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Fantasy A Princess' Dream


Three Thousand Club
Hello everyone!!

Welcome to A Princess' Dream!

The RP is currently under construction so I apologize if there's not a whole lot of info for you just yet. I have requested pages be added and will add more information as they arrive for you!

Here are some questions which you can answer and use to fill in your three most demanding sections of the Character Sheet:

Description: The description requires at least two paragraphs each with five sentences minimum. To that end, use the following questions (or any other details you can think of) to fulfill those requirements. (Do not feel like each of these questions requires only one sentence to answer. If you can answer each question with more than one sentence, go for it!)

* When looking at your character, what is the first thing that stands out?

* Are they tall, short, lean, fat?

* What is the color of their hair, and how do they usually keep it?

* If they are lean, are they muscular or slender?

* If they are muscular, what type of musculature do they have? (Big and bulky like Arnold Schwarzenegger, lean and cut like Bruce Lee, or somewhere in-between?)

* How much body fat do they have?

* What are the most muscular parts of the body? (Arms, legs, abs, chest, what?)

* When looking at your character's face, what shape is it and what are the first areas which stand out when looking at it?

* When looking at your character's eyes, what shape are they, what color are they, and are they strong or are they just kind of... there?

* What kind of clothing does your character typically wear?

* Do they wear armor at all, and if so what kind is it and what areas of the body are covered?

* If they carry a weapon, how do they carry it? (sheath/scabbard, belt loop, etc)

Personality: The personality is required to be at least two paragraphs with a minimum of seven sentences each. Use the following questions as examples to help fill up the information requirement. (Please note that these questions are not meant to be one sentence answers. You can milk them for up to two or even three sentences to answer each one)

* What is your character's general disposition? (How do they carry themselves?)

* What are their usual mannerisms and from where did these mannerisms come from? (Nervous twitches, habits, etc,)

* How do they act around different social class people?

* Are they honest or tend to lie, and why?

* What are their moral principles, and from whom did they learn them from and why?

* Was it even a single person or many who they learned their moral principles from?

* How do they behave and conduct themselves in the heat of battle?

* Do they know when to speak and when to be quiet?

* Are they afraid to speak their mind or are they perfectly at home saying anything and everything that come sot mind?

* Are they driven to accomplish their goals or do they give up easily, and why?

* Do they look to the future or do they often dwell on the past and let it obstruct their objectivity?

* Are they objective or subjective? (Do they look at problems with a clear head or a biased point of view which interferes with their being able to make a rational decision)

* What are their family values, and from who did they learn them from?

There are more but that's about all you should need to fulfill the personality requirement.

Biography: And finally we have the bio, the biggest section of the profile. Use the following questions to help fill out the bio, and as always don't presume that these are one sentence answer questions. If you can answer in more than one sentence, then you should be fine. And the Bio requires at least three paragraphs with a minimum of seven sentences each:

* Who are your character's parents?

* Where were the parents born?

* How did the parents meet?

* Was it love at first sight or did it take time to develop?

* When they got together, how soon did they agree to have children and how many did they initially plan on?

* Is your character first born or do they have older siblings? (younger siblings?)

* Where was your character born?

* Growing up in your character's early years, what kinds of experiences did they have?

* Did they love their siblings or fight all the time and think they hated them like most kids?

* Did they love their parents or did they grow to resent them for whatever reason?

* Growing up, what convinced them to become what they are now and why?

* If they use a weapon, why?

* If they use magic, why?

* If they chose to heal people with a staff, why?

* Who in their lives, family or otherwise, influenced their choice to become what they are today?

* Is your character educated or only taught what they needed to know to become what they are today?

* Are they politically inclined or do they irrationally believe one side of an argument because it hits an emotional chord?

* Have they ever been in love, truly in love, or just had a few infatuation related relationships which did or did not last?

* Where do they stand now?

* What do they plan to do at this stage of their life as the RP begins?
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I have a question, if I may.

Would it be acceptable for one of candidate be of a noble origin, a bastard in this case, but, duo to obvious reasons given the society we are dwelling within here, grew up as a commmoner, living in the dark of what his birth partly stems from?
@Kyero whats the age conventions for the elves, or more specifically dark elves, gona have some fun shooting the eyes off of flies.
Mine said:
I have a question, if I may.
Would it be acceptable for one of candidate be of a noble origin, a bastard in this case, but, duo to obvious reasons given the society we are dwelling within here, grew up as a commmoner, living in the dark of what his birth partly stems from?
I can accept that, yes.
Orikanyo said:
@Kyero whats the age conventions for the elves, or more specifically dark elves, gona have some fun shooting the eyes off of flies.
Elves of both species live prolonged lives compared to humans, but here's the basic rundown for them:

* High Elf - Average life span for males is 1,000 years. Average life span for females is 1,500 years.

* Dark Elf - Average life span for males is 750 years. Average life span for females is 1,000 years.

I will add expected life spans to all the Races in the "Lore" Page when I have time.
Kyero said:
Elves of both species live prolonged lives compared to humans, but here's the basic rundown for them:
* High Elf - Average life span for males is 1,000 years. Average life span for females is 1,500 years.

* Dark Elf - Average life span for males is 750 years. Average life span for females is 1,000 years.

I will add expected life spans to all the Races in the "Lore" Page when I have time.
my they live quite a long time... getting into the biological information of fantasy races if just something I truely love, this simple talk of differentiating ages set thats off greatly!

Well regardless, I'll get to work.
Orikanyo said:
my they live quite a long time... getting into the biological information of fantasy races if just something I truely love, this simple talk of differentiating ages set thats off greatly!
Well regardless, I'll get to work.

I added average life spans for everything in the "Lore" Page for everyone.

Some are marked with '???' which is intentional. Information regarding those races will be uncovered as the RP progresses.

Have fun!
Kyero said:
I added average life spans for everything in the "Lore" Page for everyone.

Some are marked with '???' which is intentional. Information regarding those races will be uncovered as the RP progresses.

Have fun!
Will do, gotta set a standard for the race, don't treat him like an old man damn it!

Aside from that... gona say it, I know where that pictures from Kyero, of your first character....my favorite game, pity he didn't make it to long.
Orikanyo said:
Will do, gotta set a standard for the race, don't treat him like an old man damn it!
Aside from that... gona say it, I know where that pictures from Kyero, of your first character....my favorite game, pity he didn't make it to long.
Know the feeling. I loved that game until I lost my drive to play it. I canceled my subscription not long ago. But it's still going to hold a special place for me
Kyero said:
Know the feeling. I loved that game until I lost my drive to play it. I canceled my subscription not long ago. But it's still going to hold a special place for me
aye, though you says subscription makes me think were talking about similar, but different things, what I thought is that he was rex from Final fantasy 12, closer look, to detailed for it, wagering 14 realm reborn.

Regardless, as expected this dark elf will be a ranger, abit of a twist added in to make it seems hes a cut above the fellow wardens(I expect their forest dwellers, probably have a task force so warden is a good enough name)
Orikanyo said:
aye, though you says subscription makes me think were talking about similar, but different things, what I thought is that he was rex from Final fantasy 12, closer look, to detailed for it, wagering 14 realm reborn.
Regardless, as expected this dark elf will be a ranger, abit of a twist added in to make it seems hes a cut above the fellow wardens(I expect their forest dwellers, probably have a task force so warden is a good enough name)
Yes. XIV ARR for me. Sadly I never had the chance to play a lot of the earlier FF games. *Tear*
Kyero said:
Yes. XIV ARR for me. Sadly I never had the chance to play a lot of the earlier FF games. *Tear*
If you liked 14 12 is a good one to move back to, be certain to read logs if you can, they fill in the world nicely. If you ever get to play it that is.

While I was playing 14 is was jolly good fun to tank, people who whine about their lower damage don't understand the basis of "I'm a god damn wall and can survive a meteor to the face by raising my shield and inch." A buddy of mine on here got me into it, wonder how shes doin...

Regardless, it was annoying to get my conjurer rank up just to possibly get paladin later, might go back one of these days...

That said.. what is the date in the rp? looking high and low for it.
Orikanyo said:
If you liked 14 12 is a good one to move back to, be certain to read logs if you can, they fill in the world nicely. If you ever get to play it that is.
While I was playing 14 is was jolly good fun to tank, people who whine about their lower damage don't understand the basis of "I'm a god damn wall and can survive a meteor to the face by raising my shield and inch." A buddy of mine on here got me into it, wonder how shes doin...

Regardless, it was annoying to get my conjurer rank up just to possibly get paladin later, might go back one of these days...

That said.. what is the date in the rp? looking high and low for it.
I cannot believe I forgot to add that.
"AND on this day the world was saved, the evil detsrooied and the princess married, on this year of.... of... what year is it?" the narrator looked around as the kingdom more or less shrugs.

*new quest!*

Find the year.
Orikanyo said:
"AND on this day the world was saved, the evil detsrooied and the princess married, on this year of.... of... what year is it?" the narrator looked around as the kingdom more or less shrugs.
*new quest!*

Find the year.
Kyero said:
And so the heros set forth onto another adventure to hunt down the ancient artifact called the "Kal-een-dar" and rid the cure of timelessness put upon the land.
Okay, so I've got Kalos up. Yay for the big brother being written. Simple commoner who's worked his whole life. Now to make Esmera, respectable dark elf spoiled brat that adores her elder brother like he's a god. *chuckles before curling up in bed* but that'll be for a later day and time.
It's 7am, so Illian is currently a work in progress. Time to decend upon the pillows.
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I'm assuming that the princess has to be the pretty little perfect girl everyone loves, correct?
StoneWolf18 said:
I'm assuming that the princess has to be the pretty little perfect girl everyone loves, correct?
I have only two basic requirements for the princess role:

1) She must be at least 50% Nymph (as being a Nymph is a double edged sword due to the nature of their abilities)

2) She must have earned the love of her people in a realistic manner

However you'd like to sculpt in and around these two basic requirements is entirely up to you. I know it sounds a bit constricted, but remember this quote (as it is the basis of everything I do when creating RP's): "The more constraints one imposes, the more one frees ones self."
should I continue with the dark elf I had in mind @Kyero or should I do something else to prevent flooding the board?

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