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Fantasy A Nation In Havoc OOC (2.0)


Tis late so I'll reply tomorrow after class.
Almost all the robed guys are Goblins, though a few of other races joined Kruziik. Also Kruziik wasn't originally old looking, but it gives me an idea so we'll keep it. That seems to be all.
Jenny is just judging, she'd likely say that about anyone who looks older than her lol. Also, cool, will edit to specify gobbos
Yeah, so, just a heads up, but I think Decius is going to fight the assassins and Raimi is going to try and grab the princess and make a run for it while they're distracted. Nia may try and insist they go back up to the stands to reach her dying father, though Raimi will try to dissuade her.

That's the current plan, anyway. I know Armandio is somewhere in the stands, so Iunno if you want to have him get in on a piece of this action or what. He could either help Decius with the assassins or help Raimi and Nia get through the goblin meat grinder in the lower stands and/or avoid Kruziik at the top of the stands near her father.

Maybe Raimi, Decius, and Armandio can ultimately team up to distract Kruziik while Nia has her touching final moments with daddy so she doesn't have to worry about getting assassinated or whatever.
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And maybe Ambrose can show up for some reason. Nia can be all "OMG he's dying, is there a doctor in the house?!" and Ambrose can be like, "He's fucking dead, get the fuck over it." Because he's got such a caring bedside manner.
And maybe Ambrose can show up for some reason. Nia can be all "OMG he's dying, is there a doctor in the house?!" and Ambrose can be like, "He's fucking dead, get the fuck over it." Because he's got such a caring bedside manner.
If you do this, Ambrose is going to get kicked in the dick. Slapped, and punched.
And to clarify, goblins can speak English. It's just... not well at at. They have the vocabulary of a 4-6 year old.
I thought it was awesome! You captured the fanaticism of the Goblins better than I ever have. Dialogue was great in my opinion. Kruziik is very proud of his Goblins, letting them live their lives to how they want to live them, as long as they know who's in charge and come to jos aid when needed. I'd say this Goblin endeavored to learn Common, and Kruziik let him into his private library.
As for Omega, you killed all the Goblins, and nullified the four paragraphs I had ready to post in which Armandio came to help as best he could. So.... woot. 30 minutes gone. I'll figure it out.

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