A Piece Of Cake!! {Always Open}

"Um..before we started dating and everything. Remember that day in gym when Lyon asked you and C.J. to come with us..I saw something between you and Leo.." Rio cringes at the thought about that day.

Naomi rolls her eyes, "I guess she's dreaming about taking someone else man.." Naomi says to her group of friends before leaving the roof.
"Oh that, he looked depressed that day so I was trying to cheer him up. Nothing happened or anything. I don't love anyone other than you." Yoru stands up and ruffles up Rio's hair gently. "I have to get to class, see you later!" She turns around and runs to her classroom, trying not to seem late.

C.J. could hear very, very faint talking, but decides it's her dream and doesn't move from her sleeping spot.
Rio watches Yoru run off to class and he sighs to himself, "that's what they always say.." he mumbles before he lays back down, looking through his phone.

Leo puts out his cig and heads back inside the school, not before stopping to see Lyon standing by his classroom door.
Yoru sits down in her seat and breathes out in relief. She takes out a notebook and starts drawing a random picture of a kitten and its mother.

C.J. mumbles in her sleep and slips into a deeper nap. She didn't know what her dream was, but it made her feel happy and loved.
"Leo" Lyon nods his head, his tone calm. "Lyon" Leo matches his tone.

"I'm surprise not to see C.J. clinging on your arm.." Lyon says, smirking.

Leo walks pass him, "let it go man.." he says as he walks away.
Yoru finishes the outline and starts on some small details.

C.J. hears some faint laughing from distant people, but doesn't get up from her spot. "Mmnnm...."

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