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Futuristic A New Life

Oh, I did not get that Warlock was sending that message to everyone.

The radar mixup was my fault. I typed Fixer when I meant Blind.

@Duke no problem with your post.

Concerning: "Breep be-boop" don't confess a love of binary and then introduce a non-binary language to represent said love. Stick to Beep Boop, plz.
No, no...Astromech binary. The name of the language spoken by R2-D2 and BB8. WheeooOOO, Breep b-b-beep!
-wakes up-

Many years have passed, and now this thread is active again? What's going? Where am I? WHO am I?

Oh, I see. Radar cloaks. Yuss.
Gladius said:
-wakes up-
Many years have passed, and now this thread is active again? What's going? Where am I? WHO am I?

Oh, I see. Radar cloaks. Yuss.
You're a nerd with an EMP with a mission to destroy everything. Go forth and conquer.
Sooo...the "fuzzy" presence I'm investigating (if I'm supposed to be investigating it) is Warlock at this point? Are we firing at a potential crew member? Or is this something completely different?

Confused now.
Nope, the fuzzy thing is within the derelict that they've brought onboard.

Yes, we are firing at a potential crew member.
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FancyKiddo said:
Teams only work once you've gotten all of the friendly fire out of your system.
Maybe, just maybe, Dhampir should do her own friendly fire instead of having somebody else do it for her. She might not leave a good impression on both parties xD

Also, I just realized that Operator hadn't replied to Valkyrie's request to be put in contact with Rose asap xD
Operator and Valkyrie really need an emergency hotline to contact someone when 'crazy' people are involved with their ship xD . Like an internal 911 service for DI vessels xD
"Hello, what's your emergency?"

"We're being invaded by CRAZY PEOPLE! SEND HELP PLZ."

"Great news! We already did send help! Unit V01 is there, and 629 should be showing up shortly! We hope that they can help you resolve your issues! Have a great day~!"
FancyKiddo said:
"Hello, what's your emergency?"
"We're being invaded by CRAZY PEOPLE! SEND HELP PLZ."

"Great news! We already did send help! Unit V01 is there, and 629 should be showing up shortly! We hope that they can help you resolve your issues! Have a great day~!"

"Ma'am if you won't refrain from shouting I will hang up this instant and put you on a blacklist."

"Can you just send a ship to pick me and Operator up?"
Okay, was about to post...but still confused. xD

We've brought the derelict into the hangar, and we're still firing on it? Is it firing back?

Is Warlock in the derelict or are they in another ship which is completely elsewhere?

Basically, since Blind is approaching the ship (derelict) with Dhampir and Fixer, am I in danger of being shot at or anything, or is the shooting going on outside instead?
There are (were) three ships. One, referred to as p629, was the Personal Transport for Warlock. It is now blown to smithereens by the flak cannons on board the Main Ship, in which all of the rest of our characters are now. The Derelict is the ship on which Dhampir started our little story, from which she stole the scientist who is now being held captive on the Main Ship. Dhampir shattered the hull of the Derelict, exposing its passengers to the vacuum of space, so everything on it is assumed dead ATM.

The Derelict was then towed on board the Main Ship. We have not shot at it, and there are not guns in the hangar other than the guns that our characters carry with them regularly. We are attempting to board it so that we can salvage a prototype flywheel (engine piece) from it.

You are not in danger of being shot by the Main Ship, because it has no weapons in the hangar. I can't tell you what anyone else is going to do, though, so you might be in danger of being shot by other things.
Well, I guess that depressurization in the hangar could be a bit dangerous but not as dangerous as it could be since all people on board are cyborgs. xD

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