• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern ๐”ž ๐”ช๐”ฌ๐”ฏ๐”ž๐”ฉ ๐”ก๐”ฆ๐”ฉ๐”ข๐”ช๐”ช๐”ž { CS }


who you callin' pinhead?
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)

roleplay title


application info.

full name.
nickname(s), if applicable.
portrayed by (face claim).
distinguishing features (scars, tattoos, birthmarks, etc.).
physical description (optional, max 2 para).
likes/dislikes (min. 4 each).
vices/virtues (min. 5 each).
hobbies/quirks (min. 2 total).
personality description (max 2 para).
background/history (min. 2 para).

additionally: all jurors must respond to these questions (written as though in character; first person, "I" responses).
What are your thoughts on the role of a jury in our legal system?
How do you keep an open mind?
Do you think all people are biased?
Are you empathetic?
What does justice mean to you?
What values are most important to you?
How do you manage stressful situations?
Fact or emotion?


the college kid


You usually get out of jury duty because you're away at whatever college you go to. But they finally got you while you went back home for the summer. Out of excuses to get out of jury duty, here you are. Maybe you're hoping to go to law school, maybe you're just ready to get this civic duty over with. But were you prepared for a high profile murder case, of all trials? It'll certainly be something to gush to your friends about later.

the parent


You've got a kid (or kids) waiting for you at home. Getting a babysitter for a one-day trial was hard enough but now you've had to plan for this indefinite trial. Whether you're a single parent or not, this is certainly not a light burden. No cellphone, no laptop = no video chats. Will you be okay with the limited phone calls you've been approved for?

the teacher


Your boss isn't paying you to be away for jury duty. Not like the compensation was too great, anyway. You've been teaching elementary or middle school for a while now and this is probably the first break you're warranted outside of the summer season. Although it may not be worth it considering it's not stress-free and you're barely making minimum wage with the courts jury pay. Even that couldn't get you out of the duty, though.

the banker


Most lawyers don't want a banker on their jury. Obnoxious, loud, self-centered smart asses. That's what they typically get, anyway. They didn't ask you too many questions. Perhaps your economic insight will help you when they bring out the financial dispute Alexander and Devon were having. Seems like they were steeping in debt.

the law


You work - or worked - in law enforcement. It's not anyone's business why you left... but it stays on the back of your mind, especially during deliberations. You were either a detective or a cop. It's up to you to disclose anything to the jurors but for some reason it didn't keep the court from dismissing you. Seems your background wouldn't leave you too biased, after all. What made you leave the job, anyway?

the activist


You're passionate about social justice and policy. You were pretty excited for the opportunity to sit on a jury and were very adamant that you could remain unbiased. But you've been a little more vocal than you were instructed with your jurors about the case once you get out of that courtroom. If the witnesses have their own moral dilemmas, what have you really been up to at your nonprofit?

the doctor


Congrats, you're a medical professional! But now you have to give all your high-profile patients to other doctors in your absence. Darn, how will you make a medical discovery now that you're on jury duty? Maybe you don't mind too much. Maybe you do. You've been standoffish with the free spirit. Could be one-sided with how much they've teased you for your years of schooling and knowledge. Can the high IQ help you in this case? Are you walking around flaunting your brains?

the skeptic


You love conspiracy theories and true crime. You kept that tidbit of your personal life from the judge and legal counsel, though. You'e been dying to sit on a jury and get a taste of what it's like. A new perspective from all of the documentaries that you watch. You've been taking the most notes, you're foaming at the mouth to be the foreperson. But that doesn't mean you have a background in cracking cases like this. Will you reach the best verdict? Can you piece this evidence and witness claims together?

the budding journalist


Ironically enough, this person's probably the only journalist in the region that had yet to hear of the course. They recently moved to Chicago and, lo and behold, managed to get summoned. Just their luck when settling down in a new place. They don't even report on crime or business. They were going to report on environmental law in Chicago! Before their career could kick off, they've been sucked into this jury nonsense. And they can't read the news anymore, get a load of this.

the entrepreneur


You recently launched your own restaurant, food truck or some other business - maybe a tech startup like the defendant, Alexander. Whatever it is, you had to put plans on hold now that you're away. Hopefully you had someone to take charge while you're away instead of stalling the project you had planned for months. You can't wait to get back out there. Hopefully your company doesn't end up like those tech moguls you're learning about.

the artist


Creative, intuitive, hopeful. You're all the positive traits someone can have and most people don't think you have a bad bone in your body at first glance. You can still make some of your art pieces while sequestered, so you aren't too impacted by being locked away for jury duty. Your career remains relatively unaffected since you'll sell some of these pieces once you get out, whatever sort of art it is you design and sell. Perhaps you'll look at the evidence and testimony differently than the rest of the jury and offer a spin to their perspectives.

the free spirit


Out of everyone, you wanted to be here the least. But since you're sequestered it's basically a free vacation. Hotel, free meals, a little bit of pay at the end of it all. Guess you can't really complain if you're stuck here. You don't have a ton waiting for you outside of jury duty so maybe it's for the best. You spent most of your time traveling, switching between jobs faster than the speed of light - you didn't hold onto them for long, mostly barista and restaurant positions. Now that you're on the jury, you can't help teasing the doctor about how smart they must be and how it'll help when deliberating over the evidence. Consider yourself a bit of an instigator. But it's just for shits and gigs... sometimes.

extra information.

woohoo! you're still interested in A Moral Dilemma. love the dedication. as a reminder, you may apply for up to three roles. you may be selected for as many as two, if any. this is not first come, first serve. however, we have many spots, so i hope everyone that is interested will find a role to play, even if it is not your first choice. if you have a first choice out of the multiple roles you may apply for, feel free to let me know. however, i make no promises.

face claims should be of real people - no art, drawings, AI, etc.

the roles were intentionally left vague. the descriptions are for inspiration, shape them as you will. the careers (if one applies to your role) are set in stone, however. your character may be retired, new to their career, about to change paths - whatever you want. if no career was specified, do what you will.

i want to see your characters have moral dilemmas and questionable traits, but perhaps have lovable aspects. they may not come to a unanimous decision, and that is okay! there should be disagreements and conflict.

โ™กcoded by uxieโ™ก

  • wasted summers




coded by xayah.แƒฆ

  • mihara fc satomi ishihara.pngfull name. Mihara Tanaka

    nickname(s), if applicable. Miha or Mimi

    age. 27

    birthday. April 4th

    gender/pronouns. cis female She/Her

    sexuality. Bisexual

    role. Skeptic

    portrayed by (face claim). Satomi Ishihara

    distinguishing features (scars, tattoos, birthmarks, etc.). Triangular-shaped birthmark on top of her right wrist.

    height. 5'5''

    physical description (optional, max 2 para). Mihara has shiny black hair that is long to three inches past her shoulders and bright brown eyes full of questions regarding the supernatural, the strange and the scandalous. Her skin is on the fair side and her body type is considered average with a very subtle hint of an hourglass figure.
Last edited:
full name. Courtney D'Amore
nickname(s). Court
age. 39
birthday. 9/25
gender/pronouns. Female (She/Her/They/Them)
sexuality. Bisexual
role. The Parent
portrayed by (face claim). Olivia Crain
distinguishing features. Scars going across her wrist down her arm, phoenix tattoo covering some of them on her wrist, semicolon tattoo on her pinky
height. 5'6"
likes/dislikes. [LIKES] thriller movies, ice cream trips with her kids, sweets, haunted houses | [DISLIKES] religion, crackers, government, PTO meetings
vices/virtues. [VICES] indifferent, callous, hedonism, egotistic | [VIRTUES] acceptance, openness, perceptiveness, welcoming
hobbies/quirks. refurnishes old furniture and sells them, collects wind chimes
personality description. She is an open-minded person who legitimately accepts anyone for what they decide they identify as, firmly believing that gender is a social construct and sexuality really is fluid. Court is very perceptive and observant about her surroundings, something she never grew out of from living in a gang infested neighborhood as a child. Because of this, she can't always help herself when she gets upset over something small that changed.

With other people, she's rather indifferent and callous in that she very much does not care to hide her words. She will likely say what everyone else is thinking and if it upsets you, that is a you problem. However, she is still caring to those she makes friends with that don't end up leaving due to her callousness.
background/history. Courtney was born into poverty. She lived with her older brother and their two parents in a part of town known for gang related activities. Growing up, she was usually the loud goth that was fueled by anarchy. Causing problems almost everywhere she went, but it was also very easy for her to make friends. She and her brother Sean got along well, though both believe it was due to their parents usually drinking or out on some bender or too busy fighting with each other or them.

Shortly after her fourteenth (14) birthday, Sean was killed in a drive by shooting during a gang war. The following two weeks were spent preparing his funeral and keeping herself alive. With no idea where her parents had gone off to, she was left to fend for herself for a short while. She began cutting as an outlet and selling off her own things to get some money to try and make some part of rent. Courtney eventually drove off her friends in her depression and anger, turning to alcohol herself.

Years later, when she was twenty-two (22), she was found almost dead on the street in the middle of winter. She woke up days later in a hospital bed and was able to meet the man that had saved her. He offered her help in getting sober and getting on her feet and eventually the two grew closer together. They are still together, going on seventeen (17) years of being together (6 of those married) with two kids; 8 and 5.

juror questions.
  1. What are your thoughts on the role of a jury in our legal system? "It's silly, just find people who want to do this five days a week."
  2. How do you keep an open mind? "Well, it's not cut open, that's for sure. No? Tough crowd. As long as they're not an asshole, I won't be an asshole. I don't give a shit... oh excuse me, a damn about what they do or who they sleep with or what's between their legs or on their chest."
  3. Do you think all people are biased? "There is always bias in some way with something, so yes. Everyone has some form of bias."
  4. Are you empathetic? "No. Maybe? Certain situations do not come easy to me to be empathetic about, but sometimes I can be."
  5. What does justice mean to you? "It means that pedo got what was coming to him or something along those lines. I support the death penalty for rapists and pedophiles and animal abusers. I also support victims getting their due justice for what was done to them."
  6. What values are most important to you? "Honesty. Loyalty too but mostly honesty."
  7. How do you manage stressful situations? "I go on shopping sprees and then listen to the lecture from my husband about why we don't spend money when we're upset. Then it leads into some really good... oh.. no too much? Sorry."
  8. Fact or emotion? "Fact."

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