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Fantasy A Multiversal Character sheet

Roleplay: Fantasy - The World of Nava - Interest Check (CLOSED)

Appearance: View attachment 1159694

Name: Aerin Dawn

Age: 21

Pronouns: He/Him

Race: Blood Elf with demon heritage

Nickname: The Sorcerer King (Common People)
The Blood Reaper (Those who know him from the criminal world.)

Height: 5'4

Alignment: Chaotic good

Legend: Blood magic

Crimes: Murder, Genocide, Mass conquest, multiple war crimes, Assault on multiple counts, Tax fraud, Fraud, money fraud, Money laundering, smuggling, drug dealing, trespassing.

Skills: Cooking, Hunting, manipulation of people

LockeBlade: View attachment 1159437

Magic: Summoning magic, illusion magic.

Origin: Prince of the demon army

Personality: He's compassionate and can put himself in another's shoes, but is very judgy and has his own standard of whether someone is good or bad, depending on if they can/will benefit him or any people close to him at that period of time. He is ruthless in battle and will play very dirty if it seems like the odds are stacked against him.

Background: He was the youngest out of 3, Born to a powerful sorceress and a general in the demon army. He constantly struggled for his father’s approval but he just never got it and when it was revealed how sick and weakly he was, he was mocked and laughed at by the nobility/generals in the kingdom. He was disowned and escaped to the forest Where had only The wild beasts to him. He worked out in the forest, lifting boulders and becoming bulkier and mastering his mind and spirit. He traveled from village to village learning and growing, rallying support against their unjust warlord while becoming a warlord himself. He wore armour to hide his true form. he became almost barbaric like, killing bandits for pleasure and Destroying villages that didn't support him. From there he was known for his ruthlessness, Crushing any and all uprisings with his secret force, and allowing the villagers to live peacefully and freely. Although he advertised himself as pure and goodhearted, he always lived with a foot in the criminal world.
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Full Name: Taylor Hebert
Nicknames: Skitter, Tae, Bug Girl, Queen of Escalation, Locker Girl, Little Owl, Make-Believe Queen. Warlord of the Bay
Gender: Female
Age: 19
Birthday: June 12th
Species: Parahuman
Nationality: American

Powers: Insect Control and Manipulation
Possesses a unique mind that transmits and recieves information via yet unknown channels that grant her total control over most arthropods. So although she usually controls a variety of insects, she can also control a number sea creatures such as Crabs, Lobsters, and Krill, some Mollusca like slugs and snails, and can even control certain in-body parasites such as heartworms. This transmission has an effective range of nearly twenty city blocks.She can make her minions do things that they would not normally do, and push them to the limit where they end up harming themselves with how much effort they put in, destroy themselves to accomplish tasks,[produce so much web silk that they physically couldn't produce any more or stinging while injecting little to no venom. She doesn't require "organized" insects. Once they leave her range and she stops controlling them, her bugs revert to their normal behaviour patterns. However, if she has given a command to them while still in her range, she must intentionally dismiss the instruction she gave them or give them a new one, or else they will continue to fulfil their last command. Her power designates what classifies as a "bug", and thus what she can control, during her powers manifestation based upon her understanding of the term and the human knowledge.

She has an almost vast ability to focus on multiple insects at once or to focus on other things while also using her insects. She can give general instructions, in which case she is only vaguely aware of their movements, or guide individual insects through complex tasks, in which case she is more precisely aware of their movements and environment. This is done via offloading the processing required onto the power itself, allowing her to manage multiple tasks at once when using her bugs, but only engage in a single in-person task at a time that does not employ her power.She may sometimes use her bugs to "channel" her emotions, social cues and body language, lending her an "aura of indomitable calm". However perceptive individuals may still be able to pick up on such things by instead turning their focus onto her bugs behaviour.Based on the combined sensory input of large numbers of insects, She can gain a very clear mental picture of whatever they're interacting with. She can also sense the biology and location of every bug she can control, including an innate understanding of their biology itself. This gives her enhanced aim and the ability to dodge attacks with supernatural reaction times.

Her power can also perform actions automatically that Taylor did not intend to do. For example, if Taylor was so focused on listening to a conversation that her bugs may react to her irritation and reveal that she is eavesdropping. Her power may sometimes perform actions by habit when she is incapacitated, or when she is in an altered mental state, without her conscious instruction. In environments where bugs are scarce, or when dealing with materials that they don't interact with well, her image of the area can become less reliable. It is also important to note that she can not create insects on the fly, and thus is usually limited to either those carried on her person or those in the local area.

-Tactical Intelligence and Awareness: Able to take in and track large amounts of information. Taylor shines with her Improvisational and creativity when stressed, seeming to shine the more stacked the deck is against her and consistently punching above her weight class. When in pursuit of a goal she holds very little off the table in regards to her methodology, often leading to rapid escalation.
-Tailoring and Costume design: Aided greatly by her abilities, Taylor appears to live up to her name in her ability to create practical and functional costumes and outfits from less standard materials.
-Conflict Experience: Having lived a difficult life prior to her arrest, Her experiences have refined a practical and effective martial style in addition to a honed body. This due to consistently facing overwhelming odds have honed her Will to power on even in the face of a Armageddon with crumbling body.
-Asymetrical Warfare: Specializing in ambush tactics and urban environments, Taylor can fluidly navigate streets and rooftops while remaining undetected showing remarkable athletic and acrobatic prowess.

A self-made costume was constructed with spider silk and insect chitin, making it lightweight but incredibly resilient against both ballistic and edged weaponry. The costume includes numerous hidden pockets and sections beneath the chitin for insect storage and a stocked utility belt within the chitin across her back.
Utility Compartment
-Spider-Silk: Premade coiled strands from the same material as her costume.
-Pepper Spray
-Change Purse filled with cotton swabs, needles, smelling salts, and money.
-Collapsible Baton.
-Buck Knife.
-First Aid Kit.
-Modified Thompson Contender
-Crumpled note with two words “Cut Ties”.
-Concentrated Capsaicin Reduction.
-Notebook and stationery.

Scent: Earth and Pine
Height & Weight: 6' 3" 165lbs
Body Modifications: N/A
Physical Disabilities: Short-Sighted

Taylor's personality is coloured by extreme trauma from which she has never allowed herself time to recover and heal. Clinically depressed, and she seems incapable of being content for more than a few hours at a time. As a result, she is strongly defined by the coping mechanisms she developed. She compartmentalizes the world around her into set categories and engages in a prolonged mental justification based on these categories for how she deals with them. For example, she tends to judge her allies by their motives, and enemies by their actions. This compartmentalization results in her current goal always being the most important thing to her, shunting everything else aside rather than thinking about it, desiring clear divisions between each. The primary issue with this is that she is not consciously aware she is doing so until later reflections.

Tayloris almost incapable of not helping people, given the opportunity. It's so bad that it keeps her from functioning as an actual hero, as she always tries to find the course of action that will save the most people, even if that requires extreme ruthlessness on her part. The people who consistently set her off are those with the power to help others in need but who choose not to. While she doesn't claim that what she does is inherently good, nor does she really act on her long list of grudges, she does tend to judge the motives of actions against herself and her friends much more harshly than her own. Her focus on momentum can also be a issue, she just keeps going. Even when she breaks, she doesn't really stop or allow time to heal, she just prunes off what she can so she can stick to her chosen course.

Taylor is constantly emphasizing her failings and deprecating her successes. One running example is her insistence that she is not good at dealing with people in spite of all evidence to the contrary. This is tied with her negative self-image, seeing herself as lacking any real femininity and the reason
Taylor keeps her hair long and unbound even while in costume because she considers it one of the few markers of femininity she has.
Tayloris a girl in desperate need of some positive socialization, and to be kept in check by a fair and honest authority figure. Unfortunately for her, the closest thing like that available to her before arriving on 616 was a team of supervisionless supervillains. Her mindset is pragmatic and detail-oriented, but her moral sense is borderline dogmatic. She honestly wants to change, but has extreme difficulty changing her attitude and methods particularly when pushed and a situation escalates, tending to fall back on old habits. When given time to breathe in her few moments of calm, it becomes clear however that beneath everything she's an empathetic, gregarious, dorky perfectionist with poor emotional awareness that she struggles to control.

Positive Traits: Empathetic, Gregarious, Humility, Patient, Genuine, Intelligent, Forward Thinking
Negative Traits: Perfectionist, Stubborn, Evasive, Self-deprecating, Anger Issues, Neuroticism, Vicious
Moral Alignment: Chaotic Good
Temperament: Melancholic

Likes: Tea, Classical Literature, Cooking, Fantasy Fiction, Musicals, Nature Documentaries, Writing
Dislikes: Bullying, Medications, Crowds,
Habits: Dissociating, Overthinking, Silent
Fears: Claustrophobia, Thanatophobia
Hobbies: Reading, Entomology, Tailoring, Writing
Mental Disorders: Dissociation, Compartmentalization, Depression, Victim Complex, Neurodivergent

Family: Daniel Hebert, Father
Hometown: Brockton Bay
Originating from a lower-class family within the city of Brokton Bay, a coastal city that has long since been locked in a stalemate between warring gang factions. Losing her father at a young age in a tragic accident, the event would drive a rift between Taylor and her father as he struggled to deal with the loss and became distant, as she took a similar path leading to an unsteady home life. This would only be compounded by the loss of her best friend, the anchor eventually becoming the ring leader in a vicious bullying campaign in her underfunded public school.

When her change and powers came, she had hoped it would lead to a path to becoming a hero, but a series of well-intentioned actions, and sacrifices from necessity would slowly chip more and more of her away until she would become known to the public as the Villain Imago. A warlord of sorts, she had attempted to use the position to push the gangs and villains out with a gathered group of her own, with ever-escalating actions until the day she succeeded, and realised she had lost track of her initial goal of making her home a better place. Instead, she had become seen as worse than the problem she sought to remove, she got what she had wanted but could not honestly say it had been worth it.

Over 3 years, Taylors' compromises and sacrifices continue, and in a final act, becomes her own antithesis in order to defeat the final threat to her world. The reward for this, was her own murder once the threat had passed and she was no longer of use and a potential liability, or attempted murder at least.

Sexuality: Lesbian
Relationship Status: Single

FROM: ⬧︎ 𝑅𝑒𝒸𝓊𝓇𝓈𝑒𝒹 ⬧︎ | RP PAGE

Past Name: Interritus Rosetum(Meaning: Fearless/Fearful Rose Garden)

Current Name: Silva Roseus(Meaning: Forest of Roses)

Role: Key of Vivamus

Race: Plant Rose Hybrid

Age: 23 [reincarnated at 134 key years]

Gender: Male

Orientation: Pansexual

Height: 5 foot 7 inches(170cm)

Build: Ectomorph


Interritus and Silva looks the same with some differences such as their hair color and eye color.

Interitus had light pink hair and blue eyes.

Silvia has blonde hair and segmental heterochronic eyes, both yellow and pink.



Formal Style: Interritus dressed in all black or all white with intricate patterns. He is also quite fond of jewelry and wears necklaces daily.


Current Style: Silva dresses casually, his fit only consisting of a dress shirt, black pants and brown shoes. He would also wears a thick, black overcoat when he is travelling up north.


• Absurdist
"Sure, we were abandoned from freedom, so what? I can't simply die because it escaped me since birth."

• Free-Spirit
"I like to do what I want when the matters arise with no chackles chaining me to the ground."

• Curious
"Curiosity killed the cat, said one, but it was still worth knowing."

• Resilient
"I still haven't accomplished my goal, why stop now?"

• Stubborn
"I have to keep going, no matter the cost."


• Flowers/Roses
"It's in my name, what can you expect [light-hearted chuckle]"

• Windy days with a Bright, Blue Sky
"We rarely get that in my old village, it's quite nice to have a calm day."

• Drawing
“A medium of communication. I commonly like to draw flower beds as journal entries.”


• Snowstorms
“I remember when I was a child and had to live with no heat because of snowstorms, bad times.”

• Insects(except bees)
“While I admire nature on its whole, these pesky animals are a nuisance when I try to enjoy my day outside. The only exception is bees. They come to my garden to help out. ”

• Uncleanliness
“This is simply personal preference. I like having myself and the things around me clean and organized.”


Interritus Rosetum was born as a dying rose coughed up it's last life force in the city of Aubade. Like any Plant Hybrid, he was an orphan from the moment he was born, crying out in the middle of the rose garden. If it wasn't for the law protecting and ensuring the safety of all gardens, Interritus would have been long since gone. He was found by the gardener of the rose garden. The old gardener was surprised that a baby made it's way into his rose garden but took him in under the order of nearby troops. The gardener treated him like a friend more than a son, taking him everywhere outside the garden.
When Interitus turned 18, he left the small garden, promising that he would visit the garden again. At first, he stayed around the city, helping villagers with their dire gardening and plant problems. He was popular in Aubade and was known as "The Speaker of Nature" to the townsfolks. The word of Interitus travelled to the troops and some of the royal family and was offered a position as a Baron. Interitus rejected the invitation multiple times, insisting he hasn't gotten out of his way to see the nation yet.
And so he settle off at 20 in hopes to see the capital. It wasn't a long journey, taking him 5 months to reach his destination. He has sworn his protection of the wildlife when seeing the lack of forestry in the city. He had lived a relative quiet yet eventful life, often using the roots of surrounding plants stopping destruction to the one thing he has sworn to protect to the monarchy, himself and the gardener who had raised him. He was killed during an invasion, reincarnating to Silva Roseus with little to no memories of his life and was buried in a small forest near Memento where records of his life was most popular.

Silva Roseus was born as a dying rose in Memento, the same place where Interitus died. He was nurtured by a fairy called Flora who was one of the many guardians of the forest area. It wasn't until a young couple travelling to Quaerito found him and Flora near a tree stump. Assuming that he was an orphan, the young couple took Silva with them. Flora wasn't the one to give him up having raised him since he was born and followed the couple, leaving behind her forest. The young couple were surprised that Flora would follow them as Fairies only follow flowers and Plant Hybrids. They pieced everything together quickly and with the help of Flora. Silva's childhood was pampered by his two adoptive parents. Though they were quite inexperienced and naive when it came to parenting a child, let alone a plant hybrid, Silva still grinned and cherished them.
When Silva was finally 18, his adoptive parents have given him permission to go out and explore. Under slight guidance of Flora, he had ventured out to the world. However good things don't always last as Flora returned to the forests when Silva was visiting the same Garden in his previous reincarnation. With the last words that Flora told him, he strives to be a caretaker of the forest.


• Gardener


Interritus Rosetum

• Adoptive Father

Interitus was adopted by the gardener in which he was birthed. He enjoyed his company, often reminiscing the old man when he was older.

Silva Roseus

• Adoptive Parents

Silva loves his adoptive parents and would do almost anything to make them feel at home.

Flora the Fairy
Flora the Fairy was the one who taught him about magic. She acts like a caretaker to him.

• Explore the world
• Protect Nature
• Understand the emotions beyond animals and plants


• Communication with plants(Racial Ability)
-Similar to fairies and faes, Interrius/Silva can understand the words and thoughts of plants and can communicate with them.

• Plant Body(Locked)
-When he is hurt, Silva/Interritus is able to generate healing flowers from the wound. The flowers would fall off the wound when it's healed.

• Root Awareness(Partially Locked)
-Silva/Interritus is able to sense and manipulate the roots in the ground. Silva can only go 5km barefoot using this ability.


• Gardening
Silva got his gardening talent from his predecessor.

• Peacemaking
Silva is a lover of peace and though he would rather let the fight wither out by itself, he would come in between the two parties when it's necessary.

• Defense
In combat, Silva is defense oriented and would use the roots around him(if there is any) to guard him.


• Too friendly
Due to his near lack of exposure to the nation outside of Quaerito, he is overly friendly to his peers. This can lead him some less ideal situations if it wasn't for the persistence of Flora.

• Fire
Silva is a plant hybrid and is easily flammable.

• Physically Weak
Silva is fragile and can't throw a few punches without relying on his magic. He plans to make up for this but is unable to in fear of hurting the trees.

-Silva and Interritus can speak English, Latin and some Greek(as some of the architecture is based on these states). Silva’s first language was Latin and Greek. His adoptive mother is a native Latin Speaker and his Adoptive father is a native Greek Speaker. He spoke them both fluently when he was younger but his Greek was greatly deteriorated when he started learning English. It is currently unknown if Interritus is fluent in all three languages.

Voice Claim: X from Reverse 1999
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Name: Nikola Dante Faraday

Age: 21

Gender: Male

Notable features: Grey iris, Big tattoo on the back saying “Magicae est realis, sicut tua credendi” meaning “Magic is as real as your belief in it.”


Nikola is a happy go lucky fellow always smiling and never taking things too seriously.
He hates seeing people being sad to the point he always shows them a magic trick or just goofs off to make them smile and laugh. To his siblings he tries to be the best big bro he can be, he will listen to your worries, give you advice, try to make you forget the sadness, not because he likes you or anything it's just because they are family to him and that's what family does. Towards his enemies Nikola shows no mercy, and becomes honest to a fault sadist, but still showing a bit of kindness and honoring every deal and promise made even to an enemy.


Nikola Dante Faraday was born in Florencia on the 10th of July 2000, he didn't live there for long since after only a year and a half he was taken by Maxwell to the compound, he was too young to remember his parents and even when he grew up he didn't bear any ill feelings towards Maxwell, rather he felt happy for having a new bigger family.
Nikola growing up hated learning stuff, instead he loved reading fantasy books about magicians, but dear Maxwell always found a way to get little Nikola to study, telling him stories that although magic is lost in this world some people can still replicate what the magic did via a medium called science. So a lot of times Nikola could be seen with a fantasy book in one hand and a science one in another trying to understand how one could replicate the magic. For a few years all Nikola did was train his power, learn new stuff and him learning to master the magic tricks he read in books and saw on tv.
But in 2012 he cried for the first time, the ever cheerfully ball of joy cried, not because something bad happened to him but because he knew a member of this family died, it was Maxwell’s wife and the mother of Roxan and Roxas, Miss Margaret.
His connection to everyone was great, even though he might not have been the oldest out of all children in the compound he always thought of himself as everyone’s big bro, which sometimes led to funny situations.
After Maxwell's death, Nikola decided to leave the compound but his lingering attachment didn’t let him leave to a faraway place, so he lingered in nearby cities sometimes seeing others from the compound, he even spoke with Rick before he left to wander the world and help people, since that time Nikola just waits to hear news about a big grey man doing bigger greater things.

Weird Mutation: Weirdrad experiments allowed Nikola to generate and manipulate electromagnetic fields around him, although he did not train his powers to make them stronger, instead he focused on raising his proficiency by using the basics of his power.
Thinking that would allow him to seamlessly use his power. (Said basics of his power being repulsion and attraction of magnetic or metallic objects, magnetization or demagnetization of objects and electroreception.)

Foil: The control of his power and its output may change depending on Nikola’s mental and physical state. Leading to him losing control of his power when severely injured or in huge mental distress. Also when using the electric part of his power, Nikola will be shocked.

Status: Left the compound to pursue his dream of becoming a magician, but still he lingers never more than a month of travel away from the compound for he worries about those who stayed.
The Source RP

Name: Ray Green
Age: 20
Species: Human

Personality: Ray is a generally quiet and analytical individual. This isn't coldness on his part but rather a lack of understanding of certain aspects of interpersonal relationships. When he opens up to someone. He is snarky but well meaning and endeavors to listen to their problems. Ray is always willing to lend a hand to those who really need it. Though sometimes he'll play it off like he was doing it for his own reasons. Since acquiring his special powers. Ray has developed a habit of becoming incredibly confident and outgoing when using them.

Backstory: Ray Green had a pretty tough life before it went in a strange direction. His parents died in an accident, leaving him with an uncle who barely had any time for him. Inept at making anything resembling a friend. Ray immersed himself in video games to avoid the real world. The period between finishing a game and picking up a new one was always a sad time. While decently intelligent and well-read. Ray's lack of motivation led to his school life ending rather mundanely. Barely passing through his schooling. Ray chose to become a playtester to finance his habits. When his uncle died and greedy relatives seized his assets. An unprepared Ray was tossed out onto the street. Budget cuts in his workplace saw Ray scraping by with just enough to eat once or twice a day whilst sleeping on trash. When his coworkers complained about the stench. Ray was written off and fired to save money. At his lowest point with no job, money or food. It seemed like Ray would die out in the cold. That was until he had a very peculiar dream. He dreamed of an incomprehensible being that told him many incredible things and yet nothing of importance at the same time. When he awoke from his slumber. He was surprised to see a status screen in front of his eyes.

.Sleeping in Comfortable Places
.Having Money

.Having No Money
.That Period between Finishing a game and Picking Up a New One
.Wasting Good Food

Life goals: Living His Life
Worst Fears: Poverty

Ability Theme: Game
Gamer Body: Ray's body has been completely altered to be similar to that of a video game character. He still feels pain but can no longer sustain regular damage, instead losing Health Points (HP). As long as he meets necessary level and stat requirements. Ray can learn techniques via skill books. His mind is immune to statuses that would disrupt his mental capacity. This means he is capable of thinking rationally almost 100% of the time. Regular items acquire game-like effects when utilized by him (Ex Medicine restoring HP or Food providing Buff/Debuff). Resting allows him to restore both HP and MP.

Quest Log: The system inside of his body will generate quests in order to help him level up. These are either randomly generated based on data gathered from his surroundings or created from tasks given to him by others. Depending on the difficulty of said task. He is capable of receiving rewards in the form of items, currency or experience points.

Store: Aside from rewards from quests or enemies. Ray is also capable of accessing a store menu that has items like skill books, weapons, armor, accessories, consumables and other game-like loot. These can purchased with regular currency or Gamer Points (GP). Rarer items require far more funds to purchase with the rarest only able to be acquired via large amounts of GP.

.While incapable of receiving regular damage. He is still capable of feeling significant pain and mental fatigue. These can be used to wear him down if wiping out his HP bar doesn't work.
.His mental immunity is drastically weakened if the other person has twice his level and stats behind their attack.
.The system usually gives him quests within his means but if he fails then he suffers reputation, item, currency or stat penalties.
.Ray can't learn anything theory based. He needs something that has practical application to learn it through his system.
.Even if he is capable of near-instantly learning skills. Those skills still need to be leveled up if Ray wants to be able to rely on them.
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Lyudmila Kuznetsov


Age: Mid-30s

Gender: Female

Race: Human (?)

Homeland: Snezhnaya

Vision: Geo

Constellation: Artifex (The Craftsman)


Weapon 1: Stake Driver:
A large hammer similar to the one used by Fatui Vanguards. Lyuda's Vision is incompatible with the internal mechanisms of the weapon that were designed for Electro, however her Geo Vision grants her the ability to handle it with impressive speed and power.

Weapon 2: Automatic Rifle: A weapon that serves as an iteration upon the weapons used by the Fatui Bracers. She usually keeps it disassembled in a case on her back,and rarely uses it.

Additional items acquired in the transfer
Cryo Hypostasis core:
A translucent cube brimming with energy. Cold to the touch.

Geo Cicins: Three creatures resembling moths or bats that share Lyuda's Geo powers. Can create small Geo constructs or barriers at her command.

Vision Abilities:
Lyuda can precisely handle any earthen or metal object regardless of weight or shape while it is in her hands, and can gradually mold and shape them without any tools or heat. (Among other things, she can replenish her ammunition supply with the right materials, which are increasingly scarce.)

Tremor: Lyuda can create quakes, fissures, or eruptions of earth up to around 20 meters away from her by striking the surfaces she wishes to affect. This ability is more effective when used in conjunction with Stake Driver, being able to topple most human-sized targets, but can be used in a weaker form with her bare hands.

Wilderness survival, mechanical engineering, sculpting (or at least she wishes it was)

The events of the past years have left Lyuda quiet with a dry sense of humor, on top of being inured to the violence she continues to inflict. Even so, she remains optimistic as she continues her journey. On the path her life has taken so far, Lyuda remains humble, and shows a certain protectiveness towards people she admires. Her greatest admiration is directed to people who live passionately and particularly those who create art or other things of worth.

Lyudmila Kuznetsov was born into an ordinary, struggling working class family like any other on the outskirts of Snezhnaya. While she had no problems making friends as she attended school, she found her time best spent in her mother's workshop, repairing and maintaining the community's vehicles and work equipment, a preference that reflected in her academic performance. Granted a scholarship to one of the universities in the capital city, she threw herself into the studies of all the advanced machinery that sustained Snezhnaya and served the Tsaritsa, on top of ways to improve them even further.

Hard at work as always one night, Lyuda witnessed an apparition of a spiraling staircase before her, as her dedication had apparently led the Geo Archon to see fit to grant her a Vision. She could not prevent word from spreading, least of all in a place so close to the Tsaritsa's gaze. Soon she was approached by a recruiter from the military, who persuaded her that the combination of her expertise and her new gift could be best put to use on the frontlines protecting Snezhnaya from the envy of other nations and all the danger that lay in the lands between.

After years of service, Lyuda was eventually promoted to lead a unit of the Fatui carrying out patrols in the wilderness of Sumeru, seeing and learning more than she ever could sitting in a workshop or an ivory tower. One fateful day, when she returned to the biting cold of Snezhnaya with an intelligence report, she was granted an audience with the Tsaritsa herself, who took special interest in what Lyuda had to say. It was then that an immense, otherworldly entity struck the city. Many survived, but the greatest damage of all was dealt to the nation as a whole, as the entity destroyed the Tsaritsa...her Gnosis sent away to parts unknown. Lyuda fled the scene to avoid capture, but being the only person with the Tsaritsa at the time of the attack, suspicion fell on her. At the very least, she had failed in her duty as a protector, at the most, she led whatever it was to the Tsaritsa.

Hunted by her former comrades, Lyuda currently wanders as a mercenary and bounty hunter, dreaming of being the one who solves the mystery of the Tsaritsa's destruction and restores her nation's beloved Archon.

The transportation from her original world seems to have had a severe effect on her mind, giving her a more docile demeanor compared to her previous pugnacious self. Her strength and superior fighting skills remain, however, to be called upon at the right time.

She remembers very little other than that she should be searching for "Tsaritsa" and "Kosechka", but she could not tell you what those are.

Smokes once a day, never drinks alcohol.

Originally from A World Reborn
Name: Celes Chere
Age: 18
Gender: Female

Genetically engineered human
Magic, adept at the sword
Runic Blade- She can absorb offensive magic into a sword and turn the magic to healing her mana energy
Blizzard Cure Antidote Drain Fire Thunder Cura Fira Blizzara Life Thundara
Final Fantasy VI; former general of Gestahl’s imperial army
Back Story:
The concept of fusing magicite with humans to create genetically enhanced soldiers to make Gestahl’s army unstoppable went under way. As a small child , Celes and Kefka were the first humans to undergo the surgery. However, Kefka lost his mind during the height of those experiments. Just as Celes was the first successful magicite fused human to ever be recorded in the history of the empire. She joined the army at a young age rising the ranks. Alongside of Leo, she was made general. She began questioning Gestahl’s decision to siege Doma knowing his ulterior motive is to wipe any traces of the kingdom by committing genocide. Soon after, she’s arrested waiting for her sentencing. Just then Locke saved her. She joined the returners who are freedom fighters battling the emperor. The first step is bridging a connection with the espers through Terra.
Initially Celes is an independent and harsh woman. She is an honorable general who rejects her loyalties to the Empire when she cannot reconcile their actions any more.
She enjoys caring for her grandfather’s green house
Ancient books
Her friends
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Codename: Hell Spawn, Vengeful One
Alter ego: Jane Doe (Fake name ), Lara Aldred (real name)
Age: 25(10 at death)
Gender: female
Height: varies sticks to about 5 foot 7
Weight: carried average is 170 lbs
Personality: Lara tends to be cynical, sarcastic, rude, sadistic, and over all a cruel person twisted by their time with the demon and with the lowest of society. That is only half the story as she can be rather selfless and kind on a whim normally helping as much as hurting others. She also has some trust issues given the demon tells her peoples sins and dark secrets. She finds it rather amusing to mock god/ gods followers dressing as a nun and preferring to dwell in once holy places as a way to show this. This is all despite knowing heaven is a very really place, but her experiences with angels has never been pleasant so she has little desire to be in their good books. She tends to show little regard for life, be it hers or others and kills with no hesitation should she feel like it, though normally after making her target suffer.
Background: Lara's story starts not with her but with the lords of hell and their eternal power struggle. Since time began the lords of the pits under their master have opposed not only heaven, but one another. They eternally vied for power and attention from their lord, killing and deposing one another constantly till there were 7 lords who held their positions till this day. That was until Xaragarth through power and clever schemes rose in prestige above the other 6. he would have been their lords favorite if he had been allowed to continue on, thus as many times before an alliance was made to bring down another though never had it been 6 on one. The 6 managed to corner and break Xaragarth tearing his skin from his body and casting it far from hell to earth where they assumed it would do no harm while they glutted themselves on the flesh and power of Xaragarth.
It was coincidentally that while this great change in hall took place that a far more mundane evil was happening on earth. A house break in, though unlike many the attackers came in the day instead of the night and they didn't care about being seen by their targets. This was long before heroes had emerged and thus only the cops could help anyone and if you knew how long they took to get somewhere then you had all the time in the world to have some fun while taking everything you could. Leaving no witnesses also helped. The in truth serial killers thus broke in and in a whirlwind of violence that the young Laura could not understand her parents were dead and she was shot in the gut. The pain one might expect wasn't there as she was bleeding out just as the demon from hell arrived and seeking a host to anchor itself to the world whispered to the dying child. He planned to use her soul and regrets to remain tethered tot he world and use his limited powers to create a new body for himself. This didn't got to plan as rather than being the dominant personality the child somehow subdued him leaving the great demon lord little more than a voice in her ear.
Being now a creature more of spirit than flesh and a scared confused kid Laura fled and ended up living with the homeless of her city often using her powers to protect them and slowly open up to them. She became a local urban legend and that lead checkmate to her. Having expected them from hearing the demon whisper to her of the spies watching her Laura didn't fight joining, though she did make it clear she wasn't their ally either.

Hell chains: Laura can summon, control, and alter hell forged chains often appearing from her cloak or shadows.
Super human physiology: Laura is stronger faster and extremely more durable than baseline humans.
Demon suit: The costume Laura wears is actually a demon fused to her very soul providing her a physical form She can control its size shape and make up as she wills it. The demon is actully still aware and whispers to Lara often exposing the dark secrets and sins of others that would hurt them.
Shape shifting: As her suit is the only thing giving her physical form Laura can control her looks and mimic others or make up her own appearance.
Dark magic: Laura has a decent understanding of the magics of hell and can use them.
Dark energy: This is the energy that keeps laura and her demon alive harvested from the pain and suffering of others unless beheaded by a heaven made blade Laura can regenerate if she can gather energy.
Skills: infiltration, disguise, interrogation, demonic and heavenly knowledge, hand to hand skills.
Tech: none
Alignment: Anti-hero

A bit edited from Fandom - Knights of Checkmate | A DC Comics RP (OOC Thread)
Last edited:
Link to original RP

Lumen's School of Monsters
Student Identification

Name: Clair

Age: Early teens
Gender: Female
D.O.B: Feb/20 (Not her actual birthday but it is the day she was adopted)
Height: 5'1
Weight: 1lb
Monster Classification: Shadow Person (Ghost class)

Physical Description:
Clair is a monster student who takes the form of a teenage female human physique. Gathering detailed physical descriptions of the student has been a bit of a challenge. As she is a Monster of a variant of Shadow People. Shadow people are known all around the globe. Each has its own name and variants. Clair is one of the more humanly clear varieties. She is described to be of a petite figure, well postured with short bob hair clearing her silhouette. An interesting trait among Shadow People is that Shadow People like Clair have a Vantablack effect on their overall physical body. (In other words, light does not reflect on their skin or hair.) Observing them with the naked eye. One might find her hard to look at, appearing as a 2-dimensional figure despite being completely 3-dimensional with a simple walk-around. It may take a while to find that Clair has no distinguishable facial structure but rather a blank flat face (Similar to a faceless mannequin)

In addition, to least adding visual depth to the student. She is encouraged to wear grey or white gloves to help express emotions more clearly. While the bow on the back of her hair is not a recommendation. She does wear the black-colored bow as an indication of which direction she is facing. Despite human clothing making it already an indication. To explain the physicality, Clair appears to be "somewhat" in a solid-state. She is able to physically interact with most things like a normal human does. Saying somewhat because sometimes Clair phases through certain solid objects from time to time. On rare occasions, there may be at least eyes to the young Shadow Lass. When encountering high amounts of emotions. She reveals white eyes from where one would assume eyes would be.


It is a common behavior among many Shadow People to be very observant, enigmatic, and downright unsettling upon the first encounter. Clair is not exclusive to this typical behavior. Although upon further observation, Clair does not intend to distress those who she encounters. If anything she is generally polite and reserved under the cryptic nature.

Within digging deeper into the quiet nature of Clair, to call her a mute is not factual but understandable why she called so, mostly. The student often displays hand gestures and human body language more and makes verbal conversations her last option, often making them brief. Through telepathic like verbal language. so one will have to speak in the old fashion way.)

The shadow student is industrious, curious, and warm-hearted. Always showing an eager mood to study. Known to be one of the more punctual students. Clair's surprisingly bubbly and humorous nature is often seen with closer friends, showing genuine care for the well-being of others. A student that is willing to lend an ear to a friend or stranger.

+Reading books (Preference: Specifically non-fiction)
+Playing the piano (Observation: Performance decreases if the number of audiences increases)
+Playing card/board games (Clair often brings at least one or two of the following)

  • Chessboard
  • Connect-4 set
  • Battleship board set
  • 52 stack playing card deck (Mostly to just play spider solitaire by herself)
  • Pen, stacks of 1/4th sheet of paper & a die
+The Color Purple

-Being late to almost anything
-Losing her big purple umbrella (Item description: A cane-handled automatic umbrella that can fit 2 more people)
-Overwhelmingly bright places

The real origins of Clair remain unknown as the student herself cannot identify her real origins, one fact to be confirmed is that she is not from the human mortal plane. Originally found in France, in a small rural town. She lived with a 67-year-old human woman (Who wishes to remain anonymous) who acts as her caretaker and mother figure, in a comfy home.

February 20


The old woman found the shadow girl in her infancy, outside her backyard garden next to a patch of poppies. She described her as a "Small dark flame that is the size of a baby's head". Turns out the old woman was no stranger to the supernatural. She did not react with fear nor hostility against the defenseless shadow child. Instead, she decided to make a decision that will change her life forever. She took the small flame into her home that full-moon evening.

The next years of her lonely life have now been different. There is a Monster in her home, and yet she treated the Shadow child as her own. The child too not saw her as human but as her Mother, often now calling her so. She would grow into this house for a decade, rarely ever stepping foot outside for what she is. It was only by night she could freely roam despite her mother's instructions to be careful and stay within the house's window view.

"It was not easy for me to keep up with her, you know? Even at night, she would retain the energy she had when the sun was still out. To see the world around her is just part of her."
-Clair's Mother figure/Guardian

During the day she would watch over the small town through the dark alleys, woodland, and the large cast of shadows. The student could only spectate the world around her. Which has led to loneliness inside the student growing each passing day.

September 30

She would meet her first-ever friend. Sophie, A girl about her age on the other side of town. Almost every evening she would visit the human girl to play and bond with. The two were very close, they were twins at that point. Another Human who fears her not.


New Years Eve

It was 2 years ago that their chances of seeing each other were growing slim. Sophie's parents grew wary regarding their daughter. They would hear her speaking to someone as if someone else were in her room, only to find her talking to herself. At first, they did not think of it, playing it off as Sophie having an imaginary friend. The suspicion grew as the new year reaches. At first, it was the sound of extra footsteps that they were too preoccupied to check, second the rare uneasy feeling in certain hours, and what mostly shook the couple is the poorly drawn figure of the Student now adding to Sophie's drawing portraits.

It was the last hour before the new year. It was near the isolated mountain feet where Clair would be found watching over local troublemaking teenagers who would set alight fireworks unsupervised. Their firework mischief was abruptly stopped by Sophie who has seen the three potentially burning nearby woodland. Putting a stop to their fun is not a choice they will take. Driving Sophie out by pushing her aside and sharp words to send her home. Clair no longer hid behind the trees by the mountainside. The new year's fireworks revealed her dark silhouette by the treeline and behind the pushed-down Sophie. The Humans were shocked by the ghastly appearance and ran away from the girl while the Vantablack Shadow girl stomped towards the two with eyes seeing red. While in an attempt to drive the scared children away, A small firework rocket was accidentally kicked over and wick lit. Directly misfires and hits the Shadow girl on the right rib. The firework explosion was nearly fatal. Sophie came to the aid of her friend. By immediately leaving the scene, what would follow is a small bushfire. Later taken care of when adults arrived at the scene.

Sophie and Clair barely saw or spoke to each other since the incident. Word around the town now aware of the student's presence, plus the testimonies of their vague sightings fueled the fire to track down this mysterious girl in their town. A search was conducted to find the student. Luckily for her, she was not found despite a constant search for months. It was now getting more dangerous for Clair to prolong her stay and her Mother knows is well aware. Until she was invited to Lumen's School of Monsters where she finally let Clair be on her own.
Name: Iskander Ereshkigal
Age: Roughly 1,000
Gender: Male
Race: Custodes(Human)
Height: 9ft
Skills: Extremely good at parries, defensive fighting and swordfighting
Powers: Stronger, faster, more acute of senses and more resilient than Space Marines.
Gear: Auramite armor, praesidium shield, solar claw, misericordia and a sentinel blade
Magic: None…just a really good bodyguard. Immune to mind-altering magical effects but not physical effects.
Origin: Warhammer 30k
Occupation: Bodyguard, Shield-Captain
Backstory: Created to protect Him, Iskandar was one of the Ten Thousand the Emperor created. Taken in after his father betrayed the Emperor, Iskandar underwent the Custodes trials and became one of the golden, his cells rebuilt from the ground-up as he became one of the Emperor’s own bodyguards. He earned his first name Iskandar for defending a Lord General from daemons when their ship crashed en route to Terra, and joined the Aquilan Shield-Host shortly afterwards, eventually becoming a Shield-Captain. Aquilan Shields typically bodyguard their charge, protecting them from all harm in name of their master the Emperor.

Personality wise, Iskandar is loyal and surprisingly friendly for a Custodes, if a bit stubborn and slightly lackluster in the awareness department. Once he had sought to join the Emissaries Imperatus, but now he prefers to protect his charge, a task far more suited for his skill set. While sometimes inconsiderate to others who were not directly entrusted as his charge(such as not considering the fact that not everyone is a super-genetically enhanced human like him and the fact apparently charges tend to get mad if you protect ONLY them and let their friends die), Iskandar values loyalty highly, genuinely caring those in his Shield Company and his charge.

As a Shield-Captain he is unusually far more tolerant and generous with his decisions than one may expect, willing to lend a sympathetic ear or shield. Ranks don’t carry as much weight with Iskandar, he doesn't really care if his charge is a guardsman or a magistrate, it's his duty to protect them regardless. He’s patient and willing to support whatever plans would help his mission, so long as the plans don’t *directly* endanger his charge.

However, while Iskandar is personally fine with losing a duel or a battle, he would refuse to retreat nor back down from a fight, as doing so would wound his pride to the bone. While he has not yet had a situation where he was forced to choose between his pride or his charge, Iskandar would most likely choose his pride. Even while not inherently malicious, Iskandar’s lack of foresight and general carelessness for literally anyone who isn’t his direct charge or his Shield Company may result in a few…awkward situations.

Other Headcanons:
His nickname is Candy
fighting style is Kaptari
Very good listener…so long as he isn’t distracted
If he hadn’t become an Aquillian Shield he would have been a Dankanatoi or Emissaries Imperatus
Surprisingly forgiving, so unless his charge is literally suicidal is pretty rare to see him mad
Trips a lot
Has a collection of trinkets as mementos from his previous jobs as bodyguard.
has apparently liberated/adopted a random slave girl from Galaspar

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