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Dice A Realm Reborn (Open)


New Member
In this world, there are four crystals. The four crystals keep the balance of the four elements in check. For millennia, they have shed their light silently, with the world at peace. But now, a darkness never seen before threatens the realm. The crystals are being warped, losing their light. The first to fall was the Earth Crystal, and with it, the land began to quake and sandstorms raged. Years later, the Fire Crystal began to lose its light as well. When it did, wildfires spread, and volcanoes erupted. As time continued, the Water Crystal too, fell into darkness, and hurricanes and flooding were soon to follow. Finally, the last of the crystals, the Wind Crystal, darkened. With the Wind Crystal shining no longer, tornadoes spun and thunderstorms raged. Now the world is in a state of utter chaos. Races are siding with one another, preparing for the inevitable war that this darkness is sure to bring. But there is a prophecy. "When darkness envelops the world, four Warriors of Hope will appear."

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