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Realistic or Modern A Mythical Creature World


King, Creator and Master of the Ancients
Hello all, my name Is Kale Mythros. I am a simple man that has been thrown Into a war between Mythical creatures and Humans, both races want utter domination and control over this world, I on the other hand Just want to live peacefully among my fellow peers..

I've been holding up In my little nook for the past 83 years, away from the destruction of this war, but now, It's found me, bringing both enemies and allies. What are you, an enemy, or an ally? To me, I wish we could all live peacefully, together.. Come friend, Join me, we can survive this world together..

There are old friends, and new friends, old adventures, and new as well, what will we see In this world, I follow In the path of my Master, his name, was Damien Fang Anamos. I saw him as a father figure, he was a great man, and also an Ancient. He was the only other person of my kind that I knew..

In this war, the Humans have control over most of the open areas, such as the cities and the fields and such, even part of the ocean, the Myths however, has taken control over the mountains and the lakes, most of what the humans haven't actually grabbed for themselves, and then we have the Beasts, who come and go as they please, those are not beings we want to get caught up against...

Choose your side, and go on with your plans, each side will fight to the death, In the worst case scenario, both sides will fall and the Beasts will become the rulers of this world.

And then there's my side, who wants nothing but peace, If you follow me, I guarantee I will do the best that Is In my power to take you to a promised land, where we can all live peacefully, together, though the road will be tough, with many enemies and evil beings In our path, not only will we fight with monsters that hide In the dark, but we will meet many more friends along the way. Join me, and we will make a place, so beautiful, that If anyone was to set their eyes upon It, they would lose all hatred and anger, and Join us In our place, as friends, family, loved ones.

(This Is the Sequal to 'A Mythical Creature Roleplay' Enjoy.)
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Kylie tucked her black wings in and slipped her jacket over them, she looked normal with the jacket on. She knew she wasn't normal though, half dark angel half dragon. She was a freak, she walked through the forest silently watching her surroundings. The only noise she heard was the crunching of her feet hitting the ground, then she thought hey it was actually a great day.
Kale smiled weakly, as he fastened the saddle and harness onto his horse, with a sigh, he climbed up and sat down comfortably, making sure he was settled in perfectly.

Alright Rak, it's time we headed out. Are you sure you're strong enough to hold all this stuff?

He asked his horse, who responded with a nay and a nod. Kale nodded, sighing once more, as they left his home once more, into the other world.

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A swift glide upon calming breezes, the violet haired girl soared high in the skies- diving in and out of clouds with extreme speeds. Small reflective bands wrapped around the base of the horns on the top of her wings- a signal of location to those on the surface, able to be seen in the light of day or under the moon. Mai fixed her goggles, smiling in the cool winds, there was no other feeling in the world that she could enjoy more than this. Her heart beat faster, breath quicker, body light; suddenly she dove from the sky. Tucking her wings in close as the world below became large again, and within her arms she snagged a spotted white eagle, cries screaming loud above the paths and trails below.
Hydro would be in the sea like always keeping his skin Moist and not go dry as he was in his Human for this time,as his eyes were closed as he inside the water close too the shores as he sits on the bottom of the sea Floor calm and silent,as he would feel somthing on his armas he sigh and whisper too himself "Ignore it........it would soon go away"he says sofly too himself as there was a sea slug on his arm slowli Climing it,as he ignores it and conentrates and be calm and silent.....and the sea slug continue too clime his arm reaching his neck.

as he would sigh and would grab the sea slug and would get it off him,and would go back being calm,as the sea slug was now on his leg slowli climing it,as he would ignore it and have a calm time in the water.
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After hours of walking, Kale stopped Rak at a small stream, getting off his horse he let the creature rest, whom sat down on all fours and drank to its hearts content, Kale as well, sat near the stream and drank slowly, filling his canteen once more, he pulled out some food, Rak smelling his carrots, neyed softly at Kale, who fed him.

I wonder Rak, how do you think Damien is doing? I know you've only met him once before when you were but a calf, but you seemed to enjoy him so... He may no longer be in this world... I.. Maybe he went home, I hope he's happy..

Kale sighed, lying on his back, he looked up towards the sky, watching the clouds, he spotted a spotted white eagle, he smiled, until he saw something grasp the creature.


Once A Derp. Always A Derp.
Darkness painted the skies. Flames rampaged at random. Heat exhausted all breathing there. Light only came from the boiling flames that tormented those that come near it. Nothing lined the floor except harsh, brittle earth. Black objects and forms appear here and there but nothing definite lingers. Depression clung onto the atmosphere of the land.

Pathetic beasts wandered around aimlessly with no purpose. Some would feud over nothing, slaughtering each other in an endless cycle of death. No hope, no happiness, no anything lived here. A single hellhound strode through the masses of aimless creatures with a purpose only known to her in mind. Three heads connected to a shadowy figure. Underneath the wisp of shadows lied pure muscle and bones that shined the absent color, black. The shadows on the surface of the body moved constantly like tentacles. One single shadow held a definite shape of a tail with spikes at the end. Her muscles rippled each time she took a step forward, cracking the earth beneath her. But she had to proceed through the masses as if she had no purpose. Her head swung to and fro in search of something. The golden eyes that burned with hidden passion locked onto a portal. Only accessible to those who have purpose. Nothing in her body was alive at the moment, she was dead driven only by a foreign desire of wanting life. The hellhound's heads glanced around at all the pitiful beasts starting to swarm her, choke her. Without a thought, she pushed her muscles forward, projecting herself through the portal to another world.

There she finally saw light and she could feel the unused lungs in her body contract and expand taking in what she knew was called air.


Skies of blue thrilled the beautiful bird of rebirth. White puff of clouds spotted the sky as well as the scorching sun of the earth shining brightly on the day. The mountains beneath her reached high into the sky trying to reach the bliss blue. Green sheets of life lined the earthen brown soil at which provides the nutrients of life.

Winds lightly brushed against all light objects providing a chill to balance the rays from the blistering sun. The beasts of life down on the ground and all around gladly embraced this wind breathing in life and light. A chirp escaped from the pink Phoenix as it too took in a deep breath of the chilly air, enjoying the expansion of her lungs providing the essential blood flow throughout her divine body. Her feathers cut through the wind as she flew through the blue skies enjoying the peaceful day and wanting all lives on the world to enjoy the same peace she was experiencing at the moment.
Vee was hanging around the beach, playing with the sand and make sand castles. "What do you think of this one Mr. Cuddles?" She asked to no one. The sand next to her shifted and revealed a small squid who was also playing around in the sand. "Blllbrrrblrbrbl." He said as he was waving his tentacles around. "Yeah, it could be bigger..." She answered.
Tony was in his wolf form, his black and pale blue fur and feathers gleaming in the gentle light of the sun that trickled through the leaves above him. He was married, or had been, that he knew, but could remember nothing else. The only reason he knew he was married was the ring that hung on a chain around his neck. He could remember nothing before the lab, couldn't remember being caught, friends, or even family.
Kale grimaced when he saw the bird get snatched, he sighed once more before looking into the stream, getting up as he pats off the dirt, he clambers up onto Rak once more, as they continue on their journey.

Once A Derp. Always A Derp.
Spiraling downwards like a falling star with the bird tucked tightly against her chest, scratching at the tough fabric and clawing at her stomach, Mai seemed determined to hold onto the lost creature. Migration season was near, and many juvenile avians often get lost on their first year out in the world. Bright white feathers couldn't hide in these trees, a death sentence for a Northern snow bird. Suddenly the white spotted eagle latched it's sharp black beak onto her gloved hand, ripping through the the fabric and sending small droplets of blood free falling from the air. The two plummeted into the tree line, the rushing wind wing between Mai's feathers creating a sharp whistling sound downwards towards the earth. Leaves, branches, and dirt kicked up as they tumbled into the ground, the young bird escaping. "Ughn...." The scientist groaned in pain, large wings bent, and sprawled out like enormous fans as she lay on her back in the grey grasses, too stunned to move.
Kale looked back, hearing the commotion, he spotted a winged girl lying overturned near a tree, he trotted back over and leaned over Rak's head..

Are ye ok miss? Yer not hurt, are ye?

He asks kindly, hoping she was ok..

Mai stirred slowly. She blinked her bright green eyes behind the cracked goggles, turning to the voice with a groggy movement, the ground still spinning .

It took her a moment. "H-Human.. Human...I-I'm fine I...I just trip! " Mai stared at the horse in complete bewilderment, staggering to her feet before falling once again, a pained expression covering her face. "...I-I think I broke....something..." The violet haired girl laid on the ground, one wing limp and bent. "I'm fine...Please just move on sir." She muttered quietly. @AzelFang
Kale sighed, gettin down from Rak, he propped the girl up In his arms as he checked her wings, he lied her down once more as he rummaged through his bags, pulling out some medical equipment, he knelt back down, and started to patch her up, Ignoring her protests.

I certainly can't keep a wounded gal out here all alone, now, can I?

Mai struggled for a moment, before she paused in quiet submission. "...I-I'm not hurt...I swear..." Mai sighed, wincing as he began wrapping her wing. "Besides...I don't want to waste a traveler's supplies...especially out here.But you certainly are kind." The girl pulled her leather goggles off her face to give him a glad smile.

I'm not to fond of lies, miss. But thank ye, besides, If not on you, who else would I use this on, Rak hates It when I tend to his wounds, and I'm not one for fighting, a scratch or a bump here or there never hurt anyone, but you, you've broken something. Ye must be careful out here miss, the Beasts that roam this land will kill on sight.

He said as he washed off her wounds and wrapped them up with herbs 'n salve.

"For god sakes......get....Off....Mi"Hydro says too himelf sofly as he was coverd in sea slugs as what did he have that atracted them too him,as he would be ignoring them,as he would take a deep breath and would start taking them off one by one and Throwing them deeper in the water,as wen he got them all Off him he would stay under water and starts swiming underwater catching fish along the way as he did,as he wonderd how was Mai doing and aswell the others like Tony,Sky,Angelus,damien,etc
"For a rainy day of course... who knows who really needs a helping hand in the era...of war.." Mai opened her mouth for a moment, trying to ignore the stinging sensation seeping in her wounds. "Beasts.. The only ones that know about beasts are...." The scientist gasped excitedly, listening closely to his dialect, and the herbs he used "You're an Ancient?" The scientist perked up, long feathery ears twitching. "...You must be...you even use the same words as him.."

Ah, so ye know of us? That's good, then I shouldn't hafta explain my reasons as to why I don't really need these... Heh, so, how did ye come to know of us?

He asks with a kind smile, a bright light In his eyes, he seemed so happy.

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Mai leveled her hand above her head "A very tall man" she smiled "Ancient named,Damien- he showed me many things in this world. Not just beasts or Ancients, but many many things." Even when he passed, the piles of research material remained in her lab. One of several thousand being read daily. "He even helped me make a home in the skies." Damien was a great man. She sighed, gesturing to her wings "I thought...all the ancients were dead though. " The scientist questioned. @AzelFang
Kale grinned and laughed, he was enjoying this encounter, even finding out Damien was out there somewhere, still adventuring to his hearts content.

I see, well, It's true that my species Is rather scarce, there are very few of us left, a village back home, and a few of us that walk alone, seeking out new adventures In this eternal place. Say, how Is Damien? I haven't seen him In so long, Is he still King?

Kale asked excitedly, hoping to learn about his former master' whereabouts.

Mai saw his excitement, quite happy to see he was enjoying himself but then she quickly closed her mouth. "...A king he can be...a king of the next world..." She murmured solemnly and quietly , her memory turning to haze as she tried to remember. But most was blank. Everyday it seemed his face was fading away. Old memories as well. It wasn't in her right mind to tell him how Damien was gone. "He's very happy now. Exploring the universe. Residing in the stars." The girl looked away quickly. "I still have some of his research at my lab, you seem quite familiar to him so I think he would have loved for you to see his work..." Work, and precious scrolls stashed safely away from the chaos of her room or main lab. "oh..I forgot to introduce myself, my name is Mai Hinaw-- I mean Mai Morgan." She reddened quickly at the words. Even after 3 years she couldn't get the name right. " Who are you called?"
I'm Kale Mythros, well, ye can call me Myka If ye want to. Say, since ya seem to have changed yer last name, does that mean yer married? I hope yer husband Isn't worried 'bout ye.

By the way, would you like a ride, since yer wounded an all? Rak wouldn't mind carrying a miss, I bet he's all sorts of tired of draggin me everywhere.

He said with a laugh, looking at his horse which seemed as If It was mentally growling at Kale.
The girl laughed, extremely blushed but retaining a calm appearance "Worried is a bit normal for him. He's always worried." She gestured to her wing "Hollow bones and untrained powers, my Hydro is going to get grey hairs before I even know it. So these wounds...are secret between you and me...okaie? " Mai giggled, she stares at the horse curiously. It looked much like the pictures and drawings she's seen in books "I've ridden tigers. Lions. And bears. But never a horse...it seems like a fun experience...but...he seems very...hmm...sassy. " the girl stared at Rak nervously, before limping over to his side. "Do...Do I...just...hop on?"
Hm.. Ye put yer first foot In this here. And then you climb up, putting yer other foot In the other one.

He said, showing her the foot rest that the saddle had at the sides.

This girl, she said King of the Other World.. Which means, Damien must already have become the Dragon, so he's gone.. Well, at least he will forever stay King.

He thought to himself.


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