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Fantasy A Guild of Heroes - CS

: Isabella Coleman
Aliases: Izzy
Age: 20
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Class: Swordsman

: Bisexual
High Concept: A most humble Sword Collector
Character Alignment: Neutral Good
Relatives: None right now
Organizations\Affiliations: The Guild
Personality: A humble girl
Backstory: A girl who grew up learning all about swords. Neglecting any and all other forms of combat studying unless she was learning how to counter it, she was subjected to insane training to the point of abuse by her uncle. She'd go to sleep in a pool of blood, sweat, and tears every night. Izzy was hardened by the experience, as well as those times where she was forced to kill against her will. At 16, she was scouted for the Guild much to the anger of her uncle, who had an intense hatred of the guild. When she decided to go against his will, he tried to kill her. In a stroke of luck, she impaled him and killed him. Ruled as self defense, her name was never questioned any further.

When she joined the guild, her father passed on to her a MASSIVE arsenal of swords for her to use


Weapons & Armor:
Anti-Magic Dress- She has a good amount of anti-magic covering her clothes
Katana Collection- She has an insanely huge katana collection, each with its own ability. She only carries 2 at a time
Current Katanas

Name: Black Rose
Element: Dark
Special Ability: Wounds only heal with Black Magic; Deadly against Angels and Holy users/being; Useless against Demons and Dark beings
Weakness: Ice Magic

Name: Phoenix Wing
Element: Fire
Special Ability: Ignites Enemies; Allows Healing;
Weakness: Water
Special Skill: Summons a Fire/Holy Phoenix to obey the caster's commands
Name: Bamboo Forest
Element: Nature; Poison
Special Ability: Summons toxic bamboo; Summons a vicious panda
Weakness: Fire
Special Skill: Summons a huge forest of Bamboo. Poisons everyone within, where the only cure is to get out
Name: 6th Sense
Element: Arcane
Special Ability: Telekinesis, Telepathy, and 5 second Clairvoyance (recharge)
Weakness: Dark and Holy
Special Skill: Sees everything; Reads moves, 5 second clairvoyance with a 5 second recharge
Name: Meteorite
Element: Fire and Dark
Special Ability: Summons a giant meteor, Magma, Clay
Weakness: Water
Special Skill:
Name: Moonflower
Element: Arcane
Special Ability: Anti-Magic spells; Sword is immune to Magic-Based attacks

Items & Personal Belongings:
  • Basic survival gear
  • Tent
  • Money

Skills & Abilities:
  • Great swordsman
  • Battle Smart

Spells & Magic:
  • Elemental Spells that depends on the Katana she holds
  • Shield Spell
  • Augmentation Spells
  • Telekinesis

  • Close and Personal- She's not good against barrages of ranged attacks
  • Elemental weakness that depends on the Katana she's using
  • While she's fairly strong, she's useless without her sword
  • Since she can theoretically use every element (depending on her sword), she won't be beating many in a pure magic fight

FLUFF (Optional)
Hobbies: Researching Swords, Practicing her lacking magic skills
Quote\s: "Is that sword sharp?"
Birdsie Birdsie
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Name: Iauxiz'dhra
Aliases: Lilith
Age: ??? (Appears ~24 in human form)
Gender: Female
Race: Eldritch Being (Darkness Incarnated)
Class: ??? (Monster/Shapeshifter/Mage)

Sexuality: Bisexual
Character Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Organizations\Affiliations: None
High Concept: Weakened Goddess seeking to regain herself who finds pleasure in destruction



Lilith is a very cold and sadistic being holding little regard for life. She views herself to be far superior to any living mortal, considering them to be generally ants compared to herself. While she holds little regard for life she has a personal interest in watching them. While prone to random fits of destruction, she is generally quite relaxed able to simply go about her business blending in with society only engaging in her random sprees of destruction whenever it suits her fancy.

She is known to 'mingle' with certain mortals who in particular impress her. While generally uncaring about who oppose her, those who might disrupt her (such as the guild) often can invoke her more cruel and sadistic side. She isn't above torturing those who might be 'pests' to her finding enjoyment in making them suffer as much as possible.


Lilith's over-all existance is isn't even fully understood by herself. Originally existing as a small lump of pure darkness, she began to consume anything that might come upon her growing in size. As she consoled more and more creatures she grew larger in size as well as gaining more intelligence. She spent hundreds of years garnishing more power gaining more powerful in the shadows of society responsible for countless people going missing.

Lilith's boredom with the world eventually grew over time. She began to be more bold hoping to find more enjoyment. It was due to this she drew the attention of the guild. She fought with the guild several times, easily beating them each time. Unfortunately for Lilith, her hubris ended up being her downfall. The guild attacked her again, this time with much more force and being much more tactical.

They managed to split her power from her body sealing it away. They spread her 'fragments' in various places hidden in the world sealing her up in a flask keeping the weakened goddess sealed away unable to be killed but instead restrained forever. At least... that is what they thought...


Weapons & Armor: None
Items & Personal Belongings: None
Skills & Abilities:
++++++ Near Intangible: Lilith, while possessing a 'human' form, exists solely as raw Darkness. Everything she does is essencially projecting herself out to attack. She is able to dismiss her human form completely to move around in her more blob like 'shadow' form giving her near endless potential where she can move.
++++++ Immortal She is virtually unkillable. So long as a portion of her darkness exists, she is able to take shape and regrow from it. While certain things can restrict her movement and limit her abilities if she is weak enough and in high enough concentration, it can not fully kill her.
++++++ Darkness Consumes: Lilith's pure raw darkness body has the ability to absorb anything she surrounds within it. Once enclosed within her shadow, it will begin to dissolve the individual inside, draining away their magic before eating at their physical form. Anything killed or consumed in this way become a part of her, adding to her over-all mass.
++++++ Darkness Solidified: Besides consuming whatever is submerged inside her, she has the ability to manipulate the shadows that are her body to act as a physical attacking force. She can shape her body in anyways she likes creating various weapons from her body to attack and lash out at her foes. It sacrifices the flexibility in that portion of her body to do so briefly, although it is generally something that isn't in a big deal while at full power having so much mass to her she isn't very limited in what she can do.

+++++--Ego: Lilith's largest personality downfall is her own ego. She holds a superiority complex over everything often contributing to her much more relaxed nature around even her foes. It is in large part her Ego that played a part in her defeat that ended up splitting her from the vast power she had collected over thousands of years greatly underestimating her foes.
+++++-- Light: While Darkness can be ever consuming, light stands as its natural foe. within the light, Lilith's abilities weak. While it isn't an issue for Lilith at her full strength outside powerful light based magic, it can be detrimental to her while in her extremely weakened form. Light, particularly bright forms such as the sun limit her abilities by a decent margin. It is a weakness that she can overcome with more of her power though for now it serves as a general hindrance.
+++++-- Holy Magic: The weakness that serves as Lilith's biggest threat. Holy Magic completely opposes herself making it quite effective against her. While she had grown to be extremely powerful, strong Holy magic was used carefully enacted to forcefully split her body and ultimately seal portions of her body away. In her current form any type of Holy magic can be effective against her, causing quite a bit of damage compared to other attacks, with stronger version able to temporarily supress her.


Hobbies: (What does the dark lord do in his free time, when not vying for supremacy over the world?)
Quote\s: (Notable things that the character has said, that may show off their personality or speech type)
Theme: (Musical theme)

: Olfaidr
Aliases: Adair Steele; Deity of Winter, Order, and Truth
Age: Very old. Appears to be 21
Gender: Female
Race: Physically more akin to a demigod (Human with divine qualities), Deity
Class: Magical Ranger

: Heterosexual
High Concept: Deity who done the screwed ups and ended up becoming stuck in the mortal realm and lost most of her powers.
Character Alignment: True Neutral
Relatives: N/A
Organizations\Affiliations: (Organizations, or people the character is affiliated with)
Personality: Adair, true to the things she represents, has a generally cold, distant, and calm attitude towards others. She pursues her goals ruthlessly and mercilessly, and has little concern for any consequence her actions might cause to others as long as she believes they'll ultimately be for the greater good. Due to this, she can be very self-righteous and stubborn, and her extreme pride and arrogance in herself only adds to it.

Backstory: During the period of time centuries ago when evil seemed to be running rampant around the continent, Adair thought herself duty-bound to descend and help rectify the situation herself. However, she swore an oath to completely abandon all of her powers except for the more mundane and harmless ones in order to keep damages to a minimum. Her descension ended up being mostly pointless, as the mortals, particularly the Guild of Heroes, proved themselves more than capable of handling the situation themselves.

Unfortunately, she had unintentionally and recklessly abandoned the power that allowed her to go back to the realm of the gods, and found herself stuck in a mortal body. Her pride greatly wounded from the humiliation of her failure to ascend again and from her uselessness in the situation, along with becoming the laughingstock of the other deities due to her mistake, she moved at once to maintain order in the mortal realm her own way and regain her pride and honor again.

(Picture of her face coming soon... Maybe.)

Weapons & Armor:
-Niflheim: A medium-sized, magical crossbow enhanced with ice elemental magic, and Adair's signature weapon. It is made of a very pale wood, and temporarily freezes the hand of anyone else who attempts to touch it.

-Short blade: A small steel blade that has nothing out of the ordinary about it, other than the fact that it is well-forged and seems to be fairly expensive. Used in close combat situations.

-Wears very light amounts of armor.

-Coat: Anti-magic; offers protection against magic, but does very little against physical weapons.

Items & Personal Belongings:
-Aequalitaerium: A small, silver replica of the weighing scale that was known to be a symbol of hers as a deity. It is elaborately carved and decorated despite its small size.

-Mask of Truth (broken): A half of a simplistic, white mask. It lets its wearer see through any lies or illusions, but since it is broken in two, it only works for one eye, and does not work at all half of the time. Adair has no idea where the other half is.

-Various other random-coat-pocket findings: Pocket lint, random tissues and paper, even a half eaten piece of stale bread. A coat with such large pockets inevitably has forgotten, useless wares inside.

Skills & Abilities:
-Her dexterity is high, making her adept at aiming with a crossbow and other ranged weapons.

-Has quick reflexes and intuition, and can sense others' presence easily if they do not take extra care to mask it.

Spells & Magic:
-Dispel: She is able to sense when an illusion of any kind is present, and dispel it only if she can locate where exactly the illusion is. (Basically, anti-illusion magic.)

-Ice manipulation: The ability to manipulate ice, and by extent, water.

-Ice shroud: A nearly invisible shroud of freezing air surrounds her body constantly, offering a small form of protection from everyday heat from weather and whatnot. It, however, also makes her presence easily sensed.

-Immortality: While technically being unable to actually die, her physical body is more than able to become incapicitated if wounded enough, taking months to recover. However, her body is more durable than the average human, but still feels more pain from an injury than the average human.

-Anti-Anti Magic: Can temporarily dispel any anti-magic effects of an attack, spell, etc.

-Ironic to her very thick attire, a fair amount of heat and fire can weaken her exponentially. The cold air that constantly surrounds her can protect her from regular amounts of heat, but any more can affect her negatively.

-Her immense pride leaves her unable to break any promise or oath she makes, and makes her easily exploitable to make promises she can't back out of.

-She is actually blind in her right eye, making her right side a big weak spot.

-Has very little protection against physical attacks.

-Will get provoked or ashamed if any of her mistakes are mentioned in any way.

FLUFF (Optional)
Hobbies: (What does the dark lord do in his free time, when not vying for supremacy over the world?)
Quote\s: (Notable things that the character has said, that may show off their personality or speech type)
Theme: (Musical theme)
Other: The large amounts of clothing she wears makes her body appear a lot bulkier, when it is actually on the contrary.
You don't know what it's like. Lost, in an endless void. Shattered, forgotten, ABANDONED. Guild of heroes? I will send you and your fools to the depths of the void.

  • Forgotten

    The Shattered Fragments
    The Forgotten
    The Void Entity
    Age: Unknown
    Gender: Assumed to be male
    Race: Unknown
    Class: Summoner / Mage (Arcane)
    Sexuality: Asexual
    High Concept: Shattered, broken, forgotten, and abandoned.
    Character Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
    Relatives: None
    The Guild of Heroes (formerly)
    The Sabbat Cult
    ??? is thoughtful. Slow to act, and prefers to stay out of combat. The null had completely negated his ability to utilise any form of offensive magic, and he only retains few spells of arcane origin. He is only capable of supporting allies from a distance, and prefers it that way. He is usually quiet, but speaks in a friendly tone, even though he's just a hollow shell, filled with anger and vengeance. He knows that the Guild forgot, and abandoned him, but that is all that he remembers of his past life. The only emotion he experiences when trying to remember his time in the Guild is grief and despair. But deep down on the inside, he just wants to remember who he really was.
    ??? was a former mage who was part of the Guild of Heroes. He specialised in support, teleporting allies to and fro, providing ranged support, he was a brilliant mage, and always strived to discover more about the arcane arts. Mass teleporting entire armies required an immensely large mana pool, and at the time, ??? was only capable of performing such teleports with the assistance of artifacts from the vault. He had an idea, to harness a different sort of energy as substitute for mana to teleport people around. He called this energy the 'Null Element.' The Null Element was a sort of energy that could be drawn from an endless abyss ??? had called 'the void.' It was described as an endless abyss, the endless dark that existed between realities. He believed that when one teleports through the use of arcane energy, they briefly enter the void, before relocating to their desired position. He believed that by harnessing what energy was inside this 'void,' it would provide energy that was more than enough to teleport freely, without exhausting one's mana pool. He managed to extract this 'null element,' and to his delight, his theory was correct. A tiny drop of Null was capable of teleporting an entire army to another place, multiple times. He decided to extract more of this matter, and that was where things went terribly wrong. Using an engine he had built, he could extract null from this said 'void.' However, the device malfunctioned. It leaked, and the reaction caused from Null mixing with arcane energy created a vortex-like gate, and [missing] fell into this rift, trapped inside the endless void.

    After that, all records and memories of ??? dissappeared, like he had been erased from existence. Guild members are aware of a man who had disappeared overnight, but nobody remembers what his real name is, what he's looked like, or even what he's done. Even the Keeper of Secrets knows little about this man. The only memories that are retained of him is his disappearance, and the small vial of Null that is still stored in the vault to this day. If a shadow of him is summoned, the only response would be wisps of shadows, and series of sounds, similar to heavy breathing. ( Alteras Alteras you kay with this? Just checking.)

    Recently, the Sabbat Cult had performed a ritual of sorts, possibly to summon some form of entity to add to their ranks. It was pure coincidence that the reality around the site of their summoning was slightly unstable. As their ritual progressed, a tear in reality occured, as a creature completely made of blackness crawled through the tear. It's face had two marks, and null leaked from the sockets of the creature's skull. After spending decades in the void, Null had completely corrupted his body, and now he was almost completely made of null. His body seemed to be able to regenerate Null naturally, and it was a perfect substitute for mana, able to transfer null into arcane energy, and even mana. His body itself was like an inexhaustible source of mana. The null had also clouded his memories, erased fractions of it. He cannot remember his time with the Guild, and only a thirst to bring down the Guild remains in the hollow shell of Null. However, some parts of his memories are still there, in the dark corners of what remains of his own mind. Currently, even he isn't aware of the fact that he appearing in the summoning circle was pure coincidence, and believes that he owes the Sabbas a debt for pulling him out of the void, and so assists them for the time being. He doesn't care for their cause, he owes them a debt, nothing more than that.

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You don't know what it's like. Lost, in an endless void. Shattered, forgotten, ABANDONED. Guild of heroes? I will send you and your fools to the depths of the void.

  • Forgotten

    The Shattered Fragments
    The Forgotten
    The Void Entity
    Age: Unknown
    Gender: Assumed to be male
    Race: Unknown
    Class: Summoner / Mage (Arcane)
    Sexuality: Asexual
    High Concept: Shattered, broken, forgotten, and abandoned.
    Character Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
    Relatives: None
    The Guild of Heroes (formerly)
    The Sabbat Cult
    ??? is thoughtful. Slow to act, and prefers to stay out of combat. The null had completely negated his ability to utilise any form of offensive magic, and he only retains few spells of arcane origin. He is only capable of supporting allies from a distance, and prefers it that way. He is usually quiet, but speaks in a friendly tone, even though he's just a hollow shell, filled with anger and vengeance. He knows that the Guild forgot, and abandoned him, but that is all that he remembers of his past life. The only emotion he experiences when trying to remember his time in the Guild is grief and despair. But deep down on the inside, he just wants to remember who he really was.
    ??? was a former mage who was part of the Guild of Heroes. He specialised in support, teleporting allies to and fro, providing ranged support, he was a brilliant mage, and always strived to discover more about the arcane arts. Mass teleporting entire armies required an immensely large mana pool, and at the time, ??? was only capable of performing such teleports with the assistance of artifacts from the vault. He had an idea, to harness a different sort of energy as substitute for mana to teleport people around. He called this energy the 'Null Element.' The Null Element was a sort of energy that could be drawn from an endless abyss ??? had called 'the void.' It was described as an endless abyss, the endless dark that existed between realities. He believed that when one teleports through the use of arcane energy, they briefly enter the void, before relocating to their desired position. He believed that by harnessing what energy was inside this 'void,' it would provide energy that was more than enough to teleport freely, without exhausting one's mana pool. He managed to extract this 'null element,' and to his delight, his theory was correct. A tiny drop of Null was capable of teleporting an entire army to another place, multiple times. He decided to extract more of this matter, and that was where things went terribly wrong. Using an engine he had built, he could extract null from this said 'void.' However, the device malfunctioned. It leaked, and the reaction caused from Null mixing with arcane energy created a vortex-like gate, and [missing] fell into this rift, trapped inside the endless void.

    After that, all records and memories of ??? dissappeared, like he had been erased from existence. Guild members are aware of a man who had disappeared overnight, but nobody remembers what his real name is, what he's looked like, or even what he's done. Even the Keeper of Secrets knows little about this man. The only memories that are retained of him is his disappearance, and the small vial of Null that is still stored in the vault to this day. If a shadow of him is summoned, the only response would be wisps of shadows, and series of sounds, similar to heavy breathing. ( Alteras Alteras you kay with this? Just checking.)

    Recently, the Sabbat Cult had performed a ritual of sorts, possibly to summon some form of entity to add to their ranks. It was pure coincidence that the reality around the site of their summoning was slightly unstable. As their ritual progressed, a tear in reality occured, as a creature completely made of blackness crawled through the tear. It's face had two marks, and null leaked from the sockets of the creature's skull. After spending decades in the void, Null had completely corrupted his body, and now he was almost completely made of null. His body seemed to be able to regenerate Null naturally, and it was a perfect substitute for mana, able to transfer null into arcane energy, and even mana. His body itself was like an inexhaustible source of mana. The null had also clouded his memories, erased fractions of it. He cannot remember his time with the Guild, and only a thirst to bring down the Guild remains in the hollow shell of Null. However, some parts of his memories are still there, in the dark corners of what remains of his own mind.

*Actually considering...*
-Null Physiology- His body is almost completely made of null, and physical attacks, and most forms of magic are completely ineffective on him. He also has a near-inexhaustible supply of magic energy
I regret making James...
now everyone has some sort of unstoppable god-type character equipped with immortality and anti-magic. Oh... but at least these guys look like kawaii anime lolis instead of tentacle monsters... all that power with no social issues included!
If it bothers you, and if you'd like, I'm fine with deleting my deity character and replacing her with someone. I can see why people would get upset over it, and I don't want to ruin anything for other people.
If it bothers you, and if you'd like, I'm fine with deleting my deity character and replacing her with someone. I can see why people would get upset over it, and I don't want to ruin anything for other people.
nah man, I'll just put James in vacation after this mission... Theres too many god-level paragon type characters at the moment that his character is pretty pointless... Plus he's not really that fun to play.
nah man, I'll just put James in vacation after this mission... Theres too many god-level paragon type characters at the moment that his character is pretty pointless... Plus he's not really that fun to play.
Are you certain? Don't want to end up forcing you to get rid of characters if you don't want to.
Are you certain? Don't want to end up forcing you to get rid of characters if you don't want to.
OK so I've read it over and over trying to understand what kind of character the void entity is. I gotta admit that it feels too close to being James. I mean the back story is a bit different... But the role is very similar. He's kind of like Dr Manhattan but made of null. I feel like if there are two James creatures existing in the RP... My character will just be rendered pointless and redundant.
OK so I've read it over and over trying to understand what kind of character the void entity is. I gotta admit that it feels too close to being James. I mean the back story is a bit different... But the role is very similar. He's kind of like Dr Manhattan but made of null. I feel like if there are two James creatures existing in the RP... My character will just be rendered pointless and redundant.
I see. I can respect that. I feel that maybe, with time, they might end up developing or turning out to be more different?

:Remoe Virlen
Aliases: Train
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Race: Beastman
Class: Werecreature

High Concept: If you pay me enough I will almost anything
Character Alignment: True Neutral,
Relatives: Will Virlen
Organizations\Affiliations: None if you don't count money
Personality: He will often go will what ever he feels is the best thing to do in his mind even kill .But is a solo type person no matter what he does must things by him self .Nevertheless hes a willing sells men at the end of the day.
Backstory: Remoe was raised by a clan of nomads with his farther where he learned to fight and adapt to new places and people .His farther would go out to make deals with merchants for food when there was nothing around to hunt an tagged along often.One day when his farther was away ,the place where his clan had a made camp for the night a starved looking beast that lost its home because of the .In the middle of the fight with the beast the village was hit with a huge flood leaving him and the beast as the last survivors .Both with life dying the beast used the last of its power to combine with Remoe .His farther came an found him an took to nearest city .Where Remoe leraned to deal with the beast in him even becoming more beast like .(At least a solid paragraph, no more than 4 paragraphs. Keep it relevant.)

Casual wear light armor with elbow length gauntlet on left arm
: upload_2017-6-1_14-58-10.png
Weapons & Armor:elbow length gauntlet left arm
medium grade armor and a spear with a chain attached to it when working
Working armor medium grade armor and a spear with a chain attached to it when working
Items & Personal Belongings
: small green gem he found from his old clan he keeps as a necklace

Skills & Abilities
:good hunter somewhat unrivaled when it comes to bear handed combat with beast strength ,and silver tongue he is a sells men
beast strength,smell ,and hearing
Can talk to any type of animal
Spells & Magic: (Magical. Spells and magical abilities that the character has)
Earth call: by clapping his hands together and doing certain motions he can manipulate the earth around him

Bio storm: can channel lighting in a short range or physical contact
:Water magic ,
types of sound base attacks ,or really strong smells, and long ranged fight ,
Going off the water thing if he is some how put in a large body of WATER he will be in shock of until he hits the bottom (hitting the will break him out of it sometimes)
must clap hands together to use magic
FLUFF (Optional)
Hobbies: eating good deserts

Quote\s: Would you like to make deal


will show image of beast later just look this over for me let me of any changes that need to be made


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: Grimoire Necronomicon
-Book-kun (nickname given to him by the eldritch creatures Birdsie Birdsie , Hanarei Hanarei and Wilted Wilted that which watch this world from beyond the fourth wall, killing, torturing and mentally breaking people for their own amusement)
-Raidriar Windfallow (Raidriar only exists in material. His soul was destroyed ages ago.)

Age: Unknown (looks 22. aka, looks older than Faust)
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Class: Necromancer/Warlock

: Asexual
High Concept: A complete and evil @$$hole, who tortures people for his own amusement. Also sort of a joke-character.
Character Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Relatives: Faust Windfallow (... not really, the body he is inhabiting is related to Faust... Through some giant messed up family tree.)
-The Guild of heroes (indirectly. Faust's allowed him inside Fort Black once before. And Faust got into deep shit because he did so.)
-The Sabbat Cult

Ruhtless, bloodthirsty and merciless, Grimoire is a vengeful revenant trapped inside a spell-book for centuries. The Grimoire will do anything to see his goals realized, which includes mass murder, or even burning out the souls of other humans, while they are alive. He sometimes kidnaps and tortures people, for his own amusement. He takes joy in in his place in the cult. Torturing prisoners for information, and getting information out of them even if he murdered them by accident, or intentionally. He cares little for their cause, he's just in for the murder.

However, as much as he hates it, he has to keep an innocent charade to deceive both his 'uncle,' and other potential threats. In the state he is currently, he is nowhere near the point where he is capable of going all-out against anyone, as he has a limited mana supply. He acts like your average, stubborn teenager. You know, breaking into places, going into places where he isn't meant to go, and never listening to what adults tell him to.
Becoming a Lich was no easy task, and didn't come without price. Although becoming a Lich gave Faust a mana pool beyond what a mortal can dream of, and incredible power, it didn't come without its downsides. Curses. A curse was placed upon those who bore the tainted blood of the former Archmage. They would all be incapable of performing magic. This even applied for Faust's siblings, and their descendants. Among Faust's many... uuh... useless magic items, there were several that bore great importance. One among them-- A most curious artifact- a tome, that bore a mana pool that far exceeded anything in existence. It was acquired from the lair of the Dracolich which Faust had defeated.

However, the Dracolich was defeated in form only, and its soul lingered inside this tome. Faust however,was unaware that the soul of the Dracolich inhabited the tome, and sold it ON AN AUCTION. From there, it passed from owner to owner, until it ended in the hands of Raidriar...

Blonde anime guy.jpg
Weapons & Armor:
-Steel Claws. For ripping people's throats out.
-The Necronomicon: A tome containing hundreds of necromantic spells, and can even summon powerful demons. It also contains a massive pool of mana that Grimoire can use.

Items & Personal Belongings:
-A blue coat with gold lining
-A relatively large sum of money

Skills & Abilities:
-Excellent liar
-Almost impossible to lie to this guy
-If he can't bargain, he could always intimidate

Spells & Magic:
Necromancy- Resurrection of bodies, communicating to the dead, bending souls to his will, he knows it all!
Demology- Summoning of demons. He can also manipulate hellfire like pyromancy
Umbramancy- Manipulation of shadows, morphing it into chains, knives, swords, etc. He uses this ability to produce torture devices.
Dark Contracts- Since Grimoire doesn't have a mana pool of his own (goddamn useless host) he makes contracts with demons to use their mana, as long as he fed them a certain amount of human souls
-Transfer Soul- Grimoire can transfer his soul into other hosts

-No mana pool of his own. Relies on artifacts and contracts
-He's used a human host for a good three centuries. But he isn't the most skillfull in close-combat.
-Holy magic. That stuff deadly, man.

-Torturing people for fun
-Murdering people for fun
-More torture
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Court Magistrate Aslan Valerian Wolff
Aslan V. Wolff
Basic Information
Name: Aslan Valerian Wolff
Alias: Court Magistrate Wolff; Lightning Wolff
Age: 58
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Class: Elemental Mage
Sexuality: Asexual - He shouldn't be having close relations anyway.
High Concept: A court magistrate who is sent to observe the guild and report back to the king.
Character Alignment: Lawful neutral
Relative: None
Organizations/Affiliations: Royal Court of Albion - Magistrate
Personality: Stiff and stoic, Wolff has a strict and unrelenting personality. He's always calculating and prefers to work in the shadows, but sometimes he can't help but show off a bit. Often coming off very cold, he performs only what the law and he himself deems necessary.

Backstory: Aslan Valerian Wolff was born to a noble family with ties in Fairfax and Bowerstone. From a young age, he had a passion for heroism, upholding virtues and ideals. Early on in his life, his family had him move around the world, as his parents acted as the king's liaisons to various places. Soon, he took off on his own travels and adventures, learning how to fight, negotiate, and cast lightning spells. During his travels, he was disenchanted from world of virtues and instead saw a world controlled by law attempting to uphold virtues. Being the son of a noble family, he found it easy to bend the law in various countries to his will.

When he returned to Albion, he was in his early 40s. He took up a position in the king's court and has since been aiding to enact new laws across the kingdom. He's a bureaucrat through and through, but he believes that some good can come out of the kingdoms control, even if they weren't exactly the best virtues.
Weapons & Armor:
  • Well Decorated Cane - It's a beautiful cane. It is capped with stainless steel on the end and fashioned with an adamantium head. It has a sturdy oak wood body with a metal core. He may walk with it, but he knows how to use it like a makeshift weapon.
  • Channeling Amulets - Those metal pieces on him help to channel lightning magic and acts as a basic defense to low level magic spells. They minimize low level attacks to a degree where the most it'll do is shake him a bit.
  • Suit & Top Hat - He'll look snazzy, no matter what condition he is in. Offers little protection.
Items & Belongings:
  • Monocle - An essential piece to any gentlemen.
  • Gold and Platinum - Essential to any bribing official. He keeps them all over his person, and some in the rim of his hat.
Skills & Abilities:
  • Court Magistrate - He wield high administrative power and is a respected person. His long time in the court has given him the skills to negotiate and convince practically anyone. He also has some influence with the Albion military.
  • Traveled Man - He's done a ton of traveling, he knows the customs and practices of many different places and how to deal with all sorts of people.
Spells & Magic:
  • Lightning Beasts - His signature spell, Lightning Beasts. He summons multiple beasts, often wolves, made of lightning magic. They are massive, most standing at about half his height. He can summon up to 5 of them and control each one independently. Physical contact will result in the equivalent damage of a lightning strike. They can deal physical damage as well.
  • Blitzkugel - Summons spheres of lightning magic that can control. Strikes lightning toward targets and can shock those who touch it. It deals no damage to him and often used as a conductor to shoot out lightning. He can summon up to 6 and launch them the same way a mage would launch fireballs.
  • Lei Mao - Lightning Spears. Deal physical and lightning damage. He can turn his cane into one and use it like a fencing sword in combat.
  • Lynfelt - An area around him becomes electrified, making electricity more conductive and allows him to alter the magnetic field of the area, resulting in magneto like control of metallic objects. Also makes his lightning beasts more powerful.
Weaknesses - He's an old man. He can't really run. He can only dodge and move around. He's not about to do some insane hero jumps and stuff.
Additional Notes
Hobbies - He likes to read. That's... That's about it...
Quotes: "If the king is the one making the laws, then I'm the one enacting them."
"If god struck down man with a lightning bolt, he did a poor job using it."

Defensive System M.A.I.D.S.

Basic Information
Name: M.A.I.D.S.(Mana Artificial Intelligence Defense System)

Alias: M.E.G.(Mana Entity Golem)

Age: At least 100 years old

Gender: Female

Race: Mana Device Creation

Class: A.I. System – MAIDS design is very complex and most people alive wouldn’t understand how she works. She is not runic. She has a central core that is her. She can turn off and on based on a power source. She is most familiar with mana, but can use other forms of power as well. She uses a queen system in or to command other creations. She is in command of every single entity.

Sexuality: Asexual – Love is a such a complex emotion isn’t it? Complex designs are not needed.

High Concept: An A.I. with the ability to create and command units, she can also understand high level battle tactics and within the right hands is very dangerous.

Character Alignment: Lawful Good

Relative: ArchAngel Malice(Creator)

Organizations/Affiliations: None as of now

Personality: Before you say she can’t feel emotions, your wrong. She is programmed with emotions for the purpose of understanding them, she can shut them off at will. She almost always leaves them off and is 100% analytical. Regardless, she was created to protect things, and without the Vault, she will have to decide what to do.

Backstory:MAIDS story doesn’t start at her creation, it starts at story of the Archdemon from Ptrenfordun, who went to the Northern Arc Focus to create something horribly evil. The ArchAngel Malice, several angels, and members of the guild went to fight him. With a massive fight the demon fell, and the artifact he had was left behind. The Angel decided that the artifact would continue to be hunted down, and it couldn’t be brought to the heavens. Because of this MAIDS was created to protect the Artifact within the vault. She would be the Angels greatest creation and would not only have emotions but would have the potential to be better than any being. The Archangel was later killed before he could create anymore versions of MAIDS. But she still lives, and over time has augmented her own abilities. After the Vault was broken she was forced to turn herself into reserve mode, due to lack of energy left. Now her fate is unknown.

Weapons & Armor:

  • Nothing – Doesn’t do much.

Items & Belongings:

  • Her core – It is her, less than an item. Defines everything that she is. Be CAREFUL with it.

Skills & Abilities:

  • Malleable Emotions – She can control her emotions perfectly. They don’t every “act up.” They are perfectly under control.
  • Infinite Knollege – She can hold infinite amounts of knowledge and doesn’t need to look at something twice.

Spells & Magic:

  • Systems call – She can connect to anything that is system based. This allows her to control the environment. This is good and bad. 99% of the world isn’t flowing with some kind of energy source and lets her control it. The vault was build that way, not much else is.
  • Wired – *Requires her to be in a system.* Everything she does within the system is based on the energy source. And it take a LONG time to recharge most energy within systems.
  • Queen Bee – *Requires her to be in a system.* She can create units based on the surroundings. The units she controls as if she is in each one individually. If she is provided with materials she can make units out of those too, but she must be connected to a system.
  • Grid Locked – *Requires her to be in a system.* She can’t leave her system, but can manifest a fake mana body anywhere within the system(can't interact with anything), and she can see everything she wants within the system. But she must be paying attention to it.
  • Fracture - Should she not have a system to control, she can manifest into whatever she is connect to that’s as small as a human or less. Like a small golem. Mainly use for escape because of how weak it is.
  • Growing threat - *Requires her to be in a system.* Very slowly she can spread her system. It’s SLOW. But allows her over several weeks to take over the area around. The limit is her mana input. If she can maintain the area, no spreading.


She is stuck within one area.

If she runs out of energy it’s over, no questions asked.

Additional Notes
Hobbies – Learning and understanding. She also enjoys protecting things, but she probably won’t admit that.


“Your success rate is below 1%, or that’s what you thought I would say…..yes?”

“Actually that is incorrect, from every standpoint.”

“Complex ideas are bad for the system, I am aloud to think complexly as the queen, no one else is.”

"I am not, a maid."

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: Folan Reiss
Aliases: N/A
Age: 28
Gender: Male
Race: Harpy
Class: Rouge/ ex warrior

: Demisexual
High Concept: A harpy ex warrior from the land in sky called Eloeria
Character Alignment: Neutral-Good
Relatives: Unnamed mother and father, Helm [ Guardian and father figure ]
Organizations\Affiliations: Fromly the royal family of Eloeria, But none atm. May end up joining the guild
Personality: Folan is loyal man, with a rebellious spirit. He's a strong willed man who will do anything to achieve his goals. There are times when he's not rock bottom, but his stubborn nature keeps him from giving up. Folan does have trust problems, he can be very mean and bias towards new people
Backstory: Folan was born in raise in the sky lands of Eloeria , A land ruled by archangel royalty. A few days after his birth, Folan's mother's mother died. His father, was badily wounded and died when he was months old. Before his death, Folan's father handed son over to a close friend, a Garuda name Helm. Since Folan is apart of the Reiss Family, he was trained to become a personal warrior and protecter of the royal family. Not only was he trained, he was raised with love and care as well.

At the young age of 13, Folan had proved his worth and was assigned to protect the princess Ayana. For years, Folan had stayed by her side, protecting the heir form any danger or harm. However, on one peaceful day, a Man and his dark creatures invaded Eloeria. [This odd man with strong dark magics was said to be close to the dark lord his self.]

After the king and queen was killed by this man, Folan confronted this man but was no match for him. The man had took away his ability to fly before attempting to finish him off after "having his fun " . Before he could be killed, Helm came in save him after becoming badily wounded. Helm use the last of strength to teleport Folan to the land below where he spend his days wondering around, finding a way to free his land from the grasp of evil


Folan's have claw like hands, feet and legs of a bird, his legs are slightly curved, and grey wings. His current outfit is ragged, baggy pants with a brown vest. Doesn't wear any shoes or shirt
Weapons & Armor: He currently doesn't have armor , but he does fight with two short swords
Items & Personal Belongings:
-Money pouch / item pouch
- magic seeds x6[Restores magic]
-Pocket knife
-Two short swords
-Water peg
-medical herbs and seeds
Skills & Abilities: (Not magical. Include things like bartering, or the ability to pickpocket)
Spells & Magic: Wind magic to help him gilde
Weaknesses: Electric Abilites/magic; Electric Abilites are hard to dodge when he fights in the air
Ice abilities /magic; if his wings are frozen , Folan isn't able to glide in the air using wind Abilites
His pride : it can effect how he thinks and may cause him to do reckless things
He's unable to fly

Hobbies: He found the passion for cooking
Quote\s: "I may be a bird without it's wings, But I can still soar."
Theme: N/A

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