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Fantasy A New Order [Closed]

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Laura Riley

Laura found it easy to bury herself in her work, there not being a great deal to distract her several floors underground the streets of Paris. Everyone was similarly engulfed in the planning of their next extermination; but still the small office space she had taken over was unusually quiet; Laura being more used to the hustle of eager recruits and hunter’s assistants. Working alongside Annaliese had its advantage, she hadn’t seen the woman all day leaving the criticism she received to a minimum. Laura had just opened yet another surveillance tape to watch when the door to her room creaked and it was opened slowly revealing the wall of a man, Marcus. “Surely you’re done now?” He groaned, towering over the small desk Laura had taken over “I know you’re on medical rest but it wouldn’t hurt you to come up for air once in a while, maybe talk to the other hunters you’re going to use for this hunt? How is your leg by the way? I hear you’re refusing the pain medication now?” He looked down the end of his nose the way a parent would, with concern for their child. Laura tried not to take notice of Marcus but she knew that if she didn’t take the pain medication the medics would leave her alone, making it less likely for her bite being found. “Marcus, I’m fine I’m promise.” Laura mumbled as she stood to face him properly. “Look,” she waved her foot left and right “It’s more or less fine, I didn’t take them to know when I was pushing it too far, but I will take one tomorrow night before we leave.” Marcus listened quietly, choosing to believe her for now. “Well, I’ll leave you to it for now, keep up the good work, everyone is pleased with your pre-strike plan.” He shook her hand firmly and left the room, leaving the door ajar.

“Ladies, gentlemen, knowing you have already read over our plan of action, I will spare details as our window of opportunity is short.” Laura looked around the room, seven hunters looking back at her, waiting for the next instruction. “You have been assigned a senior, either myself or Annalise.” She looked over to Anna who, fully equipped looked quite intimidating. “My team with me entering the building from ground level whereas Annalise’s will be entering from the rooftops.” Laura continued to explain the basics of their operation before sending Anna’s group away ahead of her. They needed to strike at the same time for her plan to work; this gave them time to reach their vantage points. Soon after their transport arrived they were driven and dropped off at serval locations all surrounding the warehouse in question. Anna had beaten a loyal into telling her about the meeting place but neither of them were certain about the number of vampires present, but what the brotherhood could be certain about was this attack could potentially cripple the vampire order in Paris. The group had earpieces in place that had been developed to be nearly undetectable to the vampire ear, however their own voices were not and as each member approached the building they all stopped talking, knowing how and when to strike.

Looking up Laura saw Annaliese and they nodded to each other, they were now timed for thirty seconds to reach their positions and strike. Another loyal had been duped by a senior hunter into leaving a service door open that evening, leaving the ground team an easy way in. Laura stepped in and immediately felt the hairs on her neck stand on end. She was ready to kill. She already had a gun to hand, but this time it was something far more powerful; the team weren’t afraid of making noise once the attack began, the area the warehouse was in being largely uninhabited, especially at night. Loud voices could be heard already and it quickly became apparent that there was a large group of vampires present; this didn’t sway Laura’s focus as she and another hunter stood mere feet away from the large room that was being occupied. There was no way to know if her other team were in position above her but as the signal tone rang in their ears once Laura had no choice but to force the door open. The door splintered as it hit the stone wall behind it, gunfire raining down from above. Laura grinned as she too opened fire on the vampires closest to her; the plan was working. The obviously younger and more inexperienced vampires were easier to take down but it quickly became clear that the higher ranking of the group were going to be more of a challenge.

It was already known that Laura’s shooting was not her strength, meaning when her gun was knocked from her hand, she was happy to oblige a close contact approach. The vampire’s grip was bone-crushing as he tried to take Laura to the floor, but this gave her the momentum she needed to take the vampire down herself. In one quick movement she had landed on top of his chest, knife plunged directly into the heart. She wasted no time reaching her feet again when out of the corner of her eye she saw one of the newer hunters struggling, in her moment of distraction she was pulled away from the evolving chaos in a second. She didn’t feel the arm around her stomach, only the sheer force that forced the air from her lungs. Next his gnarled fingers tangled in her hair as he pulled her head roughly to one side ready to bite her. The neck of her shirt had been torn in the process and her scar glinted off the flicking light of the warehouse. “I knew I had seen you before, but the real question is why you’re still alive.” The vampire growled, running his lips against the nape of her neck. He looked up and bellowed, all the while Laura was struggling to break free from his hold. “What group of hunters allows themselves to be marked by a vampire?” He laughed loudly, gaining the attention of many other vampires. “Seeing as you like being bitten young lady, why don’t we try it again, if you’re lucky…and beg … I’ll turn you and you can see why it feels like to be on the giving end.”

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Shawn lit another cigarette as the talk continued, if this could be called talking. It was mostly yelling and people trying to figure out what line created the pups and therefore were to take responsibility for them. It was clear that they would live, it was only unclear who would watch the wild bunch; who had all but lost interested in the wrestling and was listening to the yelling. Shawn was relieved that they were still for once in the last several days and was able to close his eyes. The yelling continued but his ears twitched to a different noise. Was that something on the roof....no that was in the hall....what was that? He knocked it up to exhausted due to his babysitting duties. He opened his eyes and continued to listen, even if this wasn't something he could put his opinion in on he needed to know the decision and the reason for that decision so he could approve of it or not. "Got to stay awake," he thought as he yawned, revealing his fangs. He continued to fight to stay awake until he heard what he thought was a buzzing noise and as he began to look for it, the door burst open and the roof came in.

Instinctively, Shawn sunk deeper into the shadows and bean to try to slip out of the roof but several bullets stopped him. He made sure not to kill any hunters he had to combat. He was again almost able to escape when he saw a scene that he couldn't ignore, Laura pinned by one of the other Original heirs that ruled in Paris. He knew her from the night he'd taken her from the club, he had arrived as Shawn was leaving and Shawn had given him the same lie that he had told the others. The heir was a lazy brat while Shawn took care of business but since he was pissed Laura was in great danger. Then things seems to move in slow motion as other vampire smiled and moved in to take part in the feast. His eyes turned hungry red, then to the monster black he wore the night he nearly killed her; but this time was he was n protection mode not killer mode. He easily moved through the fighting group and ripped the vampire from Laura and with his back to her and stared down every vampire in the room. As they threaten to move towards the pair, a monstrous his ripped from his throat, the hiss was so long everyone in the room seemed to freeze at its sound. Shawn was making it clear that no one was laying a hand on her. The other Original, who had finally picked himself up, yelled out what he had label Shawn. "Traitor!" These words echo but Shawn only smiled. "Yeah, so what? What are you going to do about it?" The man flinched at his words. What was anyone in this room to do; short of the Originals themselves , no one could take on Shawn head on.

Shawn looked over his shoulder, eyes still black. "I won't hurt you this time. I swear but you have to trust me," he whispered.
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Laura Riley

Annaliese was following her instructions to the letter and so far the operation was going to plan, even in the shower of gunfire she was able to keep calm. She watched her team and those on the floor closely for those in trouble, seeing Laura thrust her knife into the chest of a vampire warmed her cold expression if only for a moment. Despite their differences Annaliese knew that they worked well together and had skills where the other did not. Her attention was taken away by another recruit who had come into difficulty, Anna aimed down the sight attached to her riffle and with a clean shot took the vampire out. An eruption of newfound and misplaced chaos stopped her visual sweep of the room and focused again on Laura and the vampire that had her in his grasp. “Fuck!” Anna swore loudly, the vampire had Laura drawn over his chest, making it near impossible to take him out without killing Laura in the process. Anna knew it was her duty to take the shot anyway, and that Laura knew that this was going to happen. But what unfolded before her forced her finger from the trigger, Laura had been saved by another vampire. Anna heard the other vampires call out traitor and her stomach twisted in knots. She didn’t say a word, only looking directly into Laura’s eyes with a glare that could have killed. If there hadn’t already been a vampire vying for Laura’s death she would have given it a go herself. Annaliese signalled the rooftop team to retreat, she needed to alert the brotherhood to Laura’s betrayal.

Laura stood behind Shawn, shaken up and wide eyed; but ready to fight again. Looking around the room she felt many pairs of eyes boring into her skin but none more so than Anna. From their unspoken exchange of words it was clear that she was being cast out; exiled. Laura couldn’t focus on this with a large group of vampires beginning to form around them. She nodded to Shawn, whose eyes had deepened to an inky black, seeing them again brought about a feeling of dread along with a reminder of what happened before; but she had no choice but to trust him, much like she had done her first night in Paris. She looked up again to the sky lights and just as expected Anna and her team had disappeared, as had the ground team. She was the only human left in the warehouse and completely at the mercy of the vampires. Despite her basic instincts Laura closed her eyes unsure of what was going to happen next, similar to the force that she had felt being pulled away from the other vampire Laura felt herself being flung; only this time upwards. She opened her eyes to Shawn taking her to the rafters of the warehouse and onto the rooftops. She gasped for a breath, the events not sinking in. She had a hold of his arm, her fingers gripping tightly. “Oh my god,” she looked around the rooftops, there was no sign of her hunting team but that didn’t mean that they had left her alone. “I’m dead, this is it isn’t it.” Her eyes were full of panic. “Shit, Shawn what do we do?”

After Shawn was on the rooftop with her he knew the others would not follow. They had started to make their way to the streets. They needed to spread the news of his betrayal to save a hunter. Turning a fang to another vampire for anything other than self-defense was considered treason against your kind and Shawn had done this for one of his kinds mortal enemies. He watched as the other Heir looked up and smiled. Shawn would no longer be the Originals' favorite and would lose accept to the money he had grown use to. "Only other heirs can contact them." He left the panicking Laura for a few moment and returned to the floor, cutting off escape for his old comrade. He was still in his monster state so he was able to quickly attacked and killed him. Though word of this would also reach them and eventually the Originals would come for him, it would buy him time to get some funds to run with. He then returned to Laura who was saying something about dying. He returned to his more human state, the one with his human brown eyes and grabbed her. "Hey! Relax! We're just in trouble and will only be closer to death if we panic. Now we both are now going to be in trouble with our kin but we can figure this out so what I need you to do is relax and trust me!" He wasn't sure how much had sunk in before he picked her up again and carried her from rooftop to rooftop. Eventually the landed on the streets of the poorer side of town. He knew some ex-Loyals had come to live here and he just needed a computer. He knew one who was a hacker and tinker of computers; he chose to live here to stay hidden; who would look for a rich and famous hacker here of all places. He knocked on one door and when there was no answer he banged on it. The was some cussing as someone tripping over something before a light came on and a man, about Laura's and Shawn's age, answered the door. "The hell do you want vampire?" "A computer." Shawn pushed pass him and headed for a door; this door led to the basement. The man didn't protest just pulled Laura inside and pointed to follow Shawn. "Just make sure the blood-sucker doesn't crash anything, I need that stuff for my work." With that he went back upstairs to go back to sleep.

Shawn quickly turned on the computer. He had planned to one day leave the clan and venture out on his own but he knew he couldn't achieve that without first gaining complete access to the clan's funds so he could steal what he would need to live with some comforts that he had grown accustom to. He had already set up a private account that was difficult to track and the transactions would be encoded so they were just as difficult to track. He transferred what he thought would be enough; about half of what the clan owed. He then popped up and started for the door of the basement. As he looked at his watch, he stopped, clicking his tongue in frustration. The Loyals would have heard by now that they were not assist him in any way but the sun would be up soon and Laura would be of little use getting him around the city. "Laura. Sun's almost up. I know the hunters might be coming after you but you can move around while I can't. You need to go to the airport and buy some plane tickets. Doesn't matter to where just make sure people know where you're going. Then give them to a lucky couple or something. That'll get the vampires off our tails for now until we can figure out what next to do." While he was telling her this he reached into his pocket and pulled out a credit card. He had placed it in her hand and turned back to the computer. He would work on cover up the browser history and such to make sure the vampire didn't track this computer and find him the minute the sun went down. He was sure that they wouldn't be too pleased about so much money missing and now would be looking for him harder.
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Laura Riley

Stood on the rooftops of Paris Laura could think of hundreds of other situations where this could have been nice, peaceful, romantic even. Instead her body was tense and with hearing the groans from the streets below she dropped her shoulders for a moment. Knowing that at least one heir was dead brought her some sense of relief, but it was short lived. She nodded along to Shawn’s words of encouragement, desperately wanting to believe that everything would be fine in the long run but all that came to mind was how much she had potentially lost. Laura did believe wholeheartedly that it would be difficult for things to be worse than this so she put her arms around Shawn and decided to trust his judgement. Laura kept her eyes closed as they travelled from rooftop to rooftop, not used to the speed outside of a car. Happy that her feet were on solid grown she followed Shawn to a rundown part of Paris, the reception they received wasn’t what she was expecting but in reality she didn’t know what to expect. She looked to the man with confusion “Sure.” Laura didn’t know a great deal about computers and was glad to see that Shawn looked like he did. She looked around the dark basement, it was lit almost solely by the lights from computer components and lamps being used to inspect the inner workings. Laura had been hovering behind Shawn, curious about what he was doing, but she saved the questions for now, not wanting to disrupt.

“Oh, the time.” Had lost track of how close they were to sunrise and nodded in agreement with Shawn’s instructions. “Well they aren’t going to let me anywhere near an airport looking like this…” Laura put the credit card in her back pocket and unfastened the holsters from her body. Setting the array of weaponry down by Shawn’s side she turned to the door and head back out of the rundown house and onto the streets of Paris. Stood on a busy metro platform Laura looked paranoid at best, anyone coming close to her was stared down until they took a step back.
“You’ve got to cut this shit out or you’re gonna get arrested…” Laura scolded herself, it was unlikely that she was going to be directly hunted straight away but thinking about Annaliese made her nervous, the look in her eye had given her chills, Laura was certain there wasn’t going to be forgiveness there. The ride to the airport felt like a lifetime given the cramped and confined space and unbearable heat. Arriving a little more flustered than when she left Laura made her way quickly to the departures board, there were so many places to choose from that Laura got caught in the moment looking at them; imagining what it would be like to be able to just pick anywhere on the list and go. She settled on Reykjavik and bought the tickets with Shawn’s card, giving both of their details in full. The pair of tickets in hand Laura looked around the airport looking for someone to give them to when she spotted a French couple who were clearly about to jet off on their honeymoon. She invented a story about her boyfriend had stood her up and persuaded them to take the tickets, insisting that they would have a better time in the geothermal spas than in Berlin.

Laura hurried out of the airport after she had handed the tickets over, she had a bad feeling; like she was being watched. She first blamed it on worry but the further away she got from the airport the more she became aware of a young woman following her almost step-for-step. Laura didn’t recognise her as a hunter or an assistant but she wasn’t going to take any chances. Dipping into a small alleyway and picking up her pace, Laura hid around a corner and waited for the approaching footsteps. Sure enough the young woman turned the corner and was met by Laura thrusting her into the brick wall behind. “
What do you think you are doing.” Laura growled at the young woman, her forearm pressed against her neck with enough force to make it difficult to breath, but still enough room to talk. “Who do you work for and what do you want?” The woman quickly confessed to being a loyal and that there was no way the pair of them were going to be able to escape without facing the consequences. Laura didn’t give her the chance to finish her sentence, pressing her full body weight into the airway of the woman it wasn’t long until the woman tool her last strained breath.

Laura didn’t hesitate to leave the women and head back to the underground, not knowing how often the alleyway was frequented. Her journey back to the rundown house took half the time. Laura’s fist pounded on the door, rattling its frame. The man who opened the door was the same from the night before “Well, I wouldn’t have to knock like the bloody police if the streets weren’t crawling with loyals.” She walked down to the dark basement slowly, aware that her heart was racing from her adrenaline rush and she didn’t want to miss a step owing to the lack of any natural light. “Shawn, it’s done, a lovely couple from Paris are going to Reykjavik.” She took the credit card out of her pocket. “Did you get what you needed to do done?” She waited for a response, hoping to learn more about his plan now they weren't fleeing the country.

Shawn waited until his old friend and newly attached comrade was up the stairs. He made sure he watched where the sunlight fell so he could avoid its direct beams. Once she was gone, he activated a few bugs that he had planted in a few vampire headquarters around the world. The was almost no chatter in the American channels but any continent connected to, close to or related to Europe in any way that one could think of was buzzing with news of Shawn and him siding with a hunter that had attack them. He gritted his teeth as he listened. There was no way of leaving the country without being spotted and taking on the European branch would be taking on all four Originals which even at full power and the clan behind him was impossible. Luckily, no one but him watched the finances closely and no one notice the missing money. He quickly sent an email to his servants, who despite his betrayal would probably be so loyal that it would get them killed. The email was quick and simple. "Turn your back to me and live for the families that you have created. Thank you for you service but it will no longer be required." He hoped they heeded his words for the clan's first stop was there. "America is so cut off from the traditions of the clan we might be able to hide out there.... but travel is going to be damn near impossible with everyone on our trail." He knew no one was around to respond but for some odd reason hearing himself speak calmed him. Maybe it was simply breaking the silence after turning off the bugs.

He then turned around and looked at the weapons that Laura had left behind. He reached for the knife. It seemed more worn, probably the most used in the arsenal. As soon as he grabbed it, he hissed and released it. Even the handle must have been blessed. "Suppose it's a good idea......no way of having your own weapon turned on you......unless you're fighting a loyal." He spoke to himself again as he walked over to a mini-fridge that was hidden in one corner. His hand had been burned pretty badly by the weapon and he needed to feed; hopefully the host was kind enough to keep the cooler stocked. He opened it and to his dismay, the blood that was there was so old that drinking it would make him weak and ill. All he could do was sigh and return to his seat. He looked around and found a bit of happiness and relief that he didn't have to hide in a closet to avoid the sun due to the lack of windows in the space. Not knowing what else to do, Shawn resumed the bugs and leaned back. He would listen to the chatter until Laura came back. He couldn't think of anything else to do but to lie low until the Originals were on to them. It was sad and terrifying to think of it but their best chance of getting away is when they begin to hunt them.

Just as the chatter was beginning to fade thanks to him losing self-consciousness, he was shaken awake by a banging on the door. Mark, the unhappy host greeted the rude intruder the same as he had been treated the night before. Must be Laura, otherwise he would have said something to alert Shawn to prepare himself for a fight. Shawn moved away from the door that led to the main floor. He didn't know if the sun would be casted down the stair and he had no intention of finding out; he had enough burn injuries for today. When she came down, Laura handed him back the card he had supplied earlier and asked him if he was got everything done that he needed to. With that he turned off the bugs and looked at her. "Yes, I've been collecting intel on the local network of vampires. What they know. Where they are and most importantly where the Originals are taking part of the search. We have to wait until they are fully involved. Once they are, others will sort of back off and that is the hole we need to get the hell out of dodge. It seems that the American network knows but doesn't care so I doubt they'll report if we're spotted over there but we can get out the country with everyone on high alert. By the way......killing that loyal was like kicking the hornets' nest. The loyals are pissed off and are taking up arms to fight now so it'll be best if we lie low as possible." With all that said he yawned. This was the time of day he slept and right now he was fight sleep like no other. He leaned back in his seat to hear any advice or opinions Laura had about the situation. He fought to keep his eyes on her but all his body wanted to was sleep.
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Laura Riley

Laura sat back in a worn armchair listening intently to Shawn’s findings. For a hunter Laura didn’t know a great deal about the Originals, they were shrouded in mystery and often far from a hunter’s grasp. In her short time she had only dealt with relatively low level vampires; firefighting immediate situations that posed a threat to the general population, never anything higher. Because of this lack of knowledge she didn’t question his plans, until the dead loyal was mentioned. Surprised that the death had been reported back so quickly surprised her. “The loyals are up in arms?” Laura threw her arms in the air mockingly “And if I hadn’t killed her she would have killed me, or alerted her master to your location. I’m sticking to it.” In truth she hadn’t given a second thought to the repercussions of her actions with the young woman, her death had been out of anger for the whole mess she was in; and worse still she felt better for killing her. Shawn’s yawn was infectious and Laura soon followed suit. She stretched her arms upwards and mumbled “So America it is, and all we have to do is wait.” She wanted to talk more about Shawn’s findings and learn more about the infrastructure that vampires seemed to live by, but her mind was fuzzy and she couldn’t find the words. The plan appeared simple enough for now, but there was something that didn’t sit right, Laura brushed the worry off as being tired. Her sleep schedule had been off for weeks and after the events of the night she was exhausted and fighting off sleep. As the room fell silent Laura watched Shawn sat opposite her, the dimly lit room and both of them fighting sleep reminded her of a memory. She leant back into the chair and closed her eyes, with a smile she whispered “Close your eyes Shawn, you can’t still be afraid of the dark.”

In a room surrounded by small flashing lights and low whirring the singular electronic beep that sounded from the small pile of Laura’s arsenal would have gone unnoticed by most, but instantaneously it jolted Laura from her sleep. This had been a normal reaction for the last few years, being contactable at any time, but Laura wasn’t complacently walking over to the noise, instead she erupted from the chair “Oh you have to be kidding me.” Laura sore under her breath, damning herself for forgetting about her phone and its tacking capabilities .Her hushed curse gave way to throwing loaded weapons behind her until she found the phone. Laura hardly wanted to look at the screen but she knew that if the brotherhood had wanted to track her they would have done so by now and killed them both. Instead she opened the message alert and unwittingly read it out loud to herself.

Laura, considering that you haven’t thrown your phone into the Siene I wonder if you want to be found. The brotherhood will not be wasting its resources on traitors. However, if you cross our path there will be no preferential treatment, you haven been given fair warning.[/SIZE] [SIZE=12px] A.

Laura dropped the phone on the floor and stood on the screen with the heel of her heavy boots. “Fucking damn it.” She twisted her foot and listened to the sound of the plastic and metal splintering under her weight. The room being plunged back into murky darkness Laura sat back into the same chair. “Well we can rest assured that one party aren’t interested in tracking us down…” Laura closed her eyes and groaned, it was nearly nightfall and she didn’t feel any more alert. “That said, the brotherhood has factions across the globe… so I’m bound to step on someone’s toes at some point.” Laura spoke from experience, having made kills in all corners of the world. “Your hand, by the way, how is it?” Laura added “I saw it when I handed you the card.”

Shawn was sure that most hunters didn't know a thing about the Originals other than they are big shots but he knew that the uppers of the brotherhood knew more than they had let on and that kind of pissed him off. It was another example of people in power using their power to hide what they didn't want others to know. He sighed and once he finished his findings continued to yawn. He saw the surprise in her face. "Information is the only thing vampires have during the day so it needs to travel fast." He kind of expected her reaction to the loyal report and all he could do was smile and nod. She was right and he knew it but being sleepy as he was he could only regurgitate what he had heard. "Yep America," he repeated as he eyes struggled to remain open. f she had any questions or concerns she better ask or state them now before he lost to the fight of sleep. As his eyes finally began to close, he heard her okay his sleep and even smiled as she brought back a memory of him sneaking into her room and sleeping next to her bed because of his fear of the dark. "Nope.....I've lived in it too long," he said with now a half smile. He joked but there was some seriousness to his statement.

He was now sleep but that was short lived he heard a phone and Laura mumbling something. He didn't know she still had her phone. It was then that he was all too aware of everything around him, every light, beep, and buzz around him. He knew of tracking ability of phones, that's why he never carried one himself; an Original in his head every once in a while was all he could deal with. As she read the message aloud, he felt himself relax, even started to doze off. That was even shorter lived as Laura then seemed to angrily bean to slam her foot into the phone repeatedly, cursing all the while. "I heard and since they weren't going to bother tracking it, was it all that necessary to destroy the phone with such malice?" He smiled as she walked back and flopped back down into her worn haven for the day. He nodded to her statement about the brotherhood being a global effort and it made sense seeing as vampire were just as wide spread. She then mentioned his hand, he looked down at it and sighed. "I'll need to feed in order to get it to heal. It was my own fault....should know that curiosity is bad for vampires."

He then leaned back and began to yawn again. It was almost night but he still wanted to sleep and he was about to give into that urge until his head stated to hurt. He stiffened a yell of pain as his head felt like it was being split open. He heard his Original in his head. He made it clear of his displeasure with Shawn and how he would need to be re-educated. Shawn could feel him reaching for the monster in Shawn. ""Let's see how well you can make it out there without that human pet of yours. Seems you need to feed anyway," he heard as he felt himself slipping into his feeding mode. Shawn continued fight this as he crumbled to the floor. He was unable to fight both the urge to feed and yelling so he let out a scream of great pain. He couldn't do hurt Laura again, so this guy needed to get be evicted from his head but he had no idea how to cut off this bond.
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Laura Riley

Laura closed her eyes and hoped for a few more hours sleep. If they were laying low she imagined that they wouldn’t leave this hideout for some time. The chair she was in wasn’t especially comfortable but it was a lot better than getting up and moving. As she shifted her weight to try and find a more comfortable position she felt several muscle groups tighten up; she was going to feel it tonight that was for sure. Laura heard Shawn’s apparent discomfort but let him be, assuming he was feeling the effects of the encounter with the hunters.

Her heavy eyelids were forced open by the blood-curling yell that filled the room. The feeling of her heart near-bursting out of her chest propelled her from the chair. In the dark she couldn’t find the switch to any desk lamps nearby and without her phone she fumbled to find the main light for the basement. “Shawn!” Laura called out to him but with no answer. “What the fuck is going on.” Laura finally found a light but it didn’t do much to illuminate the room, instead it created an island of light in which she stood. She could see Shawn now in the shadows of the room, his eyes shifting colour. Laura was struck with panic, she hadn’t spent any extended time in a vampire’s company and was at a loss of what was going on. Laura backed up to the door leading to the main part of the house, all she could think to say was “Cut this shit out!” but it had no effect, it was as if Shawn wasn’t in the room at all. Her fight or flight instinct was telling her to run but she couldn’t make herself turn the handle and run.

Instead the door was pushed open from behind her, forcing her back into the room. It was the man from upstairs, his expression was irritated as he demanded an explanation to the noise, worrying it will alert neighbours and authorities. Laura didn’t know what to say and instead pointed to Shawn with an open mouth. The man looked at him for a moment and pulled Laura out of the room. “I think he is in contact with his Original.” The man whispered half way up the stairs. “I’ve seen something like this before, weird shit; they have a telepathic bond, except with an Original it’s more, he can be controlled…to an extent.” Laura cursed “Well what the bloody hell do I do? I can’t just leave him down there, can’t let him outside either, it’s not dark for at least another hour.” The bright orange beams of sunset were illuminating the ground floor of the house. The man shrugged “I’ve not seen an heir fight off an Original.” Frustration and panic were overwhelming Laura’s senses and she couldn’t think straight. Against her rational judgement she opened the door and slipped back into the darkness. She heard the ex-loyal curse and leave the house, clearly not wanting to be involved or a casualty of whatever happened next. She took a deep breath and spoke quietly “Shawn, I need you to listen to me.” She wasn’t getting anything from him.

Laura thought back to a friend she had in college, a spiritual type who believed in in telepathy and all things supernatural and paranormal long before Laura ever knew such things existed. Her friend had claimed to being psychically attacked, Laura was desperately searching her memory for how she had supposedly overcome it, all whilst keeping a keen eye on Shawn. An idea struck her from when she had last seen Shawn’s darker side, looking down to her phone she cursed that in her frustration she had destroyed it. Instead she tapped the nearest functioning computer and with trembling hands turned on a song that the two of them had listened to in the car when they were children. Laura remembered her friend talking about grounding herself in the present moment and using positive energy to counteract negative and dark forces. Laura continued to watch Shawn intently, she couldn’t imagine the pain he was feeling if what the ex-loyal said was true. Not knowing if any of the psychic bullshit would work on vampires she took a hold of her knife form the floor, should she need it. “Shawn, you’re stronger than this, I know you are. You’ve fought these urges and can fight them again.”

Shawn heard his name. It was Laura and she was now alerted that something was wrong. She couldn't see him due to the dim lighting of the room. He had somehow crawled into a corner, away from where she had been. She wanted him to knock it off, like he was in control of what was going on; but she had no idea what was going on and he had no way of explaining. He felt his eyes turn into slits as their host came to find out what was going on. "Take her...please take her," he begged mentally as he continued to fight the voice yelling at him to grab her and not let her escape. When she was gone, he decided to talk to his Original. "Please....let me go...you never like Lord Nagendra....you've been telling me to kill his heir for years." Things lightened and then intensified in a heartbeat. The voice then yelled that it should have been done for him not for the sake of some hunter. As Shawn felt that he was started to lose to his master, Laura returned. "No....get away..." He words wouldn't reach her, for it sound more like animalistic growls rather than the words he wanted to speak.

She was speaking to him, at least Shawn thought she was. He was started to lose consciousness and control of his body. All he could hope was that she could fight him off again. As he was finally beginning to fade completely, he heard something. "What....what is that...? Wait I know that song...." He came back, but this time he felt no pain.... he just heard the music. He remembered that song from when they were kids. He looked at her. She was saying something.... what was she saying? As he focused he was able to at least read her lips. "I'm not as strong as you think," he mumbled. He sounded almost human, he was started to fight the Original unconsciously. He could kick him out but he needed to feed. Laura was the only meal that he could access for he was pretty sure that the sun had yet to set and was not going to for a while. He slowly got up. Shawn couldn't hear the Original voice anymore but he knew that he was right; he needed to feed. He quickly closed the gap between Laura and himself. "Laura...I can kick him out but I need your help...please let me feed off you. I know I can stop but I need an ounce or two to get him out. I'm in control now but I don't know how much longer. Please....I need you to say it’s alright or else it'll be him winning this fight."
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Laura Riley

Laura’s eyes ached from watching Shawn, unsure of what would unfold before her eyes. Without the man from upstairs around she felt very much alone and out of her depth. She was ready to bail and hideout nearby until sunset when he stood and closed in towards her. For a moment Laura wished she had stayed closer to the door but it quickly became apparent that perhaps her method had worked and it was Shawn talking to her. She leaned back, her palm pressing the space bar of the computer and stopping the childish music that had filled the room. In the new found silence she tried to take in what had been asked of her “You want to…what?” Laura tried to stifle her horrified expression, but her eyes were wide with uncertainty and her heart thumped loudly in her chest. She wanted to push him away and leave, but looking into his eyes Laura saw pain and desperation; it wasn’t something that she could just ignore or run away from. They had gotten into this mess together and if she was honest to herself she needed him; she had nothing. “You’ll stop?” Laura’s stomach was tying itself in knots thinking about the last time that Shawn had tasted her blood, what it had done to him. Whilst her worry was real, she didn’t wait for Shawn to reply, instead she began to unbutton her shirt enough to expose her neck and shoulder. Moving her hair to one side with one hand and putting her knife down behind her on the desk Laura breathed deeply. “I trust you Shawn.”

The music stopped but now Shawn was able to focus on something else, Laura. He needed something to keep him anchored and her presence was doing the trick for now. As she thought over what he had just asked her, he could hear her heartbeat, it going louder; this exciting him a little. He pulled himself back from that feeling as he began to hear his Original's whispers grow in the back of his head. He blocked them out just in time to hear Laura's question. Though he didn't get a chance to answer before she offered her neck to him, he knew he could. As he leaned in to the curve of her neck, pinning her against the desk behind her, he whispered a promise to her. "I will stop, and we will get out of this mess together." With those words he gently bit into her neck and began to feed. The whispers in his head now completely gone, he focused on Laura's heartbeat. He hadn't fed at all since their last encounter, so he needed a bit more than he thought just to heal the hand wound. He had to monitor her vitals as he fed.

After drinking what he need he pulled back with no hesitation. Though it was as sweet as he remembered he knew he needed to keep his promise and since it didn't take much to fill him he could easily remove himself. He used his body to support her, not knowing if how her body would react the second time around. He'd never heard of anyone surviving for a second dose, so he had no reference to draw from. "How ya feeling?" i
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Laura Riley

Laura gripped the desk tighter as Shawn leant into her, the anticipation of what was about to happen was immense. Her head was turned away to offer her neck but she still closed her eyes, wanting to separate herself from the moment. His words were soothing, but that feeling was interrupted by a short and sharp pain that rendered her breathless and her eyes wide open, but instead of tensing up or pulling back from it she leant into Shawn. Similar to the last time she had been bitten Laura felt a cool and numbing sensation travel slowly from her neck and into her arms, it seemed to slow time down as she focused solely on this feeling to distract herself from the slowing of her own heart. She wasn’t sure if it was the toxin or her imagination but she could clearly hear her body slowing down in reaction to the loss of blood. But whilst she could feel it, Laura didn’t panic or try to fight the sensation. Not aware of what little time had passed, Laura looked to Shawn, confusion narrowing her once wide eyes. “I don’t know,” Laura was able to mumble to him whilst focusing on his facial features, the effect of the toxin didn’t feel as potent as before.

After a few moments Laura felt able to push herself away from Shawn and support herself against the desk. “I should be asking how you feel.” She cracked smile and stood up properly. “Hey I wonder where you’re friend went, he practically wet himself and ran…” Laura walked tentatively towards the chair she had been sat in all day, the toxin in her system feeling like she had knocked back several shots at once. She sat on the arm instead of in the seat and put a hand to her new bite, the contact from her fingers stinging; a few drops of blood pooling against her fingertips. She rubbed her fingers together, watching the blood move in-between them. “What’s the latest then? On the vampire information highway?” Laura grinned, finding herself rather funny. “How long do you think it’ll take for us to be found if we stay here?” She imagined that there was only a finite amount of time before they could be tracked in some fashion.

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"I'm fine now. I feel much more clear-headed." He watched her as she careful walked across the room to the tattered chair and rested of the arm. He wished she'd sit in the chair properly in case she was hit with an after effect of the toxin that he was sure pumping through her veins at this point. She seemed laid-back about everything, maybe that was the effect of the toxic, it was attacking her brain. Shawn knew that forces would be coming now that his Original had been in his head and Laura was right to ask about what he could hear over the bugs. He went to the computer that he had been working on the day before and turned on his bugs, hoping that their locations hadn't been compromised by the head exploration that he had just underwent. To his relief, since that was not what the Original was looking for all the bugs seemed to be intact. He listened to different bugs at once on a low volume. To a human’s ears it would be too much noise and there would be no way to actually hear what each location was planning, even some vampires would struggle to do so; but Shawn had trained himself since before he was a vampire to do this and it only got easier after the change. After listening for about five or some minutes he turned them off.

"How long until sunset......? We'll have to go out before then," he said walking to the other end of the basement and opening an old chest. In it was a mass of dark clothing that looked older than they actually were. Shawn pulled out a hooded cloak, some long gloves, a face mask and googles. He'd used clothing similar to this to sneak out the castle during the day while his guardian slept. "They have loyals on the way here with blessed weapons. Unlike your brotherhood, the clan will not tolerate traitors and has decided that I am expendable. They will kill both of us without batting an eye." Shawn started to dress as he rambled. He would definitely look out of place in springtime in Paris but they needed to move and they needed to do so now.
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Laura Riley

The chair felt increasingly comfortable, Laura knew that the toxin in her system was taking its toll. The room was swaying, she took hold of the chair material behind her to steady herself as Shawn listened to the chatter. Laura couldn’t make sense of what he was listening to, it sounding like a lot of static from across the room. She tried to close her eyes to recover from the shock of being bitten again, but she felt sick in the darkness. She kept her eyes forward and focused on the back of Shawn’s head, trying not to let on the amount of discomfort she was in. “We’ve got at least an hour until full darkness.” With spring pressing onwards, the days were getting longer, giving vampires less opportunity for movement. Laura thought they would be staying put for a while, at least until nightfall. But to her surprise Shawn was getting ready to leave already, she strained her eyes trying to focus on him moving but gave up and returned facing computer. “Now?” Laura didn’t seem convinced, but as she stood up and turned to face Shawn, ready to question whether this was a good idea, she got a considerable shock. Laura jumped and quickly stepped back a few paces. “Bloody hell.” He painted an intimidating picture, it was something she hadn’t seen before.

Quickly regaining what composure she had Laura retorted “And I will hit them just as hard.” Her headstrong side was coming out and she wasn’t going to be scared off by a few loyals. She turned and head for her pile of weaponry. Laura lowered herself the kneeling and started by fastening her holster around her chest before clipping her weaponry to it. “No touching remember.” She smirked before putting the knife back in place. Getting back to her feet with a wobble Laura pulled her long coat over the top of her arsenal, pulling the collar into place to keep her new bite mark out of sight as much as she could. “Do we have a plan?” Laura felt uneasy, without the support of a team behind her she felt vulnerable; the only saving grace being Shawn. Turning on the overhead light in the basement she caught a glimpse of herself in a dusty mirror, her hair was dishevelled from sleeping in a chair and her pupils were the size of dinner plates; she looked wild. She quickly ran her hands through her hair to tame it, but her eyes were showing the effects of the toxin and there wasn’t anything she could do until it wore off.

It was time to leave and Laura headed for the rickety wooden staircase that led to the ground level of the house. She went first to check the sunlight and decided that it was as good as it was going to get considering the urgency she sensed from Shawn. “Okay, it’s as clear as it going to get.” As they left through the front door, her heart began to race. Laura kept her hands firmly in her coat pockets instead of taking a hold of her knife.

Shawn knew she wasn't at her best, even with her headstrong attitude showing itself. Even getting use to a poison, after two doses you body will still succumb to the effect of the poison as your body adopt; he read it in a book once. "Take it easy tiger. I want as little human death as possible so let's just go." He was trying to calm that side of her as he walked over to the computers. At this time, they had no idea whose home they were located in and Shawn was leaving no clue. The house had a built in self-destruct switch and he would need to trip it. "My plan, move quick and in much of the shadows as possible so not to draw attention to me and burn this place to the ground." He checked his pockets and made sure he had the money card he had created earlier. Once it was confirmed in his pocket, he followed after Laura.

As he headed out the front door, he flipped a switch. This would in about two minutes start and electrical fire on each floor of the house thanks to a program he activated on the computer. Once outside he immediately regretted his own plan. He then wrapped his arm around Laura's waist. "I need you as a guide.... even with the goggles, the sun hurt my eyes. I can barely open them. So much to sticking to the shadows. I'll follow your lead," he whispered this and pulled her closer. The way he saw it, he could at least pull off a drunk boyfriend who went to a crazy party, leaning on her just enough to portray an inebriated state. This would only last as long as the sun was out, or they could find a place to duck into. As he leaned on her, he inhaled her scent. Unlike the times before when he was this close, where he thought she smelled delicious, he enjoyed the scent of her perfume or whatever gave off her scent; just enjoying the fact she smelled nice.

As they walked her felt awkward and began to whisper into her ear, asking her questions that he hadn't really thought of asking. "How are your siblings doing.... or did the brotherhood completely cut you off? I don't know how they work that in...do they fake your death or do you just disappear? Or do they make you say you hate them and never want to see them again so they at least know you're still out there somewhere and just want to be left alone?" He realized he was probably overwhelming her with his ramblings, but he was genuinely curious. He knew that his family knew, and when he went back to them and demanded answers, they said that they had told people that they had shipped off to live with his grandparents to attend better school overseas. When he looks back, that wasn't a complete lie; they had sent him somewhere where received the very best of education but not to some kind of loving grandparents that probably were dead years before he was born. He knew how the clan worked but he wanted to know if the brotherhood that took in his friend was kinder or just a cruel as the vampires had been to anyone who wasn't his parents in his life.
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Her soul focus was finding a way to the Paris underground. From there the pair could decide how they were going to get out of the country. The sun was still setting, as it dipped behind towering buildings in the horizon its last threads of light pierced the encroaching night. She continued looking up at the sky painted with fiery reds and oranges; something told her it was telling of their night to come. Her thought was interrupted by Shawn’s hand around her waist. Laura’s shoulders stiffened with the contact, but with reasoning she was able to relax again. She nodded to his explanation; though aware he wouldn’t be able to see it. As he pulled her in closer Laura instinctively put her arm around him and took some of his weight with ease. They hadn’t got too far from the house when she heard some commotion a few streets back; possibly neighbours who had discovered the house pluming with black smoke. Laura sped up guiding Shawn as best as she could, but the occasional stumble only added to their believability as an inebriated couple. The closer they got to the centre of Paris the more strange looks they got, Laura led Shawn into a service alleyway as she slowed down. She had been looking out for Loyals the entire time, vampires were easier to spot; they had a particular energy about them that once sensed was difficult to ignore. But loyals could blend into the crowd with ease.

Laura was catching her breath when it staggered with the mention of her siblings. Just the word brought back painful memories. Their strides slowed down to an amble as she should of how to answer him. Part of her didn’t want to give up any information about the brotherhood, but Laura quickly came to the conclusion that if she didn’t trust Shawn now, she had no-one. “I… hadn’t seen them, any of them, long before I joined the brotherhood.” Her chest ached as she finally said the words aloud. Laura regained her composure and continued to walk along the street, her gaze flitting from the alleyway entrance ahead and the sky; keeping a watchful eye on the setting sun. “But its dealer’s choice really, the hunter who found me and saved my life… took my life himself.” She slowed down again, seeing an underground station on the opposite side of the road. “He was one of the more superior hunters at the time, he was able to have the final word on the matter. It was how he had cut contact with his family years before and thought it best for me too.” She lowered her voice as they crossed the street, not wanting just anyone to hear her story. “So a missing person’s report was filed in Prague, with no trace of me I am presumed dead.” The glaring artificial light of the underground stairwell stung her eyes, but it was safe for Shawn at least. “I know my family got the information, but not what they did with it.” Laura smiled weakly, part of her hoped that they thought of her, she certainly thought of them.

“Right, I think you’re okay from here.” The underground station was quiet, this area of the city probably not able to afford the extortionate fares. Laura let go of Shawn and took a step back from him. Their journey so far had been uneventful, but the night was just beginning. “Time to catch a plane.” Laura mumbled, looking on the timetable above her for the next train, it seemed simple enough, but from here the two were still at least an hour away from the nearest airport.
Shawn listened carefully. He regretted asking as he could feel the emotions that came with the recalling of the first few years becoming the hunter who was now by his side. She lead him into an underground station where he was able to see and move without his weird costume. She was intent on catching a plane but he was very sure that was not a good idea. Planes would be the fastest way but the accommodations he needed to survive would draw attention of the clan and they would be caught before they could take off. "Driving would be more reasonable for now," he said as he let her look over the timetable. He then began to think of places he could go to get one of his custom cars. "I have an car that we can use that isn't too flashy stored at the airport.....but we'll have to be quick and not so obvious," he said as began to strip his outer layer. As he took off the long sleeve shirt, the under shirt got caught and came up revealing his still slender torso just for a moment before he covered up his pale complexion by pulling the shirt back down. He trashed the outfit and walked over to the timetable. "So when are we moving out?" Shawn wouldn't admit it but he couldn't read a lick of French; not that he didn't have the opportunity to learn it he just choose not to. The only reason he could speak it was that he could pick up on spoken language better than anything else.

While waiting for a response, he heard someone coming down the stairs. This made him tension just enough to stand straight up and stare at the stairs. When some young and giggling teenage girls came into view, all Shawn could was sigh with relief. He needed to get out of this town. Laura may not be aware of this but next to the mountains of Transylvania, Paris has the highest concentration of Vampire and Loyal population in the world and that made being in one place too long extremely dangerous. "We need to get moving.....it's getting darker with every minute and that means more hunters on our tail...."
Strong gusts of wind distracted Laura from the timetable board, blowing her hair in all manner of directions; tangling and covering her eyes. She grumbled at the thought of being in a car for an extended amount of time but kept her mouth shut for the time being, knowing that they didn’t have many options in their current condition. Laura had always had an aptitude for language but more so for the ancient ones, her knowledge of Latin helped with most of the European languages but with all that going she couldn’t concentrate on what she reading. She raised a finger to the timetable to follow the pattern of times and destinations when another strong gust of wind threw another mass of hair in front of her eyes “Gotta’ get myself a bloody hair band… What about being obvious?” Laura turned sharply with a finger pointed towards Shawn, expecting him to be in his unusual dress. Instead she found a flash of Shawn’s torso, being caught off guard Laura turned around full circle just as sharply as she started, it was the same embarrassment she had seeing a boy change in front of her, like years ago. Quickly Laura has a new found focus and was pleasantly surprised to see a train would be at their platform in minutes. With a little left over discomfiture colouring her cheeks, Laura neglected to answer Shawn, instead took a few steps away from him and further onto the platform.

The few minutes the pair were waiting felt like an eternity in the underground, Laura had leant back against the curved stone wall and was staring blankly out at a French perfume advert. Her mind was elsewhere but her hands tightly grasped the hems of her coat and held it together; not used to having an armoury strapped to her chest in such a civilian setting. Out of the corner of her eye she noticed Shawn’s tensed posture and instinctively her shoulders tensed also, she kept an eye on the stairwell but didn’t turn her head, not wanting to look suspect to whomever was entering. To her relief loud teenagers entered and she relaxed against the curve of the wall once more.

Laura’s eye was firmly on the clock in front of her and just before she could comment on the threatening lateness and it approached exactly 10pm, the echoing rattle signalled their transport had arrived. “Come one, this one will get us there the quickest.” Laura took a hold of Shawn’s wrist and guided him into a crowded carriage. Their stop was near the end of the line and they had a while to go. Laura had neglected to mention that this line went straight through the centre of Paris, but she felt confident that no party was willing to commit murder in front of hundreds of civilians. Stood up and pressed against Shawn in the confined space, Laura kept making eye contact with him for a while. Wondering what he could be thinking about everything that was happening, they hadn’t had time to talk about it. Laura had gotten so used to being uprooted and travelling across continents that she hadn’t stopped to wonder the impact it had on him; she felt a pang of guilt, knowing if she hadn’t orchestrated the raid the other night, neither of them would be in this mess. The stopping of the train and people filling off stopped her reminiscing, though she wished at that moment in time for telepathy.

The train quickly got quieter as it moved through the centre of Paris and out towards the airport. Soon the carriage was empty apart from Shawn and Laura, and couple sat at the other end of the carriage. Laura hadn’t sat down, the weapons concealed on her person making it difficult. She hadn’t noticed the couple in front of them during the journey so far; Laura put it down to being focused on the doors in case someone should ambush them at another station. Now she looked at the back of their necks it was striking how pale they were; Laura was fair to say the least but it was something else. Something clicked and Laura thrust her hand out and grabbed Shawn’s shirt tightly to get his attention but she got the attention of the others as well. Before she could say a word one of the men pulled out a hand gun and fired. “Shit!” Laura ducked down, hearing the bullet ricochet. The noise was deafening in the small metal carriage, the ringing in her ears was only superseded by the sound of screams from other carriages.
Shawn held back a chuckle when he realized how flashing his friend had knocked her off her game. He leaned against the wall and rested his eyes, only opening them to the sound of an oncoming train. He stood up on his own to legs, to be grabbed and dragged into the nearest carriage. Shawn looked around the car but sighed in annoyance. The carriage was to crowded to pick friend from foe. He then looked down at Laura who was pressed up against him due to the crowd. If he could show embarrassment, he cheeks would be painted bright red as he looked over the shoulders of the person in front of him, but looked down at her again keeping eye contact with her. He felt like they were having a staring contest and decided to look away. "I wonder if the staff got the message I sent them before clan decided that they are all traitors.....please let them be okay." As he thought this he sighed. His mind went to the servants and such that helped him managed his thirst and helped him grow, even staying loyal after killing their original master. He was so deep into thought he didn't notice the emptying of the carriage or the desperatation of wanting to communicate that Laura held.

Shawn snapped out of his thought feeling someone tightly grip his shirt. His head snapped upand he saw the trouble as theier enemies pulled their weapons. He moved just enough to catch a bullet in his shoulder. He then charged across the space and snapped the neck of the one that was now taking aim at Laura. As he turned to the other he felt a cold feeling against his chest. He knew that it was the barrow of the second gunman's gun. He looked at the vampire and his eyes widened. "No.....Kari....you were suppose to run," he mumbled. Before him was the servant that tended to his wounds most. Her eyes robbed of any piece of her or any recognition of her master that stood before her. Before he could ask what was wrong she spoke. "The Originals orders are absolute. All traitors are to be executed and their ashes brought to them as proof of a successful execution." Her voice displayed what her statement had made clear, the Originals were controlling those near him to make him hesitate in killing his pursuers. As he tried to regain his composure, he heard a gun cock and fired.
The train ground to an abrupt halt in the dark. The florescent lighting flickering from the bullet’s damage. Laura wasn’t able to follow Shawn’s movement, she stood up straight in time to see Shawn end the life of one assailant. The message was clear but Shawn hesitated, Laura strode the length of carriage with a shaking hand on one of her trusty knives. “Shawn!” Hearing the gun cock she shouted out, lunging towards him, but the bullet had been fired. The ringing in her ears erupted into a high-pitched squeal and Laura saw red. She opened her mouth to confront the second vampire but all she could do was scream. She side-stepped Shawn and grabbed the barrel of the gun with her bare hand, the heat of the metal singing her palm. She didn’t register any pain, instead gripped tighter and pulled the gun towards herself; the vampire’s grip was stronger than hers sending them closer together. “Fuck your Originals!” Laura thrust the blade into the vampire’s chest, the force reverberating and sending a sharp pain up her arm. Looking the woman dead in the eyes Laura saw something change in her eyes. The glazed-over and lifeless stare was replaced with one of horror, she was looking at Shawn with utter dismay, mouth open as if to speak. She ignored it and thrust the knife into their chest again, this time she hit the mark sending the woman crumpling to the floor.

Laura dropped to her knees “Shawn, please… Shawn” The train began to move again, no doubt there was going to be all kinds of trouble at the next stop. Looking around her, the assailant’s bodies has disintegrated to ash. She began to panic. “Come on! It can’t end here!”
Shawn could see Kari was still fighting the mind control that held her, but he knew she would not be reached until he was dead. h

He shifted right before the gun went off so the bullet did not end up in his heart. The pain that shot through his body told him that it was a blessed bullet. His mind raced as Laura ran up and sidestepped him to confront Kari. Kari was lost but it don't stop him from reading her lips as his partner in crime ending the life of his once loyal servant. "I am sorry my dear master." Shawn was hurt but could hear Laura as she begged for him to be ok. His mind came into focus when the train came to a stop at the next stop. It was clear that this route to the airport was not going to be good for either of their health. He used his right arm, the good arm, lift her over his shoulder and dart out the car passed the police and other who had gathered, down a few blocks and into an alley. He sat her down and before gripping his wound. "Looks like we are going to have to walk to rest of the way," he was with a weakened smile. He then gritted as he dug out his bullet and tossed it to the ground. He then returned his hand to the small hole that now rested in his upper chest. He leaned against a wall and slowly lowered himself to the ground.

He looked up and smiled. "The stars are out tonight. That's why I love this city." Shawn felt himself start to pass out so he forced himself to his feet. "Let's get going," he said as he started stumble out of the alley.
The screeching brakes of the halting train were almost enough to focus Laura’s mind on the impending danger that awaited them. Part of herself was pulled back to reality but waves of panic were setting in, for her friend before her and for herself. There didn’t seem to be a way out of this mess for either of them. Laura took a step back as Shawn stood, wanting desperately to know their next move from the wrecked train carriage. The next few moments were a blur of flashing lights and chaos. They swerved the oncoming human police, the growing crowd on the surface and reached the chilling calm of a smog-filled alley. Being set down Laura gripped the wall, leaning against it entirely; catching her breath with the slow rise and fall of her chest. “Yeah, on foot.” She mumbled, watching Shawn’s hand’s intently has he removed the bullet from himself. She cringed at the sight but knew just as well as he that it needed to be done. Remaining standing Laura went to help Shawn to his feet, but it was clear he could make it on his own for now. She looked to the stars struggling to shine against the deep orange hue of far-off street lights “They have their charms for sure.” She kept herself close to Shawn’s side, the wound playing on her mind. As they kept to the shadows she almost contemplated offering her blood to him again, the very thought sent another pang of anxiety rippling from her chest through to her finger tips ‘No, not again. Bad habit.’ Laura almost shook her head to rid herself of the idea, focusing on their path ahead. “We’re not all that far away from here.” Her voice was hushed, the night was thick and dark meaning the vampires that pursued them had free reign over Paris for the coming hours.

Laura was no expert in direction but pedestrian signs gave away that the airport couldn’t be too far from them, it was just a matter of getting there safely. She wrestled with joining the crowds or keeping to the shadows, neither seemed ideal but Laura decided that the shorter distance in the crowd would be worth the risk. She couldn’t imagine any scenario where their assailants would attack amongst a crowd of tourists. She didn’t fancy their chances against them wounded. “Come on,” Laura tugged Shawn’s shirt to guide him “I don’t know where your hangar is but we need to get there quickly. The train carriage will be on the news in no time.” She took a deep breath as the effects of Shawn’s toxin were alleviating , being able to think clearly for the first time since leaving the hacker’s home. “One last break for it.”
Shawn was happy with the closeness of his friend; it assured him that she was still OK and so was he. He nodded as he read the same signs as her, they weren't that far, five miles at most; so the walk even weakened by the blessed wound that he gripped would be an easy enough walk. As she moved them into the crowds of the night he thought of how content would have been staying in the shadows. He knew his friends line of thinking, though vampires were now out they wouldn't want to make a scene. His nervousness rose from the fact of the speed that put her in danger. This thought made him grab her hand, making it release his shirt. He then pulled her back and wrap his arm around her shoulder. This left his wound exposed but it was a pain he could deal with. "I'll lead then, " he said in response to her statement not knowing what hanger was his.

The wound would have taken a larger toll on his body if not for adrenaline that was surging through him from their pervious attack. To Laura, it was probably pretty obvious that he was looking around them at a quick and almost paranoid matter but no one in the crowd would; not unless they were the one's that pursued the pair.

After what seemed like forever, they made it to the airport. "We'll have to move quickly. Everything is on an electronic system that may alert the clan to where we are." With that he led her to an private entrance, where he released her and used a hand scanner to open the door. Once they were inside he turned on a light and stated, "Pick you poison, because I think it is best you drive." They stood in a large hanger filled to the brim with any type of sports and luxury car one could imagine.
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The florescent lighting of the private hangar stung Laura’s eyes, it took a moment for the sharp pain to fade before she could take in the vast and awe-inspiring scene before her. “Bloody hell…” Her words thinned out into silence as she took a few steps further. The immaculately polished paintwork lit up the room and more a moment Laura forgot the threat they were up against. “This is just unreal.” She turned to face Shawn, her eyes wide with a childlike excitement. “I knew you’d have money, but this is just another level.” As Shawn allowed her to pick the car Laura’s mind focused on the task at hand and remembered their impending peril. “You say that until you see me behind the wheel…” Laura mumbled as her gaze cast over the collection once more, she wasn’t a car enthusiast by any stretch of the imagination but every car was impressive. Finally she grabbed the keys for the closest Aston Martin, blacked out windows of course, and gestured for Shawn to get into the back.

“Shit, you haven’t driven this, not once.” The mileage could only account for being taken off the showroom floor and driven into the hangar. “Well this is going to be one hell of a test drive…” The pair hadn’t discussed where they were going to go after they got the car but Laura didn’t hesitate and began to drive away from the airport at a leisurely speed as not to attract any unwanted attention. After a few minutes of thought Laura piped up again, “So… I was thinking that since flying is difficult given the lack of a private plane, we still need to cross the Atlantic…” Her train of thought was interrupted when two men stopped in their tracks to look at the car, they caught her attention and it was clear they weren’t just admiring the car; they were looking directly at her. She didn’t react, fearing making any sudden moves would provoke what she assumed to be loyals. Instead she took the next corner and began to pick up her speed “Okay, so my plan is to drive to Saint-Nazaire and buy our way onto a transatlantic cargo-liner. I’ve done it before, pretty sure we could get the car on too, for a fee...” They were quickly leaving the bustle of Paris behind them, Laura had an eye in the rear-view mirror but for now it didn’t look like they were being followed. “The only trouble is it can take nearly two weeks if the weather is rough, and there’s no telling what conditions we’d be staying in, there not meant for commercial passengers.”

“Or…” Laura was thinking on her feet, “We could try our luck at Aéroport Nantes Atlantique if you have a plane there? Or get a first class upgrade, I hear they have their own bedrooms, could block out the sun… Trouble is no car. But much quicker if we can make it safe for you.” In the pitch black night Laura could make out an upcoming fork junction in the motorway, “It takes about 4 hours to either, what do you think?” Laura looked in the rear view mirror but this time to Shawn. “We’re so close.”
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