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Fantasy A Pirate's Life For Me!

Tsuki's breaths were short and far between, her chest heaving in and out lightly, hidden beneath her uniform thankfully for whatever remained of her tough facade, "Tsuki please, Let us go. He doesn't have to know." The girls words only further aggravated her, "He-…. Doesn't have to know? You think that his first mate will just let one of his most precious treasures go just because he won't know!?" She hissed out under her breath, her eyes as cold as ice and glaring with the venom of the most poisonous snake, her hand unwavering in its aim at Kalgura's forehead. She knew the look of pleading in the girls eyes well, you weren't a member of the crew on the renascence without having seen such a thing many times, from their enemies, from those who feared them, from their slaves and from children passing by, the look asking no- begging to let them be.

Maybe if it was another member it would work, maybe if it was someone who had compassion for such a thing but for Tsuki? That look was something that struck no cord within her chest, if things had been…. If her past wasn't what it was, maybe she could have sympathy for such a thing, in fact she may long for it, but that wasn't something she had the liberty of showing.


The sensation grew stronger the more she stood there in such a stance, her muscles tensing further as she didn't let her aim flickering for but a moment, watching her current hostage as she took a swig of some rum in a manor too relaxed for the liking of Tsuki, but she had to let it be for the time being, staring up at the sky as though counting the very seconds, strange… but, not something she had the lucky of questioning right now. "And why should I let you go? What does that give me? What kind of crew member would I be to let down my captain? He thinks very highly of you, I'm aware of it, and I know for a fact how he punishes Tye for such behaviour, you think I haven't seen the beatings that boy gets?…." She continued, trying to defuse the tension built up a little seemingly, but really she was trying to buy time for the pain to pass.

That all failed however as a wave of it overtook her, her eye twitching as the sweat accumulating on her brow only further grew, a withheld breath escaping her mouth as though she'd received whiplash of some sort.


It screamed at her to just stop already, her body longed for her to put the damn guns down and curl into a ball right then and there, just how she did whenever else this would occur, how she longed for them all to be back on the ship so she could just hide away, claiming she had important work to do by herself. It was then the facade from her eyes completely faded and instead the cold and frost-bitten husks turned into a warm mess of water, the seething agony overwhelming them and instead it was her whose vision cried out for aid, he expression turning to that of a small child suffering from some sort of fever, begging their mother to help them, and yet the guns didn't lower, her stubborn determination continuing on.
Teresa simply stuck her tongue out to the mans words in rebuttal, sure- maybe she could pay for her own meal of bread, but those guys had been exaggerating their anger to the max, that was a day or twos worth of pay at most, a month? what a load of birds poop. At his crafty wink she just looked away and back up at the woman, just because she knew how to steal didn't mean she always wanted to do it, stupid man. She'd just about forgiven him when his next comment rang out, in one swift movement she was just about ready to turn around and give him a real good kick to the shin, that was if Meira hand't beaten her to it with a right good smack on the arm, she instead clasped the females hand a little tighter, as though seeking comfort.

As they reached the front of the shop she stopped along with the other two, it smelt…. Delicious! She couldn't wait to get inside and eat, she'd tried snagging from this place a few times round' but it always ended up in her getting a beating of some sort and as such she'd given up a few months back, it'd be great to actually get to eat there honestly. though that didn't stop her from hiding behind Meira as they entered, worried that they'd kick her out if they remembered her face before they could put down an order, out of the corner of her eye she noticed something however, a girl sitting at a table with three men, she squinted a little as she tried to work out who it was her hand slipping from the females as she watched and tilted her head a little, "Red?…." She mumbled under her breath.

Now don't think she'd forgotten the mans comment on her goggles, in fact quite the contrary. But she had- 'strategically' ignored it, it wasn't the kind of information she was willing to give out quite so easily.


Bart let out a loud laugh when Meira smacked his arm. A few people turned to stare at him but he really didn't care. "Hoodlum, huh? Well I suppose that's not the worst thing I've been called today. Besides, I'm just messing with the girl." The man noticed how good the place they were going to smelled and his stomach growled even louder than before. It had been a while since he'd eaten a proper meal, he usually just had whatever scraps were left on the ship. Not that he couldn't get better food, he was just used to not eating much.

When the child whose name Bart still didn't know called out to another child, Bart nearly rolled his eyes. "Is there a nest that you kids are crawling out from?" He had never even seen a kid in this port for as many years as he'd been coming here. Now he'd met two in the span of an hour. Bart noticed the three large men at the same tab;e as this child and wondered just what she was up to. "She a friend of yours or something?" He spoke to the girl huddled behind Meira, whether she was afraid of the other girl or the public in general, he didn't know. She definitely always seemed to be on the lookout for something, though. It was almost enough to make him nervous, like he was being chased by the navy or something.

When he saw the man reach for his gun Bart sighed. "You kids sure know how to get into trouble." Before he had given anyone a chance to answer his question he walked over to the table. He picked up a chair from a nearby table, slamming it down and sitting right beside the man that was reaching for his gun. He grinned innocently at the man, who was so shocked his hand moved away from the gun. "Hi everybody." He turned his head to the girl that was, as faar as Bart could see, in too far over her head. "We're here with your friend. Wanna come eat with us?" He jerked a thumb in the direction of the little girl.

Persephone's stumach growled and she frowned down at it. You just had to get hungry right now, didn't you? Slowly, she swam back to the dock and followed it the the bank of sand, where she could lay hidden for the time it took to shift. "Ugh, I hate this," and started the shift, the strength from her powerful tail, dissipated as her flimsy human legs burst through her scales and her flute retracted into her, forming feet.

Persephone clenched her teeth to keep from moaning at the discomfort of her tail splitting and melding into her legs. The last thing to change were Her scales, shrinking into nothing, and leaving pale, human skin. Exhausted, she slipped into the water a little further to rest enough to do what was needed. Clothes, she needed to steal clothes.

Moving as quickly as she could with her wobbly legs, cursing at them regularly when she fell, she managed to steal an ill fitting dress that loosely hung over one shoulder and trailed on the ground in the back, but her belt and bone sword fitted decently around her waist. Persephone moved to the bar, finding the bar keep and asking shyly, "can I get some food? Hopefully fish, and some water?" The man nodded and left to get her food when she noticed the bear of a man she had seen earlier, interacting with a group of people and quickly turned away, hopefully hiding behind her hair. But it wasn't hard for anyone to realize, she wasn't from around here. From the wrong styling of her dress to her waist length golden hair, curious blue eyes, and a bone sword at her side. She was obviously out of place.

I really hope this wasn't a huge mistake...

Lurker Lurker HolyMacaroons HolyMacaroons Cosmos Cosmos Ms. Sparrow Ms. Sparrow @anyoneelseinthefreakingbar
Nicoli stepped into the alley, looking at the scene before him. Everything just seemed to get still when he walked in, his eyes slowly assessing the situation, "There will be no, he doesn't have to know, junk." He walked towards them, his shin smarting but he made sure to keep the limp out of his walk. He stood beside Tsuki, staring down at the women before him as he put a hand on his first mate's shoulder, "Take a break." He frowned, looking over her for a second before his gaze zeroed onto the culprits, "I cannot believe..." He sighed, "Azalea. I expected more from you."

Meira looked at the strangely colored girl, blinking before looking at the men. She was pleased that Bart went over and intervened with the three men. Honestly she didn't see the point in messing with children. They were literally kids. What did these people expect from them? But she didn't close. She didn't want to get the one clinging to her close to that nonsense.

Cosmos Cosmos TenshuZninja TenshuZninja Ms. Sparrow Ms. Sparrow Lurker Lurker
Azalea sighed exasperatedly, she had figured her plan wouldn't work. The Renasence had no morals, no sympathy. Nothing. And she wasn't so desperate as to plead, she'd been gently prodding Kalgura back out of the alleyway when Nicoli's voice made her whip around sharply, brushing past them and standing beside Tsuki. For some reason his words almost made her feel a pang of guilt and that made her angry. "You what?!" Azalea hissed, shoving Kalgura behind her.

"Then you clearly don't know me," Azalea snarled before she shoved Kalgura out of the alleyway behind her and had a look ok her face that made it look as if she was about to make a run for it. She was seething with rage, her cheeks a lighter touch of pink, gaze almost challenging as she began to back out of the alleyway, making sure she kept Kalgura behind her. Nothing kept her from fleeing at this moment. Tsuki was about to fall, and Nicoli's shin was wounded and he wouldn't be able to run after them. No crew was around. And Nicoli made sure she was alive no matter what.
TenshuZninja TenshuZninja Cosmos Cosmos HolyMacaroons HolyMacaroons
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Kalgura was not happy at what she was witnessing before her. As she recalled the two in front of her were the Captain and First mate, the two in charge. The ones who "Owned" her friend. It disgusted her to even think those words. Kalgura spit on the ground beside her. It seemed the opportunity to escape only the first mate had came and gone, what a shame. That made things more difficult if she wanted to continue being peaceful but the lengths they were going to to keep Azel in captivity was really pissing her off. She lifted her foot to take a step up to them when Azel pushed her rather harshly behind her. Almost as if she knew Kalgura's temper was flaring. She did it again and this time with more strength than the petite woman should contain. Kalgura was out of the Alley and now could see more options for escape however...not many of them had Azel in them. Which was not an option she looked around and saw another person from the ship. He was looking at her and inside the alley. She took another swig from her rum and jerked her chin away at the guy, Abel she thought his name was though as she was not a very sociable creature unless highly drunk or thoroughly relaxed she couldn't remember his role on the ship and the muzziness in her head currently didn't help her memory at all.

Either way it wasn't his problem so he shouldn't drag himself in it. It would only get worse if more crew members got in the conflict. Then again...The captains already didn't seem to like each other there was already the opportunity of war between both their ships right there. So it didn't really matter of this particular situation. She decided to ignore him finally. The threat was in front of her and taking her attention away could be harmful to Azel who as she did turn back she could see had become an enraged little thing. The buzz was getting to her.

Kalgura was not about to let them take her friend no matter what. Slavery was terrible, It should be abolished and to see her friend still in the clutches of it made her fingers twitch. This was one of those moments she was glad she had gotten the mind to escape from her own captivity. She rolled her shoulders and as she did a grin spread itself across her face. With a flick of her wrist a set of three inconspicuous and very small blades were out of their holster on her wrist and in her hand. The time for pacifism was over. No one was taking anyone for slavery. Not in front of her and damn well not her best friend whom shed just gotten back.

ByTheChesapeake ByTheChesapeake Cosmos Cosmos HolyMacaroons HolyMacaroons Ms. Sparrow Ms. Sparrow


Red narrowed her yellow eyes at the man sitting directly in front of her. Her lips curling into a smile although she could feel her heart threatening to burst from her chest. The table was thick with tension. Of course Kole had gotten to them first. She wondered how much he was paying.

Red jumped, along with everybody else as one hell of a large man sat down loudly at the table. She watched the mans hand move from his gun, but hers didn't move from her gun.

Red glanced to where the man was pointing and raised an eyebrow at whom he was pointing at. Teresa? Didn't she steal that kids food at one point? She grinned smugly to herself before looking back at the giant. "What a generous offer. How could I decline that little...sunshine." Red's last words sounded forced as she glanced at Teresa.

Red stood and the man across from her stood in unison in a threatening manner. Red sighed exasperatedly.

"We haven't discussed our arrangement. Or our pay." The man pushed. Obviously he was trying to pry some coin out if her before he turned her into Kole.

Red smiled but her eyes did not. "Of course! How rude of me." She smiled thinly before she gulped down the rest of her wine, which she should not have been drinking, and threw it at the man on her left. It hit his forehead squarely and he crumpled to the floor unconscious. Red had pulled out her gun with her other hand and had bashed it into the other mans temple, where he too, had crumpled.

The one across from her had a gun aimed squarely at her head, Red did the same and you could tell it was taking both of them great restraint from not blowing withers heads off there torsos.
HolyMacaroons HolyMacaroons Cosmos Cosmos Lurker Lurker
Zaccheus Cavalry

Don't act like you're not impressed.
Zaccheus Cavalry


Zaccheus Cavalry's day was anything but ordinary.

Now, while others would be enjoying a stroll down along the docks, or fighting for a good deal on the price of fish in the market, this young man was flying through the streets, running for his life.
With a grin and twinkle in his eye.
Now, when your life is being threatened, usually one would feel panic or fear. But for Zaccheus, he lived and breathed for this kind of stuff. The adrenaline, the rush, the fast pace made one feel so alive, that a laugh or a grin could never be too far away. And yet, it was supposed to be a covert little mission---Zach would slip into town, find the crew of the infamous Renascence, (as they were rumored to have docked here) and become their Quartermaster. Nothing too big. Nothing too showy. However, the notorious Zach 'Brazen Blade' Cavalry had found himself rushing through town, the authorities right on his tail, his life in danger once more. Ah, the joys of being a pirate.

It reminded him of his childhood, when the angry baker down the street would chase him and yell obscenities as he would run away gleefully, stolen bread and pastries safely in his knapsack. Same could be said for the fish woman. Or the apple seller. The main point was that he was a natural-born troublemaker. Trouble was always right around the corner for Zach. And he welcomed it.
As Zaccheus bolted through the bustling marketplace, he searched for every opportunity to shake these soldiers off his trail. The marketplace was crowded as usual, with an infinite amount of obstacles in the way. Luckily for Zaccheus, he had the perfect experience, having escaped angry sellers all his life. Zaccheus skillfully dived under a large box carried by two men, hearing as chaos ensued as the soldiers crashed into the box full of watermelons, making a complete mess. Zaccheus couldn't help but laugh and keep running, knowing there were still men behind him.
"Stop!" Zach smirked as he heard one soldier call out to him. "Stop in the name of the law!"
"Sorry, lads, but---" he answered as he jumped onto a wooden crate and climbed on top of a potato seller's tent. "The law has never really existed for me." He glanced back at the soldiers below, grinning as he jumped on top of a flat-roof home, and kept running, hearing the soldiers underneath yelling orders and trying to catch up to him. He jumped from one building to another, thankful that the alleyways were narrow. However, his luck did not last very long. Zaccheus soon found himself facing a large chasm between him and the next building. He looked down below to see the soldiers aiming their guns right back at him. Guns started firing, and Zaccheus quickly dropped to the ground, getting as far away from the edge as possible, until he hit his head on something hard. Zaccheus looked up to see a large pile of barrels looming over him, strapped altogether by rope. Zaccheus grinned a little, knowing exactly what to do.

After a quick swipe to the rope with his pocketknife, Zaccheus jumped out from the rooftop, grabbing onto a nearby clothing line as he safely swung to the ground. He grinned and watched as his plan unfolded before him brilliantly. More than a hundred barrels rolled across the roof and rained upon the soldiers, exploding into pieces as they contacted the ground. Shrieks of terror echoed across the main street as soldiers collapsed to the ground as barrels hit them unconscious. However, one lucky soldier had survived and turned against Zaccheus, a murderous glint in his eye, hand on the hilt of his sword. Zaccheus rolled his eyes and drew out his own saber, lean and gleaming in the sunlight. "It just doesn't end, does it?" he commented. The soldier never answered and charged at him, and aimed for the stomach. Zaccheus, an obvious expert at the art, blocked all the man's attacks skillfully, and with a final brilliant twist of the wrist, Zaccheus disarmed the guard, his sword flying through the air and landing perfectly in Zach's hand. Startled and weaponless, the guard gulped as Zaccheus pointed his sword right at the man's throat. "Well now, I think I just ended it quite nicely---unless you want an encore?" The guard gulped once again and tried to make an effort to run away, and Zach let him go, smirking. The satisfaction didn't last long though---as Zach turned around, in the process of putting his saber away and inspecting the new one he had gained, his dark eyes landed on something else. Or should we say someone else. Plurally.

There, in the large alleyway, stood four people. One was a dark-skinned woman who looked a few years younger than him, with chocolaty brown hair and stormy brown eyes. She was being held dangerously at gunpoint by another woman with short black hair and unusually pale blue eyes, looking so disoriented that it was a miracle that she was even standing. There was a man behind her with a pale complexion and lean frame, his expression looking angry yet disappointed as well.
However, there was only one person Zaccheus could fully and painfully recognize.
Azalea Peterova.

Ms. Sparrow Ms. Sparrow
Cosmos Cosmos
TenshuZninja TenshuZninja
HolyMacaroons HolyMacaroons

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Tsuki stood where she was, she felt as though if she were even to move a step she'd collapse right then and there, she had to keep standing, her mouth curved into a grimace with teeth show like some sort of attack dog, it was only when she felt the familiar pat of a hand on her shoulder she looked up and away from her targets, Nicoli. His words sent an overwhelming sense of relief throughout her body, any command from her captain she had to follow, and she was just lucky this was the one he chose.

At the same time as she relaxed a little, slowly moving to put one of the two aimed guns away she heard a series of crashes behind them and the sound of clashing swords, instantly wiping around, one gun aimed at each side of her in the rather small alleyway before she put her arm down and put it away, just some troublemaker who'd managed to get mixed up in the situation, normally she would go and do something about it but right now- was a different story. Another wave of pain shot over her and slowly she moved her free hand -in a secretive and pretty discrete manner- down to her stomach, "Crap. It hasn't been this bad since-…. since forever…." She muttered under her breath, closing her eyes tightly for a moment before re-opening them and letting out an exasperated breath of air.

Teresa continued staring at the red haired girl for a few moments before bart spoke up, "Is there a nest that you kids are crawling out from?" the mans words were mocking but she simply stared at him with curiosity, "M-Maybe?…." She replied, the odd thing being it wasn't in a mocking tone back, over even that of a joking tone, the comment seemed half serious as though she genuinely didn't know where children came from, which was half true. As he went on t ask if she was a friend Teresa didn't even get the chance to shake her head before he'd wandered over there and began causing a ruckus ever so casually at the extremely tense scene…. Why was this all getting o complicated? She just wanted some bread.

She watched how things went down from the safe distance away with Meira, huddling besides the olde female in a somewhat timid fashion before slowly taking a step out as the girl began knocking out the men, one after the other until he showdown ended in a point-blank barrel range between the man and the girl. It was then that her memories flooded back to her of who exactly this was, without even thinking, nor seeming to care about the danger she just about stormed over there and slammed her hands down on the table, "You filthy brat yer' the one who stole me' bread yesterday!?" She practically yelled out, her gloved hands pressed tightly against the surface of the furniture piece, her eyes staring daggers at her as she tried to be as intimidating as possible, which was rather hard when you made your living out of looking cute.

Nicoli sent a worried look at Tsuki. Maybe his first mate was being pushed too far. He made a note to check in on her, to make sure she wasn't doing too much, before he looked out to asses the situation. The blades in Kalgura's hand didn't frighten him. Nor did he much care for them. And when he heard the crash and heard someone swear, he didn't look. He just gazed at Azalea. For a second, he remembered her husband. He remembered the whole taking of his now ship. But, he couldn't feel bad. It wasn't in his nature as Captain. But he guessed he could right a wrong.

He stepped closer to the girl in front of him, holding his hand out, "Don't fire." He murmured, glancing at the girl behind Azalea before his eyes, that may have had an ounce of something in it besides coldness if one looked close enough, slid back to his slave. Slave hadn't really fit her though. He never referred to her as a slave, though he guess by title she had been. He had simply said her name. Slave didn't fit well in his mouth, "Go." He sighed, brushing a curl from her face. He didn't have the energy, or the willpower to deal with this. He had to take care of Tsuki, get her to a healer for some herbs. What was one girl compared to his first mate? "Don't make me regret it, yea?" He rose an eyebrow at her before turning on his heel and sliding an arm around his first mate, letting her lean into him.

To say Meira was surprised by the outburst would have been an understatement. Not only the girl with the odd coloring's but also Teresa's. What was wrong with these children? She didn't even want to know as she stepped towards one of the owners of the resturaunt, an apologetic smile on her face as she apologized for the ruckus. "This is an eating establishment, you brats." She huffed at them, glaring down the man with his gun pointed at Red, "Go handle your business somewhere else." She hissed, her greenish blue eyes sparkling dangerously as she shoved the man. Literally. Shoved him. She had a kind of aura around her that would make an errant child duck his head in shame, "Gods have mercy." She muttered, glancing at Bart, "Get him outta here, yea?"

Cosmos Cosmos Ms. Sparrow Ms. Sparrow TenshuZninja TenshuZninja Lurker Lurker
Azalea hadn't even heard all the rukas behind her, much to focused on the thought of ripping Nicoli's head off, but her features softened from both shock and suprise when she saw him just gazing at her and seeming to ignore everything going on around him. Her mind screamed at her to just get out of the rotten alleyway but she found herself frozen in her spot. Perhaps it was the unfamiliar look in his eyes she found so startling upon further inspection. She didn't even flinch for once as he brushed a honey curl from her face. His words were enough to make her dizzy. And they replayed in her head. Go. She couldn't even muster a word she was so shocked that her lips could only part in a silent response to Nicoli as a wave of relief seemed to wash over her.

But it also made her stop and think.

Was he letting her go? Or just until he got Tsuki some help? Unless she got off this port before him she'd just have to be left wondering. She knew where to go. Home. To her family.

Still recovering from the initial shock, Azalea grabbed Kalgura's arm, though gently and whipped around, wanting to get out of the alleyway rather now before later but what she was met with was a face she'd never thought she'd see again.

Zaccheus Cavalry.

"Shit!" Were the first words that came out of Azalea's honey sweet voice. She never swore. Ever. It was just how she was raised. But now was an exeception. "Zach?!" Azalea said as she staggered against the wall to keep herself from falling, her expression of both cold shock and horror at seeing him here, at this very moment. Memories came flooding back like a deadly wave and she didn't know wether to be relived he was still alive, angry at their last words to each other, or sad on how it had ended.

Maybe it was the tightly strung corset of the fine dress Nicoli had given her, of all of the sudden emotions and events occurring in that brief moment, but it was too much for a weakened Azalea to handle, and she felt her knees weaken and her vision become tiny pinpoints before everything went black and Azalea crumpled in an unconscious heap.
TenshuZninja TenshuZninja Cosmos Cosmos HolyMacaroons HolyMacaroons madame moiselle madame moiselle
Tsuki vaguely heard the conversation going on around her as she placed the other gun away in its satchel, her head was throbbing but she got the gist of it, Azalea was being freed by the captain- well, at least for the time being, she never knew what the man planned on doing next. As he came back over to aid her she simply pushed his arm away with weak force fro the back of her palm, her cheeks flustered a light pink and almost seeming to pant, you'd think her drunk if you couldn't see the pain seething over her face.

It wasn't something she'd expected to do more knew why she did it, but as she glanced back to check what was going on, an saw the girl collapse she couldn't help but take one swift step towards her and catch her right before dropping to the cold and hard cobbled ground. their faces what most would consider uncomfortably close before Tsuki looked up and winced again, 'argh…. sudden- movement, why did I-….' she thought throughout the stabbing sensation, after honestly being stabbed a lot she could safely say that was the best way to describe it.

But why did she do that? It was almost instinctive, she never caught anyone like that before, there was no need to catch someone in such a dramatic fashion if they weren't at risk of serious injury, and yet- the action let so natural to her for some reason. Without even realising she was still holding Azalea in her arms, for more than a minuet or two, just…. Holding her there, in what you might even consider a hug, paying no mind to the surroundings of the chaotic place.

"A-Are you…. Ok…. Okay?… Az…. Azalea?…." She stuttered out in a pained fashion, it was the first time she'd ever used the girls actual name, normally it was, 'captains slave' or 'Hey you there girly' but now, it was different.

Bart just blinked as way too many things happened all at once. Suddenly the three men that he had been sitting by were knocked unconscious by...A little girl. He couldn't help but smirk a little. Though he didn't want to condone the behavior of this child, it was definitely something to admire. She had stones bigger than some pirates he'd seen. Then the remaining man and girl pulled a gun on each other and Bart could only let out a sigh in frustration. He just wanted his cheese, why was it proving so hard to get it? He was about to do something to the last remaining man when the child with Meira decided to intervene.

The girl came up to the table and apparently she did in fact know this other child. When she slammed her hand on the table he just sighed, putting an arm in front of her. He gently pushed her away, not wanting her to get hurt. After all there was a man with a loaded gun at the table. Acting tough was all well and good but no one will care how tough you acted when you're dead. "One problem at a time, lass." Then Meira, as if she devalued her life just as much as the little girl came up and actually shoved the man with the gun. Did no one in this town care about their life? Was he the only sane one? When the man who was holding a gun to Red turned to look at who had shoved him, Bart sprung into action. He grabbed the gun with a thumb on the hammer so that even if he pulled the trigger in surprise it wouldn't fire. In one swift motion he yanked the gun from the man's hand and gave him a swift elbow to the face.

Bart set the gun on the table, sighing and standing up. "Alright first off. In order, you should not be drinking nor hanging out with men such as this. You can think you're as tough as you want but at the end of the day you're going to get yourself killed." He was glaring at Red before turning his attention to Teresa. "And you, maybe next time don't run up to a table where two people have guns out. And Meira." He spun around to look at the girl, crossing his arms over his chest. "He might hesitate to shoot a child but I can promise he wouldn't have hesitated to shoot you. You should have known that." A glare by the store owner shut Bart up and made him groan. He was tired of playing babysitter anyway. "Whatever. just get us a table." With that he picked up the unconscious man with relative ease, walking to the door and chucking him outside.

When Bartholomew turned back to find his small group he noticed a girl with blonde hair. He blinked, wondering why she looked so familiar. It suddenly dawned on him that he had seen her before and he made his way quickly over to her. Corsair grabbed her shoulders firmly, spinning her so that he could stare into her eyes, bewildered. "Weren't you...? Am I...?" He never finished any of his and settled to poke her legs much the same way he'd poked her face earlier. Just to make sure he was really seeing this.

Persephone had mildly paid attention to the argument on the other side of the bar and had waited anxiously for her food to arrive, giving a quiet "thank you" when it did. She had forgotten how strange land food is and frowned at the fork, picking to up hesitantly, then glanced at a few others who were eating as to know how to use it. "Ok, let's try this.." she mumbled to herself and took a bit of the fish in front of her, and almost gagged. Persephone forced herself to swallow and take another bite, she needed the food to change back, and fight if needs be.

After finishing the disgusting, slimy, fried? Fish, Persephone gulped down the water, which also tasted terrible, and sighed, enjoying the fullness of her belly and the knowledge she could handle whatever might come now.

Except for the bear of a man that now grabbed her by her shoulders and turned her around to face him. Panick shot through her body and her muscles moved automatically to her sword before realizing who the man was. "Oh, its you. You startled me, by now I see why you were so absentminded when we talked before." She gave an enchantingly sweet smile and let him continue to poke her legs as she looked over to the group of people he was standing with before. She chuckled, "yes they are real, yes it's me on land. May I ask what happened over there?"

HolyMacaroons HolyMacaroons Ms. Sparrow Ms. Sparrow Cosmos Cosmos Lurker Lurker
Azalea was out cold.

Truthfully, perhaps she'd been lying awake too much these past few weeks. Sometimes she'd go out and look at the stars and stay out there until the sun came up. Too many dreams and ghosts haunted her when she slept. Too many times was she jolted awake and now she was paying the price. Truthfully, all she needed was some sleep.
Azalea was out cold.

Truthfully, perhaps she'd been lying awake too much these past few weeks. Sometimes she'd go out and look at the stars and stay out there until the sun came up. Too many dreams and ghosts haunted her when she slept. Too many times was she jolted awake and now she was paying the price. Truthfully, all she needed was some sleep.

“Masterful!” Mother was laughing, her bubbled laugh that put everything at ease. Her hair was askew, as always, the mussed look making her even more charming. “You’re better than me! Up, up, up. Very good! Ladies’ cloaks, in the library, gentlemen’s hats—”

“In the entrance hall. Yes, I remember.” Azalea smiled, too, and pushed herself to her feet, the crinolines and silks of her Rich silver and gold gown settling about her.

“Brilliant. The gentlemen will be mad for you. Dance with every single one and find out which one you like best.”

Even the milk-turning feeling from talking of her future gentleman didn’t feel so curdled, not when she was with Mother, who made everything better, like treacle in a pie.

“I wish you could come,” said Azalea.

“Your father will be there.”

Azalea shook her head sadly.

Perhaps it was because Azalea had broken from the real script of the dream, or that her eyes couldn’t quite meet Mother’s—even so, as she did, the flower-papered walls of Mother’s room faded and seeped away with the sound of freezing ice, to the Renasence ship, packed with the entire crew and litered with dead bodies that seeped blood unto the floor. Mother had tear streaks down her face. She tried to smile, but cringed with pain. She had stab wounds in her stomach.
The crew stepped forward, their smiling faces inches from hers and weapons dripping with fresh blood rough hands pushing Azalea backward, throwing her off her feet.

On the outside, Azalea lay limp in Tsuki's arms, her nightmare continueing and twisting into something cruel, faint beads of sweat forming on her forehead with an expression that was twisted into something like agony. However, she was still deeply unconscious as her sleep caught up to her.

Cosmos Cosmos madame moiselle madame moiselle TenshuZninja TenshuZninja HolyMacaroons HolyMacaroons
Away from all the action, Edyth toured the streets of Umma. After leaving the ship, she passed by many bars and streets but none of them struck her fancy. Growing bored, she pursed in her lips in search of some entertainment. After all, Edyth didn't really know what she was searching for. She could enroll into some gambling games and cheat other pirates and merchants out of their money. The sweet look of defeat could be donned with such loveliness on many men. That's something she knew she could never get tired of. Edyth tucked a piece of raven black hair behind her ear before letting out a sigh. But even that thought somehow bored her. Should she just turn back? Or perhaps she could explore some more?

Edyth turned another corner when she realized how lost she had gotten herself. It looked to her that she couldn't return even if she wanted to now. Oh dear. Of course, it was then that some villains decided to converge on her, a lone, harmless looking female. Edyth looked on with cold blue eyes, her hand resting on her cutlass.

"Well, lookie 'ere lads. It be a lost bird," Goon A sneered, showing his golden and rotting teeth.

"What a pretty bird," Goon B agreed. "It'd be a damn shame if 'er wings were cut off." There was a glint of metal when he pulled a knife out from the sheath on his thigh.

"Yes, a shame," Edyth smiled at the two. "If you'll excuse me." She tried to shoulder past them, but as she thought, they blocked her from passing. She scowled as her annoyance grew. Edyth didn't want to waste the energy in a fight but even so, they seemed to be forcing her to draw her sword.

"Hey, hey, where do ya think yer goin'? The fun's just startin'!" Goon B laughed.
(Near: ByTheChesapeake ByTheChesapeake )

Marion became bored with sitting in her nest and wandered the streets of the port, maybe she could find her next victim? Three voices peaked her interest and she headed towards them, her grey coat a storm behind her. It'd be a damn shame if 'er wings were cut off. A male voice sneered from nearby, then she heard Edyth reply, Yes, a shame,If you'll excuse me. Marion turned round the corner, coming up behind the two men and grinned, baring her iron teeth. The fun's just starin!!

"You're certainly right, the fun is just starting. For me." Marion lunged at the first goon, ripping out his throat with her teeth before he had fully even turned towards her. Grinning like the devil herself, blood dripping from her lips and down her neck, she turned to the second goon. "Do you still want some fun, or do you want to run for your life?" Wisely, the man ran.
"Edyth, are you alright? Why did you walk out here alone?"
NekoQueen49 NekoQueen49
Edyth smiled pleasantly still, as if the gore pleased her. She did derive some pleasure from the blood dripping from Marion's mouth as the man whom it belonged to annoyed her. "I was bored. Thank you for that, by the way. I was hoping that I wouldn't have to dirty my sword but those men were damnably persistent." Edyth walked forward, linking her arm with Marion's. "To tell you the truth, I'm also lost. Do you know the way back to the ship?" Though you wouldn't be able to tell from her voice or manner, it hurt her pride slightly to admit it. Still, logic ruled her as always and she wanted to return to the ship. There seemed to nothing more for her in Umma.
MermaidShireen MermaidShireen
Marion knew Edyth's pride was bruised by needing her to lead her back to the ship, but she didn't really care, so she allowed the girl to link arms with her and started to lead her back to the ship. "Do you happen to have a handkerchief?" She licked the crimson blood off her lips and smiled down at her crew-mate, "I seem to have gotten a bit of blood on me."
Nearly back to the ship, Marion decided to catch Edyth up on what all had happened, making sure to inform her of Bart's blonde mermaid and Tye's merman lover.
(Sorry its really short, but I've been essay writing all day)
NekoQueen49 NekoQueen49
(S'Okay X3)
After offering Marion her pale blue handkerchief, Edyth took in the tales with awe. "A merman? And a mermaid? Oh my. Today has been a rather eventful day." It seemed that she had missed all the action. If only she had stayed on board. Maybe she could have had some more entertainment than where she had been. Edyth would have greatly liked to meet these merpeople as they were a curiosity to her. It was said that they were bewitching to look at. She wouldn't know, but it was hard to imagine how a half fish, half person could ever be described as bewitching. "Are the merpeople still here?" She asked just as they were stepping aboard.
MermaidShireen MermaidShireen
Nicoli didn't really know what to do in the situation of fainting damsels and heroic, savage First mates. He didn't know how to take some random citizen who knew the woman he had held captive sulking around. He didn't know how to deal with the daggers the other girl was sending him. It was a little overwhelming though he kept his face cool. He straightened, looked at Kalgura and rose an eyebrow, "You may want to take her to the ship for medical attention, yes?" He murmured, though he didn't feel as sure as his words made him out to be. He was a pirate. Someone who plundered all and lived rich. Before that he had lived in the richest of theif's house with his mother singing him almost sad lullabies when he couldn't sleep. So he could honestly say he was perplexed by the situation at hand.

Meira huffed at Bart's words. She had known the trouble. But no one ever expected her to be the one to take initiative so it always gave people pause. They would glance, dumbstruck, and then things normally worked out from there. Death wasn't a frightening concept to the female pirate anyways. She had danced around with, flirted with, and even had a few drinks with this entity her entire life. What's a big guy who picks on little girls going to do with someone, especially her, who isn't afraid to look him in the eyes and snarl.

So she does what she would normally do. She smiles, apologizes to the owner, and guides the two girls to a seat at the table, "You children are proving to be a little more trouble than you're worth, wouldn't you say?" She muttered, though she enjoyed Teresa's presence quite a bit for some reason. She just wanted to protect her.. especially from hooligans like Red had faced.

Cosmos Cosmos Ms. Sparrow Ms. Sparrow Lurker Lurker TenshuZninja TenshuZninja
Tsuki gave but a small nod in agreement to the captains words, "Treat-…. it." She winced out, handing the girl over gently before shakily getting back up, she didn't want to move, not even a muscle. But she had to, sitting in a cold, dark alleyway wasn't going to helming her, what she really needed was something warm and a good nap- but she had the nagging feeling that she wasn't going to be receiving tat any time soon.

Teresa blinking a few times at parts actions, sure- maybe just going over and yelling wasn't the 'best' idea she'd ever had, but break was an important matter dang it!? And it was worth protesting about. She gave a firm nod to herself after her thoughts before being tugged away by the female, reluctantly sitting beside the other girl her age, red? was it. Urgh, and here she was thinking she'd actually managed to find some decent people to hang out with and this girl shows up! Bet she was just gonna try and nab there money, eat there food then run for it…. Well, Teresa was half planning on doing that herself, but she was at least willing to give them a chance beforehand. She impatiently tapped her fingers against the table's surface, hungry and sore from the past few days, slowly she slid her arms forward until her hands could grab each elbow and she rested her head in them almost as though she was sulking, though really it was more being too lazy to sit up properly. "So- what's ya' names then?…." She asked in a small and arguable cute voice, her cheeks still flushed a bright pink as she avoided eye contact, glancing back at them every once in a while. Lucky for bart she'd dismissed his curious actions with a simple and quiet, "Pervert." Under her breath, only shooting him a glare briefly and not paying too much mind to the woman, something about her made her uncomfortable, as though there wasn't something right.
Kalgura's smiled slipped off her face as the overwhelming sounds of trouble came rushing in from behind her. She turned just enough to see a dark haired man running for where their little cadre was all huddled in the alley; well most of them anyway as Kalgura was still right on the outskirts. And just as he came upon them she realized he was trailing soldiers in his wake. Something about the men in uniform made her heart jump into overdrive in sudden fear. She was brought back to the present from a sudden memory when the man they were targeting opened his mouth and screamed out for Azalea. It startled her and when she turned back she saw the mixed emotions on Azels face before her expression went slack and she fainted right there. The move was so unexpected she hadn't had appropriate time to get completely out of her own reverie before she could catch the petite woman. It didn't matter as the woman that had previously been after them; after Azel caught her with a grunt of pain that probably wasn't connected to Azalea's weight since she was light. Then again that didn't mean anything as Kalgura was used to hefting large things around so a lot of things weren't that heavy to her.

At the words of the captain and first mate of the other ship stirring her on she gave the both wary glances before gently taking the unconscious woman from the others arms. She ran past them both but before she was completely out of the alley she felt honor bound (as honorable as a pirate can be that is) to thank them for their service though she wasn't stupid. Azels freedom wasn't because of her. She worried even more for her friend now because she hadn't been able to read the look on the man's face when he'd let them go. When he'd given her up to her, she worried because that look had been more gentle than savage and if her friend wasn't careful she would get swept up into a storm she didn't want. She ran the entire way back to the Tynedale and tried her best not to appear wild eyed, frantic, worried, or afraid as she also tried not to listen to the sounds of soldiers not too far away.

madame moiselle madame moiselle Ms. Sparrow Ms. Sparrow HolyMacaroons HolyMacaroons Cosmos Cosmos

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