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Fantasy -A search- ((Always open!))



Well hello. Fancy seeing you here.

Now that I have introduced myself in the only way I know, onto the actual welcoming.

Welcome into my thread!

Yes. Uneventful like that. Onto Expectations and what to expect of me!

Things to expect of me:

  • I can write around three decent paragraphs. Any more, and they'll be bad.

  • I am very visual, so when making a CS, please use real images or at least a realistic drawing.

  • Even though I like writing two paragraphs, I can mirror post lengths from my partners.

  • I am okay with gore and everything. I really have absolutely no triggers.

  • Don't be scared to talk to me! I like interacting with my partner!

  • I only do RP's in PM. Threads are weird on me for some reason.

  • I attend... It's not college, but similar to it. I'm 24. I attend that during the day, but I can post. If I miss my posts for around two days, I probably just forgot to enter RPNation.

  • My style of writing varies oh so wildly depending on what we are doing. It depends on the mood and depends on everything. If the scene is chaotic, what is going on... So, here is a small example of a very chaotic scene and with an emotion, I at least tried to convey xD
Her eyes accompanied the family. They seemed so happy together. It must be hard to have family members outside that you can't see every day. Astrien glanced up at the sky as soon as she could no longer see the people. The sun was setting over the horizon. She still had a bit of time for herself. So, as quietly and quickly as she could, she made her way over to her little space. And it was hers because, so far, no one had touched anything that was there. Maybe they hadn't found it yet. She was there the other day, the cans of paint there and an empty canvas on the canvas stand.

It had been so long since Astrien had painted what people consider a 'real painting'. Something with detail, realistic. She knew how to do it, of course, but she didn't feel like doing it anymore. Astrien dipped a huge paintbrush in the can of black paint and covered the whole canvas with it. She then sat back and stared. Stared at it until the shine was no longer there, until it had dried. She then took another paintbrush and dipped it in white, then painted sharp teeth on the canvas. The teeth that bit into her skin, tearing it.

When a dog bites your skin, it doesn't let go. It's like trying to pull a piece of cloth from in between a zipper. It rips. Astrien scribbles onto the canvas the grey of the collar that held her, stopped her being able to move, to run, cutting into her neck as the dog tore her. She dripped red paint on the canvass, the blood of her skin and muscles that were torn. Astrien picked up the can of blue and lifts her hand to paint, but she can't. Of all her memories, blue are her eyes that she couldn't forget. The blue that watched. The blue that encouraged the dog to bite more. The blue that Astrien cried for mercy to. Astrien dropped the can. The blue that killed her.

Astrien pulled the canvas out of the stand, slamming it onto the ground. She kneeled next to it, only then noticing the tears that were streaming down her cheeks as she tore the canvas into pieces. Astrien let out a small scream, taking a pair of scissors she had there and stabbing the blue can as if it were her. Astrien spilled a few cans over on her legs, but she didn't mind. They were colors that didn't remind her of the past. Pink, yellow and brown, anything. When she finally stopped, she let the scissors drop from her hands, still shaking slightly from her now soft sobs.

She tilted her head up, closing her eyes. Astrien felt lightheaded. The doctor had told her not to do this. But had she listened? No. And so, without noticing, Astrien collapsed onto her side, passed out as the paint soaked into her skin and hair and clothes.

Now onto what I expect of you!

  • I expect more than a line of post unless it is a dialogue or a really epic one-liner

  • Romance doesn't have to be the main topic, but I tend to make it one.

  • Yes, all my RP's do have romance. What can I say? It's like an addiction.

  • Don't expect me to come up with a plot on my own. Because I won't.

*drum roll* Here is what you came for... The pairings!
***= level of current interest


- Muse A is a vampire. Muse B is a werewolf. I know, cliché, right? They have an arranged marriage, to settle the war that has been going on for several decades. They both have no idea who their fiance is. They meet in the woods and fight. In the middle of everything, their lips get caught up and they kiss. Confused, they both go away to where they were supposed to be. Once they arrive in the chapel, they are surprised to see who it is. ((This isn't a full Idea yet. We can discuss this one more))

How fancy.***

- Muse A is a parole officer, and Muse B is an ex-convict. Muse A is in charge of Muse B for the time being, as Muse A is still new to the whole thing. The two slowly fall in an unspoken love. But one day the word gets out that a parole officer is having an affair with an ex-convict.


-Muse A is given as a slave to Muse B, due to family debts. Muse B is supposed to satisfy all of Muse A's needs. ((Again, this isn't a full idea yet either. We can work more on this.))

A Pact*

Long ago, Muse A & B great grandparents promised the two to each other, even though the families hate one another. Now that the time has come, they don't want to be together. Both run away, only to unknowingly meet somewhere else, slowly falling in love. How will each one of them react once they figure out the truth?


Muse A is a rich and successful vampire. Muse B is a human who was invited for a job interview in the grand house, which is more like a castle on top of hills. Muse A tells her that he is a vampire. Muse B doesn't believe him. Until it gets hired.

Love in a hopeless place**

Muse A is a lap-dancer in a brothel just out of town. Muse B is a frequent visitor but decides to get a lapdance. Muse B fell in love with her looks, but Muse A just took it as another lapdance. Muse B starts going every day to see her, not necessarily for a lapdance. One day, he musters enough courage to ask her out on a date.

Reaper's MC* ((Based off book))

((Mature, comes with overall character idea))

Marie doesn’t need a complication like Horse. The massive, tattooed, badass biker who shows up at her brother’s house one afternoon doesn’t agree. He wants Marie on his bike and in his bed. Now. But Marie just left her abusive jerk of an ex-husband and she’s not looking for a new man. Especially one like Horse—she doesn’t know his real name or where he lives, she’s ninety percent certain he’s a criminal and that the “business” he talks with her brother isn’t website design. She needs him out of her life, which would be a snap if he’d just stop giving her mind-blowing orgasms. Horse is part of the Reapers Motorcycle Club, and when he wants something, he takes it. What he wants is Marie, but she’s not interested in becoming “property of”. Then her brother steals from the club. Marie can save him by giving Horse what he wants—at home, in public, on his bike… If she’s a very, very good girl, she’ll get lots more of those orgasms only he can offer, and he’ll let her brother live.

I think I love you*****

This is about two women falling in love. One is a zoologist, the other is a CEO. They don’t know each other. Only… They have a special craving for one another. Each one is called a nickname by the other. What is their relationship, you may ask? Well, they weren’t meant to fall in love. The CEO was only supposed to give tips to the Zoologist on her sexual life. And the Zoologist only to take them and leave, only to meet a few weeks later to get more tips. But no. Something happens, leaving them both wanting more. They end up meeting frequently, even though they know nothing about each other, except the nicknames.

Spoiled Rotten*****

Muse A is a rich, spoiled only child of a president and a rich divorced woman who happened to marry to have the perfect image of a family, and Muse A makes it rather hard to keep that image. Muse B is broke, in great debt, and running a small bar in the suburbs of town along with their sister, which gets hired by Muse A. Muse A is not amused by the sister's works, until Muse A sees Muse B. As Muse A is used to getting what it wants, it decided to make an offer. Muse A would pay all the debts and possible future debts if Muse B would do everything they asked for three months. Including fulfilling desires.

0.5 +0.5

A girl who has been physically and mentally abused by a man, and therefore cannot stand composed near one without breaking down. A man who has been mentally abused, and made to ignore his daughter by a fake bitch. A little girl who is terrified of socialization. They meet. She freaks out with the man but is the first person to make the little girl laugh and have a good time in years. Can two halves of once a whole person add up and work together to get over their fears?

The Marks of You******

This would be in a world where everyone is born with a tattoo. Their own tattoo. And whenever someone falls in love with someone else, their tattoo appears somewhere in their body. The tattoo would be a very sensitive spot. If they hurt you before leaving you, it turns into a scar. If they leave peacefully, it slowly fades away. We would have two characters. Muse A would be tough, only having fallen in love two times, both tattoos that have faded away. Muse B is too sensitive. He/She is covered in tattoos, some fading and others scabbing over.

But You're my Age!*********

Muse A is the daughter/son of a rich woman
(let's call her Lindsy for my sake), who recently lost her significant other. As Muse A was across the country when it happened, a few months later Muse A decided to move in with Lindsy for a few months to comfort her. Lindsy didn't mention anything about already being engaged again. Muse B is being spoiled rotten by Lindsy, getting everything he/she wants with a bat of their eyelashes. When Muse A arrives, they are awestruck. First, over how quickly Muse B transformed Muse A's bedroom into a storage for their things. Second, over Muse B's beauty. And Muse B immediately notices that Muse A fancies them. Muse B's sole mission over the next few months? Make Muse A's life a living, teasing hell. Of course, without Lindsy finding out.

I'm not sure what would happen in these last two, but I know I am very interested in them!

A few pairings:

Assasin x Assasin

Mercenary x Citizen

Supernatural x Human

Supernatural x Supernatural

Scientist x Victim

Prisoner x Prisoner

Rich x Poor

Teacher x Student

Assasin x Target

Not a lot, I know. But I do have a few fandoms I can do too!

Batman Arkham City / Dark Knight

Catwoman x Batman

Batman x Poison Ivy

Poison Ivy x Catwoman

Ivy x Harley Quinn

Metal Gear Solid V

Snake x Quiet

Kaz x Quiet

Steven Universe

Anything works, really

Book Fandoms:

War of the Fae

Spike x Jayne

Jayne x Tony

Finn x Becky


Elysia x Anyone

The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner

Bree x Anyone

****A few of my plots do not entirely belong to me, as I took some ideas from beautiful and chaotic Tumblr****
That's it for now, folks!

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Oh oh oh! I'd be interested in the "Mine" plot and think it would be cool with like a supernatural x human. I prefer to play the female and in this case feel as if I could come up with some interesting plot twists if we need them as the slave. Want me to pm you?
Oh oh oh! I'd be interested in the "Mine" plot and think it would be cool with like a supernatural x human. I prefer to play the female and in this case feel as if I could come up with some interesting plot twists if we need them as the slave. Want me to pm you?

Go ahead!
I really like the idea of Assassin x Assassin and have some pretty good ideas for characters and stuff. Would you like me to pm you? ^-^
The "Mine" plot sounds interesting, mixed with either of the supernatural pairings. I find myself unable to play a normal human. *shrug*
The "How Fancy" plot seems real fun! I can play any kind of gender if you want and I have a few good ideas for the convict character :D

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