouldn't freak out. He had a girlfriend now, and she didn't want to get between them.



Bryson smiled. He understood Kylynn. "No I get it. Its summer, and we should enjoy every second of it," he said nodding his head. It was more important for some of the others. Most of the others were going away for college, but he would be staying the SoCal. He was never one to worry about school. He thought he could maybe make some money from skating or surfing competitions.

"Okay, well there's always the skatepark. That's if you get bored, of course," he said with a laugh.

He knew he was making Kylynn worried. Bryson knew Cacia and Levi always had their sparks, but Levi was a good guy. He would never go behind Kylynn's back. He wouldn't be worried about Acacia either, they were probably just catching up. They haven't talked for a few months, and with college around the corner, it is about time to make ammends.

"Yeah, sure, we should all head to the the boardwalk in a bit, and no you don't have to leave us alone. I mean, you're not interrupting anything," he said with a slight smile.


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Mood: Shocked

Interacting w/: @Keira Winston (Cacia)

Mentions: @ALittleRed

Wait...did he hear that right? His ex-girlfriend was still...in love with him? That was the absolute last thing he expected to hear from their conversation. Levi almost choked on air as Acacia told him her shocking confession.

His heart started beating a mile a minute. He still had a chance to make her happy. To run back to nostalgia with open arms and live through their relationship again. And what an extraordinary relationship it was. However, at the same time, the heavy cloud of guilt lingered over him. What about Kylynn? He didn't get into a relationship with her solely for the sake of helping him get over Acacia. He learned so much about her and found just how beautiful she was.

For some reason, he had a flashback. Kylynn and him were together for only a couple of weeks. They explored a row of bookstores and got coffee together. Every single detail popped into his brain; her outfit, the weather, how the birds' song seemed extra lovely that day. It was perfect.

He looked at Acacia once more. He started to think about what she said to him. Did she really, truly still love him? Even after both of them have significant others? A part of him couldn't accept what she said. But he needed to say...something.

"...I...can't stop thinking about you." he regretted saying that sentence a bit, but it was the truth. "...But Kylynn...is special to me too. I'm so...ugh. Sorry." he said, a little softly this time. Tears started to form in his eyes. He felt defeated.


K y l y n n


Kylynn didn't care that Levi and Acacia went out to talk to each other. It was just that he didn't tell her. She was wondering why he didn't trust her. It hurt for her to think about it, so she dropped it. Finally. Hopefully.

I haven't been to a skate park in years. I tried skating, but almost broke my leg and mom banned it.

Smiling, she continues the conversation. She nodded, shuffling on her feet. But I hope we can all get to it, I think there's a carnival up there or something.

Bryson and Kylynn weren't close like he was with Levi. But they were friends. She ran into him a lot at Levi's house, even before the two dated she spent a lot of time there. The girl got to know her boyfriend's best friend a lot more than what she knew before.

Interacting w/: @Keira Winston (Bryson)

Mentions: @Periidot @Keira Winston (Acacia)


Acacia couldn't comprehend what Levi had just said. Did he return the same feelings? Or did he completely reject them. She always understood Levi, but she didn't quite understand just what he was trying to say at the moment. She didn't even know what she was trying to say.

All these thoughts and emotions ran to her head. She thought of all the great times she had with Levi. Cacia thought of the failed vegan Mac & Cheese, strolls through the beach, and summer nights spent sleeping under the stars. She would do it all again, but then she thought of the breakup. It was the worst moment of her life, and she would never go through that ever again.

Though whatever feelings Acacia still had for Levi, she still had a boyfriend. Damon might not have the best track record with women, but he saw something else in her. The last few months with him had been a blast. Even if she wasn't sure if she loved him, she never regretted those moments with him. Damon was there to comfort her when she broke up with Levi, and he was one of the key parts in putting her pieces back together.

"No I get it," Acacia said wiping her tears with her finger.

"You deserve so much better, and Kylynn is an amazing girl. You are so lucky you have someone like her. I know what I did, and you never deserved it. I know Kylynn would never do that," Cacia said trying to smile.

"I just wanted to know that I'll always care about you, and I'm happy for you" she said placing and hand on his arm.

"And- I'm also really happy with Damon right now. I've been happier than I have ever been in a while," she said with a small smile.

"Ha, I'm sure your mom won't let you ever touch a skateboard again if she heard of all the injuries I've got from skating," Bryson said attempting to lighten up the mood.

Kyle seemed a bit off at the moment. he had a feeling it was because of Levi and Acacia. He thought it was odd at first, but maybe they shouldn't worry about it. It was their business after all, and the ex-couple had unresolved problems they needed to work out.

"Yeah we should check it out. We should use up this opportunity before this summer ends," he said smiling.

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Mood: Unsure

Interacting w/: @Keira Winston (Cacia)

Mentions: @Huntrey

Levi felt his heart sink. He couldn't help it. Of course Acacia wasn't in love with him. She had Damon, and he had Kylynn.

All his life, he's only had good experiences. Levi was granted a lot of freedom ever since he was a kid. He had the best of friends, he joined all the clubs he wanted to, and his family was very supporting of him. His family was even happy for him when he revealed that he was going into college undecided. Sure, Levi had a few hobbies here and there. But he couldn't find something that motivated him to wake up every morning to do. He was fortunate to get into a college in Oregon on a football scholarship. Levi thought he had everything. He had the world in his hands, if only for a second.

The current situation was not as devastating as the breakup. Nothing could ever come close to it. It was one of the worst moments in his life. But now, he felt sad. Sad that he constantly thought about their time together, even when he was with Kylynn. Sad that they still couldn't sort out their feelings just yet. But what crushed him most was that Acacia thought she wasn't good enough for him. She thought that she was bad in his eyes.

However, relief was also felt. He looked at Acacia and smiled. She did, in fact, seem a lot happier than a while back. Levi admitted, Damon made him skeptical. But now, he knew for sure that Acacia still loved Damon.

"I'm glad that you have Damon. I'm glad we were able to talk." even if Levi said those words he felt...empty. He couldn't explain his emotions--they were all over the place.


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