A School For The Talanted [Inactive]


Sir Sky, A Knight of RpNations Kingdom
(@profnox @Cierra111 @Wandering Dreamer @GarlandDreams, The roleplay will begin with everyone showing up to the school. The first day will be a time to settle into the school and your dorm so don't worry about classes quite yet.)

The carrot topped boy hung loosely on a tree branch, his legs all that kept him from falling from the height he swung from. Students where beginning to pile into the courtyard as predicted, small luggage's and bags in hand. His free hands playing lazily with his dangling strands of hair, braiding small sections.

A stage stood in the middle of the courtyard rows of metal chairs lined in front of it, teachers guiding new students to take a seat and await for the assembly to begin. A line of chairs where set up on the stage all of them filled except for two. The metallic chairs meant for himself and his father, they'd both be full at the moment much like the others but alas Henry didn't give a single rats tooth about this assembly. Being the son of the principle it was expected for him to be some prime example but he didn't see how that would work out when once again not a single rats tooth was given.

Feeling the blood rushing to his head, he gripped the tree branch and brought himself up into a sitting position facing away from the school and at the wide range of trees which circled the schools walls. Henry picked off small puffs of fabric from his scarf as he lazily awaited for the students to all arrive so the day could go by quicker.

"Henrith," An annoyed voice yelled up to the teen, earning a groan in response he hated his full name. It sounded so formal, especially when it came from the individual who wreaked of pride.

"Can't get to the phone right now leave a message after the non-existent beep." Henry called down, pushing himself up so he stood. Unfazed by the height as he reached up and grabbed the next branch above him pulling himself up with ease.

"Get down, I want you on the stage." His father ordered, only resulting in the red head turning around and sticking his tongue out. He didn't look much like the principle, yes if you looked closely you'd notice the similarity in stance and their eyes and skin tone. But most of what showed on his outside appearance was from his mother, a women who left long ago.

"Henrith Fawn Willow, I won't hesitate to get Chontel." He stated, causing the boy to freeze at the title of his acrobatics instructor. Feeling quite rebellious that day he simply continued climbing the tree although he was already perhaps 40 ft in the air.
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Anna took one look at the assembling crowd of people around a stage from her dorm window and shuddered. Putting the last of her bags away, she walked downstairs, initially aiming for the assembly... and changed her mind.

The responsible part of her brain tried to call her back - what if they mentioned something important?

Assemblies were never important, she reminded herself - and headed off into what looked like the most secluded area - the trees.

She pulled herself up a couple of branches, taking extra care not to slip and arranged herself on a sturdy branch.

Once she was completely secure, Anna reached into her pocket and took out her brushpen. She began swirling the likeness of a tree onto her wrist, listening to the wind play through the leaves.

Elliot's was standing in his dormitory unpacking, sorting through his things absently until he was prepared to head downstairs to the assembly. He loved assemblies, honestly. They were a time he could spend eyeing the crowds of students, deciphering ways in his mind to approach them, to mingle and eventually befriend them. It was a habit of his, really. A consistent need that he had to fulfill. He wanted to meet new people, he wanted other people to to like him just as much as he liked other people. Perhaps this was simply because his family introduced him to many strangers as a child, and he grew accustomed to the action over time. Nonetheless, he enjoyed the activity more then he could describe with words, or pictures, or music.

He'd finished unpacking moments later, putting away his bags at the top of his closet before moving over towards the door. He grabbed his black fedora off the coat rack and proceeded to exit the room with one hand in his pocket. He waved at numerous kids he passed down the hall, the corners of his lips twitched upward into a wide grin. Most of the students waved back, while others went about their business without the need to return his gesture. Of course, he still remained undisturbed by this, almost skipping out the double doors of the dormitories and approaching the rows of chairs lined out for the students to sit in for the assembly. He was overjoyed, completely overtaken with the excitement coursing through his veins, urging him closer and closer to his destination. The day was perfect. Everything was perfect. The day couldn't go wrong, nothing could damper his mood!

....At least until he tripped over absolutely nothing, landing face first into the grass beneath his feet. He quickly jumped back to his feet, although a couple of students had already rushed over to make sure he was okay.

"Y....Yeah, I'm fine. I just wasn't paying attention." He lied, rubbing the back of his head awkwardly before excusing himself and running over to a chair. He sat down, dusting himself off, his gaze averted to the floor. He hated falling down, especially with other people around. He always tried to keep his clumsiness a secret, but it was fairly difficult due to the fact he was almost always loosing his balance and tumbling to the ground.

Slowly, he looked back up, fully prepared for the assembly to begin. He promised himself he wouldn't let his slip up ruin his day. This was the first day of school, the moments he could truly begin this brand new experience. His eyes glistened with the anticipation that followed his thoughts.

The shaggy haired male adjusted the earbuds in his ears with a soft hum. His favorite song came up earning a happy grin which spread across Alix's face. He glanced around as he walked towards what would be his new school, eyeing the students curiously. Alix wondered who he might be bunking with and brushed some hair out of his eyes, 'Hope they don't mind sharing a room with me.. Eh. If they don't, maybe I can have my own room!' Knocked out of his thoughts, the purple haired male quickly caught himself. He turned and glanced over his shoulder to see who bumped into him and furrowed his brow a bit, "Hey! Watch out, okay? I'm walking here too, ya know." The person who bumped into him blinked a bit before apologizing quickly, "Er, sorry...! I wasn't paying any attention." Alix didn't hear however, his music still blaring in his ears as he turned and continued on.

Reaching the front where chairs were and the like, Alix quirked a questionable eyebrow, 'What's this for??' A teacher caught him by the arm with a smile, saying something that the young man couldn't hear. Alix sighed and pulled out an earbud, "What was that?" "I said, you can take a seat wherever." The teacher repeated themselves. Alix's bright green eyes widened at the sound of worried students. Curious, the young man peered over the teacher's shoulder to see a stammering fellow student whom had seemed to have fallen judging by some faint grass stains. Alix paused before cracking a grin and covering his mouth to keep from laughing, 'At least I'm not the only clutz...!' "Did you hear me, young man??" the teacher from earlier spoke up once more. Alix tore his gaze from the student, nodding a bit, "Ah, yeah! Sorry~! I'll take a seat now, yeah~?" He smiled warmly at the teacher, "Thank you!" Alix took a seat in the middle where he could see the podium and stage just fine. He blinked a bit as his fringe fell in front of his eyes, "A-Ah...!" Alix took out his hair clip and pushed his bangs to the side out of his visage before clipping them to stay, 'There...!'
James stepped out of the car driven by his parents sort of butler/nanny, Even though he pleaded to catch the bus, He's parents made the butler drive him. James stepped out of the car and looked up at the school infront of him, it reminded him alot of Hogwarts, It was a huge school. "Ok, ill be alright from here, Cya!" James called to the Butler as he quickly walked through the front gates. He noticed there were alot of students. He decided to follow a group of students. He noticed that there were quite a few buildings, He assumed most of these were Dorms and Classrooms. A few minutes late he was at the courtyard. He looked around at the hundreds of students, some were talking to others and some were making their way to huge mass of metal chairs that led up to a stage in the middle of the courtyard. He hadnt been told where his room was yet so he decided to place his suitcase near the stairs that led to the entrance of what he assumed was the main building at the school. He was about to go and sit down on one of the metal chairs when he noticed a Brunette headed girl walking rather quickly towards a bunch of trees. "Where's she going?" he thought to himself "Well, only one way to find out" . He headed off in the direction of the girl.
Pursing his lips together, Alix stared blankly at the empty stage. When were the headmaster guys gonna start the assembly? Alix sighed softly and leaned back in the metal chair, closing his bright green eyes as he listened to the wind whistling past his ears. He hummed and sat up, bringing the large bag he carried with him between his legs. "Hmm hmm hm hm hmmm..." Alix hummed a small tune with a grin as he unzipped the bag and pulled out his bass. He sighed as he brushed off some dust that had managed to drop onto it and set it up on his knee, digging out his pick as he did so. Leaving the amp off and brushing his hair out of his eyes, the purple haired male strummed a chord. Alix smiled happily at the sound, pressing his fingers into the neck of the guitar to hit different chords as he got into a tune. 'So boring this school! Hope there's no homework at least...!' Softly singing to the music he was playing, the pick ran across the guitar strings smoothly, "Starving for your affection, while you're begging for my attention~" He giggled softly to himself before continuing just to hear the song he liked so much, "Thinking back to when we met in that ghost town and how it felt to be held and never let down~" Alix sighed softly as the assembly still wasn't starting and wondered if he should go ahead and check out his dorm room. 'Hm.. I need to get my stuff out of the way but.. What if I miss the assembly?'
Adding the finishing touches to the tree on her wrist, Anna felt suddenly as if she wasn't alone. Being able to see nothing in the dense leaves around her, she hooked her legs around her branch and hung upside down, scouting the area. She didn't have to look far - a boy stood not too far from her, looking at her as if he had been watching her for a while.

"H-hi." she tried out a small smile, reprimanding herself silently about the flush in her cheeks.
Henry soon reached the highest point of the current evergreen he stood within, his sneakers gripping the tree branch comfortably. His father had left earlier towards the stage calling out the name of his instructor whose location would hopefully continue to be unknown. His orange hair swayed with the growing wind the pins barely pushing his bangs out of his face.

Principle Willow near the end of his search found Chontel and sent her in the direction in which he had found his son earlier. Most chairs which had been set up in the growing crowd had been occupied and Principle Willow saw this to be the best opportunity to begin the assembly. Stepping onto the stage the teachers as well one by one took their seats shushing nearby students. Taking a deep breath he tapped the microphone connected to a high podium catching the attention of some of the students.

"Welcome," his voice boomed through out the courtyard, his voice feeding into the speakers.

"You are all here because each of you have some sort've talent. One that could help you in the near future, and our goal here is to simply help you with whatever musical, physical, or educational career you wish to have." He stated,

"Now, today you are going to spend your time getting to know the school and the other students you'll have classes with. Get to know your teachers, future friends, room mates. Tomorrow classes will begin, tonight your list of classes will be given to you." Principle Willow paused,

"Not much of an intro yes, but have a good-" He was stopped mid sentenced when a sudden voice yelled out something along the lines of 'Let go of me!'

Looking down the aisle created between the rows of seats the familiar physical instructor strutted down the path the familiar body of his son thrown over the womans shoulder.

"Ah yes, if you need any help this is my son Henrith, simply ask him. Now have a good day." The Principle instructed, Henrys fists pounding the teachers back,

"Let go of me you crazy lady!" He hollered wiggling out of her grasp only to be grabbed by his ankle on the way down.

"What was that? Whose crazy?" She questioned madly, students standing up out of their chairs and leaving eyeing the pair with an amused smile. Henry gazed up at the women about to respond when she let go of him, his body slamming into the ground with an oof.

"Get out of here, you're dads probably really embarrassed of you. Get out before he attacks." She murmured in which he nodded to quickly before walking off disappearing into the crowd of students towards his dorm.
Soon the girl disappeared into the thick of the trees. When James reached the trees he had no idea where the girl had gone. He looked around for about a minute, until he was nearly kicked in the face by someones legs dangling from the a tree, He took a few steps back and looked up at the girl, only a second later she dropped down, now dangling from her legs. ""H-hi" She said. "Hi, Im James" He replied with confidence while smiling. He could hear the principles distant voice, and knew that the assembly had started, "Meh, Assemblies are never important anyway" He thought to himself.
As he was shushed, Alix put up his bass guitar. He turned his bright green eyes up to the stage at the loud voice, 'Mm? It's started then?' Alix listened and hummed, eyeing the headmaster curiously, 'Are there no rules..? Usually schools like this would buckle down on rules...' The purple haired male made faces to himself, losing interest in the assembly. When the headmaster was releasing them, Alix perked up...only to groan at an interruption, 'What could possibly-...?' His green eyes shifted over to a struggling redheaded teen over a woman's shoulder, "Hm?" Alix blinked a bit before cracking a grin, 'No doubt another ditcher?' He paused as the headmaster spoke up again, eyes widening a bit at his words, 'His son? No way..!! They totally don't look alike~!' Alix smiled in excitement, 'We get to be classmates with the head guy's son? That's so totally cool~~~!' The purple haired male stood up at the sound of the assembly ending and turned, glancing around for the one they called "Henrith", "Ah... Where...?" Alix frowned as it seemed the teen had disappeared into the crowd of students, 'Aww... I wanted to talk to the guy...' He whined a bit before sighing, grabbing his bags and starting towards the dorms to find his room, 'Oh well...! Guess I'll have to make friends with my new roommate!'
Henry fought through other students bodies groaning at the small snickers they gave off. What an entrance, he thought sourly. The red head had attempted to get away from the women earlier but she was as always to fast and caught him as soon as she stepped foot on the tree.

Henry sighed rubbing his nose irritably before bumping into someone raising a hand to give his apologies he was caught off by the Color of the other males hair. Purple, amazed by the unusual sight he paused staring at the boy before holding out a hand.

"Hey sorry, you need help?" He chose to question.

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Feeling a sudden shove from beside him, Alix's bright green eyes widened. He clamped his eyes shut at the impact to the ground, "Oof!" Turning his gaze up to the person whom bumped him, the purple haired male blinked wide eyes, "Oh!" 'It's that guy!' "So sorry about that! I don't think I was paying attention!" He accepted the hand with a warm smile and carefully pulled himself up to his feet. The taller male offered a friendly smile, running a hand through his shaggy hair to put it back in place, "I'm Alix! You're...Henrith, right??" 'Come to think of it, that sure is a strange name! Haha, but whatever! My name's not exactly normal either!'
Henry smiled at the other boys pleasant reaction, glad he had been agitated like he fear.

"Nice to meet you," he spoke genuinely sweeping his bangs to the side and out of his face.

"Don't call me Henrith please, Henry is just fine. Cool hair by the way," he complimented pointing at the boys interesting choice in Color.

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"Henry? Oh, okay! Cool~!" Alix gave a nod and giggled softly, "Henry it is then!" 'Oh, that's so much better~! Hehe!' He blinked a bit as Henry pointed to his hair and tilted his head to the side curiously, "Hm?" Remembering his hair dye, Alix's green eyes brightened, "Oh! Thank you~! I felt like changing it up again and decided on purple!" He paused and hummed in thought, rubbing the back of his neck, "Oh, I hope they don't make me change it... I wonder if it's against dress code.." The purple haired male shook the thought away, smiling once more at the redhead, "I really like your hair though! Super cute, hehe~! Is that your natural hair color?"
Henry wanted to braid the taller boys hair, it looked soft as well he inspected with his eyes before fixing his many pins as well and tightened his small pony tail.

"They encourage people to be unique here, and I'm pretty tight with everyone here. So if I where to ask I'm sure they'd be fine with it." He spoke truthfully with an amused smile which grew when he was complimented.

"I ate a bunch of carrots as a kid and it just turned this color," he joked before nodding yes,

"Yes it's real." He stated running a hand through his locks.
Alix smiled widely at the joke before placing his hands on his hips, "Aw, what? Then why isn't my hair that pretty? I've been cheated! And after all those carrots too!!" The purple haired male laughed and shook his head, some of his bangs poking him in the eye. He closed an eye and brushed his bangs out of the way, "Oww!" Alix hummed as he noticed almost all the flock of students were gone, absentmindedly dazing off as he did so, "Hm." His green eyes widened as he remembered what he was doing and quickly turned his gaze back to Henry, an apologetic look strung out before his face, "Oh, I'm sorry! You were going somewhere! I should probably get going too!" He readjusted the bags in his hands to one hand and smiled warmly, "But I'll find you and talk to you later!" Alix reached out a hand and gently ruffled the redhead's hair affectionately, "kay?" He waved as he turned to continue towards the dorms, "I'll see you around~!"
Henry chuckled at the boys joke softly, fingers twiddling the ends of his scarf thoughtfully. Then looked around as the other male by the name of Alix did as well, wondering what had caught his attention before seeing himself the range of students in the area thinning his eyebrows raising a bit in surprise.

"I actually wasn't but I'll let you get going, farewell Alix!" He called out a small tint of pink on his cheeks from experiencing actual human contact that didn't involve him being grabbed to halt or being picked up off the ground. His father never really was a father to him, he was always distant and chose to treat him as a student rather then his own blood.

Nodding quietly as he watched the purple haired boy run off he turned around disappearing once more in their surroundings attempting to stay under the radar from his father retreating to his dorm.
Anna flushed again at the stranger's confidence.


"Give me a second." she mumbled, swung herself back up onto the tree and climbed down slowly.

She dusted her hands off on her pants and then extended a hand, "Anna."

Elliot patiently waited for the assembly to begin, using the time to examine the damage of his now grass stained clothes. He figured he could get it out. Honestly, he wasn't very upset about the entire ordeal anyways. It's not like he'd messed his hat up or anything.

He looked up at the sound of the principle opening up the assembly, and marveled in how short lived it ended up being. It was a simple, momentary thing that was closed only minutes after it had began. Of course, Elliot still got to watch the principle's son being carried in over the shoulder of a women. He couldn't fight the soft snickers that erupted from his lips as he stood, turning away from the scene as the boy, Henrith, materialized into the crowd of students departing from the courtyard.

He adjusted his hand before sliding a hand into his pocket, just as he'd done on his way down to the courtyard, and commenced to head off in just about any direction. He didn't care which one, really, he just wanted to go somewhere. He was restless in this sense. He always wanted to know his surroundings, especially since the unfamiliarity unsettled him. He debated heading back to his dorm, but he didn't want to go sit in there and wait for his roommate to appear for hours when he could spend time learning where everything was. However, his roommate could already be in the dorm too. He sighed, pausing briefly to stand next to a wall, eyeing the students as they left, watching as the numbers grew smaller. 'There's a lot of people here.' He thought to himself. 'Any of them could be my roommate.'

James watched as Anna's gave him an embarrassed sort of look, probably not intentionally, he didnt say anything of course. She swung down from the tree and extended her hand to him. He shook it. "Nice to meet you, Anna" He said smiling. "I think we missed the assembly" He added.
Anna laughed; "Everything went according to plan, then."

She observed his smile. It was a nice smile.

Fumbling for something to say, she finally settled for: "What are you studying, here?"
"Well, Im doing drama, Cooking and Music, The main reason i came is for Drama though" He replied. The girl looked quite nervous. "So, what are you gonna study here?" He asked.
"Drama, huh? Stage or screen acting? My main subject will be Cooking. I'll also take a Sport elective and Art."

Anna smiled. "I'll see you in Cooking then, I guess?"
"Preferably Screen, i guess we'll learn about both though" James replied. "Cooking? Thats cool, i guess i will see you there... Well i better go find out where my room is.. cya around" James happily said, he then headed back towards the courtyard.
"Yeah, me too."

Anna waited for him to get a headstart, and then followed him into the courtyard, exiting to the left and up into the halls where the dorms were.

She walked into her dorm, stared at the pile of bags and immediately opened the duffel bag containing her PC.

No need to think about silly boys when I can slay dragons, she thought to herself, setting up the PC on her desk.

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