A Song of Ice and Fire

Well our home region will shape the entire game so we should probably decide what kind extracurricular hazards we will face. The North has potential for Wildling shenanigans and the Iron Islands have the Viking goodness, though 10 years ago is around the time of Greyjoy's rebellion anyway...

Edit: Any region works for me really, and I'll be able to be on this Tuesday
Starswords said:
though 10 years ago is around the time of Greyjoy's rebellion anyway...
Yup. Lord Balon rebelled during this time because things were still settling down after Robert's war, and he didn't think the king's rule was solidified enough to stand against him. It's a good time for the making and breaking of noble houses :)
Somewhere around the Neck could be a good spot, close enough to the Iron Islands to be involved in the conflict, and not too far from the North in case we want to get some wilding action. I can also do this Tuesday.
Well we should also decide what sort of House we want to be, do we want to be more opportunistic, honorable/dutiful, or what have you
The character of the house can develop well once we start the house creation process, especially once we get to the house history & resource rolls.

Personally, I prefer playing characters who are basically good, but in 'A Song of Ice and Fire', that is a very subjective thing. Great drama can come out of 'good' people having to make decisions where there is no 'good' choice.
[QUOTE="Lord-Leafar]Snot too far from the North in case we want to get some wilding action. I can also do this Tuesday.

The Neck is so far from the Wall it might as well be on another planet, for the purposes of Wildlings getting there.
nicholscs said:
The character of the house can develop well once we start the house creation process, especially once we get to the house history & resource rolls.
I agree. The process will determine if you're a rich, prosperous house looking to protect its interests, or a ancient and proud, yet destitute house in decline, or a house newly raised to nobility by Robert as a reward for loyalty which has yet to establish itself as a real player, etc.

That, more than anything will determine the sort of house you'll be. Whether your character is then a hero or a villain in that context is more of a personal decision.
While House creation will be the major determinant, where we are situated will also determine what sort of help/hindrance our neighbors/Lord will be. The Riverlands will undoubtedly entail the Late Lord Frey trying to get us to marry some of his many many progeny...or himself if we have female characters <_<
I suppose I should be asking at this point: Would you guys prefer this game to have a directed plot, or be more of a sandbox? I'm comfortable with either one.
A directed plot might help get things rolling and get us working through nuts and bolts quicker, but I'll go with consensus.
From what I recall, any of the western coastal regions will be hotspots around the Greyjoy rebellion, so...Westerlands, Riverlands, Reach, and even those lower portions of the North.
Most of the fighting was done by the Baratheons, Starks, Tullys, Lannisters, and their bannermen, but there's no need to be a slave to canon. We're more or less creating a divergent timeline by definition.

Edit: And the Redwynes.
Nice map! I could've sworn there were raids further north and south. I must be confusing the GJR raids with some from the books.
The ironmen attack Torrhen's Square and the Stony Shore during the War of the 5 Kings, but in the first rebellion they never got further north than the Riverlands.
Well unless CW voices strong objections it looks like we've agreed upon the Riverlands, so do we want to be along the coast or not?
I vote coast, just so we can expect a bit more action once the rebellion goes all out, but I'm fine with whatever the group chooses.
Hey Flagg, I flipped over here from Green Ronin, you replied on the thread... I'm definitely interested and I'm also ok with the group's consensus of a Riverlands house. I'd actually vote slightly inland, though... I think it gives a chance for some steady build up. But I'm also ok with the coast if that's the direction we go with. Also the more "story driven" plot seems like a solid idea.

For play by chat, do we need Teamspeak or any other client, or is there some where in the forums on this site we end up playing?

Thanks for the invite!
We'll be using the TeamSpeak server here. I wrote a dice plugin for SIFRP.

And welcome :)
Perfect, thanks so much. :)

Also as a heads up, I'm PST over here so if we do a 7:30 start time I probably won't be on for about 30 minutes thereafter (5 PST)... I don't have a job at the moment but I'm looking actively for one... it will be a school district job (sub teaching or speech pathology) so I should be good to make it most of the time at 4:30, but I did want to be upfront that I might be late a few times. Otherwise Tuesday Nights are pretty much perfect.
I don't think that will be a problem. We'll just begin and you can jump in when you arrive.
As it turns out, I'll be at home all day tomorrow, with no wife, child, or means of transportation. I will indulge in sweet, sweet slack.

If it so happens you guys can all be online simultaneously at some point tomorrow, we could get the house creation done at a more leisurely pace than a two-hour session this Tuesday will allow. Just throwing it out there.

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