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Fantasy A Magic's Folly

The Oracle gazed upon the Bearers, clearing his throat as he rose with a slow gracefulness. His robes flowed as he moved; a flick of his hand caused the wall behind him to shift. It's iridescent hues flooded the room, soon fading into an image of a burning, black world. The scenery was seemingly placid; a dark castle erected against a red sky, its towers gleaming with obsidian. Flags of grey waved against a gentle wind as if a baby were blowing upon it. Grass as green as could be covered the grounds, stretching into a wood with tall trees that swayed along with the motions.

It was peaceful, almost lovely, but there was something amiss. Florian's eyes widened slightly as he spotted a blight, dark and spotted, in the corner of the wood. The Oracle stared at the Bearers, his gaze heavy.

"As you have been told, there is a new world among our Four," he states, weariness dripping from his tone. "It seems that the Gods above us have been greeted by an old friend." The friend implied would be the new World, Florian noted. Worlds were created by one god each, carefully crafted as they watched from their Dimension. If a new world suddenly showed up, it would mean God has joined the Four; it's intentions could either be malevolent or benevolent, it could not be decided.

"This world is being consumed by darkness, but it is not the only one." The image flickered past each of the worlds, focusing on blight starting in various places, darkness tinging their lands. "The blight is the result of magic that is too strong, magic left over from the creation of the new World. As all of you know, us beings of the Four Worlds cannot hold the full potential of magic. Regular magic users hold around 5 percent, while our gifted Bearers have 15 percent. The Gods bear the full power of 100 percent, but it seemed as if some of the magic from their World has spread into ours. If not stopped, our worlds could disappear before our eyes."

Florian blinked. "How do we stop it?" he inquired softly, loud enough only for the Oracle to hear.

"The only way to prevent this is to appoint a new Bearer to this world. A dangerous prospect, as we know nothing of the world, its people, or its customs. We simply know its appearance and its existence. But we do know that the Bearer is the way to kill off the Blight."

The Guide's eyes narrowed. The Oracle left an unspoken message as he glanced at the empty chair, its simple design void of nothing but a frame and swirls of charcoal black. Florian knew very well that the new Bearer could fail, be killed in the process, and their quest turned null. His doubt was veiled within his eyes, and he straightened his back, now attentive.

"To reach the Fifth world is to breach the very source of magic within each world," The Oracle continued. "Although you are the most powerful in all of the worlds, you are not strong enough as four Bearers. Therefore I am appointing these two Guides, Florian and Marcellus, to accompany you." His words left no room for objection; the Bearers as well as the Guides would have no choice in the matter.

With a small cough, the Oracle sat down, leaving the images bright for all to see. "Questions?"

Lost Lost
Quick Info
Full Name: Florian Ethers
Title: The White Hare
Nickname: Ian
Age: 23
Height: 5'8"

Character Sheet


Sodales Besonna Runal

Mentioned: Bellz Bellz , Cychotic Cychotic , Bacon is fluffy Bacon is fluffy

Upon the entrance of finally another Bearer Sodales' professionalism resurfaced, and he quickly righted his posture in his chair as all thoughts of home were quickly banished. Ebony hair, crimson eyes, and unusual clothing in such a situation. With the smirk that danced on her lips, she was most likely the Bearer of Aster. The first woman to join their little soirée, so even with her conserved entrance she was clearly the subject of everyone's attention already. He thought it good to finally put a face to the name he had learned she bore- Alistar.

She presented the room an apology for her tardiness, and posed a question to no one in particular. Romulus was quickest to answer her question with a nod and an invitation into the room. Feeling nothing to add, he sat quietly while Florian confirmed to the new arrival that as of yet nothing had happened. Florian seemed... a little different as he observed the new arrival. More serious. But Sodales quickly dismissed it as just the atmosphere of the room.

"Wel-" He began to voice a greeting, but it caught in his throat as the final chair's occupant entered the room.

The Bearer of Newt had finally arrived, but not as Sodales had expected. The second woman to grace the room, wearing a dress marked by crimson and soot. She slipped past Alistar with a glancing touch on her shoulder, and gave everyone a smile before retreating to a seat at the table while turning to the Oracle. Following her lead, the Bearer of Aster took a seat as well.

He could not help but look at the Newt Bearer briefly. Her presence felt different from everyone else in the room. It made him uneasy. Closing his eyes briefly Sodales, banished his thoughts for a second time. Any distrust would only sour the coming discussion.


As the Oracle revealed what had brought them all together Sodales, who would normally have been beside himself with excitement, remained quiet while deep in thought. This 'Blight,' was, from what the Oracle said, slowly beginning to consume the Five Worlds. Quite frankly, with news such as this it was only obvious that the letters summoning all of them would be vague. This knowledge would no doubt cause panic... Or start a war.

When he first received word of the new world, he had relished the thought of being the first one to study it. He honestly would have given his left hand for but the chance to learn all that he could of this strange enigma. In some way, he would have his wish granted with this journey the Oracle demanded.

As these thoughts crossed his mind he thought back to what King Aras had taught him. The Worlds exist in a delicate balance, and that balance must be preserved at all costs. A lesson taken to heart bred purpose, and that was all he needed to agree... Not that he was given a choice obviously, but agreeing helps.

"How do we find this Fifth Bearer?"


"We believe the Bearer resides in a Dimensional Gap, in the same domain as the Gods. Therefore, we have found someone who may lead us to the Bearer." The Oracle's gaze landed upon the empty chair.

"It seems as if this other person has not arrived yet," Florian spoke, stating the obvious. "I found it ironic; the person we need the most is not even here yet."

"Patience," the Oracle warned. "He will be here whenever he gets here."

The Guide sighed softly, returning to his languid posture; head propped gently on his hand with his body leaned across the table. He began to notice the Bearer of Newt, and his eyes widened in pleasant surprise. She looked as if she cared about nobody, including herself. With the motions of a well oiled machine, Florian could not help but wonder what put the calm fire in her eyes. In the midst of this, he conjured a swirling orb a water in his free hand, bouncing it gently as if bored beyond belief. Not exactly the most professional of appearances, but Florian did not care.

Lost Lost
Quick Info
Full Name: Florian Ethers
Title: The White Hare
Nickname: Ian
Age: 23
Height: 5'8"

Character Sheet


Romulus Estar Banin
It wasn't a moment later that the bearer of Newt arrived. Evidently she saw fit to say nothing as she took her seat, and Romulus pursed his lips as he spied the soot covering her face and clothing. It looked like she'd just arrived from a war zone, though for all Romulus knew she probably had. He made a mental note to be wary of her. Whatever her strengths, he feared she may prove to be a liability in the future.

Romulus' thoughts were interrupted by the Oracle, who suddenly rose from his seat, cloak flowing gracefully behind him, and Romulus leaned forward onto the table. This "new world" filled him with a certain unease, not only for what it heralded, an old god returned and a new bearer, but for the ordered chaos it seemed to represent. The magic of the gods looked to destroy everything known to him, not through the wild and unpredictable nature of man, but through the systematic and ordered nature of magic. He tapped his fingers quietly on the table in front of him, a subconscious indicator of what he felt.

It was when the "dimensional gap" was mentioned that Romulus' countenance visibly shifted. Residing upon the same plane as the gods, he mused on what that could be like. If the fifth bearer could reside there then it must be possible for mortals to survive it, and he could only imagine the opportunities he may have to influence the four worlds. He determined then, if given the chance in the future, he would take the opening.

Romulus shifted his gaze to the cool blue eyes of the Oracle. He had to focus on the now however, and he had questions. "Two questions. The first, do we have a leader? I understand the guides," He said, gesturing to Florian and Marcellus. "but we don't know what we'll be facing. I'm sure Newt understands the advantages of this." He gave her a cool glance, he hadn't gotten her name. "And another, what world will we be visiting first?" He was careful to word this question casually, he wanted to avoid a full blown argument if he could, though he knew some worlds held more value than others, and whatever world they chose, the god's magic would be working still in the others. Destruction was inevitable, though how far the destruction reached was a matter of speed. There would be death.

Bellz Bellz Cychotic Cychotic Rari Rari Lost Lost Bacon is fluffy Bacon is fluffy

"I will be guiding you through the Guides themselves," the Oracle answered, his hand running through his white hair. "We will first visit Aster due to the nature of the Queen." It was not meant as an insult, but a statement towards the Queen's kindness. "To prevent any misgivings between you all, I will give you the next world you shall travel to after you complete the first."

Florian nodded in agreement, knowing that these people would heed the Oracle's words. They knew of his importance, and what disobeying him with this quest would bring. However, he had a question of his own. "What are we seeking in Aster?"

The Oracle regarded Florian with a glance before answering. "We seek the key to the Dimensional Gap. Each of world has a Key. Usually it resides in its most magic filled area."

"That would be the Church of Giving," Florian stated. The Church of Giving was a broken down part of Aster; its ruins were Aster's only hint to a dark beginning. It crawled with monsters of darkness, as well as spirits of those who were forever angry. Florian knew just how dangerous such a place could be. He hoped the Bearers had a clue as well.

Lost Lost
Quick Info
Full Name: Florian Ethers
Title: The White Hare
Nickname: Ian
Age: 23
Height: 5'8"

Character Sheet

Alistar Duvè Cychotic Cychotic Rari Rari Alexander Time Alexander Time Lost Lost Bacon is fluffy Bacon is fluffy

Alistar listened closely to the Oracle as he proceeded to explain their mission here. It was quite interesting. A Fifth world. She supposed that it would start some sort of controversy if they did not handle this situation delicately. Her eyes flickered to a few faces, trying to decipher everyone's reactions. But as he mentioned traveling to Aster, her eyes quickly moved back to the Oracle. Home. She was already missing it. One could feel the magic that the land possessed and it was like a breath of air to her. She felt strong there than she did anywhere else. She could be at her truest potential there.

She nodded in understanding. The Queen was beyond generous. But she also knew that the Queen feared the Church of Giving and the darkness within. Alistar was normally the one who visited the place. Seeing as how she was a bearer, the Queen and her both knew that it was her duty to protect the land and its people, at any cost. "I was just there the other day." She mentioned, her voice not so delicate now. "The Queen has been having me watch over the area." Ali looked between the others.

"There have been rumors around that it has gotten stronger.....but I have yet to see that..." She said calmly before glancing over at the Oracle.


░░ Marcellus Warren ░░

Cychotic Cychotic

Marcel grinned. "Tis good," he said, "I have not been home
in years."

Marcel's smile quickly turned into a confused frown, as though he thought of something that didn't add up. He opened his mouth to say something, hesitated, then finally decided to come out with it. "I am curious about something, however. Why is this jova, this guide, the only one who can guide the haerî to the new Bearer? Shouldn't a soothsayer such as yourself hold the ability to see the way?"

He shifted uncomfortably; he hadn't meant for his question to be accusatory, but it appeared to sound that way. Marcel hoped the wise man would not take it the wrong way.

[Sorry for taking so long, by the way! I've been away all day, so I haven't had the chance to write anything up.]

code by [COLOR=#CBCBCB]aukanai[/COLOR] --- for Lost Lost 's use only
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The Oracle nodded at Ali with approval. "It has indeed gotten stronger, the blight will reach it in a matter of weeks," he said gravely. His eyes landed on Marcel with the hint of a smile. Florian gazed upon him as well, knowing his question had no ill intention.

The Oracle cleared his throat; "I cannot guide you because I myself do not know where the new Bearer is. This jova has a unique ability that I myself do not have." He left it vague, as if no explanation was needed. Florian had no doubt it would be explained by the Guide himself. His interest was piqued, however. If the Oracle spoke highly of this Guide, it meant he had something worth mentioning.

Florian made a mental note to dig into this as soon as possible.

Lost Lost
Quick Info
Full Name: Florian Ethers
Title: The White Hare
Nickname: Ian
Age: 23
Height: 5'8"

Character Sheet


Elizabeth Hawthorne
It was not long before things started to move forward in the meeting. The oracle as she expected, took center stage and garnered the room's almost undivided attention. Sodales on the other hand was somewhat of an exception, his glancing eye rife with uncertainty and distance briefly took inventory of her. She smirked ever so slightly,but didn't fully avert her gaze from the oracle. But rather she took note of him as well. Unlike the vessel of aster, she seemed to unnerve the veyn vessel. She hummed a slight tune and listened in as the oracle and the others conversed. After the main course of the presentation, the likes of which was still rather vague to her, she almost motioned to raise her hand as a sign of respect. However each time she was interrupted, left to stagnate as her frustration started to build up. Still she kept her composure and listened in, opting to take note of the other's concerns rather than immediately voice her own.

Immediately what stood out to elizabeth as being blatantly obvious, is the eagerness of the Faunian. He unnerved her, his tongue was quick and his posturing was consistent. If anyone was to be looked out for, it'd be him.
"Two questions. The first, do we have a leader? I understand the guides, but we don't know what we'll be facing. I'm sure Newt understands the advantages of this."
Her interest peaked, she once again motioned to speak when again the faunian took the floor. She only caught a snippet of his exchange with the vessel of aster, but he himself proved time and time again to be one to look out for in case of a power struggle. This much she was certain, either over eager or a snake like her chancellor, he was not to be trusted she thought.

When there was a break in the exchange between the others, she stood up and narrowed her gaze on the oracle once more. " Somethin has been on my mind since the moment talk of gods and blight became the topic of conversation here.. that is why are we needed for this venture? A bearer is not strong enough to outrightly break into the new world,but we certainly are able to retrieve its bearer"? She moved from her seat and paced a few steps, eyes scanning the room. " Why are we being called upon to take responsibility for that of a god? None of this seems to add up. What merely was white noise about preserving the balance for the livestock...has evolved into something fishy...it's as if this is all one great con". Her brows furrowed, she narrowed her gaze on the oracle, " Everyone is so eager to throw themselves at the butcher, that they never stopped to think about whether we should even take part in this vent--err potential trap. If that doesn't add up to you all, just take note of the oracle conveniently knowing what to do,but he himself is not accompanying us on this quest".

Cychotic Cychotic Rari Rari Alexander Time Alexander Time Bellz Bellz Lost Lost

Sodales Besonna Runal

Mentioned: Bacon is fluffy Bacon is fluffy , Cychotic Cychotic

The roomed seemed to freeze itself in its tracks as the Newt Bearer made her voice heard. Some seemed to be taken aback by her forceful distrust of the Oracle, and Sodales was no exception. The Oracle was someone that he had not been screwed over by before, so his trust in him was only natural. But it did seem strange that the Oracle knew this issue so thoroughly despite how recently it must have arisen. Knowledge that one could take trust in took time to gather, as any academic worth the air they breathe knew. Taking such logic into account, the Oracle's credibility would surely be drawn into question. Or, of course, the Oracle has known about the existence of a new world for some time and has kept that knowledge to himself... Which meant he and his fellow Bearers might be working off an incomplete picture in the coming journey.

Sodales looked between the Oracle and the Bearer of Newt. One gave nothing away at what was going through their mind, and the other gave away everything. Sodales knew little about the Oracle and his fellow Bearers, but Newt was the only one he knew almost nothing of. Not a word about who she was as a person nor what she stood for had reached his ears... With that in mind, her reasons for drawing the Oracle's trustworthiness into question could not be guessed since he had nothing to go off of.

Taking a moment, Sodales looked among everyone in attendance. Everyone looked in thought at the situation fate had presented them, and no one was jumping at the chance to be heard in such a tense atmosphere. At that moment two truths were obvious to him- in such a time, with such information at hand, either both could be trusted... or neither.

"Such a bother..." Sodales mumbled under his breath, before stood to bring everyone's attention to him.

"It would seem that an unfortunate viewpoint has been brought to light. Our fellow Bearer has made her distrust of the Oracle known, and I am sure everyone has found her argument sound. So..." He looked at the Newt Bearer for a moment, then turned to the Oracle with a steady gaze, "... Why not give both the benefit of the doubt. Only the guides in attendance have been around you long enough to have a solid foundation for trust. With that in mind, make us trust you."

Sodales smiled, hoping to drain a little of the tension,
"I sometimes forget that even an oracle does not simply know everything by design. Please, explain how you have come to know what you know. What have you seen that has brought us all here. Such concerns you should be used to, of course. Why are we unable to open a way to this new world, something second nature to us Bearers, but are able to meddle our way into literally the realm of the 'Gods'? If you would explain to us these concerns any distrust should be sated. And, we should all be in agreement at the task set before us, Would you not agree?"

Finishing what he had to say he turned to the Newt Bearer, hoping for a look of agreement at the compromise he had offered. With his lot cast he sat back into his seat, and he assumed silence once more. He knew his 'compromise' was pushing the Oracle into a corner, but he honestly believed that the Bearer of Newt would probably not be satisfied even if he would explain. But, hopefully, this would gain her cooperation for the time being.


As the room stilled, the Oracle nodded, a sign of admiration for Newt's sharp ability. It would seem to him that he would have to explain in full, as the girl wanted to know exactly what she was getting herself into, as well as the other Bearer, Sodales.

He breathed a ragged breath, his old age apparent. "We will begin by what I have seen," he murmured. "Just two days ago, I journeyed towards the Oracle's Stone to receive the visions that plague me monthly. All of you young-lings should have knowledge that the gods allow me to see their happenings. While I cannot disclose the precise detail, such as the appearance of our beloved gods. Others, such as why the world has risen is unknown to me. The gods did not seem to know themselves.

We are unable to reach this world with your current magic because it is too powerful for us mortals. You understand, that being vessels of magic, we are only capable of a fragment of true power such as the gods possess. Because of the new-ness of the world, it is rich in power. If you had no knowledge of this, listen carefully. If one without the proper ability is exposed to such volatile and high dosages of magic, they begin to give in to the magic's will, becoming creatures of blight.

Completely based on my own speculation, I believe the new world has much to do with the fact that the blight exists in the first place. I have a suspicion that this is not the first time the World of Ash has come with magic too strong for its vessels." The Oracle paused to clear his throat of irritation.

"The worlds you are able to access, Veyn, Faun, Aster, and Newt, do not have such potent magic. Indeed, they are worlds with magic, but notice that none go as far as bending their vessels until they ultimately break. The four worlds do not possess this and we should be very thankful that they do not, for we would be slaves to power itself.

Now onto the matter of the retrieval of the Bearer. The purpose of the Keys laid out in each kingdom is most likely one unknown to you. Eons ago, when the worlds first emerged, the First Bearers cast upon the potential of each World's magic in these Keys as they withered away from this world. Their sacrifice spared all of us the agony of a full power. In this action, they chose to separate from the gods. If brought together we may enter their domain to retrieve the oddity of a Bearer. The reasons the gods cannot gift us with the Bearer is simple. Although gods, they dare not sacrifice their worlds by walking upon them once again. The magic is too potent and their love for their worlds too strong to make such a choice.

Therefore the only way to get through to the New World is to find pieces allowing us to survive. Meanwhile, we must also find this Bearer for any hope of ending such blight."

(Oh dear, this is a lot).

Bacon is fluffy Bacon is fluffy
Bellz Bellz
Alexander Time Alexander Time
Rari Rari
Lost Lost
Quick Info
Full Name: Florian Ethers
Title: The White Hare
Nickname: Ian
Age: 23
Height: 5'8"

Character Sheet

Last edited:

Romulus Estar Banin
Romulus raised his eyebrows at the bearer of Newt's statements. Few had ever disrespected the Oracle, let alone questioned his motives. He took a moment to let her words sink in before opening his mouth to give a scathing reply, though likely to the benefit of everyone present, Sodales spoke first. He clenched his jaw at Sodales' agreement with Newt but he had to admit the concern had some merit, and sounded much less accusatory coming from a more level head.

Putting on a passive face, Romulus casually scanned the faces of the room's other occupants as the Oracle began to give Newt her explanation. It was evident already that this would be no easy journey, and the distrust between the group would likely be an important obstacle to hurdle. If Florian and Marcellus were to guide them, they'd certainly have their work cut out. Thinking back, this 'Church of Giving' didn't sound like the most popular place in Aster, certainly the most dangerous. He leaned back, folding his hands together in front of him.

Appearing disinterested, Romulus listened intently as the Oracle explained the purpose of the four keys and the history surrounding their creation. Certainly if one were to breach the realm of the gods The Oracle couldn't have chosen a more capable group of people. It occurred to him that they would, in fact, be returning with a bearer for a new world. Someone who would hold knowledge of the realm of the gods that perhaps even the Oracle himself wouldn't be aware of. Clearing his throat, Romulus nodded towards the Oracle. "Now that we've covered that little distraction" He said, avoiding eye contact with both the Newt bearer and Sodales. "When do we begin?"

Bellz Bellz Cychotic Cychotic Rari Rari Lost Lost Bacon is fluffy Bacon is fluffy

Intrigue was all Florian felt as the Oracle poured out his knowledge. The Newt Bearer certainly wore the pants of bravery, skirting between outright disrespect and courage. The words of his Oracle were rarely questioned; there were years of service to back his sayings. He peered over towards Romulus, who seemed to dislike the presence of the girl, as well as her irritating outburst. It seemed the group would require patience and time to bond and earn trust. He tapped his finger against the table in thought, brow furrowed with a slight distaste. Florian would certainly be spared from ever slacking off - this group would take much of his and Marcellus' time.

With Romulus' voice interrupting his thinking, Florian gaze upon the Oracle, expecting an obvious answer. No doubt they would be put to service as soon as humanely possible. Romulus did have weight in his word, a small dagger turned towards the Newt Bearer; he suppressed a laugh.

"You will leave in the cusp of night," the Oracle answered. "You may scour the grounds and do as you may as long as you do not leave us with any troubles. Prepare anything that is needed. Our grounds are open to you."

With that, the Oracle stood, his robes flickering. He gave the Guides a nod and strode off, most likely to tend to other matters. Florian subconsciously touched the amulet on his neck. It would be their only way of communication. He sighed, stretching upwards with a lazy smile. He would enjoy this last day of peace to the last second; it would be long before he would be able to relax.

Bacon is fluffy Bacon is fluffy
Bellz Bellz
Alexander Time Alexander Time
Rari Rari
Lost Lost
Quick Info
Full Name: Florian Ethers
Title: The White Hare
Nickname: Ian
Age: 23
Height: 5'8"

Character Sheet


░░ Marcellus Warren ░░

Cychotic Cychotic Bellz Bellz Bacon is fluffy Bacon is fluffy Alexander Time Alexander Time Rari Rari

Marcel let out a breath as the Oracle left the room, and shot a worried glance at his comrades. He had heard that previous Bearers didn't all get along, but the tension in that meeting had been suffocating. He really hoped that between him and Florian, it would be possible to arouse some feelings of comradery between the heroes. After all, the world rested on their shoulders; it wouldn't do to spend precious time squabbling.

Tearing his gaze away from the Bearers, Marcel stood. He'd have enough time to stew on the inevitable clash between Bearers. For now, he would heed the Oracle's advice, and pack. He gave the Bearers a friendly nod, and stepped out of the room.


The young Guide frowned as he reached another dead end. "This isn't right," he muttered, "the exit should be right here." He turned around, and proceeded down another hall, only to be met with yet another blocked hallway. His frowned deepened.

He tried several more passages, with similar results.

Finally he sighed, exasperated. "Human structures are much too complicated." He leaned against the wall, dejected.

code by [COLOR=#CBCBCB]aukanai[/COLOR] --- for Lost Lost 's use only
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2 | Too Many Givings

As day reaches Faun, the Bearers set out without a farewell from the Oracle. Tasked with opening the portal to Aster ( Bellz Bellz ), Alistar allows the group to enter her world, landing them deep within a time of festivity within the city. A festival of Fae to celebrate the upcoming spring.

During this time, they will journey to the Church of Givings with the permission of the Queen, and encounter some creatures who do not wish for their presence. It is currently afternoon in Aster; please begin by writing your character into its festivities, where they are being swept away by the life of the party.

Rari Rari
Alexander Time Alexander Time
Blackrussian Blackrussian
Lost Lost
Bacon is fluffy Bacon is fluffy
Alistar Duvè Cychotic Cychotic Rari Rari Alexander Time Alexander Time Lost Lost Bacon is fluffy Bacon is fluffy

Alistar looked around quickly as she tried to figure out a way to lead the group out of the crowds. Thousands of people had gathered into the streets to celebrate the changing of the seasons. This was her favorite time of year. Colorful lights shone throughout the streets, catching the attention of all eyes. There were street performers, dancers and even a little ceremony in honor of the queen and the world that they all called home. She honestly didn't realize how much she missed home until they were all smack in the center of it. As one of the Queens closest advisors and friends, she knew that the royal would have a fit if she saw the way Alistar was dressed. Much like the style of every one in Aster. Clothes were form fitting. But where she wore all black, others wore spring colors that helped brighten the streets with color. It was only early in the afternoon and the party had most likely been going on since dawn.

Aster was unique compared to the other worlds. It had its own style, voice and even heart. The people were kind and warmhearted, always looking for a good time. The festivities would last for days, but it always seemed to be spotless after it was all over. Alistar loved that she could once again feel the magic of her own world pulsing through her. It was strong enough that even outsiders would feel it.

Looking towards the group, she tried to make sure they stayed as close as possible. Suddenly though, someone bumped into her and sent ale splashing all over her. Growling and gritting her teeth, she looked the drunken man dead in the eye before he scamped off quickly into the crowd. Sure, Alistar enjoyed a good party. She was from Aster after all. However, she did not enjoy getting beverages spilt on her. "This way." She said before pushing her way through the crowd, glancing back to make sure that everyone was following her. The Church of Givings was farther down and away from the main strip. Alistar spent most of her time guarding and watching it. The creatures.....were something that she had never seen before. They were said to be worse than the ones in the forest.

Looking back towards the group once more, she offered a sly smile now. "So, what do you think of Aster so far?" The looks on their faces already said it all.


Elizabeth Hawthorne
Elizabeth found herself free falling through Aster's magical field. It was dense like syrup and wrapped itself around her body as if it were rejecting her. Her consciousness fading, she forced the stream away from her by drawing a boundary between her and Aster's magic, starting from her heart and lashing out like a cobra to form a half circle around herself. The magic did not dissipate, but rather it broke upon her boundary like water to a dam. The trip though, however brief it was, ended with her landing smack dab in the middle of a festival. She slowly rose to a standing position and took a cursory glance at Aster, while its vessel Alistar was busy taking in the scenery. Her eyes watered ever so slightly as she fought the urge to lash at the next drunken peasant who would bump into her. The air was repugnant, the over saturation of magic was almost enough to make her more delirious than any concoction a human could conjure up. Although on the outside the festival looked quite pleasant, something she as a newtian would never experience. Its people seemed happy and content. They gorged themselves at an unnatural pace and sang in merriment almost as if they were in harmony. It was off putting, a place which she could only dream about was in some ways more unsettling than her own war torn world.

As they made their way through the packed streets, she followed Alistar with the utmost care. Elizabeth didn't want to get stranded on the side of the road with one of those performers. Nor did she want to be tempted by its locals to partake in their bountiful feast. Their merriment had an unnatural pull to her in particular, but everytime she drove away the locals with a scowl.

"So, what do you think of Aster so far?"
She put a half hearted smile and strode to the head of the pack to find a place beside Aster's vessel. She placed a finger to her cheek and looked toward the sky. " Tis a far cry from my home. When we get a free moment, I'd like a tour, if'n you wouldn't mind".

Bellz Bellz

░░ Marcellus Warren ░░

Cychotic Cychotic Bellz Bellz Alexander Time Alexander Time Rari Rari

Marcel let out a pained breath as they exited a particularly thick group of people. Of all the times they were to come to Aster, it had to be during a festival in which he would most definitely be recognized. He shivered at the thought of what the Fae would do if he was identified.

He knew he wouldn't be able to remain inconspicuous for long; he had to find some disguise. He shot his companions a guilty look, and melded into the crowd.

He pushed his way through the throng of citizens and Fae, until he spotted what he was looking for: a mask shop. He shoved past the last few people and reached the shop.

The shopkeeper looked up at Marcellus, bored. "Looking for a mask, I suppose?" Marcel nodded, and the man stepped aside to show his collection. There were only a few masks left, those being a wolf, a fox, and a tortoise. He pointed towards the fox.

The man stood and, taking his sweet time, pulled the mask off of the shelf. He cast a glance at Marcel from the corner of his eye. "Say," he started, "don't I know you from somewhere?"

Marcel shook his head. "Nieva-" He shut his mouth and resorted to simply shaking his head, lest he give himself away with his native tongue.

The vendor huffed. "If you say so, buddy. Here's your mask; it's on the house." Marcel muttered his thanks, put the mask on, and set off in search of the group.

It took a few moments, but he finally found his comrades in the crowd. He silently rejoined them, hoping none noticed his absence.

code by [COLOR=#CBCBCB]aukanai[/COLOR] --- for Lost Lost 's use only

Florian's breath caught as a thick field of magic overwhelmed his body; so potent, teeming with strength. He reached out a hand, wanting to taste this magic for its worth, but was tugged back. His vision cleared and he found himself standing among a busy street. A crowd sprawled over it; its people masked and bearing colourful gowns and costume. He scrunched his nose in distaste for one of the clashing garments one of the party-goers wore and sighed. The Guide inhaled deeply, the strings of magic were ever so powerful in Aster. He had never experienced it for himself, but the intense filling of such power was alluring. Overwhelming, almost.

He cast a glance over to Newt's Bearer, who seemed a bit disoriented and rather had an ill mood. Florian quirked a single white brow at her. At the corner of his eye, he caught Alistar shoveling through the crowds and he followed, noting Elizabeth did the same. She had a harsh, almost wary, recklessness about her as she pushed through with force.

Florian picked up his speed, wishing not to find himself lost in such an unfamiliar world nor lose himself to the festivities. However great his desire was to relax and sweep one of the party-goers to who-knows-where, he knew he had responsibilities. He decided to stick behind the Alistar and Elizabeth, his ears keen to listen for the conversation.

Something was a bit...odd.

He scoured over the faces around him, realizing Marcellus found himself an elegant mask, most likely to blend into those around him. Florian gave the other Guide a questioning look before returning his gaze upon the two in front of them. To his surprise, loud horns sounded and the crowd rushed to either side of the street, pushing the group apart. He struggled against them for just a second before deciding to let them sweep him away, for the sound of horses indicated an arrival. Judging from the hushed voices around him and the look of awe, he assumed the Queen had arrived to give the citizens a bit of fun.

Florian was not far off, as a chariot strode through, with intricate ornaments hanging from its trimming. The Queen, clad in billowing silk strode by, her smile bright against the scenery around her. She blew kisses, laughing as performers marched behind her, doing hazardous stunts and performing visual magics. His view was blocked and he could not make out where the others were. Unfortunate to be lost upon arrival.

Bacon is fluffy Bacon is fluffy
Bellz Bellz
Alexander Time Alexander Time
Rari Rari
Lost Lost
Quick Info
Full Name: Florian Ethers
Title: The White Hare
Nickname: Ian
Age: 23
Height: 5'8"

Character Sheet


Sodales Besonna Runal


"... Ah... Magic is overflowing here as always..."

After following Alistar's lead into Aster, Sodales took a moment to close his eyes and breathe deeply. The magic of Aster was always so incredibly dense that even those insensitive to it could feel the difference. For Sodales it was like inhaling a wonderful smoke into his lungs. It calmed him as he drowned in the magic of the air, the world slipping away slightly. Magic affected everyone in its own way, and for him it came close to intoxicating. He knew well in advance how the incredible magic saturation in Aster would affect him, so he made sure he prepared himself beforehand to resist its affects. It was quite easy for him to lose himself in that intoxication if he were not careful. Thankfully he knew he would be able to avoid such an occurrence, but would have to manage with the distinct buzz he would have until his body adjusted itself as it did last time.

"... I will enjoy it while I can then..." Sodales mumbled softly, his deep baritone resonating in his throat.

Freeing himself from his own little world, Sodales took in his surroundings. In a beautiful contrast to the serious purpose that had brought them there Aster was engaged in a festival of sorts. People crowded the street the group had found themselves in, and they each were clothed in bright colors not dissimilar to what Sodales normally wore. He smiled at the merriment of the people, carrying on in their ignorance that the worlds were slowly collapsing around them... Perhaps once their business at the Church of Giving was concluded they would partake in the festivities before moving on. One had a right to such a simple hope, after all. Were it not for his compatriots, he might have been tempted to have his fun raiding every food and drink stand in sight. It had been a little while since he gorged on Aster's unique cuisine.

With a brief glance he noticed that his companions were steadily drawing away from him, so he moved to close the distance. Moving through the street so dense with people was difficult. He was unable to move even a step without knocking against at least two people who were so absorbed in the own worlds to have not noticed he had ever existed. It annoyed him, bouncing among the people, but his reward for bearing that annoyance was soon given in the form of him finally catching up with his compatriots. It was not difficult because they stood out so much he had no fear of losing them. Alistar and Newt had found there way to the front of the pack at some point, with everyone trailing behind them. Interestingly enough Marcellus had donned himself a mask; somewhere in his mind Sodales made note to ask why later.

"Aster festivals are quite different from the ones held back home..." Sodales mused to himself as he looked among the various vendors, performers, and the overflowing party patrons crowding the sides of the street.

Festivals were common place in Aster, but back in Veyn they were held incredibly rarely. Truthfully, unless something affected the world as a whole occurred a festival was never held. Only four in the last century to Sodales' knowledge. One for the crowning of King Aras, one for his marriage, another for the birth of Aras' daughter, and the most recent for Sodales' own coronation. With smirk and a scoff Sodales thought it unfortunate. More festivals would be quite the fun time... He might talk to Aras about it at some point.

As plans for a festival filled future glanced his mind, he quickly began to realize that he was being forced backward by the movement of the crowd. He did not fight the flow of things, but looked around trying to catch glimpses of his comrades to no result. He shrugged as the movement of the crowd ceased, and through the gap in the street the people had made the Queen of Aster made her appearance. She was indeed the monarch of a laid-back world such as Aster, because of how she laughed and blew kisses at the crowd; clearly making no attempts at maintaining the visage of a ruler. In the briefest moment he compared her to King Aras, who had always been steadfastly rigid and expressionless during festivals in Veyn. With such a comparison in mind, he laughed.

"Such a bother..." Sodales' joyous laughter ended as abruptly as it had started as he remembered that his companions were lost among the crowd. "... I am sure someone responsible will gather everyone together..."

Such irresponsible things crossed his mind as he glanced behind him to find several food stands, loudly tempting him in their delicious glory.

Alistar Duvè Cychotic Cychotic Rari Rari Alexander Time Alexander Time Lost Lost Bacon is fluffy Bacon is fluffy

Alistar listened to the bearer of Newt's response and gave a warm smile. Not a lot of things touched her as deeply as most beings from Aster. The Queen had once joked about Alistar's heart being made of ice. Ali supposed that she was different from the rest of the people here. She never showed much emotion, too focused on her position to have fun. The people were important to her, this world was. Everything about it was so unique in a way that made her feel connected with it somehow. Maybe that was why she intimidated most people. Silently watching them openly and sizing them up. Like a mother protecting her child around strangers. Trying to get a read on who she was dealing with.

"I-" She could only get one word out in response before a cheer from the crowd interrupted her. She turned to the streets to see her Queen. Smiling and blowing kisses, Alistar couldn't help but laugh. If there is one thing that Ali felt, it was that she felt fiercely loyal to her Queen, as did the rest of the people. It was something they all agreed upon and everyone did their part to keep her happy and themselves happy. Thus, giving Aster the reputation of a laid back world. The magic was intoxicating to most but it calmed her and almost lulled her to sleep with its warm embrace.

She watched the Queen and the performers behind her continue down the street before turning to see that not Sodales was nowhere to be seen. Her heart jumped into kickstart as she began to scan the crowd. She turned quickly and moved back the way she came trying desperately to find him. She hoped the others would either stay put or closely follow behind her. After a few more moments of frantically looking =, she finally spotted him observing the scenery. She rushed to his side. But instead of getting angry like she normally would, she knew it would do her no good. Sighing, she stared at him openly with her intimidating crimson eyes. "We are over here, I apologize for leaving you behind. These festivals always make me a bit scattered"

As the Queen strode into view, Florian could not help but smile, even as he lost his comrades. She was a sight, a very happy leader who seemed all too content with her position. He noted that if he wanted to slip away, now would be the perfect time. As the crowds thickened, he brushed past the people around him, heading for one of the vendors selling sweets at the side.

He pulled out a couple of coins, sliding them over towards a man who seemed half drunk. Florian raised a brow before ordering. "A box of chocolates, please."

The man's movements were slow as he retrieved the box, handing it off to the Guide. He bowed his head in thanks and turned, finding himself a bit disoriented. Unsure of where the others were, Florian strode towards the edge of the crowd, watching as the Queen disappeared, the parade of performers still trailing behind her.

From what he could see, the parade was not to end any time soon and the crowd was all too happy to rage in the festivities. He pursed his lips and turned, looking for something to pass the time.

With a sigh, he headed towards a local bar. Upon approaching, he heard haughty laughter and loud bellows; surely from drunken men and women. Florian made a mental note not to intoxicate himself and slipped inside without so much as a backward glance to the parade.

Bacon is fluffy Bacon is fluffy
Bellz Bellz
Alexander Time Alexander Time
Rari Rari
Lost Lost
Quick Info
Full Name: Florian Ethers
Title: The White Hare
Nickname: Ian
Age: 23
Height: 5'8"

Character Sheet


Elizabeth Hawthorne
Something changed in the air, a tingling sensation shot up her spine and alerted her senses all at once. It was coming from the east, the feeling of uncertainty, which plagued her senses was fast approaching from the where the sun rose. Surrounded by extravagant performers mechanically performed tricks, stunts, and flips throughout the street as they escorted a lavish chariot. The crowd in a synchronized manner gathered at either side of the street, sweeping anyone and everything out of the way for whatever was approaching. Those who were locals, dawning masks and moving as if they had boundless energy were unmistakenly asterians. Those who got caught up in their flow, though few they might be, stood out like a sore thumb as the crowd nearly trampled everyone who could not keep pace. Elizabeth's first instinct was to stick by Alistar, but she was gone by the time she gathered her wits.

They're coming...more of them are coming

Elizabeth tried to slip through the crowd, but it was getting more compact by the second. It was almost inhuman, as if the people standing before her were literally forming a wall to block her path. She could faintly feel the presence of more people coming through the vibrations of the earth.

Tch, is the entire city converging here? fucking cattle

She bent her knees and began to gather the earth beneath her, a slight rumbling rocked the immediate vicinity around her,but the crowd was too entranced to notice. 3...2...1. With a single leap the earth shot up underneath her to form a weak earthen pillar that catapulted her over the crowd and onto a nearby rooftop. Looking down upon them, they were all clamoring when the chariot was passing by. Their fervor seemingly reaching a boiling point as they raised their arms, almost as if they were reaching for it by instinctively knew they could not get any closer. In the chariot she glanced at its passenger with eyes seething with power. It was a woman blowing kisses toward the crowd. Elizabeth's eyes naturally trained on her elegant appearance and the intricacies of her transport,but something was off about her. She bit her lip hard, a small trickle of blood. The pain allowed her to break her gaze with chariot rider and shut her eyes vehemently. The impulse to gouge her eyes out still coursing through her trembling fists.

I..hav--havta get out of here.

Unfortunately for her the crowd showed no signs of letting up and the parade itself seemed to stretch as far as the eye could see. 3...2...1. She clasped her hands together, inhaling deeply. As her lungs reached capacity, she exhaled and feel flat on her back.She gazed at the clouds above and the deep blue sky, something that no longer existed in her world. Rather than hastily running from the scene, she chose to stay put. Or at the very least, until the crowd dispersed.

Bellz Bellz Cychotic Cychotic Rari Rari Lost Lost

Sodales Besonna Runal

Mentioned: Bellz Bellz Bacon is fluffy Bacon is fluffy Cychotic Cychotic Lost Lost

"...?" Hearing a newly familiar voice Sodales redirects his attention away from the food stands to stare face to face with the Asteran Bearer herself. It seemed to him she had sought him out specifically, as her deep crimson glare blatantly stated.

Hearing her words, dripping with barely covered up annoyance, Sodales smiled faintly. Half a smile that dismisses her annoyance, and the other half suggesting that there was nothing to be angry over in the first place. He thought to voice his thoughts aloud, but a brief discussion with himself held his tongue. Needlessly setting himself at odds with this woman would only hinder their collective cause... Though, he thought had he made his comment known it would have amused him greatly.

"Ah, yes, my apologies Alistar. The crowd forced me away from the group, and my attention went elsewhere in the meantime." He apologized, but in a halfhearted sort of way, "We do have an agenda I realize, but simply forcing our way through the crowd will do little but cause a street brawl eventually. Might as well move with the flow of the crowd and relax while we have the chance. Winding ourselves up before actual battle is quite counter-intuitive."

He shrugged faintly, as if he did not really have that strong of a conviction in his words. Without sparing Alistar another glance Sodales showed himself to the food stands briefly to purchase a couple of Asteran apples. Fruit had always held a special place in Sodales' palette, and the magic-rich soil of Aster gave what was grown an interesting flavour. With purchase in hand he retreated back to the Asteran Bearer's side, then offered her an apple. Bribery was always an effective way of getting into someone's good graces.

"Besides... It would seem that everyone else has went off to their own devices as well." Sodales commented bringing to Alistar's attention everyone was not where she said they were. Then, in a comical fashion, someone vaguely resembling a certain Newt Bearer went sailing through the air onto a nearby building. "Discharging magic so frivolously. Interesting... Oh, how I wonder how our guides would react?"


Florian was indeed having a good time. With the looks the women were giving him from across the room, and his hand holding a drink that barely contained any alcohol, you could say he was having too good of a time. He gave out a laugh as a woman sauntered towards him, her hips swaying in drunkenness and her eyes light with euphoria. Certainly, she had an odd sense of grace about her, bounding with strides too long for her legs.

Florian had nearly greeted her with open arms and a lingering whisper when a sudden spike of magical aura caught his attention. The Guide's head swiveled, his eyes narrowing, brows in a questioning arch.

Had the parade caused the Bearers so much trouble already?

A tap on his shoulders brought his eyes back to the woman, who still held appeal in her glittering irises. He shook his head with a sigh, uncrossing his legs and smoothing out his coat. "Maybe next time, dove," Florian smirked, rising with barely a backwards glance as he exited. It was a bit irritating, in his opinion. He would have loved the opportunity to unwind from the severity of their mission. Alas, it seemed that one Bearer would strip away his fun as of now.

His mind flickered to the Newt Bearer, her face burned in his retina. Curious. From the energy coming above him, it seemed very likely that Elizabeth had taken to the skies, avoiding the crowd.

Although, it was starting to disperse, with the last lines of acrobats performing final stunts. His eyes peered upwards; the Bearer was indeed hovering above those on lower ground. Her movement was slight, the Bearer nearly perfectly still.

With a sigh, he strode forward, into now scattered crowds in search of familiar shock white hair and maybe some others.

Bacon is fluffy Bacon is fluffy
Bellz Bellz
Alexander Time Alexander Time
Rari Rari
Lost Lost
Quick Info
Full Name: Florian Ethers
Title: The White Hare
Nickname: Ian
Age: 23
Height: 5'8"

Character Sheet


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