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Colosseum A New Challenger~!

Name: Jakova Lil Red Ragnarok

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Species: Jotun

Genre: Nordic Mythology


Standing at 6 feet in height and 650 pounds in weight, Jakova's an athletically fit humanoid young woman with a condense muscular physique. She's shredded you can say with good size biceps and thick, powerful thighs and bricks for abs, all dressed up in a green tank-top, ripped jeans, and coyote brown boots. On top of her head is an orange-red faux-hawk with a few locks overhanging above her piercing sky-blue eyes. Average size nose. Freckled, curved cheeks. Plush dark lips. Good to look at if you don't mind the crisscrossing scars over her face, three in total.


She's easily angered and willing to brave harsh pain to hurt the people who fight her. She normally comes across as stony or cold, but get on her good side and she's a jovial and loyal friend.


Abandoned by her mother at the age of 3 during the worse blizzard to ever hit Jotunheimr, Jakova not only survived, she thrived, and raised herself to the ripe age of 18. She, of course, committed great atrocities in order to survive in the harsh lands of the man-eating giants. She's fought trolls and goblins and human bands of warriors who journeyed into Jotunheimr to steal its riches. As a Jotun, she grew up learning might means right and honed her abilities in the art of warfare and battle. She's following her mother's footsteps as a mercenary for hire with a penchant for brutalizing her targets through the uses of shield and axe. Don't get on her bad side.


Size Change - Jakova can switch between her human height (6 feet) or her Jotun height (24 feet). Unfortunately she can't get her clothes to grow unless they're tightly fitted undergarments such as her training bra and athletic boxer-briefs. Strength, toughness, weight and speed increases relatively to her size change. Her human equipment can't grow unfortunately, so she'll have to improvise.

Jotun Physiology - While in human form, Jakova's muscles and bones are four times denser than the average human. Her skin's tensile strength is immense, capable of resisting low-caliber gun fire, weak sword slashes, knife stabs, and other sharp edges. She can lift two tons off the ground and run at 30 miles per hour. On average, she can punch her way through stone, wood, and sometimes metal if it's not heavily reinforced or as thick as a wall. While in Jotun form these physical abilities are increased immensely relative to her size, except for her speed, which is boosted only a little.

Berserker - Jakova doesn't use magic, but she has some incredible physical abilities, one of which is to harness pain to fight even better and harder. She can't ignore damage, such as a broken arm or cut tendons, but she can pump adrenaline into her body to keep her going. She starts to fight faster too.

Mild regeneration - Jakova recovers slowly, so much so that it doesn't have much effect in battle. Outside of fights she can recover fast enough to seal deep lacerations, mend a broken limb, and regrow lost tissue. It's all relative though, acquiring her to wait a few days or longer to heal from grievous wounds such as dismembered limb. This does not save her from fatal damage.

Savage Warrior - Fist fighting comes second to her natural fighting abilities in the use of axes and shield. Her tactics are similar to the Vikings, and perfectly suited for one on one engagements or group skirmishes.

Wrathful Brawler - Without her weapons Jak's quite familiar with force feeding her fists and boots to the people she fights. Enough to add a few more teeth to her collection.

Other: Jak keeps on her a traditional round shield (plywood, linen face, rawhide rim, steel boss, wooden handle, 36" wide), a bearded axe (24" handle, 5"axe edge), two Francisca axes (18" handle, 3" axe edge), and a small dirk (4" handle, 5" pointed blade). Her weapons, unfortunately, don't grow with her.
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