A Heart For A Kingdom


Prince Ciel Grey






150 pounds

Eye Color:

A clear, light icy cyan blue. His eyes are the tint of the vast frozen lakes of the kingdom.

Hair Color:

Raven black. A colorless shade that shines with a luster under the sun.


Fair and soft to the touch, there are a few blemishes.

Daily Attire:

Every bit of an over dresser:


(would that be alright?)



Appearance description in words:

The young raven haired man is thought quite tall, but light, allowing for a more willowy build. Though his body does not show it, Ciel is much stronger than her looks, and is more than capable of protecting himself and his loved ones. Unlike most younger men his age, his body is built in a more feminine, more delicate way, gifting him with long slender limbs and nimble, agile fingers that seem to almost dance when he plays an instrument. The raven haired boy's small face hosts a small, straight narrow nose, larger, deep set eyes, and a thin set of lips. Medium length dark curls frame Ciel's face nicely, curling around his small, almost elvish like ears.


Depending on your person and character, Ciel will either be outwardly friendly towards you, painfully shy, or distant. Quick to trust and to open himself up, he keeps no real secrets, he is, quite literally an open book. Every emotion he has is typically displayed on his face. With the ability to talk a villain to his death, he is also a good listener, offering sound advice. Ciel enjoys a more intelligent conversation, than on ebased on gossip. When the situation calls for it, he can be mature and serious, although he prefers his more introvertic extrovert side.

By himself, he will typically lock himself up in his room for hours on end, playing any number of instruments or reading. At times, he may just be too lazy to socialize, and will stick to himself. On other days he's more outgoing, and often likes a good adventure with a girl or guy who's not afraid to get dirty. People are typically drawn in towards the raven haired man because of his likable boyish charm and natural charisma.


Like everyone, Ciel too has things that aren't as favorable:

At moments, he may blurt out something rather blunt or harsh, even though his doesn't mean it.

He can be a ruthless and reckless fighter, no stopping until his enemy is slashed to pieces, or until he is too injured to keep going.

A perfectionist to the extremes, he will get ants in his pants dying to fix even the smallest things.

Quick to judge, Ciel can be terribly judgmental, sometimes labeling you within seconds.


(Would I be able to role play this out? I usually come up with a back story as I go..)


Ciel isn't labeled as a musical genius for nothing, he is able to play more than five instruments, and excels at it.

Every bit of a great tacticianer, he is not afraid to take risks (which can be both good and bad.)

Skilled with dual swords, he enjoys practicing and sparing in the gardens or on the training grounds.​
Name: Guardsman Eric Cooper

Age: 35



Personality: “For king and country.” Is Eric Cooper’s motto. He lives to protect people, even if it might cost him his life. Eric is a guardsman so he does have to act like he has a pole up his butt. He Is a caring guy, he loves what he does, and he does love the kingdom and the people of the kingdom, to an extent. He is a noble man with good intentions, Honor, Courage, and Commitment are words that he tires to stick to.

History: Eric didn’t have the luxury of being born to royal or noble parents. He was born in the poorest part of kingdom, the Poor district. He can’t read, he can’t write because he was never taught. The only thing that he had was a wooden sword, and a wooden shield. He would pretend to be one of the guardsman the walked around the district. He would even be the responsible one of his friends, and take the blame for stuff they did. His was a guardsman, and trained Eric how to use a blade, and shield, and how to make them as much as him as his own blood.After Eric was of age, he joined up, and was put in the poor district. He would walk a beat watching for anything that would be considered wrong. He worked hard, got out of the poor district, and eventually became one of the head guardsmen within the Castle.

Skills: All round badass, if it counts.
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