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Quest A Preserved Hell - A Horror Story

By the time you awaken, more than a minute has passed. You can no longer feel your right ankle, or your left wrist. Blood is spilling out of your nostrils and lips. Your bag and its contents are spilled out across the museum floor, with most of the priceless artefacts you were going to steal now shattered all over the floor. Your light has been cracked, dimming it significantly and leaving everything much darker. And your hammer... the hammer is fine, actually.

But you are still alive. You slowly try to stand up. It's painful. Very painful. But you manage. Now you're on your knees, looking around at where you've ended up. A sign gives you the information you need:

"Welcome to Ancient Greece!"

1. Try to keep going
2. Stop to rest
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Now that the armour has backed off, you have some time to stop, temporarily patch up your injuries and ask yourself one very important question: how the hell are you gonna get out?

Now that you're just outside the Greek exhibit, you are able to plan your route. There are two doors at the very end of the rather vast room, one on the left and the other on the right. There's nothing to really steal here (and you don't feel like doing so anyway), so you can probably just go straight through, assuming nothing else jumps out to attack you. The door on the left leads to a quarter of the second floor housing artefacts from Ancient Assyria, while the one on the right is dedicated to all things Ancient Rome.

1. Assyria
2. Rome

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