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Fandom A Secret to Keep

Chara remained quiet most of the way back to the League, she knew Cobalt grew tired-how could he not?-but he hid it well, only slightly breaking his composure when they neared the top of the steps. However, as if the sight of the entrance to the Pokemon Center renewed his strength, Cobalt successfully carried his Trainer-and the rescued Cubone-to safety.
As soon as they were through the doors, Nurse Joy rushed to them, concern clear in her eyes. Before she could say anything, however, Chara shifted in Cobalt's arms, giving him no choice but to put her down.
"Nurse Joy," She said in a polite tone despite the excruciating pain throbbing in her leg, "Would you be so kind as to show me to a first aid kit and have a look at Cobalt and this Cubone?"

The nurse hesitated, it was obvious the Champion needed medical attention right away, from preferably a human hospital rather than a Pokemon one, but from her experience with the Trainer, she knew that the Pokemon always came first. Pursing her lips, she gave a nod and pointed the Trainer the direction of another room-one she knew held enough medical supplies to help Chara do what she needed for the time being-before taking the Cubone from her and checking him over for injuries.

Chara gave Cobalt a pointed look, "Don't argue. Let her check you over first. I'll be in that room cleaning myself up, after she checks you over and gives you the ok, you can join me. But I'm serious, Cobalt, let her check and treat your injuries first."
With a final warning look, she limped/drug her leg best she could towards the room, which thankfully wasn't far. Once inside, she released a pained groan before taking a breath and continuing to the sink, grabbing a rolling chair on her way.
With deep breaths, she gathered everything she needed that she could find and sat down to go to work. Propping the foot of the injured leg on another chair, blood began to drip onto the floor as all of her moving reopened some of the wounds.
With the supplies laid out on the counter next to the sink, Chara turned on the water to warm before soaking a rag and gently cleaning up the dried blood first.
In all of the excitement, she hadn't let herself look too closely at her injured appendage. Now, though, she could see just how bad it was. No wonder she'd felt a bit light headed, it seemed like her leg was covered in the red liquid of life, she had to rinse and rewet the rag several times to get most of it off.
She was mainly worried about the pieces of wood that had impaled her flesh, unsure if she should leave them in until she could see a professional, or if she should try to remove them herself. Logically, she knew she should wait in case one hit a major vein. Stopping any other thoughts that might tell her to try and remove them, she decided to at least wait for Nurse Joy before attempting anything of the sort. For now, she would simply clean the wounds best she could.
Chara gave Cobalt a pointed look, "Don't argue. Let her check you over first. I'll be in that room cleaning myself up, after she checks you over and gives you the ok, you can join me. But I'm serious, Cobalt, let her check and treat your injuries first."
With a final warning look, she limped/drug her leg best she could towards the room, which thankfully wasn't far.

Cobalt scowled as he was escorted away by Nurse Joy, watching Chara pull herself into a sideroom on one leg. He was of the opinion that Chara's wellbeing superceded anything and everything else, but it was times like those that Cobalt's and Chara's stubbornness butted heads with each other. He hadn't broken anything and was generally fine; Chara could barely walk on one leg.

Nurse Joy had been certain to check Cobalt with careful scrutiny. The little Cubone had been given a clean bill of health after a general check-up, but Cobalt's many scrapes and bruises meant she had to check for any underlying injuries. Now for somebody who fell down the entire height of a cliff into a river, Cobalt was in remarkable condition. His partial Steel-Typing made sure that he was extra resilient to physical trauma; what should've been cracked bones and severe lacerations wound up being indiscernible from bruises and scrapes he'd typically recieve during a high-intensity Pokémon battle.

After gently spraying his scrapes with a Super Potion, Cobalt was considered well enough to take care of himself. Some of his bruises could've used some ice to reduce the minor swelling, and his heavy fatigue would still require a decent rest, but Cobalt was infamously stubborn to a fault. Nurse Joy had little means of keeping the Lucario in place if he was convinced he was well, and since he was already on his way, Nurse Joy still had one last individual to take care of...
Chara panted from pain as she slowly poured hydrogen peroxide onto the more shallow cuts without pieces of wood in them, the sting of the liquid had her hissing a breath through her teeth. Dabbing the wound with a clean cloth, a knock sounded on the door before opening when the Champion said to enter.
Nurse Joy opened the door, closing it right behind her. She was sure Cobalt wouldn't waste time in returning to his beloved partner's side, but the nurse wanted a chance to look at Chara's injuries without the Lucario hovering about with that critical eye he always had when he wanted to make sure his Trainer was given the best care. Nurse Joy was far too familiar with how Cobalt was, with and without Chara due to her daily contact with the pair at the League.

"I see you've already gotten all of the blood cleaned up, that's good." She moved closer to examine her leg and the more worrisome cuts, "Most of the bleeding has stopped, except for this one... Hmm... I think a splinter might have hit a vein-not a major one by the flow, though. You'll likely need stitches." She sighed, meeting her eyes, "You know we need to get you to a doctor, right?"
It was Chara's turn to sigh as she nodded, "Yeah, I know. Let's just do what we can until I can get there, it's not exactly a short trip to the nearest hospital."
With a nod, the nurse went to work on bandaging the smaller and shallow cuts.
"How are Cobalt's injuries?" The Trainer asked.
"He'll be just fine, he mostly has some bruising but he'll be back to battling in no time so don't worry."
Before she could reply, the door opened and Cubone happily ran in, Cobalt following behind.
Little Cubone excitedly tottered forward several steps before Cobalt scooped up the Ground Type in his arms. "Maybe another tone fella; let's give my Trainer some space." He softly growled, sturdily containing Cubone's upset flailing. No need for a child running around to further Nurse Joy's considerable workload, not when the Lucario's stubbornness was enough already.

Looking at what Nurse Joy had done, it seemed Chara wasn't going to be able to get much done until they visited a hospital proper. Opelucid City was the closest, but ever since the old Victory Road caved in from a landslide Route 10 was completely inaccessible; flying on a Pokémon was the only way to get there in a reasonable amount of time...

No matter what, Chara was going to be out of action for awhile; she couldn't perform her duties as Champion if she had to hobble everywhere on a tender ankle.
Chara smiled at the excited Cubone, and giggled when Lucario scooped him up in his arms. Leaving Nurse Joy to do whatever she could for her leg, she examined Cobalt from where she was and, seeing the solemn look on his face, gave a small, sad smile, knowing what he must be thinking.
"Stop." She said softly. Gesturing for him to come closer, she opened her arms-either to take the Cubone or give them both a hug, "Don't look so worried. I've been injured worse than this before and you know it. We'll get by, I'll still tend to things as normal, it's not like I need a leg to instruct battles." She chuckled before sobering a bit more, "Seriously, I'll be alright. This gives me an excuse to get a lift everywhere. I promise to stick to the ground though, I know how you are with flying."

"Speaking of flying," Said Nurse Joy as she cut some gauze and finished bandaging one of the more shallow cuts, "We need to get one of your Flying Types to take you to the hospital so they can properly tend to your leg. I'll watch things here until you're return, but the sooner you get going the better. You've lost more blood than I'm comfortable with." She looked over at the Lucario, "Cobalt, would you mind finding one of your teammates who would be up for the job? You can visit the TM if you need someone not currently in the facility."
Cubone had been more than happy to leave Cobalt's paws for the more welcoming embrace of Chara's arms, leaving the Lucario to sigh tiredly. Well he was going to leave the room anyways at Nurse Joy's request; someone had to find a Flying Type to carry Chara to Opelucid City...

Upon making his exit from the small room, Cobalt was immediately welcomed with the typical chaos that came with being a part of the Unovan Champion's permanent roster. Chara had amassed a huge team of Pokémon over her long seven years as Champion, and while she did try her best to rotate teams on a regular basis, the majority of her Pokémon spent their time in the Pokémon League or Professor Juniper's laboratory back home in Nuvema Town. It was hard not to notice familiar faces like Sceptile and Espeon idling about, but he could easily talk to them later; he needed to find a Flying Type...

Cobalt was about to make his way to the nearby PC to call on Golurk when he heard a tapping noise coming from the Pokémon Center's main entrance. Oh, it was the Braviary that helped them not too long ago; looks like it had shown up to check on him, Chara, and the Cubone they rescued. Huh... Actually...

"Your timing is impeccable, you know that?" Cobalt remarked lightly, reminded once again of the Valiant Pokémon's prompt arrival after the call for help. "We'll actually need to recruit you for help again. Chara's not going to be walking for awhile, and we need a lift to Opelucid City. Think you can grant us the one favor and offer her your wings for now?"

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