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Realistic or Modern A Summer to Remember



"I... I-I uh," she stammered as Bryson bent down to help her. Levi joined in and she knew she really needed to get her nerves under control. She gulped and let out a deep breath, settling her face into an easy smirk of a smile and cleaned up the last of the oats all over the ground.

"Well, you do seem to just appear out of no where," she joked in response to Bryson's comment, seeming completely normal all of a sudden. Bryson asked about the skatepark, which struck her interest. Sure, her usual field was motorcycles and muscle cars, but she was pretty talented with a skateboard all the same.

"I'd love to," she responded, perhaps a bit too perkily, switching to a joking tone," but maybe I should get dressed first."

@Keira Winston
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Mood: Intrigued

@Smoaki , @Keira Winston , @Huntrey


Jada turned from her spot hanging on the edge of the couch to see Abi trip up and spill food all over the ground.
"Oh, lovey," she said with pity in her voice. She stood up from the couch and walked towards the mess as other people gathered around Abi to help clean up. With a quick motion, she stepped in front of Bryson to face the shaken up girl.

"Are you okay?" She asked, raising an eyebrow. Without waiting for an answer, she bent down to pick up a couple oats from the tiled floor and winked at Abi. They weren't friends, but she was attempting to socialize as the attention was focused on her at the moment. Not listening for a response from Abi, she turned on her heels and was face-to-face with her ex.

"Hey, Bry," Jada said in a slightly lower voice, her silky facade gone when their eyes met. She shook it away, pulling her bright red hair into a low ponytail. With one last guilty glance towards Bryson, she walked towards Damon once again, this time raising both eyebrows.

"Quite the getup you've got there," Jada commented, gesturing towards his swimsuit. Looking to Acacia, a genuine smile spread on her lips. "You're a lucky one, 'Cacia."




Jada was suddenly in her face and did what Abi assumed was an attempt to help, before the inevitable happened. The girl turned to Bryson and Abi couldn't help but roll her eyes. Of course, this was all for attention. Jada had always been part of the group and a friend, but Abi didn't really like her personally. She was always smack in the center of attention and drama, something Abi would never be caught dead doing on purpose.

"Back in a flash," she said, waving to the general area of the room and disappearing into her and Ali's room. She threw on a casual outfit, as it was summer after all, and stopped to look in the mirror. She wasn't one to really care how she looked, considering she often just looked good normally, but this was skating. With Bryson. She huffed and tugged at the edge of her shirt one last time before walking out with her trademark "smirile" as Acacia had nicknamed it years ago. She didn't really smile normally, it was more of a smirk, but not in a bad way.


K y l y n n


Kylynn chuckles at Levi's acceptance. I'm so going to win.

The dark skinned girl watched her boyfriend get up and help Abi and Bryson with the spilled oats. She was about to get up and help, but Jada beat her to it.

But not really to help.

Kylynn rolled her eyes at Jada's actions. The girl was always the one to find attention, but this was a little too much. She noticed how distant her and Bryson seemed to be, so she assumed that they broke up, again.

No, I'm good. She turned to Levi, kind of ignoring the situation. She was used to the little drama that happened. And Jada was usually the center of it. Kylynn was never close to the pretty girl, but they knew each other for a long time. Mostly in middle school and in ninth grade, but they grew a little distant.

Kylynn moves into the kitchen and places her empty cup into the sink. It was crowded with the seven young adults trying to make breakfast and clean their messes. She decided to go and get ready for the day.

Hey, I'm gonna be in the room. I'll see you later. She gives Levi a small smile before turning around. And you owe me five bucks, I actually beat you in that ridiculous game. She said to Palmer, hitting him in the shoulder.

Leaving through the dining room, Kylynn ruffles Elliot's hair again and runs the rest of the way to her room.

Interacting: @Sugar Honey Iced Tea

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Mood: A little nervous

Interacting w/: @Cosimia

Mentions: @ALittleRed @Keira Winston (Cacia)

Levi smiled at Kylynn's excitement. He felt like this was going to be the start of a good summer.

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Jada get up from her spot to help clean the oats. Well...somewhat. Similar to Damon, Jada had an intresting reputation with guys. She even tried to get to do something with him once. But Levi always saw her as Bryson's girlfriend. He didn't want to start more drama between them. Plus, he just thought of him and Jada as good friends.

As he thought about this, Jada somehow became the center of attention. She was pretty much a natural at that. As if she wanted to start something, she casually commented,

"You're a lucky one, Cacia."

Levi couldn't help but look at Acacia. There was a look of disgust across her face, but Levi could tell she liked Damon's getup. He sighed to himself.
"She really is..." he said softly. He got up and threw some oats away in the trash. All of a sudden, he felt anxious. Quickly, he made himself some blueberry pancakes.

Thoughts of his relationship with Acacia raced through his mind. All the on the whim adventures they went on. Dancing in the rain. Becoming homecoming king and queen. All those little moments were the ones that stood out the most. Then, the breakup happened. Everyone couldn't stop talking about it. Levi felt that in every conversation, for a few months, their breakup was brought up somehow.

Except for when he talked to Kylynn.

Kylynn didn't bring up the breakup at all. Instead, she comforted Levi when he needed it the most. Soon enough, he found himself falling for Kylynn. He was in love with two girls for different reasons. While he thought about this, he made his way over to a table and scarfed down his pancakes.

"I think I'll head to my room too." Levi said when he finished eating. He started to make his way to his shared bedroom with Kylynn. But before he left, he passed Jada and muttered, "You really are something."

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Out of nowhere, everyone seemed to rush over to help Abi clean up her mess. This was a surprise since no one seemed to clean up after themselves the past years they've came. Maybe they were prepping for college?
I doubt it, there must be lots a pretty girl can get away with, Acacia thought, if only I were that pretty. Cacia's insecurities were hidden an buried. No one knew about them, she's never told anyone, and its easy to hide since everyone would think "the pretty face" would have nothing to be insecure about. That's what she was, the pretty face. What's the point of being called pretty if you didn't feel pretty? Was that all that was to her? No one knew who she really was, even she didn't herself. That's why she was so excited to get away from the hell called high school, she was hoping she'd find who she really was on the complete opposite side of the country. She never knew who she really was, if she ever did, she lost it years ago. There was apparently a specific way the pretty face was supposed to act, flirty, stupid, and manipulative. She was flirty when she wanted to be, but she was never any of those things. Not knowing what she was meant she was a mystery. The only time she felt safe to be herself was with Levi. She's only truly been herself around him. He knows who she really is... but things do change. He was with Kylynn now. She was sweet and knew who she really was. Kylynn was better than she ever was.

Jada's silky smooth voice awoke Cacia from her train of thought. Her statement was odd, but not out of place. Everything Jada said was meant to sound casual and fit like a puzzle piece, but it was also meant to start things. Not exactly alert, Acacia was not so sure of how to respond.
What would people expect her to say?

"Yeah, I know I am," she said with a giggle and a flip of her hair. She might've turned it up a notch, but at least it fit the mold. She just hoped it wasn't so noticeable. Acacia stroked Damon's arm and even stood on her toe to give him a kiss on the cheek.

She turned back to the granite counter top to blend the fruits together. Once she was done, she poured the smoothie into mason jar mugs. Acacia was just about to serve everyone when she heard Levi mutter something to Jada. Her jaw dropped a bit, no one has ever had the guts to say that to Jada. Even when the two were young and played dress up with their American Girl dolls, everyone knew not to mess with Jada.

@Smoaki @Cosimia @Huntrey @Periidot @ALittleRed



(Just because of Meredith and Olivia)


She walked back into the kitchen to find Acacia pouring the smoothies she'd made. Abi took a mason jar and smiled at her best friend, sipping the pink-colored liquid and immediately loving it. Acacia was amazing at cooking, even if it did only involve a blender.

"I'm getting... strawberries and some mangos?" she guessed. It was something she did every time with smoothies of Acacia's, see if she could guess the ingredients. She took a big gulp of the smoothie and reassumed her position on top of the counter top and bounced her legs a bit unconsciously. She was excited to get out and do things, as this was their last opportunity. All of them were heading off after this for colleges around the world, and they needed to make the best of this trip.

(Sorry for shorter post, it's already like midnight here, and I am EXHAUSTED. Night everyone!)

@Keira Winston
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Bryson smiled at Abi's eagerness to go to the skatepark with him. She did seem perkier than usual which was not what he expected to see come out from a badass like her, but he thought it was just from the excitement.

"Aight, we can go after you change," he said as he continued to sweep up the oats.

He immediately stopped when a familiar figure stood in between him and Abi. He rolled his eyes listening to Jada say something witty to Abi. Not really ready for any interaction with his ex, he was surprised when Abi turned around to greet him. He saw something behind her eyes change. It was only for a second, but he saw it. It was the look she always gave him, not the look she'd give everyone whilst in the center of attention, but it was the other side of her, the one she showed him when they were alone. There was a change in Jada's voice too. It wasn't as silky smooth as it always was. It was more genuine and less alerting, but it caught
his attention.

"Jay..." he responded lowly, apparently they were on nickname basis again. His eyes scanned her up and down wondering what changed. Or maybe it was him that changed. He sighed, that girl made him want to break his promise and smoke a blunt. Putting her puzzle pieces together made no sense and gave him a headache.

Bryson finished sweeping up all the oats into the dustpan and dumped them in the trash. He had just grabbed a cup of smoothie for himself and began to enjoy it when he heard one of the most daring things come out of Levi's mouth. No one dared to talk like that to Jada. He was the only one to ever get away with it, and that only happens through their most heated arguments. Jada always had something to say back.

Oh shit, Bryson thought as he sipped his smoothie. He was wondered what Jada and Levi would do next knowing it'd be entertaining as hell.

@Cosimia @Periidot @Smoaki


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/jada.gif.7ec2b1c92ceb5484121de6dd81073130.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="134024" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/jada.gif.7ec2b1c92ceb5484121de6dd81073130.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

@Periidot , @Keira Winston

Jada was about to saunter away towards her room again to don yet another revealing outfit when something unexpected caught her eyes, and ears.

"You really are something,"

It rung in her ears. Levi, somebody who she had liked since the beginning, speaking up and out against Jada. She had no immediate reaction, just locking her brown eyes with his. Her hands rose to her chest as if she were defending herself from an attack, fists clenched.

"You're one to talk," She darted back, shifting her weight so she appeared much more confident than she actually was.

The truth was, Jada was not confident at all on the inside.

The brief second with Bryson proved to her that he still meant something to Jada in her heart. Something more than all of the one night stands she went through. Then, her façade was cracked once again by a boy she hardly interacted with but respected.

The room was quiet as she began to walk again, purposefully shoving Levi out of her way with a shoulder as they crossed paths.

She wouldn't let anybody see her.

:) !!!!]



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Mood: Upset (mainly at himself)

Interacting w/: @Keira Winston

Mentions: @Cosimia @ALittleRed

Levi snapped out of his train of thought as he felt someone shove him. His legs crossed over, and he almost tripped. He looked up to see Jada pass him. Though he couldn't see her face, he knew something was wrong.

"...Crap." he said when she was out of sight. He got into a really weird mood whenever he thought about his breakup with Acacia. Levi's personality could pretty much turn 180 when he got upset about anything. It also led him to make some pretty bad decisions. He was immediately filled with regret. Though he wasn't close with her, Jada and Levi had respect and were on good terms with one another. Now, he probably ruined that for good.

Levi looked at Acacia and Bryson staring at him in shock. He laughed nervously.
"...This is it for me." he said to the both of them as he slumped onto the couch in the sitting area. He hoped Kylynn was ready soon so they could go on their walk. Though, he wasn't sure if he wanted to race her anymore.

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Bryson watched as Jada bumped shoulders with Levi while leaving the scene. It was not as entertaining this time seeing that it triggered something in her. Like most girls, she tried to seem tough. She hid her true feelings around guys, but also like most girls, she was secretly insecure. Knowing Jada, something was wrong when she hid her face.

He personally couldn't stand her looking so vulnerable, he knew the real Jada, but not many others did. He had a feeling she didn't want to look that way either, so he quickly rushed over to her and dragged her aside. They hadn't been talking lately, and he wasn't quite sure what he was doing, but Jada totally messed with his mindset.

"You're going to the skatepark with me, 'kay?" he asked staring down at her soft eyes. He instantly regretted it but he wasn't sure what else he could offer or how else he could drag her out of the situation.

"You're totally fine, nothing happened, and no one's gonna see you like this. Aight?" he asked still holding on to her arm although there wasn't much of a choice.

@Cosimia @Periidot


Acacia watched with both eyes widened as Jada walked away.
Well she definitely wasn't "okay", she thought. Hiding her feelings was something she mastered years ago, Acacia was never open with others. She never wanted to seem vulnerable or to get hurt. Jada, too, always seemed to be a strong willed person, seeming confident most of the time, but she guessed, sometimes it was too difficult to hide.

Acacia turned back to her smoothies, not wanting to get involved in anything. Luckily, her best friend was by her side. She returned a smile. It was always fun to guess the ingredients in her smoothies. Sometimes she even added some greens, knowing how to cover the taste of kale, but she didn't add any this time. This smoothie was all fruit.

"You got one of them," she said with a wink,"there
are only three ingredients."

"You know," she continued teasingly, "I can't make those amazing granola bars now that you spilled the oats."

She shook her head apologetically watching Levi slump down in the couch. He'd messed up this time. She tried to make things better by delivering a cup of smoothie for him. They didn't talk much now, but she did feel bad for him knowing he had blown up for one reason or the other.

"Don't worry, she'll be fine in a minute or two," she said handing him the cup. She tried to smile at him although it didn't come out right.



Alianna sat outside the house, she had he cute little vape pen with her, most people really didn't know that about a year ago she used to smoke. She stopped once she really realized how bad it was for her, mainly her skin was starting to look really gross, so she turned to vape. She had he music playing loud enough so she wouldn't hear anything going on in the house. Once she was finished she turned the music off and put the pen in her back pocket and walked back inside. She could feel this weird tension in the room, it seemed like everyone left, except for Acacia and Abi, and they were sitting and drinking smoothies "Smoothies, got enough left for little old me" she said energetically. She leaned against the counter "I take it I missed something" she raised her eyebrow. Ali liked being involved in the drama, well she liked knowing what is going on with her friends, so as of now not really knowing what was happening with everyone was killing her inside.

@Keira Winston @Smoaki




"Aw, bested again," she joked back at her best friend with a more genuine smile that her usual 'smirile'," what is that, twenty to zero now?"

She wasn't actually keeping count, but she found it funny how many times she got so close to guessing the ingredients and came just short. She turned with everyone else to see Jada leave and rolled her eyes again. That girl was always just after attention, which Abi just didn't understand. She looked up again to notice Bryson leave after Jada and could feel herself tense a bit before internally sighing in annoyance. After all, the two of them had at least been 'a thing'. Abi just had a silly crush, and she highly doubted it'd ever go anywhere.

"Okay, I am staying out of that one," she responded to Ali's question about what had happened. The more she stayed out of drama, the happier Abi was. She finished up her smoothie and fake-glared at Acacia's comment on the oats.

"Okay, pardon me miss perfection," she responded with a smile and a slight laugh," some people actually make mistakes, and drop things."

She was completely kidding and completely teasing, knowing how clumsy Acacia was sometimes when she wasn't putting up her facade of 'the pretty face'. One time she'd managed to even put a hole through Abi's bedroom wall, but that's a whole other story.

@Keira Winston



Mood: Unsure

@Keira Winston , @Periidot , @Smoaki


Jada's brown eyes filled with tears, something that she would have never let Bryson see whether they were in a relationship or not. She nodded when she was invited to the skatepark with her ex and Abi. Abi. Without saying a word, she leaned back around the corner to catch a glimpse of the blonde finishing a smoothie. Accidentally, she took one step too many and ended up pulling Bryson closer towards her.

"S-sorry.." She said, focusing her gaze on his eyes once more, tears brimming.

She reached up with one hand, the other one held in his grip, and slowly brushed the hair out of his eyes. Within a second of that gesture, she pulled her hand back as if she had been bitten by a snake. She had never felt more vulnerable at the beach house before. Normally, she dominated with the hottest guy of the year and spent the summer dancing the nights away. All that Jada felt now was.. nothing.

"I-I'm gonna go," The redhead said, voice soft, breaking her eye contact with Bryson abruptly. She wiped her eyes, hoping nobody saw her face.




It had only been five minutes, but Abi already felt that Bryson and Jada had been gone too long. What if they'd gotten back together, kissed, more than that? She shook her head, clearing her overwhelming thoughts of this as Jada walked back into the room. She swore her crush had gotten worse over the years, no matter how many people told her crushes fade. Jada looked in tears, and Abi hesitated a moment, wondering if she should go after the red head. So they weren't that great of friends, but Jada was still here, still someone she'd been around and cared for for years upon years.

Tears were definitely unusual for the red head, who was usually 'queen of the party' whenever they came to Florida. Either way, if they wanted to get out and do anything before the heat got too terrible, they'd have to leave soon. She turned on her phone and checked the time, surprised a bit to see that it was already getting near midday. Time really flied in this place, and she wished it wouldn't.




Mood: Upset

Interacting w/: @Keira Winston (Cacia)

Mentions: @Cosimia

Levi looked up to see Acacia holding out a smoothie. She had on an expression he couldn't read, but her voice was comforting. Simultaneously, he saw Bryson talking to Jada. He was a bit relieved, knowing Jada was in good hands for the moment.

He gave Acacia a sad smile and took the smoothie from her. Levi sipped from the glass. He found it ironic that the thing that made him upset in the first place was also making him feel better. He drank his smoothie for a while before opening his mouth.

"Thanks, I...I don't know. I'm so stupid. I hope I can find a good time to apologize to Jada." Levi found it hard to speak. He really didn't want to ruin his friendship with Jada. He could tell she took his snide comment pretty seriously.

He looked Acacia in the eye. This is the closest they've been since their breakup.
"Also...sorry." he told her. He wasn't sure why he said that, but he felt like he needed to apologize to Acacia.

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Acacia directed Alianna by pointing to the cups of smoothies laid out on the counter. "Go ahead and grab a glass." She hadn't seen her in the last couple of minutes and was wondering where she went. Alianna was never one to miss any action, so she wasn't surprised when she asked about the drama.

"Levi and Jada...." Acacia began to explain before pausing.

"You know what? It's not really a big deal," Acacia finished, not wanting to explain the whole scenario. She glanced toward the direction Jada went trying to catch a glimpse of what she was now doing. Levi's comment wasn't too serious, but it was common for Jada to take something like this as a big deal.

She was surprised to see Bryson rush over to comfort Jada, but at the exact same time, it was expected. The two haven't been talking in the last couple of days, but they were so on-and-off it was hard to tell.
I'd bet any guy would help a pretty girl, if only someone would do that for me...

She turned her attention back toward the girls when Abi teased her calling her "Miss Perfect". She had that smile of hers that gave it away as teasing. Abi was probably referring to the time when Acacia accidentally broke a hole in the wall... but that was when she was completely angry after her breakup with Levi.

"Okay Abi, we aren't all perfect, but you could've at least saved a few pieces for my bomb granola bars," she said pretending to roll her eyes.

Acacia was surprised when Levi finally decided to say something. They haven't really talked in a few months since their huge break up. It was mostly Acacia's fault. She threw their little memories like making vegan mac and cheese and snuggling close to a fire place away. Those were the small moments that counted.

"Jada just took it as a bigger deal than it actually was. I wouldn't worry about. I mean she'll forget about it once it's over. Bryson's already over there comforting her," she said reassuringly.

Acacia continued enjoying her smoothie until Levi looked her dead in the eyes and apologized. She was taken aback at first.

"Sorry? For what?" she asked looking directly back at him, her eyes soft.

@Tsiwentiio @Smoaki @Periidot


Bryson stared into Jada's brown eyes trying to read her. He's never seen her in her fragile state, not once, through all the years he known her. He continued to hold her. He loosened his grip, but he made sure not to let go of her arm. Levi really triggered something in Jada. It wasn't much of a big deal, but he could tell it was for her. He wasn't really sure how to react, but at the moment, she needed him.

He stumbled a bit when she pulled him toward her, but he kept a steady grip. He was quite confused when she apologized.

"Sorry? What for? There's no need to apologize," he stated staring down at her. Nothing made sense at the moment, and this was foreign to him. He never did well in school, and he got constant C's, but that didn't mean he was stupid. He knew what was useful in life and what life meant. Most importantly, he knew what he needed to do in life and what his purpose was.

Bryson had the strongest urge to kiss her when she swept his blonde locks out of his eyes. That's when he realized that Jada wasn't only messing with his head, but with his heart too. He watched her pull away. He knew the feeling, he too wasn't ready to jump back in on their crazy emotional rollercoaster together.

"Don't go," he replied under his breath. He wouldn't leave her alone. Especially not in her fragile state. He reached for her face and turned it back toward his. He caught a tear and wiped it away gently with his finger.

"You're going to wipe your tears and go to the skatepark with me. You're not going to let anyone see you like this, got it?" he said quietly. He hated seeing her like this.





Mood: A little nervous

Interacting w/: @Keira Winston (Cacia)

Mentions: @Tsiwentiio

Levi looked over to see Alianna standing over the kitchen counter. He chuckled to himself. She always wanted to know the scoop behind everything and anything.
"Don't you worry your pretty little head." he playfully commented, smiling at her. He looked one more time in Jada's direction to make sure she was alright.

Levi turned back to Acacia and looked at her. He took in her soft, reassuring look and how she looked right back at him. He was glad they could finally face each other, albeit they still didn't know how to talk to each other. When he started getting tutoring lessons with Kylynn, Acacia started to get upset. More and more she started pointing out how much time he spent with Kylynn. Levi tried to reassure her that nothing was happening. Yet, one day, he had it. He snapped at her, just like what happened with Jada. Levi felt like he was at fault for everything. He wondered how she felt about their breakup. His head was cluttered with so many thoughts that he didn't know where to start.

"...Sorry for...a lot of things. I actually wanted to talk to you after you know what happened." He gave her a genuine smile. "But I didn't know how to approach you." Levi finally stood up from the couch. He ran through his hair a little to fix it. "Maybe we can talk things through in a while? Whenever you're comfortable, that is.." Even if she felt uncomfortable around him, Levi didn't mind. He could wait. He was finally taking initiative to put Acacia and himself to ease, and that was all that mattered.

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K y l y n n


Kylynn was sitting on her bed when she noticed how quiet it had gotten. There was nobody laughing, gasping, burping, or anything. It was silent. The isolated girl wanted to see what it was, but the drama passed and she did not want to be the lost one. She'd just have someone who she knew wasn't in the drama to explain it to her later.

She changed into white shorts and a black t-shirt that said a Harry Potter quote for the walk. Kylynn decided on folding her remaining clothes and throwing them in her suitcase when her eyes landed on them. She looked to the ballet shoes and frowned.

She carried them, and really looked at them. Her torture for the last thirteen years. Sitting herself on the floor Kylynn placed the torture devices on her feet, wrapping the ribbons around her leg. They felt so familiar, it was almost sickening.

I don't miss you guys. She said, laughing at the mere thought of her dancing again. She never understood why her mother forced her into dancing. She hated it when she started, and she hated it now. Yet, she still attempted a pirouette.

She was never going to dance again and she was never going to see the damned shoes. Untying the shoes, she releases them off and onto the floor.

Putting on her flats, she takes both pairs of dance shoes and stuffs them into a purse. It's the end of it all, she laughed, wiping the tear which was on her face.

No crying, no crying at all. Running her hands through her hair, Kylynn leaves the room, ready to get rid of them.

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Acacia didn't deserve the apology- Levi did. It was all her fault. The breakup. Sure, at one point it was the most talked about thing in the school, but Acacia still got agitated when it was brought up. She felt guilty every time it was brought up. The topic has died down in the last month, she's finally gotten over the breakup, but she'd never- never in a hundred years thought she'd be talk to Levi about the break up. She's almost wanted to talk to him about the break up ever since it happened, but she wasn't sure of the right words to say. She didn't even know how to face him. She'd started the fire. Acacia knew something he didn't, and she wasn't sure how to tell him.

She turned away from him for a moment and replayed the break up. She remembered bugging him for weeks about Kyynn, but at the time she was just his English-tutor and nothing more. She had totally overreacted, but that was to cover something up. As usual, Damon was looking for his next conquest, and that just happened to be her. Acacia had never let herself get caught up with a player, but it happened. The spark between Levi and herself died down, but she didn't want to think it was her fault. She found something else to blame it on-Kylynn. It might not have actually been a thing if she didn't mention it. She'd also done it because it felt good to have Levi reassure her. To her, it meant that they were okay. She had never wanted to hurt Levi or to be the one to break up with him, but the whole thing blew up in her face. Levi cracked and exploded. She ended up being the one getting hurt. It brought her to tears and finally made her say it.

"I think we should start seeing other people," she has managed to say as tears rushed down her cheeks. She hated herself for Damon, for causing Levi to snap, for blaming him for something so innocent, and most of all- of say those words and throwing everything they had away. She ended up leaving his house that evening it had happened. She remembered the first stage after the breakup that included constant tears streaming down her face and eating ice cream right out of the bucket. In that stage she regretted everything she had said and done. What made her guilt worse was that she had started dating Damon just a week after the whole incident, but he was there for her when she needed it. The next stage was her anger- she'd only showed it to Abi which ended up with her making a hole in her bedroom wall. The next stage was acceptance, it had happened and she needed to move on. She was finally ready to talk about it.

"Actually..." Acacia wasn't sure how to start, "Don't- Please don't apologize." She was a bit uncomfortable talking about the incident, but it was about time.

"Yeah... we should talk... there's actually something I've been meaning to tell you. There's something you need to know.." she said trying not to look him directly in the eye.

@Periidot mentioned- @ALittleRed @Huntrey @Smoaki



(Because I can't find anything for the 'mood')


Her attention shifted back to her best friend as Levi approached her and they talked. It was a rather stiff-seeming conversation, and Abi was worried. She didn't want to see Acacia how she had been again after their breakup. She looked back to where Jada and Bryson stood and bit her lip, sighing and deciding that her best friend's happiness was more important. Walking over, she stood behind Acacia and smiled, a bit curious to what they had been talking about. The two of them hadn't even looked at each other, much less talked, for over a year.

"Everything okay?" she asked, glancing to Acacia, waiting for some sign of either 'help me' or 'I'm fine'. She'd learnt to read her best friend's emotions long ago and had used it multiple times, usually to help her make good decisions and not terrible ones. Damon... well, he was lucky Acacia had told her to leave him be. That was the one time she hadn't been able to tell what Cacia was thinking, and deep down she wished she'd been able to. Damon was a bad choice for Acacia, at least in Abi's opinion. It had broken her heart when she and Levi broke up, but she jumped in to help her friend, despite her feelings on the matter.

@Keira Winston
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Talking to Levi was still awkward, but like always Abi was there standing right by her side. Abi has done the same for years and always had her back. She was the best friend Cacia could ever ask for. She was always there to drag her out of awkward situations, especially ones involving boys. Abi was like a good luck charm- or maybe more like a lifesaver. When ever she needed an excuse to leave, she was there. Abi was someone she could really depend on. Acacia had tried to repay her by setting her up with multiple guys, but she could tell Abi wasn't into any of them. She wondered who her best friend liked or if she liked anyone at all. She just wanted her best friend to tell her the truth, but she hasn't yet about her leftover feelings for Levi.


"Yeah we're totally fine," she said glancing up at Abi. There was a genuine smile spread across her lips. That meant that she didn't need any help or an excuse to leave. If she turned everything up a notch to fit the mold of the pretty face, especially when someone was trying to score a number from her, thats when Abi would rush in to make an excuse about "her boyfriend getting into a car accident".

She needed her own time to talk to Levi. Hopefully they could still talk to each to each other like normal people. They were getting there, but she wasn't sure if she'd be completely honest with him especially about her feelings and regret. If only things could be like they used to be...

@Smoaki mentioned- @Periidot



('Mood' problems yet again)


"Yeah, we're totally fine," her friend responded with a smile that reached her eyes. Abi nodded, getting the message. Acacia obviously needed to talk to Levi for some reason, and Abi secretly hoped they might become a thing again. She knew that this was unlikely, and she had no vendetta against Kylynn, but those two had made each other so happy when they were together. While she could cheer Acacia up quite a bit, she'd never seen her best friend light up like she had when she and Levi were dating.

"Well, I'll let you two get on with it then," she responded with a smirile, flicking her eyes between the two. She rested her eyes on Levi for a long second in an expression that basically said 'hurt her and I murder you'.

After she was sure he got the picture, she walked off to her room and into the closet that she had often left things in after past trips to the house. Acacia's dad never minded, as he was like a second father to her, and a daughter to him. She opened up the messy closet of her various collected items and squinted while she searched through, smiling triumphantly when she found what she was looking for. Pulling out her skateboard she'd had since she was fourteen, she looked it over and remembering many MANY attempts by Bryson to teach her different tricks on it. She'd been completely rubbish at all of them, but at the time she'd just enjoyed his company. Walking back out into the main area of the house, she noticed Bryson and Jada still talking, and rather close to each other. She swallowed hard and gripped the old skateboard, keeping walking as she mentally attempted to calm her slight rage.

Pull yourself together, they're just talking... right?'

@Keira Winston Mentions: @Cosimia
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Mood: A little nervous

Interacting w/: @Keira Winston (Cacia)

Mentions: @Smoaki

Levi felt a pair of eyes gazing at him. Abi shot him a look that gave him a fair warning. He realized she was probably hinting to be careful with Acacia. Levi tried to give her a reassuring smile as she left. He did not want to hurt Acacia any more, intentional or not.

When he thought about Acacia, there were two types of thoughts. Levi looked back a lot on their memories. He knew it may have been toxic. He realized he couldn't go back to them, no matter how hard he tried. After all, Levi wasn't a rocket scientist. He was just willing to do so much to make things right again. Nostalgia crept up on him at the most inconvenient times. Yet, he didn't go against them. His memories of Acacia were always filled with warmth. Even if she didn't love him anymore, Levi held a special place in his heart for her.

The other type of thoughts he had were after their breakup. Lots of toxic once again. However, he was bewildered at how he acted after it. It didn't help that it was blasted all over the school. But no one expected it--Levi and Acacia were their high school's "it couple". Levi isolated himself from everyone. He became more quiet and a lot more agitated. He got mad from the most simple things. Levi even skipped a few football practices. Never in his life has he felt more distraught.

Currently, Acacia looked nervous--and she had every right to be. Out of the blue, he asked her to talk about something serious. He was astonished that she agreed upon it so soon. She even wanted to tell him something.

"...Oh! Okay, sure." Levi sat up, looking at her. She was looking away from him. Levi gulped. He hoped what she had to say wasn't as bad as it seemed. Though she couldn't fully see him, he made himself as attentive as possible, waiting patiently for her reply.



Acacia was quite surprised at Levi's eagerness to talk about their breakup since they haven't even talked in the past few months. She had wanted to talk about it for a while now, but she didn't want to face the awkwardness. It was time to discuss it now, though she never thought it would happen. She had played the event many times in her head before, but now she didn't know of the right words to say.

She saw the look Abi gave him, it was one she saw often. Abi was always a bit protective of her, but she didn't mind. Her best friend always had her best interest at heart. Abi could also read her face, so she most likely knew of how nervous she was. This was going to be very difficult for Acacia, but Abi did the right thing by leaving the ex-couple alone to talk things out.

Though the two had many great memories, it hurt her a bit each time she thought about it. It reminded her of what she left behind, but she did not regret any second of it. She remembered Homecoming and stepping onto the stage nervous and excited about who would be standing next to her. Her jaw dropped when someone called his name. She saw the crowd part in the middle letting him onto the stage. She was happy that night, and most important, she was herself. That night was one of the best in her life. Thinking about those memories led her to think about her breakup

"Actually, I think we should talk about this er... outside.." she suggested. What she had to say was in between them, and she didn't want to do it in front of everyone. She also didn't want to get Damon or Kylynn involved or anyone else.

"Care to take a walk with me?" she asked looking at him with soft eyes. Back when they were together they used to always take strolls on the beach when they came to this house.

@Periidot mentioned- @Smoaki @Huntrey @ALittleRed


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