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Realistic or Modern A Mythical Creature World

He watched the sky brighten up with a yellow green hue, the animals waking with It, Kale looked at the pink scientist. . . He spoke somethin Inaudible before speaking up. She was my love, she was there when It all began, honestly It was her dream for this, and I made a promise.. I'm going to keep that promise, even If It ruins me..

He said quietly, before shivering, the memory brought him pain and anger..

@Nekoni @WolfOfProphecys
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Mai turned her eyes to him calmly, watching the man shiver, believing he was a little color blind. "Promises...are powerful things. Memories are painful." Her head lowered a bit to look down at the Ancient, long violet hair falling around her face as gentle arms hugged him close as she listened to his pain. "I won't stop you achieve this dream, I am a neutral, but as a thank you to Damien I will do my best to assist you in this journey. " Mai said, even though she knew that if she assisted the Ancient her own dream, and life could disappear. Going against the government that fosters and pays for her research, surely would kill her if they found this treachery with the enemy. @AzelFang
Honestly child, It would be far safer for you, and your family, and all of your friends to find a safe haven, away from all of this, If war breaks out between me and the humans, hell would be a far more lovely place than that, then again, you are the little miss Damien helped turn Into a half breed, It's hard as hell, even for an Ancient to do somethin like that, then again, Damien was the best, so It's no figure that he accomplished that task.. He said quietly, more to himself than the pink scientist, Mai must have found It rude, all the Ancients she's ever met, has called her child, Ignoring her complaints of that single matter, and yet, she never went against It.. Kale ambled up and walked to the barn, unlocking the door, he called out to the children to wake up, after a few minutes of waiting he look the lock and key to the old farmer, giving It back to him they talked for awhile about crops and weather, before finally ambling back to the barn, the old man was fine with letting them get their bearings together, and went Inside with a smile, to finish his morning rest.

Skylar woke up and sighed. "I hate mornings." She grumbled hatefully. "Why can't it just be night all the time?" She groaned and stood up. She stretched and then began dusting herself off and trying to get the straw out of her hair. She yawned and rubbed her eyes, much like a little kid waking up for school. She sighed and counted all her knives and daggers to make sure they were still there. "Okay! I'm ready." She said and smiled warmly before shaking Tony gently to wake him up.

@WolfOfProphecys @AzelFang
Tony, still in his wolf form, grumbled as he was shaken gently. His bandaged leg was tucked beneath him, hiding it from view and keeping warm, as the fluffy beast slowly opened his eyes. He yawned then, disliking the mornings, especial waking up, and slowly stood on his four paws, stretching. Then he blinked at Skylar, and cheekily licked her face, before he sat to straighten out a few of his feathers
Good mornin kiddo's. Did you sleep well? He asked with a strange smile, despite him wanted to sleep here, on a bed out of all places, he had slept the least of all of them, his eyes were drooping, and with was a strange aura around him, his voice seemed to crackle, whether It was with electricity or what, was unknown. But he seemed different, as the day furthered on..


@Skylar Black
Skylar giggled and nodded at Kale's question before she wiped her cheek off with her sleeve. "Must you do that?" She asked, not really annoyed. She smiled at him and pet his wings, gently running her fingers over the soft feathers. She helped straighten them out and smiled. "Ther, perfect. Now do you want to help me go hunting or not?" She asked and formed a bow and quiver. She held her bow in her hand while her quiver fully loaded with arrows was strapped to her back.
Mai shook her head at the idea of running away from a situation like this, unimaginable even. "I'll gladly take Hydro and Angelus to a safer location...But I refuse to left in the dark when a war is about to break out. " the scientist smiled lightly "I'd rather die in battle than die a coward. Not using the life that Damien blessed me with would definitely be a waste....besides....through war...I'll be able to research more about your true form." The scientist yawned sleepily as she watched the sun break through the horizon, it probably wasn't the best idea to be flying and talking through the night, not to mention skipping meals and rest for the past few weeks. Work at the Capitol had been intense lately- at this rate she would die of exhaustion. Mai yawned, wiping any remaining sleepiness from her eyes and continued out to the barn slowly, stretching her wings for one last time before the farmer made his rounds. @AzelFang @Skylar Black
Tony bobbed his head to Kale, then stilled as his mate straightened his feathers. He let her, using his nose to try and sort out her hair, like a bird trying to preen his mates feathers, only for him to fail and grumble in annoyance. He waited, then eagerly nodded at her question, limping around in circles in his excitement to hunt with his partner.
Skylar laughed at her husband's reaction. "Are you hunting like that or should I make you a weapon?" She asked and smiled at him. She fixed her hair, smiling that he had at least tried to fix it for her like she had fixed his feathers. She smiled and smoothed out her clothes and looked at Kale and Mai. "You tow coming as well?" She asked
Mai nodded, half awake "though I do not have any weapons currently....this will be great training to test out my myth powers." her stomach growled loudly. Quickly the scientist turned around in embarrassment "I'll come along, maybe teach my son a few hunting skills as well. " @Metaphysics @AzelFang
Kale had picked up his luggage, an extra hilt peaking out of the back, this one seemed different from the rest that the others may have seen, tho, after a stumble, the hilt fell out, revealing a broken sword. The hilt seemed weird, and the weapon was off a kilter, though Kale wondered, as he picked It up and put It back Into the luggage, what the kids would think of the swords actual form, like most Ancients, each one had their own.. "Special" Weapon, his Just happened to be this sword.. Even though It seemed broken, It would come to him at times, whether of extreme emotional breakdowns, or something far different.. Alright, welp.. We should get goin 'fore It gets to hot t' move.. Let's get a move on kids.. He said quietly, heading towards the Capitol..


@Skylar Black


Skylar's eyes widened at the dagger type weapon. "Where did you get that?!" She exclaimed, kinda wishing she had one. Maybe she could make one out of her shadows. She'd have to try later. She sighed and followed him. "Sorry, Tony. Guess it's no hunting today." She said sadly and then continued following Kale towards the capital. "So where are we going again?" She asked Kale.

@AzelFang @WolfOfProphecys
(I should note, that the whole sword Isn't actually there, you just see the hilt.. That... Uhh.. I shoulda said that In the post.. But there..)
Mai flapped her wings and looked into the barn, quickly closing it before Angelus could go out. "...I can't have you following me into the Capitol..." she blocked the door, continuing with the rest of the group as she flew over them- scouting for any nearby dangers "I guess food will have to wait till later..." The scientist looked down and called out to them "Make sure when we're 3 kilometers away you hide your myth forms. No wolf forms. No wings. No weapons. No flying. We don't want to be alerting the soldiers in the area when they see us." @Metaphysics
As per mentioned, the Capitol, there's something of value to me there, I need It for my journey, I also think my horse Is there... So that adds to It... He said quietly, there was another thing, his powers, his sword, even his horse, they were all connected somehow... Rak was like his Beasts, although he was unable to return from whence he came, he was here now, and he didn't plan on leaving, truth be told, Kale wasn't to fond of people learning about their curse, he also found It funny, that every single one of his kind had some stupid curse on themselves...
Skylar frowned at Mai. "Why are we going somewhere that hates us? We're practically ASKING for trouble. This is the kind of stuff Damien told me to avoid." She said and looked at Kale. "Mind explaining the plan to me? Please tell me you do have a plan." She said skeptically.

Well.. Of course, we walk In, ask for the afore promised land from the first Lord, and leave.. However If they don give It up, not even hell could save them..

He said quietly, the end almost Inaudible, though If she looked Into his eyes, she'd have understood without even have hearin him, his eyes were now like a swirling vortex, black and red, It was like some sort of black hole.
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Mai gave Skylar a sharp glare in annoyance, but her voice was calm and still "Despite my full hearted cooperation I actually voted against the ordeal. I had no choice to assist when Kale playfully took my communicator and misused my voice. I'll try to help you through the passages and guards without violence." The young scientist looked down at the short man with a displeased expression "Plan is we walk into the most guarded city in the world, stride by armed soldiers and experimental beasts trained to hunt myths, bypass a systematic locks that is meant to keep mischievous myths out, and pleasantly chat with the most guarded, and most irritable person in the region to demand an agreement that even our records do not remember." The scientist took a moment to calm herself, the lack of sleep causing her to become more agitated than usual " The chances that we will be hunted like mice, caught, and begin a paniced war against myths is 87% at least if this doesn't go smoothly. Buuut, I suppose we will at least have some fun for once." She lowered herself to the tops of the forest trees as the light of the Capitol city begins beaming over the horizon. @AzelFang @Skylar Black
Skylar raised an eyebrow at both of them. "Seriously? That's your plan?! You're going to get us all killed!" She exclaimed and rubbed her temples and looks at the sky. "Can you believe them, Father? Yeah, me neither." She said and kept walking, annoyed and tired. "If we die, I'm gonna kill you both." She mumbled under her breath.
Mai shifted as much as her body as she could back into her human form, though many more feathers remained on her skin no matter how much she tried to get rid of them. The girl plucked some off her shoulders as she poked Skylar "Hide your wings. We're in range of the patrol route of the Viral Hounds. And if you have anything that doesn't smell like you, mask yourself with it. " @Skylar Black @AzelFang @WolfOfProphecys
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Skylar frowned and tucked her wings in and pulled on a jacket she hadn't worn in ages and pulled it on over her wings to hide them and muffle her scent. "I'm afraid that's the best I can do." She said and moved her hair down as best she could to try and hide her scent even more.
The scientist tilted her head "The best that you can do is not enough. These are creature bred for war, a single hair will send them into rampage..." She thought for a moment "...I'll just say we got in a skirmish with a myth to explain the smell. I experiment with myth DNA as well...so they shouldn't question too much. " Mai was always covered in bandages and bruises so a small fight was always believable. "You guys must be careful...if they discover the truth of your origin...well, we'll be deep in the Capitol...so I may be forced to..." She went quiet for moment, giving Skylar a reassuring smile. @Skylar Black
Tony shifted back into his human for when told, and obediently tucked his wings beneath his long coat, hoping that would be enough. He was limping, as always now, but made no complaint. He was just hoping that they weren't searching for escaped experiments, because he was one. He watched his friends for a moment, then looked at the floor.
Kale walked along with a strange grin, for the most part he seemed fine, though his face was hidden, all but the grin, he walked slightly ahead of the group, paying attention to Mai, If she turned, he would turn too, although he was In the front, the way It was, It was like she was ahead. He watched the forest path when suddenly, from the darkness came a group of Individuals, with beast like wolves, who peaked up when they saw him, In that moment he popped a bottle from his satchel, and quickly through It Into the bushes, whatever was In the bottle, the scent got onto the kids, and made them smell.. Strangely... Different, although they smelt normal, to the hounds they would smell like any of the humans that they see and Interact with everyday.

I think this Is around your time to go ahead and talk, Isn't It Miss Mai? He said quietly to her, face still hidden, but his grin seemed to get bigger all of a sudden, and there was these strange dots of light where his eyes should have been, red and burning, as If there was a light had Just been lit. He hid his grin though when they got closer and closer to the group.

@Skylar Black


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