A Heart For A Kingdom

Name: Sir Gavino Ramsted

Age: 20

Appearance: In his armor:


Out of his armor:

Appearance description in words: Weighing in at 180 at 6'11", mostly muscle. Some of the best thing's that he posses's are his blue eyes, and his insurmountable wit. If he's not wearing his armor, which is a rare occurrence, he is usually wearing something that is rather comfy.

Personality:Gavino or Gavin is a caring person. He likes to take sometime for himself. Gavin is a hard worker on account that he actually had to work for everything he got.

History:Gavin was born to the Lord and Lady of the Flinhima, a township in the kingdom of Ember. A Township that is rich in history, and pride in their work. He didn't want to be like his other brother, A "Bloody Bastard" as Gavin would call him. His brother always was the favorite. He was always would beg for something and it would be handed to him. Not for Gavin, he busted his ass to become a great fighter.

Gavin hated his brother, so much that he actually ran away from home so he wouldn't have to deal with him. Yes they were family but he didn't care, he just hated him so much. He earned the title of Sir Gavino Ramsted, after three years of working helping people in need, he was knighted.

Skills:Sword fighting, combat, Archery, horse back riding, and the ability to come up with things on the fly.

Name: "
Prince" Daniel Jefferson

Age: 17


Appearance description in words: Weight: 159 Height: 5'6" His hair is white as snow, and his eyes as blue as the ocean. He is a bit on the thin side, but it helps him move faster.

Personality: Daniel is more of a out loud person. He doesn't care if anyone is listening, he will say what ever is on his mind. He loves to move, from swimming to horseback riding, if it moves then he is in. He is a little impatient when it comes to certain things.

History: Daniel was not born in this country. In fact he was born to the enemy of the kingdom of ember. His father had tried to have the king of Ember assassinated. They weren't always enemies. The feud has gone back generations. After the king of ember died, Daniel's father thought it would be good to get a blood relative into the castle, to claim the country for his own. But who says that Daniel wants his father to have the kingdom. So he left for ember, to claim the kingdom for his own.

When he arrived he figured no one should know who he is, so he abandoned his birthright.

Skills: Edict, swordplay, chess, although he is not that good, running, making a good cup of coffee, and playing hide and seek, if that counts.
Name: Princess Elena Alatorre


Appearance: Picture,

Appearance description in words:weighs 100 lbs, stands at 5'3", has deep blue eyes and long brown hazelnut colored hair. Her typical clothing consists of long brown or creme colored dresses, fitted to her body by the tailors or in very extravagant events she wears a lovely white gown pictured below , but at night when she swims, it is either her slip or something loose. Around the castle when she thinks no one is there she will wear a long loose dress that is almost see through except for the soft shining material of her drapes she wears over her shoulders.

Personality:Elena is one of the oldest, yet smallest of the group of sisters, taking in most of the responsibility in caring for her younger sisters. Since her parent's death that had taken a tole on them all, Elena has become stiff, quiet, and wholly the 'responsible' one of the group, always focusing on others, and never herself it seems.

History: Before her parent's death, Elena would sneak out go swimming out by the castle, but since then has never touched the water of the lake she so adored.

Skills:Swimming, and a very skilled dancer
Name: Prince Justin Haven

Age: 19


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/image.jpg.6f79f59c4769a4887febb831308bd94d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="25000" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/image.jpg.6f79f59c4769a4887febb831308bd94d.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Appearance description in words:

Height- 5'11

Weight- 165

Eye color- Gray

Personality: he can be stubborn and hot headed. Nice and rude most of the time. He can also snap to being angry when someone pisses him off.

History: He didn't really ever care to explain his history, the only thing he tells is he always wanted to be the royal heir to the king. He was a wealthy merchant, so he traveled a lot throughout most of his life.

Skills: Good Swords man, riding horses, and easy to memorize multiple things.



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Name: Princess Vanessa Alatorre

Age: 17

View attachment 67465

Typical Attire: Vanny prefers simple white, or pastel colored dresses with short sleeves and fewer skirts/layers. (Lol I'll try to find a picture of some that fit this era.. kind of)

Appearance description in words: Vanny was never known to be the prettiest of her sisters. No, typically she believed that title to belong to someone else. But seeing as she was an Alatorre, her looks were not a disappointment. Her hair was the color of rich chocolate, and her eyes were a deeper shade of green, just like her father's. She's not exactly petite, more curvy, standing at 5'5" and weighing about 117 lbs.

Personality: Vanny is a very informal person--she always has been. Doing serious, Princess-like duties were never her favorite, but she did them in respect of her parents. She loves to laugh and have fun, and she hates it when people address her any way other than her first name or nickname. Despite people's dislike for her lack of responsibility, she has a fierce loyalty that cannot be ignored, and she is respected for that.

History: Growing up, Vanny loved music. For some reason, it had always been special to her. When her parents bestowed the gift of her piano one day, Vanny fell in love with it and she learned to play. Sometimes, she would even dabble a little in writing music. However, with the death of her parents, she lost her passion and became unable to write. Now, she plays the piano very scarcely.

Skills: Playing piano is her thing. She also likes to take walks.
Dak, could you please make your post a tad bit longer? Just as long as you possibly can would be great.
Name: High Chief Thronvir The Cunning

Age: 21

Appearance (Without Armor):


Appearance (With Armor):


Appearance in words:
Even by the standards of his people, Thronvir is intimidating, at 6'3 and weighing 190 pounds, most of which is muscle. He has untidy dirt blonde hair, and a short beard. He has pale blue eyes which contain no mercy, and little to no emotion. He is practically always wearing armor, as he is practically always fighting. Weather it be raiding other nations, or fighting his own people.

Personality: Thronvir acts just like he looks, intimidating. He shows absolutely no mercy to anyone foolish enough to get in his way. He has little to no emotion, besides rage. But, he is also cunning. Throughout his life, Thronvir has learned, that a good chief uses good tactics to bring back more loot, and less dead shieldbrothers. Unlike the most of his people, who are expected by the more civilized nations, to charge headfirst into battle, no matter the casualties, waving an axe around, Thronvir makes good use of flanking tactics, ambushes, and archers, something his people don't normally use. Also, he knows when to fallback, but never to quit. If he's losing a battle, he'll fall back with the rest of his forces, and regroup to fight again, as soon as possible. But, if on the defensive, he will refuse to surrender. His flaw, is his bloodlust. This causes him to not only make war, but to be apart of it. Thronvir's favorite hobby is killing, so he's always in the frontlines, putting him in unneeded danger.

History: Born to the last High Chief, Thronvir was trained to fight from the very beginning. Instead of spending his teen years trying to fit in, or trying to find love or some crap like that, he was learning the ways of the seas, and the ways of the axe. His first raid, was at age 14, when he lead 3 Longboats of warriors to a small town on the coast of Ember. On his order, the town was looted, and then razed, leaving none alive except the prisoners and the crows. Thronvir decapitated the mayor himself, and impaled the fat man's head on a spear, and stuck it in the bloody ground, serving as a warning to Ember of the power of his people. At age 16, his father began teaching him the ways of a High Chief, teaching him how to lead his people to glory. At age 18, he participated in the Chief's Rite of Passage. It was quite simple, he was to fight his father, the High Chief before him, to the death in order to become High Chief. Thronvir won, but with a scar on his chest where his father's sword sliced him that would last throughout his lifetime. Since he became High Chief, Thronvir's been relatively quiet with any attacks on Ember, planning a great war against Ember, to not only raid it's coasts, but to subjugate it.

Skills: Incredibly dangerous with any weapon, but best by far with his large two-handed axe. He is also skilled in hand to hand combat, and throwing weapons. Like the two Throwing Axes he always carries at his sides.
SirDerpingtonIV said:
Name: High Chief Thronvir The Cunning
Age: 21

Appearance (Without Armor):


Appearance (With Armor):


Appearance in words:
Even by the standards of his people, Thronvir is intimidating, at 6'3 and weighing 190 pounds, most of which is muscle. He has untidy dirt blonde hair, and a short beard. He has pale blue eyes which contain no mercy, and little to no emotion. He is practically always wearing armor, as he is practically always fighting. Weather it be raiding other nations, or fighting his own people.

Personality: Thronvir acts just like he looks, intimidating. He shows absolutely no mercy to anyone foolish enough to get in his way. He has little to no emotion, besides rage. But, he is also cunning. Throughout his life, Thronvir has learned, that a good chief uses good tactics to bring back more loot, and less dead shieldbrothers. Unlike the most of his people, who are expected by the more civilized nations, to charge headfirst into battle, no matter the casualties, waving an axe around, Thronvir makes good use of flanking tactics, ambushes, and archers, something his people don't normally use. Also, he knows when to fallback, but never to quit. If he's losing a battle, he'll fall back with the rest of his forces, and regroup to fight again, as soon as possible. But, if on the defensive, he will refuse to surrender. His flaw, is his bloodlust. This causes him to not only make war, but to be apart of it. Thronvir's favorite hobby is killing, so he's always in the frontlines, putting him in unneeded danger.

History: Born to the last High Chief, Thronvir was trained to fight from the very beginning. Instead of spending his teen years trying to fit in, or trying to find love or some crap like that, he was learning the ways of the seas, and the ways of the axe. His first raid, was at age 14, when he lead 3 Longboats of warriors to a small town on the coast of Ember. On his order, the town was looted, and then razed, leaving none alive except the prisoners and the crows. Thronvir decapitated the mayor himself, and impaled the fat man's head on a spear, and stuck it in the bloody ground, serving as a warning to Ember of the power of his people. At age 16, his father began teaching him the ways of a High Chief, teaching him how to lead his people to glory. At age 18, he participated in the Chief's Rite of Passage. It was quite simple, he was to fight his father, the High Chief before him, to the death in order to become High Chief. Thronvir won, but with a scar on his chest where his father's sword sliced him that would last throughout his lifetime. Since he became High Chief, Thronvir's been relatively quiet with any attacks on Ember, planning a great war against Ember, to not only raid it's coasts, but to subjugate it.

Skills: Incredibly dangerous with any weapon, but best by far with his large two-handed axe. He is also skilled in hand to hand combat, and throwing weapons. Like the two Throwing Axes he always carries at his sides.
Love it! Accepted. You can feel free to invade with your team whenever you like, we're at a ball meeting some of the suitors so now might be a great time to strike the castle.

Princess Maria Alatorre

"Of the four, Maria is by far the most adventurous. Though that is eclipsed entirely by her insatiable need for recklessness."


age. nineteen

g. female

hair. brunette

eyes. hazelnut

weight. 112 lbs.

height. 5'5"

Maria is a delicate beauty with soft skin and slim, slender limbs. To the eye it appears as though she could float away with a healthy breeze but that would be misleading. Blessed with an ideal metabolism, Maria has been the same weight since her early teen years and hasn't put on a single pound; despite having a very healthy appetite. Her hair is long and ideal for the intricate and complicated styles that are required of a princess, especially with all of the decorations that are routinely added and replaced to enhance her natural beauty. Maria favours tight fitting bodices that compliment her figure opposed to the frilly, extravagant dresses worn by other royals.




Maria has many things that can either make somebody adore or despise her. She is a mixture of inquisitive curiosity, childish naivety and mischievous meddler. She is always asking questions that shouldn't be asked and exploring places that are better left unseen. Many times Maria does not care for the consequences of her actions and is a typical rebel, refusing to conform to traditions that she deems outdated and sometimes offensive. Though despite this, Maria would never do anything that would endanger or embarrass her sisters - seeing as they are all she has left.


Before the death of her parents, Maria was the natural born adventurer that her father encouraged her to be. Though her sisters had their own defying habits that tended to be more subtle than her own, Maria was forthcoming in her ideals and refusals. Despite this, it was always her father that could convince Maria to do things that she would otherwise avoid. So obviously it affected her greatly when her parents were announced dead.


Maria has memorised all of the secret tunnels and exits of the castle in secret. She knows where the servants go to gossip and has often eavesdropped on them - this has also led to Maria collecting a great deal of information about various royals and other people residing within the castle. She has also taken some lessons in the art of hunting, though these were done in secret and had always been by her father - she hasn't had the heart to continue them since his death.

Name: Felicita "Feliz" Cardona

Age: 16

Appearance: Picture,


Appearance description in words: Feliz is a young maiden with bright hazel eyes and once blond hair now dyed teal (This was a accident she wanted to dye her hair blue like her father however she did not know to bleach her hair first). She is 5'0 and 93 pounds on the nose and has never grown or gained any weight no matter how much milk or food she eats. She always wears her jester clothes (even in the town) and does not leave home with out her ribbon and juggling knives.

Personality: Feliz is the kind of girl that you can trust with anything, she is warm open and kind to all, she is extremely passionate of her work as a jester and hates to be confused with a fool. She is very compliant to almost any command with respect. Sometimes people forget she is there which is ok by her because then she learns a lot of new secrets.

History: Felicita's father Felix was a poor man who was born on the streets of Cardona (a Catalan town). While on the streets he became a entertainer, juggling, storytelling, and playing numerous forms of instruments. One day Felix met a young boy who was a few years younger than him who was looking down. Felix cheered him up with his many skills and was hired by the boy who turned out to be the son of one of the owners of the Castle of Cardona. Felix the Feliz became very popular and loved by the nobles and commoners. However when the castle was taken Felix was murdered and so his wife and child ran to wherver in Spain this is set, where they have relatives. Named after her father Felicita learned the trade from her father and mother, who was a acrobat and weapons dancer, and joined for a position at the castle as the jester. She is happy with her positon and is happy to be able to assist the princesses with anything a smile, a hug, or someone to listen.

Skills: Feliz is a skilled secret keeper she will never tell a soul unless the teller says otherwise. Feliz also learned many forms of combat from her mother including using a whip, throwing knives and swordsmanship. She also knows how to make smoke bombs (for entertainment purposes)
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Alright, so I was wondering if I could make another male character? I kinda mentioned him in my first post.. I really hope that doesn't come off as obnoxious or anything D: I'm sorry if it does, I just really wanted to make him, but no worries if you want me to scrap him :3

Name: Nico Pembroke

Age: 18

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/Nico.jpg.8c8967a650211c0392c6e3ccb0a7dcf9.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="25021" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/Nico.jpg.8c8967a650211c0392c6e3ccb0a7dcf9.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Appearance description in words: He has a mop of brown hair that's about medium length, with grey green eyes. He's about 5'11", weighing around 153 lbs. He's got a bit of a build from working with animals and being the boy to do heavy errands around the castle.

Personality: Nico has always been there for the princesses. He's loyal, just like his childhood friend, but he's a little more choosy about who he trusts. He loves to act like the jokester he is, and is often more sarcastic than he should be. Because of his strong friendship with Vanny, he sometimes forgets his place as a servant and speaks out of turn. Its gotten him into trouble before, but he doesn't worry about it because Vanny usually rescues him.

History: The Pembroke family has served the Alatorres for generations upon generations. They are among the most trusted of servants in the Alatorre castle, and their loyalty is not to be doubted. They are also honest, loving people who humble themselves with serving the king and queen. When Nico was born, he was raised to be the future heir's personal servant, but seeing as the king and queen never had a son, he was stuck with the job of taking care of the animals, while he apprentices the cook. He and Vanny first met when he was entranced by the sound of her piano. He was supposed to be delivering some food to the king, who was in his study at the time, but was quickly sidetracked by beautiful music. He thought Vanny's talent was incredible, and since then, remained her close friend. When he grows up, he plans to become the chef of the castle, as he was gifted the ability to cook impeccable food.

Skills: He's a fantastic cook. Ironically, he's terrible with animals and they hate him, so he tries to make scarce of his side-job whenever possible. His mother often berates him for it, but he's always had a talent for charming women with his sweet, sarcastic words.



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Prince Leonardo 'Leo' Vinzetti

"After the lion, of which he was named, none are more fierce or ferocious with a bow than Leonardo."


age. twenty six

g. male

hair. brown

eyes. blue

weight. 134 lbs.

height. 6'4"


Leo is a muscular man with a stubble lined chin and defined jawline. Though he doesn't have any visible marks, there are many scars across his chest from his time as a prisoner of war. He is usually very cold those he doesn't seem sure of yet but with the people he is close to, he is very protective of them and somebody they're definitely glad to have on their side.



Leo is the youngest of five brothers, but has been deemed the most worthy to rule his own kingdom. Though that being said, it's still up for debate; mostly because of Leo's interest in Ember. As a child, Leo and his brothers would go to Ember with his parents and would usually play with Maria. Since she was old enough to speak, Maria had always asked to see Leo's castle. It was because of their friendship that Leo knew he'd developed feelings for Maria.



Leo is an expert swordsman and has trained endlessly, but his true skill lies with the bow. He is one of the best marksman to ever serve and he has also had some training with hand-to-hand combat.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/10402858_328874750601506_7087966690313957638_n.jpg.5b95232c03fab2e0e41e3a63884d4580.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="25068" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/10402858_328874750601506_7087966690313957638_n.jpg.5b95232c03fab2e0e41e3a63884d4580.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>-Scott Miller (Scotty).


-23 year's old.

-195 lbs, 6'5.

-Blunt, Short tempered, Lazy, Flirt, Chill also Cocky.

-Likes; Boob's, Liquor, Cigarette's, also Food.

-Dislikes; Whining, Whores, Being told what to do.

-Special talent's; Sword's man, Hand to hand combat, Caring for other's.

-History; Scott Miller was abandoned as a child, Or that's what he was told. Not knowing the truth about his parents disappearance, He continued living his life as normal as possible not a care in the world. Some might say he was a cold bitter young man, But somewhere in there he was actually grieving for happiness. He never let himself get to close or comfortable with other's, The thought of losing someone would kill him bit by bit inside. So as for his daily routine, Scotty would help out his grandmother and grandfather. Fetching good's as he went into town every now and then, Also selling crop's that his grandparent's have grown. In his free time he would just lay up against a tall oak tree that stood tall in the front of his home. Watching as crowd's of people would pass by day in and day out, Yeah he didn't have much to offer but one thing was for sure he would give his life without thinking twice for the one's he loved. So basically he was just a normal guy, But one thing about this one in particular was that he has a special ability. A so called curse that passed on to him from generations of family.​



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Ney said:
Alright, so I was wondering if I could make another male character? I kinda mentioned him in my first post.. I really hope that doesn't come off as obnoxious or anything D: I'm sorry if it does, I just really wanted to make him, but no worries if you want me to scrap him :3
Name: Nico Pembroke

Age: 18

View attachment 67745

Appearance description in words: He has a mop of brown hair that's about medium length, with grey green eyes. He's about 5'11", weighing around 153 lbs. He's got a bit of a build from working with animals and being the boy to do heavy errands around the castle.

Personality: Nico has always been there for the princesses. He's loyal, just like his childhood friend, but he's a little more choosy about who he trusts. He loves to act like the jokester he is, and is often more sarcastic than he should be. Because of his strong friendship with Vanny, he sometimes forgets his place as a servant and speaks out of turn. Its gotten him into trouble before, but he doesn't worry about it because Vanny usually rescues him.

History: The Pembroke family has served the Alatorres for generations upon generations. They are among the most trusted of servants in the Alatorre castle, and their loyalty is not to be doubted. They are also honest, loving people who humble themselves with serving the king and queen. When Nico was born, he was raised to be the future heir's personal servant, but seeing as the king and queen never had a son, he was stuck with the job of taking care of the animals, while he apprentices the cook. He and Vanny first met when he was entranced by the sound of her piano. He was supposed to be delivering some food to the king, who was in his study at the time, but was quickly sidetracked by beautiful music. He thought Vanny's talent was incredible, and since then, remained her close friend. When he grows up, he plans to become the chef of the castle, as he was gifted the ability to cook impeccable food.

LOVE it! Accepted Kylie haha

Skills: He's a fantastic cook. Ironically, he's terrible with animals and they hate him, so he tries to make scarce of his side-job whenever possible. His mother often berates him for it, but he's always had a talent for charming women with his sweet, sarcastic words.

Sukiyaki said:
Name: Felicita "Feliz" Cardona
Age: 16

Appearance: Picture

Sukiyaki said:

Appearance description in words: Feliz is a young maiden with bright hazel eyes and once blond hair now dyed green (This was a accident she wanted to dye her hair blue like her father however she did not know to bleach her hair first). She is 5'0 and 93 pounds on the nose and has never grown or gained any weight no matter how much milk or food she eats. She always wears her jester clothes (even in the town) and does not leave home with out her ribbon and juggling knives.

Personality: Feliz is the kind of girl that you can trust with anything, she is warm open and kind to all, she is extremely passionate of her work as a jester and hates to be confused with a fool. She is very compliant to almost any command with respect. Sometimes people forget she is there which is ok by her because then she learns a lot of new secrets.

History: Felicita's father Felix was a poor man who was born on the streets of Cardona (a Catalan town). While on the streets he became a entertainer, juggling, storytelling, and playing numerous forms of instruments. One day Felix met a young boy who was a few years younger than him who was looking down. Felix cheered him up with his many skills and was hired by the boy who turned out to be the son of one of the owners of the Castle of Cardona. Felix the Feliz became very popular and loved by the nobles and commoners. However when the castle was taken Felix was murdered and so his wife and child ran to wherver in Spain this is set, where they have relatives. Named after her father Felicita learned the trade from her father and mother, who was a acrobat and weapons dancer, and joined for a position at the castle as the jester. She is happy with her positon and is happy to be able to assist the princesses with anything a smile, a hug, or someone to listen.

Skills: Feliz is a skilled secret keeper she will never tell a soul unless the teller says otherwise. Feliz also learned many forms of combat from her mother including using a whip, throwing knives and swordsmanship. She also knows how to make smoke bombs (for entertainment purposes)

Is it ok that this is a anime picture? I can try to find a non animated one but it may take a while.
No anime..sorry 

Arix said:
Can I join?
Sure, as a servant or something if you want. 

[QUOTE="Scott Miller]

View attachment 67847-Scott Miller (Scotty).


-23 year's old.

-195 lbs, 6'5.

-Blunt, Short tempered, Lazy, Flirt, Chill also Cocky.

-Likes; Boob's, Liquor, Cigarette's, also Food.

-Dislikes; Whining, Whores, Being told what to do.

-Special talent's; Sword's man, Hand to hand combat, Caring for other's.

-History; Scott Miller was abandoned as a child, Or that's what he was told. Not knowing the truth about his parents disappearance, He continued living his life as normal as possible not a care in the world. Some might say he was a cold bitter young man, But somewhere in there he was actually grieving for happiness. He never let himself get to close or comfortable with other's, The thought of losing someone would kill him bit by bit inside. So as for his daily routine, Scotty would help out his grandmother and grandfather. Fetching good's as he went into town every now and then, Also selling crop's that his grandparent's have grown. In his free time he would just lay up against a tall oak tree that stood tall in the front of his home. Watching as crowd's of people would pass by day in and day out, Yeah he didn't have much to offer but one thing was for sure he would give his life without thinking twice for the one's he loved. So basically he was just a normal guy, But one thing about this one in particular was that he has a special ability. A so called curse that passed on to him from generations of family.

Sorry, we don't accept anime. Just change it to realistic please and you're all set 
Oh, and you didn't follow my character skeleton. Please do so, it's at the top of the page. 

[QUOTE="Trickster Vixen]

Prince Leonardo 'Leo' Vinzetti

"After the lion, of which he was named, none are more fierce or ferocious with a bow than Leonardo."


age. twenty six

g. male

hair. brown

eyes. blue

weight. 134 lbs.

height. 6'4"


Leo is a muscular man with a stubble lined chin and defined jawline. Though he doesn't have any visible marks, there are many scars across his chest from his time as a prisoner of war. He is usually very cold those he doesn't seem sure of yet but with the people he is close to, he is very protective of them and somebody they're definitely glad to have on their side.



Leo is the youngest of five brothers, but has been deemed the most worthy to rule his own kingdom. Though that being said, it's still up for debate; mostly because of Leo's interest in Ember. As a child, Leo and his brothers would go to Ember with his parents and would usually play with Maria. Since she was old enough to speak, Maria had always asked to see Leo's castle. It was because of their friendship that Leo knew he'd developed feelings for Maria.



Leo is an expert swordsman and has trained endlessly, but his true skill lies with the bow. He is one of the best marksman to ever serve and he has also had some training with hand-to-hand combat.

Ugh he's gorgeous! accepted 

Sukiyaki said:
Name: Felicita "Feliz" Cardona
Age: 16

Appearance: Picture



Appearance description in words: Feliz is a young maiden with bright hazel eyes and once blond hair now dyed green (This was a accident she wanted to dye her hair blue like her father however she did not know to bleach her hair first). She is 5'0 and 93 pounds on the nose and has never grown or gained any weight no matter how much milk or food she eats. She always wears her jester clothes (even in the town) and does not leave home with out her ribbon and juggling knives.

Personality: Feliz is the kind of girl that you can trust with anything, she is warm open and kind to all, she is extremely passionate of her work as a jester and hates to be confused with a fool. She is very compliant to almost any command with respect. Sometimes people forget she is there which is ok by her because then she learns a lot of new secrets.

History: Felicita's father Felix was a poor man who was born on the streets of Cardona (a Catalan town). While on the streets he became a entertainer, juggling, storytelling, and playing numerous forms of instruments. One day Felix met a young boy who was a few years younger than him who was looking down. Felix cheered him up with his many skills and was hired by the boy who turned out to be the son of one of the owners of the Castle of Cardona. Felix the Feliz became very popular and loved by the nobles and commoners. However when the castle was taken Felix was murdered and so his wife and child ran to wherver in Spain this is set, where they have relatives. Named after her father Felicita learned the trade from her father and mother, who was a acrobat and weapons dancer, and joined for a position at the castle as the jester. She is happy with her positon and is happy to be able to assist the princesses with anything a smile, a hug, or someone to listen.

Skills: Feliz is a skilled secret keeper she will never tell a soul unless the teller says otherwise. Feliz also learned many forms of combat from her mother including using a whip, throwing knives and swordsmanship. She also knows how to make smoke bombs (for entertainment purposes)

Is it ok that this is a anime picture? I can try to find a non animated one but it may take a while.
If you change the appearance you're good to go :)

Sukiyaki said:
ok ill fix it it may take awhile can i use the picture as clothing reference?
I suppose so, but delete it. I know what your clothing looks like already and I don't want people to think this is an anime roleplay.
Oh you quoted my post but there wasn't a thing underneath about whether or not he was in... Lol so am I good or naw?

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