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Quest A Preserved Hell - A Horror Story


Hit Me!
This is a horrible idea. You know it is.

But at the end of the day, the only good thing about the Manchester Museum of Human History is how expensive the stuff inside of it is. It won't be easy, but you've already broken in through the window, so you might as well push forward. It can't be  that hard to just smash through some glass and make off with some small items, right? Even the little things in this place must be worth a fortune.

You've bided your time until the best possible moment, too. The museum may very well be permanently closed at this stage, what with that scientist getting himself killed in here ten months ago and all. It makes you anxious to think about people actually dying here, especially since the incident happened at night, but again: you've come too far to chicken out now.

Despite the fresh and well-kept marble walls, the museum foyer is empty. The ticket desk has not a single soul sitting behind the glass, and the situation is similar for the gift shop across from it. There are three doors leading out of the foyer and into the wider museum, the lack of doors giving you the choice to just stroll through any of them. You've got your torch in hand and your bag on your back.

The only thing left to decide is how you will proceed.

1. Enter through the right doorway
2. Enter through the left doorway
3. Enter through the doorway straight ahead of you
In the end, you make the decision to head through the right doorway. You're pretty sure you saw the stand where the maps are kept towards the left door, but it doesn't matter; not like you're here to watch a stupid educational play or something. On your way to the next room, you see the sign on the marble arch ahead of you. It reads "Ancient Egypt."

As soon as you walk in, you're bombarded with a sudden coolness, as if someone had turned the air conditioning on. The room was filled with exhibits far too large for you to steal. Huge, clay-coloured statues of pharaohs from ages gone by. Guilded sarcophaguses painted with the likness of animal-headed deities. Fragments of stone covered in hieroglyphics that you could never even hope to begin translating.

At last, though, you see it. A few glass display cases towards the centre of the Egyptian exhibit, displaying miniature figurines made of stone, golden statues and sceptres of ancient priests. You place the palm of your hand upon the glass, your eyes practically filling with the cash you're gonna make off of this.

You're almost too distracted to hear the sound of ancient debris clattering to the tiled floor as something behind you begins to stir...

1. Turn around
2. Keep all eyes on the prize
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At the sudden noise, your nerves flair up, causing you to tense dramatically before you pivot on your heel. Among the group of statues is three lion-headed goddesses and the damaged yet still massive head of Ramses II, but the one that stands out the most is the carved figure of Amenhotep III, which sits upon a great throne, the marble coating of both man and object having been worn down throughout the centuries. Together, both objects are tall enough to almost reach through the ceiling, grand in presence even in the modern age.

But, most uncanny of all, the head of the statue has  twisted to look over in your direction, its hollow eyes seeming far less empty than they're supposed to, almost staring into your soul. Debris has fallen off its ancient shoulders and onto the floor, coating a couple tiles with crumbled red dust. This is definitely really, really weird... but you can't go through this trouble just to leave so soon, can you?

1. Break the first glass case
2. Scamper towards the door
No, you can't just run away. Call it greed, ambition, idiocy, whatever, but you didn't willingly choose to break into some sketchy museum for no reason, and you  are getting that money, common sense be damned. You're not leaving without your riches. The black market is waiting for you.

So, you awkwardly pull your backpack onto your chest, reach into it, pull out a random hammer you brought from your shed and then slip it back onto your back. Keeping your torch shining on the case with your left hand, you use your right hand to raise the old hammer above your head and then bring it down against the glass with an almighty crack!

Immediately, a huge, hammer-sized hole is smashed through the top of the case, and you immediately shove your hands, protected from the broken glass by thick black gardening gloves, through it to hurridly grab at the artefacts inside. You're probably a terrible person for this, but you don't really care right now.

However, behind you, Amenhotep has begun to stir, the stone goliath beginning to tremble. Softly at first, then more and more intensely, as if an earthquake is starting to happen.

Of course, most earthquakes don't involve giant statues standing up out of their chairs they are meant to be attached to, but that's exactly what happens next. All this is followed up by Amehotep's body twisting in your direction to match its head, and its eyes glowing a sinister, ghostly white as it takes a first, earth-shattering step towards you.

1. Run like the wind
2. I don't know, threaten it with your hammer?
You make the only sensible decision since you broke into this place.

Unable to hear if you are screaming like some sort of crazy person over the sound of your racing heart and the heavy footsteps coming from both you and your pursuer, you bolt for the exit regardless. The monolith behind you is slow, but its legs are long enough to help it gain a lot of ground, and the force of its rock foot making contact with the ground almost knocks you over as if it caused a shockwave.

The living exhibit continues to swipe at you, trying to grab at you with its huge hands. You have to get away, and you have to do it now. Straight ahead of you is a wooden doorway that, presumably, leads to another part of the museum's ground floor. On your left, however, you begin to notice a winding staircase leading to the upper floors.

You have to make a choice. Quickly.

1. Head for the door
2. Head for the stairs
At the last second, the idea to make a sharp left turn just as you reach the wooden doors. You race up the staircase, your feet building up a sort of rythem as you make your escape with your bounty.

Amenhotep is not prepared for your sudden manoeuvre. It has just started picking up speed at this point and is too slow to turn properly, causing it to slam into the doorway. A chunk of the left hand corner of the monolith's head is completely torn off by its collision with the top of the doorway, and the door itself shatters as the earthen form comes barging through. The great beast trips over itself, and while you don't stop to look at the mess you've created, the ungodly  thump you hear behind you indicates that it's damaged itself pretty badly.

You didn't look at the map on the side of the stairwell to see where you were going, so the contents of the first room of the upper third of the museum is a suprise. You have to make up a game plan for when you go in. So, will you:

1. Continue to steal?
2. Just try to get the hell out?
Well if its damaged pretty bad, we could grab more later cash for ourselves, so yeah lets steal some more. The museum is probably gonna be a fortress in security after the cleanup of this heist happens.

You've pretty much ruined an entire exhibit anyway, and your backpack isn't too full yet... might as well nick some more stuff!

Taking a deep breath and drawing on all your reserves of courage, you shove your way through the wooden door with a single, surprisingly strong push. Guess the gym really did help after all.

Unlike Egypt, which had to share its space with a few other displays you haven't been to yet, this floor seems entirely dedicated to all things Japanese. In a nice break from all the statues, this part of the museum is mostly glass cases, displaying kimonos, ceramics and both clay and gold figurines. Those small treasures are what your eyes are drawn to first, considering they would be easier to carry, but as you pass the center of the exhibit you do notice a section dedicated to the samurai, the main attractions being an excellently preserved katana and a beautiful set of black and gold armour with jutting spiked horns and a sheen that make it resemble some sort of dark-scaled dragon.

Alas, as cool as it would be to wear all that, it's far too much for you to take back with you. You continue onto the area where the smaller items are kept, crack some glass open with your trusted hammer and begin to stuff your bag once more.

Of course, it's pretty worrying that you're starting to hear the sound of glass cracking without your help. Each time you try to look around the room to see what's going on, it stops. Then, when you look away again, it starts again.

1. Maybe you should investigate those noises
2. Meh, it's probably nothing
Well, even though nothing too dramatic seems to be happening right now, you decide to check out the noises coming from the middle of the room anyway. As you approach the samurai armour, you notice that a large crack has somehow formed in the glass, and the katana is missing...

1. Okay, maybe it's time to book it
2. Screw this, you've gotta seal this crack!
1. the swordd is gone. the sword that could kill us. is missing. the sword. and the mysterious haunted armor. time to RUN!
Nope. You ain't dealing with this.

You decide to rush over to the door, and the entity behind the crack begins to grow far more rapidly. You make it to the door, but as you get there, a streak of metal is suddenly launched past it and embedded just beside the doorknob. You look back to where you just came from and see that the armour has indeed come to life. It seemingly observes you for a moment before beginning to trudge over. You have to think fast! Will you:

1. Try to open the door again
2. Try to use the sword to defend yourself
3. Try to get around the haunted armour
You realise that you are no expert swordfighter and wouldn't stand a chance against the monster storming towards you, so you pull on the door handle frantically until it opens and slam it behind you.

Of course, this proves to be futile, as the ghostly samurai is able to retrieve its weapon from the door with little effort once it reaches you and then bashes a hole through the barricade with a single, powerful kick (the sword is too precious to break, after all).

Now, you're presented with yet another split-decision choice. Before you is a set of stairs that leads to the second floor, where you originally entered from. You can either run down the stairs normally, or you can try and hop over the railing to get to the bottom quicker. So, what will it be?

1. Use the stairs as intended
2. Jump the railing
You have no time to waste and considering that you managed to break into this place already, you should be pretty athletic, right?

Right. Once again, the gym comes in handy. You place one hand on the railing and use it to balance yourself as you channel all your core strength and hop right over it like some kind of giant rabbit. Just in time, too; you move your hand off the railing just ad the samurai swings his katana at it, causing the sword to smash against the metal rail and be dented significantly!

Unfortunately, the spiral staircase is a long way down. As you collide with the steps, you hear nothing but the crunch of your right ankle as it breaks. The situation goes from bad to worse as you begin to tumble down the remainder of the flight (about fifty left to go), injuring yourself even more.

1. Stop yourself from rolling to prevent further injury
2. Just tank the whole damn flight of stairs

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