A Song of Ice and Fire


The Most Electrifying Man in Sports Entertainment
Winter has come, which means I'll be stuck inside most evenings for the next several months (I live in Vermont, we have winters of Westerosi proportions)

If there's sufficient interest, I'd like to get a weekly SIFRP play-by-chat game going. 7:30-10PM EST on a Monday, Tuesday or Friday night works best for me.

Familiarity with the books isn't essential, but I'd expect everyone to at least have watched the HBO series to get a feel for the setting. Each player will also need their own copy of the Game of Thrones Edition of the core book.
Ack, can't do play-by-chat or I'd be all over this. Have fun, and I may lurk in hope of transcripts.
Are we talking this version:

Or this one?

Because if it's the former rather than the latter, well, I've been wanting a chance to play that one since I got my hands on a copy. If it's the latter, sadly I lack the book.
The latter, but a newer edition than what's shown there.

Flagg said:
Winter has come, which means I'll be stuck inside most evenings for the next several months (I live in Vermont, we have winters of Westerosi proportions)
If there's sufficient interest, I'd like to get a weekly SIFRP play-by-chat game going. 7:30-10PM EST on a Monday, Tuesday or Friday night works best for me.

Familiarity with the books isn't essential, but I'd expect everyone to at least have watched the HBO series to get a feel for the setting. Each player will also need their own copy of the Game of Thrones Edition of the core book.
I have classes on mondays til 8-8:30(Not sure on the exact time I get out yet) or I would commit. Of course I'm on vacation now and classes resume on the 8th but I have to think about things in the long run. I also don't own the book :( ...
It's available on PDF if you can't find a hard copy.
Give me a few days to read the rules and learn them, here you have one player for sure, I'm so looking forward to this.
The Dark Wizard]How much does it cost? [/QUOTE] $20 [URL="http://www.rpgnow.com/product/101026/A-Song-of-Ice-and-Fire-Roleplaying:-A-Game-of-Thrones-Edition said:
[QUOTE="Lord-Leafar]Give me a few days to read the rules and learn them, here you have one player for sure, I'm so looking forward to this.

Awesome. Do you guys have any preference for which night to play?
Well at the moment I think I could do any of the nights you suggested, but I'm leaning towards Tuesday nights.
I've Gm'd a short lived game in pbp and am currently playing a pbp as a character. I'm pretty comfortable with the basic system.
I have almost 20 years experience as a GM, but this will be my first online game, so you guys might need to be a little patient with me the first couple of sessions.
Ok, so what kind of adventure were you planning to run? Any particular focus on one area or noble house of Westeros? Anything you could tell us to get the character ideas flowing.
I leave all that completely up to you guys. I'll customize the story to fit whatever you guys come up with for a house. I generally shoot for an even mix of action and intrigue, though I can vary the ratio depending on the characters' strengths. Pretty much anything that would fit into the novels would be an appropriate character.

I find the house creation rules do a really good job of getting the story started, because it gives you a framework to hang a lot of details on.
The one detail I will commit to right now: the game will take place ~10 years before the start of the books, to give us a world that's familiar, but not overly burdened by canonical events.
Well add another interested participant, Monday or Tuesday would also be preferential for me, but I can do Fridays too.
Starswords said:
Well add another interested participant, Monday or Tuesday would also be preferential for me, but I can do Fridays too.
Ok, so that's nicholscs, Lord-Leafar, CW, and Starswords. A goodly amount to start with. Others can join in later if they wish. Let's do Tuesday, since that seems to work well for everyone. Will you all be ready to start this coming Tuesday, or do some of you need more time to acquire the book?

In the meantime, you guys should talk amongst yourselves about what part of Westeros you want to be from. That's the first step in the House creation process, and determines your starting resource spread.
Starting next week is fine for me. I'm on holiday til Thursday : )

If we're not randomizing things, I think my top three regions would be the following (in no order):

The Reach

The Riverlands


The only region I'd rather not be locked into is Dragonstone.

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