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Multiple Settings Whimsical Nation [CS]


Celui de Tous, Mais de Personne
Roleplay Availability
I am looking for roleplays.
Roleplay Type(s)
  1. One on One
  2. Group
  3. Nation Building
  4. Off-site
Welcome. Aside from my main character appendix, I will have a decent amount of characters on here. So, this is the thread for it.

Dakota Greyson
Rookie or OG Member?: Rookie
Gender + Pronouns:Cisgender Female
Date of Birth: May 24th
Age: 22
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual Heterormantic

Particular Skills

Aside from her face glued to her social media, Dakota actually has a keen sense of detail. She is quick to spot out any abnormalities thanks to her experience in cosmetology and familial background in architecture. That said and with her expertise in art, she is quite capable in detecting hidden rooms. She is also very good at mapping out where she is currently located. With that all said - she is quite the visual learner and has photographic memory. She is also skeptical on the existence of the supernatural, and has come aboard FRIGHT! to see if they are, indeed, real. She has had run-ins with more shy spirits before but refuses to believe in their existence. She has also always been coined as someone with the dumbest of luck.

Or so one would think - but with her acute knowledge of cosmetology (which requires meticulously understanding lighting and color theory to perfect the look you intend to give your client) and familial knowledge of architecture, she is actually quite the opposite. One can easily peek her curiosity with a strange and interesting tale complete with the schematics of wherever they are to explore - and it is likely for this reason that FRIGHT caught her eye.


Dakota is quite bubbly and loves technology. That said, she is skeptical of the supernatural and only sees the benefit of more followers since she lives for social media. She is quite level-headed, but also kind of stupid in some ways. But don't let her dim-witted nature fool you - she can be quite intelligent if her curiosity peaks.


A preppy college student interested in paranormal arts? Nah. Just the followers. Though one could say she is an expert whenever it comes to social media and getting the word of their adventures out there. Especially after joining these lunatics, she expects her own followers to spike! Somehow she's survived her previous encounters, and this has only led to her having more and more followers! Though how she exactly found herself in such positions has always been puzzling even to her. Perhaps she is chased by death, but her macabre personality demands her to find more intuitive ways to engage her followers for a better subscriber count. With her high amount of followers, perhaps more attention (and money) may be attracted to FRIGHT?

To delve more into her past, the Greyson's have been profound in their knowledge and experience in architecture. Her family are all from Pennsylvania, but her father, Markus, traveled the United States quite often. Her mother was a hairdresser but quite a fabulous one who even owned a successful hair salon. Both parents were of the creative sort, but with mechanical foundation. Both understood the harmony between both the living and the shelter that housed them. It is because of this Dakota has been able to truly understand the aesthetics of much around her - and perhaps it is this knowledge that spells out her luck - simply knowing where to place her feet and eyes.

However, she is not as accomplished as her other family members which has caused a deterrent in her self-esteem. She believes herself to be dumb, and at times plays into the "dumb blonde" narrative to attract more followers. Yet when handed the schematics for buildings to be explored, she tends to peek in interest - and her curiosity may begin to take over; perfected with a selfie.

She does also intend to stream some of their hunts - but only at light-hearted moments. She would like some of her funds from her streams to possibly go to FRIGHT with a fair trade on each side. But money and marketing is, for sure, not a strong suit of hers.


Social media, spicy food, accents, scary movies, makeup, gossiping, the cold.
Dislikes: Heights, disorganization, dull personalities, the heat.
Phobias: Autophobia/Monophobia, Acrophobia.

Coded by AnemoVictorious, Edited by Deluna
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Valentin Arturo de Espinoza
Rookie or OG Member?: OG Member
Gender + Pronouns:Cisgender Male
Date of Birth: October 11th
Age: 24
Sexual Orientation: Homosexual Homoromantic

Particular Skills

Valentin has learned to respect the dead, but also learned many ways of how they may attempt to communicate. He has also been taught rituals of how to exorcise them thanks to his papa and abuela. He may not necessarily be able to directly speak their words, but he has been deemed spiritually sensitive and could very well possibly become a vessel for spirits to communicate through, much thanks to the skills passed down by his abuela.


Dakota is quite bubbly and loves technology. That said, she is skeptical of the supernatural and only sees the benefit of more followers since she lives for social media. She is quite level-headed, but also kind of stupid in some ways. But don't let her dim-witted nature fool you - she can be quite intelligent if her curiosity peaks.


Having grown up in quite the traditional Mexican household, was taught much in the older ways of Catholic and ancestral spiritual practices. His family, having been generations of morticians, priests and funeral arrangers have always had a unique connection to the dead. Typically they sent them off, but his father Geraldo Santina Espinoza was rumored to even have the ability to directly commune with the dead.

Mexican culture always adhered to respecting the dead and their ancestors especially when in the facets of their graves. Valentin's own abuela Muriel at her older age in her prime even claimed to be able to exorcise spirits and even act as a vessel for communication between the living and the dead.

All of these skills have, ofcourse, been handed down to Valentin. Though his widowed mother, Rosa, was quite skeptical in the arts herself with especially not being born in Mexico but the United States, the mysterious death of both his abuela and father left her not only devastated, but even dependent on Valentin's own abilities that led him exhausted.

Fortunately he had a friend that offered an escape - a comrade he went to highschool with by the name of Severin. He was already a good man who held out an ear when Valentin needed to vent, and once he was invited to FRIGHT! they had become an escape for Valentin. Terrifying, yes, but they still paid well. Enough for him to admit his own mother to a psyche ward after an attempt on his own life and to keep up with his own bills - though he had plenty of side gigs of his own.


Silence, order, warmth, comfy sweaters.
Dislikes: Coldness, chaos, disorder, bigotry.
Phobias: Cleithrophobia, Athazagoraphobia.

Coded by AnemoVictorious, Edited by Deluna
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Lalia (by Shanta), Starlight
Gender + Pronouns: Male-to-Female Transsexual (She/Her)
Age: 27
Height & Weight: 5'8" 166 lbs.
Sexual Orientation: Androsexual Heteroromantic

Particular Skills

✪ Secondary Form: Glimmer Form

Eulalia is capable of ionic manipulation. An intense power that requires a high degree of meticulous planning. Initially, Eulalia's powers were unstable and consequentially caused a high degree of radiation in the country-village she was raised in. Her hair, which has grown quite long, is also known to glimmer as a result of her powers. Her eyes are also known to do the same but in a spectrum of blue.

Eulalia is capable of disrupting ionic elemental powers, and thus is seen as an invaluable resource for the Vanguard against the Infernos. However, there is a strong caveat to this: as if she loses control of her own powers she can, in-fact, strengthen the powers of the Infernos given their powers are heat-based. That said, her enchanted double-edged spear serves as a receptacle for her powers and allows her to cause a iridescent white glow to them once her powers are concentrated into their blades - and even, at-times, not only glow but produce white flames that also may produce a cosmic-like pattern to envelop inside the flames.

Eulalia is only able to shoot small balls of these flames, as well. However, the method of what they do upon landing can either injure or boost the powers of her target. If one utilizes heat-based magic, she can actually boost their powers with her own. If she is not in control of her powers, though - the opposite effect can also happen.

It is important to distinguish whether Eulalia is in control of her powers or not, as well - as if she does not carry around her vials (see below) and is not currently wearing her pendant (see below) she can quickly start to lose control of her powers. She also suffers from Depersonalization-Derealization Disorder which can also, once triggered, absolve her current awareness of what may be happening and consequentially serve as the very same catalyst.

If Eulalia uses too much of her power, she will also start to enter into her Glimmer Form (see above). Given the strength of her powers, using it too much can cause Eulalia to begin to distort at an anatomical level and literally be torn apart if too much of her powers are used and also produce higher amounts of radiation. However this same form will still activate if she uses a greater amount of her ionic powers. After she enters into her Glimmer Form, she will begin to become transparent and blend in with the ions and light around her and fragment into obscurity.

Her Glimmer Form can be described as ethereal. She literally embodies the stars and enjoys slowly emitting her powers during the night. During the day, she embodies the same pattern but in a warmer range of colors. Staying in this form, however, can cause small amounts of radiation to emit when she is not wearing her Pendant.

Her form, given how it requires her to manipulate the atomic structure of her own body, can cause pain to herself.


Eulalia, as mentioned above, suffers from Depersonalization-Derealization Disorder. When it is triggered, Eulalia feels she is observing a playbook she is not part of which can cause not only a stressful amount of cognitive dissonance but spiral her powers out of control.

When she was younger, she had mostly no control over this. But once meeting Shanta and later Kornelius, Eulalia (not known as such at that time) was able to slowly start to better understand herself and the world around her, and even grow into her own person and discovering that she wished to live as a woman versus a man. Though seen as odd initially to Shanta and further comrades, it was generally accepted. To Kornelius it was interesting, as it was not something he had come across before. As such, he oversaw her transition.

Eulalia was able to develop into a patient and eloquent woman. Yet, she had always had an awkward time interacting with those around her. As such, she developed a quiet yet observant personality. She is actually eager to help those around her, and does carry with her the shame of her previous actions and thus PTSD from it which serves as the catalyst for her disorder.

She has also become aware of the chaotic nature of her powers, and also wishes to control them. However, Eulalia is also highly trusting of the Vanguard for what they have done for her - and thus has become quite easily manipulated by them. She, herself, can be seen as quite pure to many others, though.


As a child, Eulalia was not... Eulalia. No, she was known by another name up until her teenage years. But her home life was that of monotony. Nothing too significant ever occurred until the development of her powers. What once started as games eventually grew into something far more sinister. Yes, sinister to the point discord ravaged what she could once call her hearth. A village, named Everfall, was suddenly gone. Burnt, decimated - whatever adjective could best describe the depravity Eulalia now found herself surrounded by. With her eyes widened and her knees cradled, she was the only child of Everfall to survive. No-one truly knew what happened except Eulalia. An explosion, perhaps? Yes, but the cause? That could not be determined.

The remnants of Everfall couldn't be accessed either once Eulalia began to wander about until she fell unconscious due to starvation. She nearly met death in its' coldest embrace, but found herself in a bed with a pendant around her. Eulalia couldn't understand what had occurred as a child. She could not remember. She barely felt she was even truly alive and was but a wandering ghoul.

But she was assured by a woman named Shanta that was far from the case. She was a kind young woman to Eulalia, and was quick to adopt her. Why? She could not bear to understand, but she found herself in a new town. A capital, in-fact, by the name of Eldralis. Once she regained her strength, the child began to follow Shanta around on her duties. She met stranger, after stranger, after stranger with all their unique peculiarities. Their names, though, she could hardly remember.

At times, she would be told to use whatever powers she had. She couldn't understand how they were unearthed, nor where they came from. She simply could command enormous strength at her fingertips. Controlled, of-course, by the standards set by Shanta's pendant that eventually began to bring a sense of serendipitous serenity to Eulalia which allowed her to grow into who she is now.

Her teenage years were full of training. She hardly had time to makes any friends or even socialize. Hell, she was considered a freak by many just by how her hair glimmered in the sunlight and her growing fascination with the stars. She did not believe she had any home where she was, and that her home was with the stars. Or was it?

Regardless, Eulalia eventually came to understand she felt more comfortable as a woman. Through the confines of her own vocabulary and etymological knowledge did she eventually decide on her name. Her surname was already decided, yet she knew no other carrying a likewise surname. She was the only Wendelle.

She grew into a fine Vanguard, regardless. Whether reluctantly or not she was now a soldier for them against the monstrosities she faced. They were called Aberrants, or the Infernos - walking fires that somehow Eulalia tamed. Not always, unfortunately - as Eulalia could be deemed responsible for adding to the strength of some of them.

Even today she does not fully understand her powers, yet continues to be watched by the Vanguard. She was told, after-all, she had promise. She was told she could single-handedly eradicate entire civilizations if she so chose according to Shanta. But the cost was too great, she was cautioned. That she would return to her journey of death. One she intimately knew, as it was one of the first memories she could still recall from her adolescence.


Shanta Regula: At a younger age, Shanta met Eulalia (then known by another name before discovering herself) and witnessed the unstable environment that served as consequence from Eulalia's powers. Being that she is capable of muting other powers, herself - which even then took a high degree of concentration to help Eulalia - Shanta is the reason Eulalia was able to thrive as her own person. She also is the person who gifted her a pendant that allowed for her to further regulate her powers.

Kornelius Mathera: An Eldralisian scientist who worked closely with Shanta & the Vanguard to study Eulalia (then known by another name before discovering herself) and her ionic powers. Kornelius was the one who suggested she carry around the concentrated salt & enchanted natural spring water vials to regulate her powers which effectively worked. He was also the one who enchanted and fashioned Eulalia's double-edged spear. He also oversees her transition.

Eve Nightheart: The two are quite fond of each other. Sharing likewise hobbies and even a likewise personality, Eve is sometimes seen as a sister by Eulalia.

Notable Items

Star-Shaped Pendant: This Pendant regulates Eulalia's powers by sucking them into the pendant and carefully releasing said magic away from itself and who it is bonded to (Eulalia) in controlled amounts.

Concentrated Salt & Enchanted Natural Spring Water Vials: When Eulalia's powers are used too much, she consumes the materials within these vials to stabilize her powers if her Pendant does not do enough.

Enchanted Double-Edged Spear: Her Spear allows Eulalia to concentrate her ionic abilities to its' blades - which once striking her opponent can cause concentrated amounts of radiation and serious burns.

Fun Facts

✪ Eulalia's true hair and eye color are not known.

✪ Eulalia finds homage with the night sky. She will even refer to the stars above as her brethren.

✪ Eulalia likes to use her powers and emit small amounts of them during the night-time in a favorite spot of hers. She calls it the "Observation Cliff," where the light noise does not disturb ones' view of the stars.

✪ Eulalia is ambidextrous.


Theme Song: Rameses B - Timeless (ft. Veela)
Face (and Hair Color) Claim: See Here.
Hair Length & Style (NOT Color) Reference: See Here.
(Casual) Outfit Claim: See Here.

Coded by AnemoVictorious, Edited by Deluna
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Luxxy, Glutton
Gender + Pronouns: Male (He, Him / They, Them)
Age: 29
Height & Weight: 5'5" 130 lbs.
Sexual Orientation: Homosexual Homoromantic

Particular Skills

Lux is capable of involuntarily triggering other peoples' power. When their powers are triggered, he is able to "eat" their power (whether by him or otherwise) to satisfy his hunger and "spit" them out via a variety of different weapons made purely out of magic (with his favorite being a scythe or sickle).

His victims are, of-course, able to recover - but during the act of him "eating" the magic of his enemies do they experience whole-body pain. This pain can eventually lead to a variety of stress-induced bodily harm that can eventually lead to the death of his victims.

To note, he is only able to drain his victims through an open orifices.


Lux initially was quiet. He had not much of any personality to him, and was quite the dull person. However, he was curious as emotionless as he had originally appeared. Yet after his fated experiment gone wrong, at-least in Lux's opinion, he began to experience a plethora of new emotion that led him to being quite loud, boisterous and even insane. Now he enjoys meddling in other peoples' affairs and causing discord wherever he can be.

Though, some of this is not by choice. The only way he can survive is to eat magic or energy, itself, that is exerted by other living beings.


Once upon a time, Lux was a decent human being. He had a love for science, and was invested with the Vanguard for that purpose. He had met a scientist by the name of Kornelius, and Lux hit it off as his assistant. Yet the Vanguard, and Primrose - the organizations Kornelius was deeply invested in, were not so kind to Lux. He was treated mostly as a lackey until he agreed to be experimented on. Thus came his abilities in magic.

Yet even after he developed his abilities thanks to the Vanguard, Lux was still loyal to them. Having experienced a change in his complexion, hair color and eyes as a result - he was seen as a bubblegum colored lackey. He was still smart, no less - though eventually his consistent hunger drove him to insanity. Always being hungry and always yearning to eat more since he had to eat something purely metaphysical and intangible to even survive, this growing madness is what eventually led the notorious figure, "Abel," to him. It was Abel who offered a solution - the many "throw-aways" and loyal detractors of his... yes, they could be his next meal. But for a price.

This price was for him to join Début de Fin. He was a ruthless member, and his growing madness begin to show itself once Lux discovered how he was able to spit out the magic he ate into weapons that he could still eat if he desired. But these magical weapons could still cut. Being that of pure energy or magic was no longer a question he cared about, as his madness eventually turned into his love for chaos. A love that festered into who he is today, and even led him to now his lover, Julian - a man who has been willing to "feed" Lux.

The experiments damaged Lux's internal organs, specifically his digestive tract. In turn, Lux is only able to process magic, itself - and thus must eat the magic of others. Given the numerous amount of experiments that happened in the Vanguard, this is rather easy for him to do. He has his subjects that feed him, specifically his lover Julian (played by AutumnLeaf), but him "eating" the magic of others


"Abel": His next meal is all thanks to Abel. Abel has shown Lux a new way of living - one that embraces his madness and the eventual decline of the human race. Lux never really cared what happened to the majority of people. As long as he gets his food when he wants it.

Julian Voss (played by AutumnLeaf): His lover. Lux never really thought much of him until he first "ate" Julian's magic, which had a particular flavor that entranced Lux. He couldn't get enough, so here he is - now calling Julian his partner.

Fun Facts

✪ Lux is addicted to chaos. He loves seeing discord and, at times, can be aroused by it.

✪ Lux can not eat normal food due to his digestive tract being malformed due to the Vanguard / Primrose experiments he was put through. If he tries to eat normal food, he will immediately begin to see side effects that will cause him to vomit it back up, but with blood. This will be excruciating experience for Lux - and has been each time.


Theme Song: SXARRO - Essence
(Casual) Outfit Claim: See Here.

Coded by AnemoVictorious, Edited by Deluna
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Yesika Faust

Gender + Pronouns: Female (She/Her)
Age: 24
Height & Weight: 5'5" 120 lbs.
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual Heteroromantic

Particular Skills

Yessica is an exceptional fisherman. She also loves aquatic creatures, and has a keen knowledge of their behavior and can even speak to aquatic creatures and, to a point, command them.


Yesika still grieves over the loss of her father, Darren, but she tries to keep herself optimistic for the future after inheriting the family business. Being the one of two sisters and the eldest, she also has become a mother to her younger sister, Winry.


Once upon a time, Yesika, with her younger sister Madeleine, lived with their single father Darren. She never knew her mother that well, but was quite interested in the aquatic life they ended up harvesting. Yet she had always enjoyed feeding and interacting with them - even having a pet turtle she named "Tati." However, her father Darren passed away from a stroke. Yesika was thinking of leaving for higher education, but this plan quickly changed once she inherited the "Greene Fishing." No matter for her, of-course - but it was nerve-wrecking. Still is, but here she is - now the woman in charge.


Winry Faust: Yesika loves her little sister. Her elder by five years, Winry looks just like Yesika, but much younger.

Irvin Kingsley: Yesika's best friend. Though he was initially from out of town and from a more urban environment, Irvin decided to move away due to a traumatic experience he hasn't spoken to anyone but Yesika about.

Fun Facts

✪ Yesika is lactose intolerant.


(Casual) Outfit Claim: See Here.

Coded by AnemoVictorious, Edited by Deluna
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Alias: Ombre
Gender + Pronouns: Female (She / Her)
Age: 24
Height & Weight: 5'8" 160 lbs.
Sexual Orientation: Asexual Androromantic

Particular Skills

Octavia is able to transform darkness and shadow into a tangible substance she may use at her disposal. Her voice also has a strange echo that tends to creep others out, as a side effect of her powers.

She is able to steal the darkness from others, as well - and manipulate their shadow into a tangible object. Whatever damage is done to that damage reflects into that person wherever the initial part of their shadow was originally formed.

The only down-size is during exposure of light, her powers are mute. In addition, her powers are quite predictable and a simple beam of flashlight shined at her can disrupt her powers. In addition, she has photophobia and is incredibly sensitive to light.


Octavia is not someone who particularly enjoys their powers. While immensely powerful, her voice is a great insecurity of hers. She is actually a kind girl and has a strong desire to to be accepted unconditionally, which can be easily manipulated.





Fun Facts

✪ tbe


Theme Song: Ken Ishii - Extra
(Casual) Outfit Claim: See Here.

Coded by AnemoVictorious, Edited by Deluna


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