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Futuristic A New Life

I have also died, but there's some pretty good WiFi in Heaven, so we're still good here!

With a name like @Dannan though, who knows where he'd end up *squinty eyes*
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urgh! so busy! see, I got a new job and have to go to this big convention tomorrow and I felt so embarrassed about not posting that i hid great plan and I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry! it's really hard to post under stress, and I find my muse just dead. I really wanna keep going though!
How about:

Warlock heard Valkyrie's voice over the communication channels and as if somebody else had taken over his systems he instinctively went to the bridge and properly greeted both the pilot and Rose on the commlink.

Just a general idea what you could do xD

Also, there be pirates on my roof.
Well, at the moment, Rose has no power over Warlock's systems, so there's no in-game reasoning for that.

And, I will only bunny someone if I have their permission, or if they have gone missing. @Dannan is still around.
I am, actually. and I'm back from my big medieval convention-thingy. Let's see what I can do...
Agreed. @Dannan I need to know whether or not you're capable of continuing in this RP. If you're dropping out, then we've got to make a decision about whether or not we continue at all.
Well... since @Dannan has obviously died, time to make a decision. Gather round, folks! @Duke the Impossible @Mitchs98 @GrieveWriter how are we feeling about this? Is the RP at the point where we should put it down peacefully (having only played like 10 minutes into the game, and already having lost two comrades RIP)? Or are we ready to MAKE THIS HAPPEN
Peacefully? Going down peacefully is not in my list of approved actions. Going down with the ship, sacrificing itself in an explosion to save the universe or just going full on rogue are some of the accepted actions in my list xD

But in all seriousness, I think we could do with a fresh start with the characters that are still here and have them start actually getting to the point instead of goofing about with guns and getting (now two) team members severely KIA. It was all just a nightmare Dhampir had or something (would be cool though, him/her waking up during descent to a mission and finding out he/she/it just dreamed all of this xD )
GrieveWriter said:
Da hell happened to this Convo?
It has been trying very hard to revive itself! You still interested in being on board? :P
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Well then, I suppose that we're good to go!

Now, do we want to write Warlock out and continue with our current course, or do we want to do some sort of timeskippy, handwavey "ok let's get to the point and ignore what AFK people have written"?
I'm up for both really but the second one has my preference to be honest.

Addendum: for some reason this message was not posted thursday when I wrote it...

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