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[ Disabilities? Interesting Bits? Likes/Dislikes? Sexual Orientation? Skills? Quirks? ETC ]



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Name: Tiber Lannister

Titles: Lord of Casterly Rock, Warden of the West

Alias: The Lion of Lannister, The Merry Lion, The Deceiver

Gender: Male

Age: 21

Martial Status: Betrothed to Leanna Brax of House Brax

House: House Lannister


Though seemingly friendly and courteous, Tiber possessed a hidden strength and intelligence not found in the Lannister Lineage for many generations. This had led to some early speculation of his actual parentage, before his father, Tytos Lannister's surprising death. For those who can looked past Tiber's smile and courteous mannerism, they are treated to a sight fearsome enough to cow even the bravest of warriors. Cunning beyond even men twice or thrice his years, Tiber's opponents, whether they be of the political or military nature, found themselves often two or three steps behind the young man's schemes and plots.

Those who have seen past his veneer often claimed that his lust for power came from an inability to prevent his mother's untimely death. However, unlike the many who sought out and consolidate it, Tiber's very presence radiates power. In fact, the young man seemed to draw men and women of influence within his sphere of influence, seemingly without any effort on his part. In private, he often dons the same veil of friendliness and joking mannerism, but to those he feels strongly about he remained distant.

An average fighter, Tiber's real strength came from his mind and the steel from his heart. Charming when he wants to be, ruthless when he needs to be, Tiber's ability to look ahead and be adaptive to changing situations makes him one of the most dangerous men in Westeros.


No one would daresay this at Casterly Rock, but Lord Tytos Lannister left much to be desired when he claimed the Lordship of House Lannister. Weak-willed and indecisive, those sworn banner men under him did as they liked, even going so far as to pressure him towards poor decisions such as betrothing his only daughter off to a third son of some minor house in the Riverlands. Tiber grew up, surrounded by jests of his father and his family. However, where one might expected a brooding and moody teen, they found one of alternating merriment and politeness. Tiber often laughed along with the jest at his father and family's name's expense, and people not realized that beneath the laughter and smiles, the young lion had marked every man and woman who laughed at House Lannister.

The young man kept to himself, even as his father tossed the riches of Casterly Rock to strengthen their enemies. Even when Lord Lannister holed himself up with his whore, and the defense of their stronghold decayed in Tiber's eyes. Even when the Lannister fleet halved in size, with the empty ships being decommissioned for firewood in the winter. Even when Tytos, seeing Tiber's reaction to the world around him, often took out his frustrations on his eldest child, beating him black and blue near every fortnight, if not more. Driven into the arms of his mother, Jeyne Lannister did her best to love and cared for her older son, and in turn taught him to love and care for his siblings more.

However, when Tiber heard Tytos' announcement of his only sister's betroth to some minor house's third son, and the ridicule of his banner men, the young man of eighteen drew his sword and slammed it on to the table where he sat at, and declared that Celena would marry the man over his still warm corpse. His startled father and the angry river lord stormed from the great hall of Casterly Rock, while everyone else stared surprised at the normally carefree Lannister Heir. Tiber, realizing that he may have shown his hand too quickly, stood his ground.

Thus, it was with some suspect that Lord Tytos fell ill soon after, and had died by the next new moon. Of course, people pointed their heads towards the elder son of the former Lord, but none would accuse Tiber without solid proof. Since no one came to testify against Tiber formally, he ascended to his place as the new Lord of House Lannister. The young man immediately canceled the marriage contract between his sister and the Riverlord's son, and called in favors he had worked with behind the scenes, especially from House Brax, who agreed to a marriage alliance with their eldest daughter to Tiber's hand.

When the Lannister forces took the field from Casterly Rock, House Reyne and Tarbeck marshaled their forces and marched to meet the outnumbered Lannister Army. Little did they know that Tiber had been rebuilding the Lannister Fleet behind his father's back, and thus a force landed from the armada and with one savage strike seized the mines and stronghold of Castamere. However, realizing the deception, the armies of under the Red Lions fought a fighting retreat to Tarbeck Hall and reached it in time before the forces from the sea could take the stronghold. Tiber watched as his forces trapped his enemies behind walls of House Tarbeck.

House Tarbeck's seat, fresh with supplies and now troops, prepared themselves for a long siege. Tiber knew however, that with the stability of the Westerlands in jeopardy, he could not afford a long civil war. So Tiber made an offer to one of the knights in House Tarbeck's service, granting nobility in exchange for the heads of every member of House Tarbeck and Reyne. The defector agreed, sneaking into the gatehouse in the middle of the night, slit the guard's throats and opened them wide, allowing Lannister forces to pour through and slaughter the remaining Red Lions and Tarbeck forces within. Under Tiber's orders, he watched every man, woman and child of the two houses executed in front of him and Tarbeck Hall. With the West now pacified, Tiber spent the last few years rebuilding and looking out to the rest of Westeros, viewing the turbulent political landscape beyond the Westerlands.

Other: Charming and humorous, Tiber Lannister wields his personality with every bit of efficiency as his brother does with a steel weapon. He enjoys the company of the opposite sex, having both been to and hosted parties in brothels before. Though most could not tell if he's ever been with a worker from those establishments before. An average fighter, though Tiber's a general, not a warrior like his brother.



Name: Martyn Lannister

Title: Ser

Alias: The Mountain Lion

Gender: Male

Age: 19

Martial Status: Single

House: House Lannister


While his sociable older brother shone in the spotlight, many who meet Martyn never gets so much as a word out of him. Quiet and stoic, many assumed Martyn to be of dim wit due to his lack of input in most social instances, but none dare say so to his face. The young man stood at a size that made many recall the White Bull of Hightower from days gone by, and moved with a speed that defied all reason and logic. One of the knights who trained Martyn remarked that he moved faster than men half his size, and struck as hard as a mountain lion. Thus the name stuck with Martyn, as he never bothered to use or refute it in public. Though some may question his intelligence, none questioned his honor or skill in battle, as unlike many knights, Martyn never resorted to any "questionable tactics" in combat, to the death or otherwise. He doesn't need to.

Winning his first tournament melee at sixteen, Martyn faced off against ten other knights that decided he was the biggest threat still stood after an hour of fighting between 100 knights. The man took down five with his two handed sword, another three with a shield he picked up off an opponent when he was disarmed, and the last two with his hands. Martyn never had a thing for jousting though, and thus abstained from the main competitions most of the time, to his father's disappointment. In private, Martyn is soft spoken and surprisingly gentle, especially with his loved ones. While he respects Tiber, he treats his older brother more as his lord than a blood sibling. Martyn cares more for his sister, often looking out for her even when she doesn't noticed. He's one of the few that know of her secret identity as the Suntear Knight.


While Tiber was often abused physically and emotionally by his father, Martyn was Tytos' favorite. Perhaps the man wanted Martyn to grow up to be his enforcer, or was genuinely impressed and proud of the combat capabilities of Martyn. Either way, the feeling of fondness was never reciprocated by the offspring, due to Tytos' poor treatment of his youngest child and only daughter, Celena. As Martyn grew up, he often took care of his sister, looking after her at their mother's request. Any other child might have protested, but out of the three, Martyn was more obedient and Tiber and Celena put together. Even when Celena would throw a fit, Martyn never fought back against her; he became a stoic guardian within her life. Throughout the rest of his childhood and adolescent, Martyn would train for combat every free moment he could, as it was one of the things in the world he truly enjoyed. His father set up an entire team of instructors for him, and Martyn trained to the point where he was at least familiar with every weapon that could be found in Westeros, if not mastering them, with both hands.

When Martyn found out about Celena's betrothal, Tytos lost any chance he might have to gain Martyn's respect. Their sister had protested against the possibility of the marriage many times to their father, only to be rebuked, sometimes even physically, by the Lord of Casterly Rock. It took every ounce of self control for Martyn during those times to not cut down his father then and there, and so when Tiber approached him about the possibility of restoring House Lannister to its rightful place, Martyn agreed without question. In his mind, anything to remove Tytos Lannister from power was a chance worth taking. So when Tiber took the reigns of House Lannister, Martyn, a knight already bloodied in battle by then, stood as his champion.

The two brothers marched on House Reyne and House Tarbeck's forces after Tiber let Martyn know the plan of attack, and while Tiber directed the troops, Martyn took to the front lines. While his services was best served there, Martyn's true goal was to protect his sister, who marched with the arm's forces under the guise of the Suntear Knight, an alias she had taken upon to learn combat and entered tournaments. Martyn had discovered this one day after trailing his suspicious looking sister, but kept his peace due to knowing that there was nothing he could do to stop her, since he would never raised his hand against Celena. In the process of giving aid to her during the battle, the large knight struck down many upon the field, solidifying his "Mountain Lion" reputation.

When the Lannister stormed Tarbeck Hall, Martyn personally cut down Roger "The Red Lion" Reyne, dragged Lord Tarbeck out from his great hall and executed him in front of Tiber, though he walked away before the execution for the rest of the family would take place. He wouldn't have ordered them had he been in command: only the death of the male of fighting age would have been necessary in his opinion. Still Martyn wasn't his brother, and he trusted Tiber to see the big picture and act accordingly, even if it meant doing distasteful things such as this. A few months after the end of the civil war in the Westerlands, Lady Jeyne Lannister fell ill. Her children gathered around her as the Maester diagnosed her with a terminal illness. That was the only day anyone ever saw Martyn shed tears, as he held his dying mother's feeble hand.

He had received an invitation to join the Kingsguard a year later, but declined after consulting with his brother. Tiber requested Martyn to stay within the House, stating the need of House Lannister was greater than the need of the Iron Throne at the moment, but left the ultimate decision to Martyn. Never one to chase fame or fortune, and following his own code of honor (however similar it might be to the one followed by others), he became the first in recent memory to decline the prestigious invitation. This of course did nothing to improve relations between the Warden of the West and the crown, but Tiber assured Martyn that he would handle the situation, after thanking Martyn for accepting his request.

Other: Only a few alive knew this, but Martyn had developed a sort of relationship with the daughter of Casterly Rock's stable master in the past. However, war changed his perception of the world, and the young man came to accept that it would not work. They broke up soon after the civil war in the Westerlands ended, though they still share a bed every once in a while. He's also deceptively fast with his strikes, having trained since he could hold a wooden sword and shield in his hands.




Name: Celena Lannister

Title: Queen of Love and Beauty, Ser (Unofficially, in alias)

Alias: The Lioness, The Lion Maid, The Suntear Knight

Gender: Female

Age: 17

Martial Status: Single

House: House Lannister


Celena, though polite in company, have a fierce independence about her, due to their father's harsh rebuke during her protests, legitimate or otherwise. She resented the idea that women are little more than background decorations, useful in only child-making. Rebellious to a tee in her late father's eyes, Celena's attitude under her polite mannerism did little to distract men from her beauty. Often spoke of as the most beautiful woman to ever come out of the Westerlands, Celena took pride in her appearance, as much as her secret fighting abilities. She often found it most enjoyable when she was in the midst of things, whether that was in the gossip circles of a group of ladies or the melee in a tournament with the brawling knights.

She was quite close to Martyn, as she found his stoic nature made him a perfect listener. She was annoyed with him at first for tailing her and at her mother for asking him to do so, but after seeing him give her the privacy most of the time when she asked, as well as physically beat some accosting men to a pulp, she warmed up to him. Tiber's distant nature kept him at an arms length though, and his willingness to resort to a ruthless and what Celena view as "honor less" nature did nothing to bridge the gap. Still, she had to respect him, as he treated her less as a political tool and more as a human being, unlike the previous Lord Lannister.


When her father first spoke of Celena's duties and the possibility of a marriage that she didn't choose, Celena protested about the unfairness of it all. That was also the day her father first struck her, and when she vowed that she would learn to fight and defender her own maidenhood if needed. Sneaking off every time Martyn had training, she watched the brother she trusted more and mimicked the motions of his practice moves, with the assistance of her best friend and first handmaiden, Kylie. After a few nights of sneaking off, one of the instructors caught her and her accomplice red handed. Expecting another punishment from her father, the instructor surprised her by asking her to meet him with her handmaiden the night after. Arriving and expected a trap, Kylie and Celena were both surprised to see the instructor with his wife, both dressed for sparring and holding out equipment. He introduced the duo to her and their training began in earnest.

Ordering some armor and weapon through several different sources under false names, Celena gained a suit custom made armor to covered her feminine figure as well as a light but durable long sword and shield to match. Excited, she entered her first tournament, joining in the melee instead of the main event, as she didn't know how to joust at the time. Against better judgement of course, she painted a sun shedding a single tear on her chest plate and shield, called herself the Suntear Knight, and stepped into the melee pit with 99 other knights competing. What she didn't know was that Martyn was one of them.

After a hard struggle, she stood alongside a few other knights and stared at her older brother with his two handed broadsword. He went through the five that charged at him first almost effortlessly, and only when the sixth man tried to bash him with a shield did he dropped his sword to rip the piece of metal from the other man's arm and smashed the side of the attacker's helmet with it. Before long only she, another knight, and her brother remained. Terrified of getting hurt or hurting her brother, she continued to freeze as unarmed Martyn sidestepped a slash from the other man and tripped the knight backwards, before a well placed punch landed on the back of the knight's helmet, knocking him out. Gathering her courage, Celena charged at Martyn.

Her eyes refocused at the sky a moment later, as she laid her back down among the other fallen knights on the ground. She lifted her sore self enough to see her brother walking away and be greeted as the winner of the melee. What the Lioness didn't know was that when Martyn took her down, he saw her eyes through her visor (his helmet was off by then) and recognized his little sister in the armor. He never confronted her about the incident since. Knowing she would be needed to watch the final rounds of the joust, Celena got up despite what the local Maester treating the wounded said and hurried to where Kylie waited.

A few moments later, a bruised (though thankfully nowhere that wasn't covered by her dress) and sore Celena cleaned up herself and done her hair in a simple style sat down in the stands with Kylie's assistance, and they watched as another knight got unseated from his horse by a well placed lance strike. Bored and reviewing the events earlier in the day, the seemingly sudden roar of cheering around her startled Celena out of her thoughts. The final joust was over, and the victor walked up to be awarded.

Paying only half attention, Celena clapped, not noticing the collective intake of breath by the female population of the area as the handsome young knight rode over until he was directly in front of her and asked her permission to place the crown of flowers upon her head. She smiled politely before kneeling slightly, allowing the knight to place the wreath of flowers on her and then shouting loudly to the audience that Celena Lannister was the Queen of Love and Beauty of this tourney, and Celena couldn't help but blush. She didn't managed to catch the name or coat of arms on the knight's shield, but from the incoherent babble of Kylie found out that he was at least not betrothed or married. Thankful, Celena had lost the interest in finding out who when Kylie finally calmed down to hold a proper conversation, thinking he would begin courting her soon enough.

Then a series of events happened so quickly Celena never got a chance to process everything. First was her betrothal to some whelp from the Riverlands, to which Tiber surprisingly stood up for her. Then her father passed, and though she felt guilty, she didn't feel near bad enough to actually bring herself to mourn for the man. Before she knew it, she had snuck off along with Tiber and Martyn's force and was fighting in the Westerlands in a civil war of sort. Her first battle had been a rough one, as the shock of actually taking a man's life rocked her for two sleepless nights and days. When she recovered, they were surrounding Tarbeck Hall and held it under siege. The Tarbecks and the Reynes were crushed when the gates opened, and Celena watched with disgust as her elder brother ordered the slaughter of the entire house. Seizing their seats and reconstructing the trades and infrastructure of the Westerlands, she would oft feel her ire against Tiber for his actions, though she kept her mouth shut about it, knowing that her ruse would be shown should they question on how she attained the knowledge of the executions.

Other: Though her logical mind and experiences told her that it was impossible, Celena still had child like fantasies of finding "the one man" of her dreams and settling down with him. Still, due to the experiences she had with her father, she has her heart well guarded after, often treating would be suitors coolly as she regarded them with what she would considered "an objective view." An above average fighter, Celena can hold her hold and even beat a good majority of knights in single combat, utilizing her speed for the lack of strength in a contest. She also carries a few hidden dagger on her persons at all times, tucked away on her body and in her clothes.
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Name: Daria Martell

Gender: Female

Age: 25

Nicknames / Titles: Princess of Dorne, Heir to Sunspear

Marital Status:




Appearance: [ Please Use A RL Picture. No Anime/Cartoon, PLEASE. ]

Name: Qoren Martell

Gender: Male

Age: 25

Nicknames / Titles: Prince of Dorne, Heir to Sunspear, The Scorpion

Marital Status:



[ Disabilities? Interesting Bits? Likes/Dislikes? Sexual Orientation? Skills? Quirks? ETC ]


Her hair flows to her waist when unbound


Deanna Targaryen





Nicknames / Titles:

Princess Deanna of the Seven kingdoms

First of her name

The defiant dragon

The dragon princess

The dragon maiden

Marital Status:



Deanna is nothing if not a dragon. Her spirit is wild, her strength well known, and her heart forever sings to be free. She is fiercely independent and determined to take what ever she wants and never back's down. From her family or an army. A fact which has caused many argument's within her house. Though, she is not afraid to request help when it is needed and is well known for returning any help with compassion and gratitude. She know's that cruelty gain's more enemies then friends. As such she is also very protective and loyal. If you earn her favor she will fight for you with expectation's that you do the same. Do not try to take her for a fool or insult her though as she will not hesitate to ruthlessly crush you should she see it is needed. Rather through fire or words. However she has been known to sympathize with those who she see's as oppressed, as she often feel's the same to an extent. She wishes to free them all but must choose her battle's carefully, should they come back to bite her.

Though, Daenna is known for her adventurous and curious nature, especially as a child, she doesn't act as such when in public with other Lord's or Ladies. Instead she is the polite and respectful, always ensuring that she charms whoever she meets. Sure she is a warrior but over the years she has learned the art of manipulation and politics. Sometimes, a fight is easier won with words then with fire. Though she still stumbles.

"I like to battle, with words or steel, but it's no fun if it's easy."


Deanna was a hard child to handle growing up. Often causing trouble or getting into things many found themselves chasing after the young girl. Either to get her back to her family or clean up her messes. Most didn't know what to do with the young lass. She was a sweet child, when she wasn't causing trouble, but had the temper to take down any who stood in her way and the mind to leave no trace behind. As such she often found herself being punished for her behavior though that never seemed to help.

It was only when she was reluctantly allowed to learn to fight that she calmed. If only somewhat. The weight of a sword or a bow in her hands grounded her and she found herself spending many year's growing up learning all she could. Many looked down on her for it but didn't comment. Though she still got into some trouble no one wished for her to go back to how she was before. At least now she wasn't thoughtlessly insulting some Lord or Lady.

After her father passed Deanna had hoped that she could start traveling. Maybe to Braavos or the land beyond. Unfortunately she found herself in the Game of Thrones. She hadn't wished to sit on the throne but with everyone threatening her family she may not have a choice. She know's that a Targaryen belongs on the throne, despite their past mistakes, and will fight to prove it.

"I spent my whole life trying to be free and now that freedom is within arm's reach. I just have to defeat a few armies to gain it."


Though independent, Deanna does wish to find a companion to travel with and, in her own way, settle down with permanently. Though she does not actively seek another half as she trust they will find her should the time come.

- She wear's light and flexible brown leather armor. A brown vest that buckles closed down the front, one shoulder guard on her right shoulder, and arm guards. Light wolf fur lay's around the top of her arm guards and make a makeshift shoulder guard for her left shoulder so as to offer her more protection.

- Though she is stronger then she looks she isn't as strong as a lot of opponents and so relies on her speed and confusing technique to win in those fights.

- She has many scars that cover he from head to toe for her rather reckless childhood and fights. The only scar on her face is a light scar over her mouth from where it was busted open in a particularly nasty fight. Most don't notice it.

- Due to her many scars Deanna find's her skin overly sensitive to certain things

- She was given the title The defiant Dragon for her action's growing up and some of the disputes with her family that other's witnessed

-The Dragon Princess is a title that she is only referred to within rumors revolving suspicions about the two eldest Targaryen sisters

(Her sword)


Braavosi Rapier. 'Fang.'

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Ravenna Stark

Gender: Female

Age: 27

Nicknames/Titles: She prefers to be addressed by her name ( I am really bad at nicknames/titles, if you have any suggest!), but behind her back, she is dubbed "The Bear" or "The Maiden Fair", much to her displeasure. Those who have been caught using these names often end up black and blue.

Marital Status: Single

Family Position: Second eldest child of the Stark Lord. (Or eldest, depending upon who shows interest in the Starks)

House: Stark

Appearance: (Differences from the picture a little) Ravenna is rather physically imposing, standing at 6 feet tall, with a rather muscular figure from years of exercise, combat, and martial training. Her raven-black, unkempt hair is short, extending only a little bit past her shoulders. She normally ties it up in a pony tail or simply doesn't bother. Her facial features are stern, with an almost pointed chin, blocky facial features, hooked eyebrows, constantly chapped, thin lips, and a bit of a snub-nose. Her eyes are a hazel, but with a piercing and intense, often harsh gaze. She had never been exactly pretty before her fight with the bear, but after, many were repulsed simply by the sight of her.

In her late teens, she received a dreadful scar from a brown bear. Two of the bear's claws had mangled the right side of her face. Starting from her lower forehead, deep cuts reach down through the empty socket of her right eye, down to the side of her lips. A large part of her lower cheek is missing there, revealing a bit too many teeth on the right side, and twisting her lips into a permanent snarl.

Personality: Ravenna is hardly the typical noblewoman. Crude and to the point, she often ignores the finer points of noble life. She can be seen wearing men's clothing whenever possible, and interacting more with the commoners than nobles. She is fiercely passionate for what she cares for, but carries a fiery temper, and can be known to hold long-lasting grudges. She's always loved a good challenge, and is thrilled by the excitement of combat. She does not take particular joy in killing or inflicting pain, but the combat is what she enjoys. She has no stance on romantic relationships, having not met anyone to her tastes, although she prefers men.

Biography: Born as a rather small child, and ill for the first few weeks of her life, the Stark Lord and his wife did not believe she would survive long, but yet, she did, her fierce hazel eyes opening once the sickness had passed. Throughout her childhood, Ravenna was growing at a rather abnormal rate, big-boned and tall. Her/the younger sister/kennel master's daughter frequently mocked her for this, calling her "Spade face" because of her blocky facial features and pointed chin. Despite this, she proved to be a courageous child, obsessed with wandering the God's Wood, pretending to be heroes from Old Nan's tales, fighting her older sibling with sticks. Her mother disapproved of this behavior, but Old Nan claimed it was the best for her, as she "has a spirit as wild as a wolf". Only partially convinced, Ravenna's mother decided to try and properly tame the girl once she entered her teens.

Despite her mother's attempts to civilize her, Ravenna only grew bolder, wandering in the woods outside of Winterfell, joining the training matches hosted by the Master of Arms in Winterfell, and even hunting. Desperate, her mother arranged a marriage for her, hoping a man could tame her wild heart. However, one on particularly rebellious night, only a month before the wedding at age 17, Ravenna entered the woods, with an axe and a small bow. She was following the tracks of a small group of deer, only to hear the cracking of twigs too late. She turned, eyes widening as the bear charged out of the bushes. She raised her axe, swinging it, the weapon cutting into the bear's jaw. but jamming into the bone and becoming stuck. As she desperately tried to pull it out, the bear roared, swiping its paw across her face, rending her skin and tearing out her eye and a chunk of flesh from her cheek. She fell to the ground, unconscious from the shock near instantly. The bear presumed her dead and ran, hearing the sound of approaching Winterfell Guards.

After a month of a coma, during which a worrying infection that had set over her wounds, nearly ending her life. The best treatment the Maester could give is what saved her, so Ravenna awoke, two days before her scheduled wedding. Despite her protests, she was dragged down to the Great Hall to meet her groom-to-be. However, after gazing upon her face, the nobleman's son spit upon the ground and left, cancelling the marriage to her secret relief. However, the anger from both of her parents caused them to lock her in her chambers, determined to do something with her, but unsure exactly what. However, after the bear, Ravenna had changed. Despite whatever she chose to do, all she could think about, was the fight. The thrill of seeing her axe dig into flesh, the adrenaline, the hear thumping excitement of the encounter. She began to sneak out through the second story window using a rope made of her bedsheets, meeting in the night with a friend in the guard, continuing her training with a new fervor, growing stronger and faster. A month had past, with her parents slowly allowing her to roam the castle grounds openly again, after being convinced she wouldn't try anything like her hunt again.

They were horribly wrong. One bright night, she snuck out again, stealing the bardiche belonging to the recently-deceased Master of Arms who had trained her when she was young. She made her way into the woods, bardiche in hand, blood pumping, a hungry, wolfish grin spread across her ruined face.

As the sun rose, and the Lord Stark had guards searching for a missing Ravenna, she approached the Hunter's Gate. Her father and mother watched as she entered the courtyard, clothing splattered in blood, a proud grin on her face, the blood-coated bardiche in one hand, the severed bear's head in the other. She had sustained several new wounds from the fight, but deemed it all worth it.

After that incident, her father simply gave up, declaring that he "Couldn't put a wolf in sheep's clothing," She was allowed to do as she pleased around the castle, as long as she stayed relatively safe. And so, none were too surprised to see her become a regular part of the training exercises in the courtyard held by the new Master of Arms, declaring that she would serve the Starks in combat, instead of "In some fuckin' frilly dress pretending to blush and be entertained by some fuckin' lord's whelp,"

In her mid-twenties, Ravenna and a dozen of her friends amongst the guard, began to depart for week long treks, hunting bandits and the like, dragging them back to Winterfell for punishment, or killing them if they resisted, the option she preferred, although she was bored by the fact that few put up much of a fight.

Her wish was seemingly granted when the Starks rallied to march South with the Baratheons against the Targaryen crown. She knew she might die in the combat, but had no care as long as she had a good fight before the Old Gods claimed her.

Other: Trouble seeing long-distance, turns her head a little to the right if she wants to focus on something.

She carries her signature bardiche into battle. A rather uncommon weapon in Westeros, but a powerful one that she can appreciate. She also wears lamellar and chain armor, with a few pieces of the set containing plate mail, such as the ones guarding her wrists.

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Appearance (Differences from the picture): The most distinct features Viserys possesses are Valyrian qualities. His deep, violet eyes and long platinum hair marking him as a child of house Targaryen.

Name: Viserys Blackfyre

Title: Captain-General of the Golden Company, heir to the Iron Throne.

Nicknames: The Golden Dragon, Myr's Bane, The Tyroshi Dragon, The Valyrian Bastard, The Blackfyre King

Gender: Male.

Age: Thirty One.

Marital Status: Single and not yet sworn to any hand.


The Captain-General of the Golden Company can be called many things by many different people. To his enemies, particular the Free City of Myr, he is a vile bastard born from treachery. To rival Sell Sword companies he's a prideful and bull headed man, out to prove himself the greatest among them. In Tyrosh and Lys however he's known as a hero, a generous knight from Westeros, fighting for their lives. The truth is fickle, though, and all the stories told about the Golden Dragon could not sum up who he truly is.

One of his most dominating qualities is the confidence Viserys emits. Whether it's bartering for a better price from a client or riding into battle, the Blackfyre king acts as if he's steps ahead of the competition. His commonly nature, going from drinking with the lowest of his company to dining with wealthy merchants, has inspired fierce loyalties to him. Men follow their Captain-General not (solely) due to their filling coffers, but the style of man he is, often times leading by example. The Golden Dragon's strength at hand is only rivaled by his leadership capabilities, keeping his soldiers content enough even in times of defeat. An important quality for the Valyrian bastard to hold, as his own brash nature has led him into particularly devastating consequences, resulting almost in his demise thanks to his thirst for vengeance on a turncloak. The Blackfyre King is quick to befriend a man, yet slow to forgive him his misdoings. He holds little love for traitors and oathbreakers, mostly imprinted on him from his brothers in the Golden Company.

The most damaging quality that Viserys has is his ambitious drive, his lust for more and greater fame and glory. Under his leadership he's been known to pick contracts with losing factions, only to make his victories more impressive after the fact. While this has granted him great fame it is often felt greatest in his ranks, with more men laying dead than need be. And in all fairness, Viserys has never been known as a quick child, preferring to learn through his mistakes. This makes Viserys a man wise past what his years would hint at, his own stubborn nature and word as the Captain-General of the Golden Company leading him further into less savory situations. Yet his own skills with a sword or lance and the faith he shares with his brothers at arms keeps the man confident, secure in mind that they'll pull through by days break.

Towards enemies, Viserys will often reach out with an open hand. Provided they surrendered and provided him little trouble. The Blackfyre isn't afraid of speaking of their successes, though he'll almost always make his sound greater. To betrayers he's one without mercy. It would be a blessing if the Golden Dragon killed a man who turned his cloak quickly. Often times they are sent away, to the Basalisk isles to be sold, to Slaver's Bay, given to Dothraki. He spares no sleep for their fates.

Of all his names, it's said that none will grab Visery's attention as much as calling him Waters. It will sour the mood of the Captain-General quickly, only referring to him as bastard can you find him angrier. The name he most prefers to go by is the Blackfyre King or the Golden Dragon, in respect of the Golden Company.


The early years of Viserys Waters life isn't an uncomfortable one. The Blackfyre grew up in the Red Keep, squired for a knight sworn to his father, and learned much under his maesters and septons. The bastard received little warmth from his kingly father, however, given only what a dragon deserves and little less. His own mother was a mystery to the man, some spoke she was a servant girl, others a princess of Dorne. Whoever she was, it seemed the old mad king kept her far from her child. Viserys was an active child always, moving about the Red Keep and the city, when permitted, freely harassing those around him in his young ignorance. On his two and ten name day Viserys was finally allowed to see Westeros, squiring for Ser Rodrik Strong for three years. They traveled from tourney to tourney, staying at different lordly dwellings before the Blackfyre finally returned to the Red Keep. Older, stronger, slightly smarter, the young bastard began to understand his situation.

Being the illegitimate child to Maeryn left him with little when his father finally died. The desire to follow in Maeryn's footsteps led Viserys to a bold step, going so far as to threaten the High Septon at knife point to legitimize him. Naturally the High Septon refused and the bastard was taken into custody, detained in his quarters for two months for his offenses.

In the years after that occurrence, Viserys tried to garner Maeryn's admiration another way, hoping to still yet be named heir. He entered in tourneys after convincing Ser Rodrik Strong to knight him, though the bastard child did little to stand out at first, he gradually improved to the point of lasting well into the tilt, and further in melee's. The Golden Dragon found himself swelling with pride at such accomplishments and sought to confront his father, only for it to end with the Valyrian Bastard being ridiculed at for over stepping his bounds as he wished to succeed Maeryn. By the age of eight and ten Viserys Waters abandoned Kings Landing and Westero altogether, sailing for the Free Cities with gold and treasures from the Red Keep on his back. There he would drink, eat, and whore throughout the Three Sisters, Lys, Myr, and Tyrosh, until he confronted the former Captain-General of the Golden Company, Baelor "Blackheart" Blackfyre. The two men sized each other up before the older Blackfyre cackled, handed Viserys a proper sword, and named him brother. It was then that Viserys Water renounced his name, taking the older Blackfyre name.

Viserys would spend the rest of his adolescence rising in the Golden Company, getting to know the different officers and attending the routine meetings of the elite circle. It became apparent that Baelor Blackheart intended for his distant relative to succeed him. The Golden Dragon would become familiar with the different merchants, the pirates, slavers that routinely visited the Step Stones and the Disputed Lands. By the age of twenty four Viserys found himself commanding the company, Baelor having died of an infected wound after weeks of agonizing treatment. Baelor Blackheart left Viserys with one parting gift, the old sword of house Targaryen, Blackfyre. A weapon that the young commander has kept on his person at near all times. The Valyrian Bastard would then tie the Golden Company closely to the Free City of Tyrosh, taking up several contracts for them in his short reign as the Captain-General. Though the Golden Company took contracts from Lys and Volantis too, they rarely left the south eastern corner of Essos during Visery's rule.


Viserys has said on numerous occasions that he isn't fond of Kings Landing, finding the city to smell too much and the residents to be depressing. The Blackfyre Prince has become a fan of slavery during his time in Essos, frequently purchasing men to trade off for greater profits, or buying exotic women to service him. The idea of sailing is disconcerting for the young bastard, having a distrust for the sea since a young age. It's speculated he allies himself with Tyrosh only to not have to combat a strong naval power. Viserys does in fact wield and use the ancient sword Blackfyre regularly.

Viserys refuses to travel North of Pentos, having a fear of the Free City of Braavos, particularly their Facelessmen. Likewise, the Warlocks of Quarth make the Blackfyre king uncomfortable. Viserys prefers the company of women, but he isn't one to judge too harshly on men laying together. Distancing himself from the Faith of the Seven and most moral institutions has given him a relaxed outlook on certain aspects of life.
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Disregard 'da modern clothes.


Conn Greyjoy





Nicknames / Titles:

Lord Of The Iron Islands

King Of The Iron Islands

The Greyjoy

"C*nt" Greyjoy

Marital Status:



Conn Greyjoy is a bastard. Not a literal bastard-- just a bastard. The Iron Islands have a standard for all of its people and Conn is no exception. He is tough, and has been made tougher through-out his years due to living almost all his life away from home.

However, Conn has some interests that would seem somewhat foreign to your average Ironborn. Conn is a lot more politically savvy than his people. He can be very eloquent and well-mannered when he wants to be. But, some say he has a slight touch of madness as well. He can be uncouth and unforgiving when he desires. He is a very strange person in the sense that he will sometimes give things tremendous thought, and other times he will act rash.

Crazed mood swings aside; The Ironborn actually respect Conn. They may make jest about him and there is always talk on whether he is actually a madman or not- but, the people of The Iron Islands actually admire him and his leadership. In turn, Conn admires his people as well and feels as if The Ironborn can conquer the world if they tried hard enough.

This, however, doesn't stop Conn from being vicious against his own kind- as he is known to drown any Ironborn who seriously opposes him.

So do not trust him by appearance. He may seem like an attractive, charming young man- but he is that and so much worse.

He's not ruthless... just... a bastard.


Conn Greyjoy is the third-born son of Lord Benjiman "The Blue Man" Greyjoy and currently the only living son.

Conn's eldest brother, Corynk, was groomed as 'heir' to The Iron Islands from an early age- but, he died at the young age of 14. Conn's other brother, Harlon, was the next heir after their brother's death. As he did not think he'd die; Conn left The Iron Islands aged 11 to venture across Planetos with his uncle- who commanded a large vessel known as "The Sea Spire".

Conn visited many an ocean, and many a place. He traveled from Pyke, to Braavos, to Lys, to Old Valyria, to Slaver's Bay, to Yi Ti, to ( even ) The Thousand Isles.

When he was on an island in The Jade Sea- he met a young woman called Na'i. He abandoned his uncle's ship and stayed with Na'i for several years, before she produced a bastard daughter for him.

Na'i died shortly after childbirth and Conn used what little coin he had left to bring himself and his daughter to Astapor where he worked as dockworker. After earning a small fortune, he bought a small ship with a terrible crew and made his way back to Westeros where he arrived to find that his family had failed their fifth rebellion. His father, and his only remaining brother had perished whilst attempting to sack King's Landing.

Conn was now "The Lord Of The Iron Islands". He was unprepared and unwilling- but, his uncle and sister managed to coax him into accepting the position.

His years of adventuring had made him more than a lil' scatterbrained however. His reign as 'lord' started off badly when he got in argument with Olyvar Volmark and had him executed by drowning him off the coast of Old Wyk.

House Volmark soon rose their banners up against Conn, but, Conn's silver tongue managed to ease them down- well, he also had help from his uncle and sister.

Now, six years after his rule began, Conn is ready to avenge Benjiman and Harlon by taking The Iron Throne and keeping it.


Conn has developed a slightly exotic and weird accent over the years of living away from Westeros. This only adds to his "charm".

Conn isn't that good of a fighter, but if there was something he excelled at- it'd be sea warfare. He is alright with a sword, but, far from the best.

Conn is missing a thumb on his left hand, he lost it in a 'knife game' with his brother Harlon when they were quite young.

Many a maester has tried to... 'identify' Conn's so-called mental illness and many a maester has been beaten because of it.

He loves the company of women, but he once bedded a man in a Tyroshi brothel and he didn't really mind it. As he would say;

"a hole is a hole."
- - - - -



Aerea Targaryen





Nicknames / Titles:

Princess Aerea Of The Seven Kingdoms

The Red Dragon

Marital Status:



Aerea Targaryen has a cold exterior, and she has a cold interior as well. She is warm and kind to people who are warm and kind to her. But, as soon as someone does something wrong against her- she instantly sees them as a bully. Aerea pities herself. Ever since she was a young child, she has pitied her "awful" life. However, she was never treated cruelly by anyone- she just has a case of middle child syndrome.

Even though she feels very sorry for herself, she has quite an ego. She thinks because she has been treated poorly at times that she deserves everything good in the world.

This aside; Aerea is a beautiful girl and a princess- which has made her a very desirable young woman. Many men have tried for her hand, but, once they discovered how warped and 'miserable' she is-- they lose interest.

She is clever and calculating, but she is most definitely not as clever and calculating as she'd like to think she is.


Aerea Targaryen was born at the very end of a ten year long Winter. She was hailed as a "blessing" from The Seven and a sign that the next Summer would be a long one. It wasn't, in fact, it lasted only a year.

Because of their false predictions, Maeryn The Mad had the pious figures flogged in the streets of King's Landing. Aerea grew up somewhat disjointed from her family- most likely due to the fact that she had inherited her mother's physical traits.

Instead of silver locks, she had red ones. Instead of purple eyes, she had blue ones. As these traits became more an' more apparent- she earned the name "The Red Dragon" from the courtiers.

Her older sister would oft make fun of her for her appearance. It was only childish taunting- but Aerea always took the japes to heart. Sometimes at night, she'd doubt she was even a real Targaryen.

Things got worse when her younger sister, Daenna, was born. Her father paid little to no attention to her and her family all gawked at the new, beautiful lil' baby.

When she was 8 or so, Aerea became obsessed with the dragon skulls in the basement of The Red Keep. Sometimes, she'd sneak out of her bedchamber and sleep next to the biggest of the skulls. She would oft talk to the skulls, as if they were alive. But, her nightly venturing soon stopped when her sisters told their mother what she'd been doing.

Aerea grew up to be an attractive young woman, but, yet she still felt like the odd one out.

At 15, she was set to be wed to Thate Velaryon, but, her mother soon died and the wedding was put on hold. She held no love for Thate, and found him almost too repulsive to bare.

Now, at the age of 18, her father has expired and her elder sister has become the new queen. But, Aerea has a few treasonous thoughts in her head.

Why can't I be queen?
I've suffered so much. Why can't I get my chance?
Aerea isn't sure if she would actually attempt to TAKE the throne from her sister. But, she most definitely wouldn't mind having the throne handed to her...


Aerea has an unhealthy obsession with dragons, and other extinct and mythical creatures. She had a lot of time to read up on them when she was a young girl.

Aerea has never been out of The Seven Kingdoms, thus she oft dreams of visiting exotic cities.

Aerea has a confusing relationship with everyone around her. She doesn't have anybody who she'd consider a true friend. Sometimes she gets on really well with everyone, other times people find her insufferable.

Aerea considers herself a skilled person when it comes to court politics. Although this may be due to her slight ego.



Head: Gelgin Arryn

Lady of the House: Laura Arryn, To Be Added

Heir: Open, but PM me about it before you try and claim this.

Second Son: Trevir Arryn

Literally Anything Else: Open, some may end up filled by me, but there's always more.


The system of power in Westeros is balanced so finely, that one knock can rearrange the entire thing, but it might easily topple with too great a blow. The key is knocking it in just the right way. This is the most valuable skill a man can possess.
Gelgin Arryn

Name: Gelgin Arryn

Gender: Male

Age: 54

Nicknames / Titles: The Grey Fox, Mountain Face, Gelgin The Unkillable, Warden of the East

Marital Status: Married


Gelgin is as taciturn as a man could possibly be, and has the hard, cold face to match. Nobody can ever really read him or what he's thinking, and his only facial expression is a blank slate. He's a machine, possessing very few emotions except for determination, and very few wants other than the betterment of his house. he doesn't hold grudges, and it is incredibly difficult to truly offend him, but similarly it is very difficult to get to the point where he'd call you a 'friend'. He is possessed of an incredible willpower, and is very difficult to sway from his course once he has chosen it.

Nobody questions his intelligence, though. He is constantly thinking, calculating, weighing options, analysing. He is a schemer, first and foremost, and a cunning strategist. His only true loyalty is to his house, which he would die for without a second thought, if that was the best option. He sees things in people, and has almost startlingly accurate first impressions of many he meets. Some whisper that he is gifted with the Greensight, or that he has some other mystical blessing, but it all truly comes down to the mundane. He has a deep caring for his wife, Laura. She is the one exception to his hard demeanour, though he only shows it in private. Even then, however, he is understated about it.


Gelgin remembers much of the Targaryen's rule, and how devastating their madnesses were to Westeros. He also learned, however, that the opposite was also true. The Targaryens were either mad, or brilliant in some way. Early in his life, at the age of 19 he was kidnapped by the Hill Tribes, and his father rode with his troops to rescue Gelgin. When he arrived at the camp, Gelgin was nowhere to be found, so he butchered the tribe to a man. In desparation, he searched for four days, until he found Gelgin most of the way to the Eyrie, dragging himself along the ground, extremely injured. He was ridden back to the Eyrie, where the Maester proclaimed that he'd broken five ribs, had a deep gash in his chest, his right knee had been shattered, and several arrow wounds were in his back. By all rights, he should have died days before, but he had somehow lived that long, and further, somehow recovered from most of his wounds. To this day, he retains a heavy limp, and the unofficial moniker 'The Unkillable'. He roundly refuses to talk about what happened there.

At the age of 24, his father passed away, and Gelgin took over the house. During his reign, the forces of House Arryn multiplied, weapons became a monoploy of theirs, and House Arryn generally increased in status. Gelgin steered the house clear of internal conflicts within Westeros, making the best use of his resources that he could. Even in the War of the Ninepenny Kings, they stayed neutral. At 28, before the War of the Ninepenny Kings, Gelgin gained a wife in Laura Royce. The two had many children, and took to each other strangely well, given Gelgin's personality. Nobody fully understands it except Gelgin and Laura.

He brought up his children in not so much a loving way, but a very efficient way. They have no special love of him, and he knows it. He works for the best of his house, and his children are capable tools to this end. He prepares his eldest son for the rulership of the house, and raises the rest to fulfill roles, or at least be generally competent in life. This has worked to varying degrees of success. With Tytos dead, he wonders whether he will be chosen as the new Hand, for the matter remains undecided.

Other: Not a particularly skilled or strong warrior, Gelgin battles on the mental plane. He is currently undefeated in Cyvasse, a master reader of people, and a genius in general. His face is totally unreadable and blank at most times. He is immensely determined to succeed, no matter the costs, and is dedicated to the wellbeing of the house. He possesses a great limp, and cannot walk at all without a cane. His knee never properly healed from whatever happened in the Mountains of the Moon. 5'8" and 135 lb


A storm is coming? Try not to worry too much. There is nothing you can do against the forces of nature, but plug your defences and hope for the best. Always hope for the best.
Trevir Arryn

Name: Trevir Arryn

Gender: Male

Age: 19

Nicknames / Titles: The White Falcon, Laughing Knight

Marital Status: Single


Trevir is as unlike his father as he could possibly be, expressive, fairly open, jovial, and humorous. He is quick to jest, and notorious for his wit in the face of basically anything. He is rather cynical about knightly values, believing that such stuff is only in stories and legends, and don't really happen. Instead, he just tries to hold on to what morals he can, and just work his way through the scum in this world. He's loyal to his beliefs, and very steadfast in resolve. He won't back down from a challenge without serious convincing, and has a moderately high opinion of himself.

He's earned this opinion, though, with incredible skill at arms, sometimes being compared to the Mountain Lion, Martyn Lannister. Rather than strength, however, Trevir has found that he is a natural fighter, with an almost unheard of amount of natural talent in combat and riding even at a young age. Gelgin identified this quickly, and set about equipping Trevir with everything he needed to be one of the great fighters of the age.

In spite of all this, Trevir is actually a little shy in front of a crowd or beautiful women. Among friends, he is perfectly comfortable, but there is a very clear point for him where crowds get too much for him to properly handle. The women front of that is simply being unaccustomed to being in the presence of attractive women, and he thus tends to be relatively easily wowed by them.


Trevir was the second son of Gelgin Arryn, and was seemingly born to be a skilled warrior. He was quickly pegged as such by most around him, and his father committed all he could to the development of this skill. He was not an overly tall, large, or strong boy, but he was always very quick and had a knack for combat. As he grew, he was a very quick study in the ways of combat, and was introduced to riding early on. His ambidexterity aided further in his training.

At the same tourney where Martyn won the melee, Trevir competed. The crowd terrified him, and he found himself unable to even will himself out onto the field of the melee. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't work up the nerve to do it, to step out in front of the crowd. He did overcome it in time to join the joust, although he still felt somewhat off his game.

Apparently off his game meant rampaging through the lists, only once coming close to being unhorsed. He was a confusing mix of surprised and afraid when he won. Now he was the centre of the crowd's attention, and had to choose a Queen of Love and Beauty. He scanned the crowd, and as he went along, a few maidens stood out. However, as he rode farther down, he immediately saw his choice. He politely asked to crown Celena Lannister as the Queen of Love and Beauty, somehow digging through his fear to summon up a shout in declaration of his choice.

After his showing, he was immediately put into consideration as a member of the Kingsguard, although there were no posts available at the time. Even if such a chance presented itself, he would decline, for he knows the Kingsguard can never take a wife, and he has nervously set his eyes on Celena Lannister.

Other: Prodigy of combat, expert rider, and ambidextrous. Trevir is especially skilled in jousts, being virtually unmatched in that area. Certainly, he is still one of the best warriors in Westeros on foot. He is compared to Martyn Lannister, and some wonder how such a match would turn out. Trevir himself thinks Martyn the superior on the ground, although holds that he'd win in a joust, and that they're probably equals in a mounted melee. As for how it would really turn out? Well, nobody really knows. However, he has a fear of crowds and some amount of social anxiety and shyness. He has a quick wit which he tends to use in any situation, even when he's scared stiff. One feature of his father's that he has picked up is a strong will and determination to accomplish his goals. 5'10" and 160 lb.
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(Dark red hair and green eyes.)

Name: Timos Stark

Gender: Male

Age: 14

Nicknames / Titles:


Marital Status:



Timos find's himself feeling like an outsider in Winterfell. Where his strange quirk's and energetic way's were tolerated and even encouraged in Braavos he find's them being suppressed in Winterfell. Where there where many rules to follow, way's to act, and lot's of expectation's. It tends to drive him crazy and as such he is often searching for something to take his energy or irritation out on often resulting in him getting into trouble. He usually manages to get out of it on his own through in some clever way, subtle manipulation, or a trick but still get's into trouble should his aunt or uncle discover it. It certainly doesn't help that he is very curious and has a fiery temper. Or that he tend's to dislike the views of the people of Winterfell. He finds them lacking and stunted compared to Braavos. Yet, he is smart enough to hold his tongue most of the time. Mostly so he doesn't hurt his families feelings.

"I don't need to stay but I wish to. They are still Tomas's family even if they aren't mine and I owe it to him to protect them."


Timos's father was Lord Stark's brother. When they where younger and Lord Stark had just taken over Winterfell Timos's father left to go to Braavos. Where he was meeting with an old friend. While there he found himself enchanted by Alira Worren. She ran a small shop in town and was a very lovely woman. The two began a relationship and within a year were married. They had Timos two year's later and he grew up exploring the large city. They were a happy family until his mother caught ill and died. His father was unable to care for him in his grief so sent his son off to Winterfell and has not sent word to him since. He has lived in Winterfell for the past year and still doesn't feel like he belongs. He misses Braavos. He misses his father.

"In Braavos there were many mysteries to be found and I was eager to discover them all. I have even found myself tangled within one particular mystery."


. Though small for one his age he has hidden muscles from his lesson's.

. Tomas isn't one for politics and tends to stick to the sidelines in a battle of words. Choosing to seem mysterious which has worked out for him often.

. He has been taught the Water dance among styles like it since he was 12 and has continued them when he moved to Winterfell along with archery lesson's.

. He has a thick exotic accent and knows a few languages.

. He is rather skilled at stealing. Which he learned to further his pranks.

. He is a superb climber.

. He has a Braavosi rapier he always carries with him.

. He is great at blending in and disguising himself when he knows he is in trouble.

. He isn't well known to most of the other houses.

"I can hide in plain sight if I wish it. It is a skill I excel at better then most."
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Name: Braedon Baratheon

Gender: Male

Age: 26

Nicknames / Titles:

Lord of Storm's End

Lord Paramount of the Stormlands

Stag of the People

Marital Status:



Aware of the fact that he would one day inherit the Storm's End from his father, Braedon grew up a responsible and considerate individual. Determined to one day become an able ruler himself, he often looked up to Ser Osmund Baratheon. Anyone that has ever spoken with the young man could easily see the influence that his father had on him, being the honorable person that he is. Braedon cares deeply for those close to him and has a strong sense of duty and honor, though he has very strong feelings in general, both positive and negative. He also believes that determination is another key to being an effective leader, which, coupled with his other traits, has earned him a good amount of respect and recognition among those who have been acquainted with him.

Being the eldest of four children, Braedon was always rather protective of his younger siblings. Though he's usually associated with being serious and concentrated most of the time, he is known to soften up from time to time when around the younger members of his family. His kindness is also often shown to the people of Storm's End, who have taken a liking to Braedon over the years. Most believed that he had what it took to become the next great lord of Storm's End. Nobody doubted his political prowess or his ability on the battlefield, even if he was yet to be proven.


The first son of Osmund Baratheon, Braedon was born and raised in Storm's End, though has accompanied his father on his trips around the continent on multiple occasions. It was during these trips that Braedon realized just how widely respected his father was. Eventually, he became to catch on and came to admire the man himself, both as a lord and as a father. Recognizing this, Osmund did the best he could to teach Braedon about lordship. He also hired a combat instructor by the name of Dramen Tarth for his son, turning him into a proficient swordsman over time.

Even as a child, Braedon was widely known thanks to his father's reputation. Although he didn't realize it, all eyes were on him as the successor to Storm's End. As a result, his early years were spent in a rather carefree and playful manner, as any other child would at their age. Most of the time, he would be found playing with his younger siblings in one place or another. In any case, his early life was on the uneventful side and mainly served as a time for him to learn and satisfy his curiosity about the world. The more critical years of his life would come later.

As he became older, Braedon became more familiar with the Stormlands, their people, traditions, etc. It was sometime during his teenage years when his father told him to become familiar with the people of the Stormlands, as they would one day become his subjects. Taking this advice to heart, the boy did exactly that, and in no time, was adored by the people. He spent a good amount of time among their ranks and in their eyes, he was seen more as one of them than as nobility, which had more than pleased his father. Braedon would listen to their pleas and attempt to assist them in any way possible. Ever since, a good portion of his life has been devoted to charity work. Eventually, he would be called "Stag of the People" by many, which caught on quickly.

Just as everything seemed well, disaster struck. Out of the blue, Osmund Baratheon was executed by Maeryn the Mad, sending the entire continent of Westeros into shock. Devastated by the news, Braedon locked himself within the confines of the castle for days. His absence from the outside world was worrying news to many, with good reason. When he did finally come out of the castle doors, practically anyone could tell that he was a changed man. He no longer made small talk to people on the street, and seldom even spoke with his family. He's recovered a substantial amount since then, but there's still only one thing on his mind - revenge on the Targaryen throne.


- His father was trying to arrange a marriage between Braedon and one of the other noble houses prior to his death.

- He has quite the interest in history.

- Despite having only been there once, he has a fondness for the castle of Winterfell.

- Doesn't have a preference between men or women.​
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Walder Tully

Lord Paramount of the Trident

Family, Duty, Honour: Let the kings of winter have their cold crypt under the earth. The Tullys drew their strength from the river, and it was to the river they returned when their lives had run their course.
Catelyn Tully


Name: Walder Tully

Gender: Male

Age: 65

Titles: Lord Paramount of the Riverlands, Lord of Riverrun, Lord of the Rivers and Hills and Lord of the Trident

Nicknames: "Red" Walder

Marital Status: Married (Lady Barba Bracken)


  • Due to injuries suffered in his youth, Lord Walder tends to walk with a limp and can even occasionally be found clutching a large oaken cane, carved into the shape of his house' sigil, the trout.
  • Lord Walder keeps up strong relations with both the Houses Stark and Baratheon, though it is unknown where his loyalty will land in the war.


Meek and somewhat weak willed, Walder Tully is not the strongest of men nor is he the brightest, his mind, whilst not yet gone to an extent where he will forget the names and faces of those around him beginning to fade, falling to the test of time, often leaving him slow and confused when it comes to politics and other important matters. This is not to say however that Lord Walder is a stupid man, in fact far from it, during his youth he was one of the most cunning and powerful men in the entire Seven Kingdoms, yet unfortunately due to age and a premature injury to his right leg whilst he was still in his prime the Lord of Riverrun was forced to give up his sword and shield, leaving behind naught but a series of exciting tales and an old nickname given to him after winning a battle that he has long since forgotten about Walder the Red"

Now in his sixties Walder has accepted that his own demise is slowly approaching and that he will soon join his forefathers at the bottom of the river trident, causing him to take more risks than in previous years, caring little about self preservation and instead about the position of his family and their allies, wanting nothing more than for House Tully to survive and thrive in the coming years and for his children inherit a region that has not been ravished and ruined.

Embodying the Tully words, there is little Walder cares for more than his family, especially is granddaughters whom he wishes to see married off to good kind men who will truly appreciate them rather than to a powerful man in need of a quick alliance. It is this caring attitude that keeps the lords of the Riverlands in check, most of whom if not for the careful hand of their liege would have fallen to infighting years before, and it is out of a mutual respect that peace is maintained (Though it is likely that many Riverlords merely mean to wait out the elderly Lord Tully and will fall back into chaos after he is gone)
Raised to rule since birth, Lord Walder Tully was the definition of a young lordling: dashing, courageous, handsome and a great fighter, willing to go to great lengths to achieve victory and never backing down from a challenge, the perfect future lord for a region famous for its conflict and squabbles. It came to no surprise that suitors were lining up for his hand in marriage, hundred of different lords major and minor, each vying for the young heir to marry one of their daughters, sisters, aunts or nieces wishing to impress the Tully with lavish displays of wealth and power, many holding tourneys in his honour allowing him to cut through hundred of their knights for the chance he might take a liking to them, however this was never the case, it seemed that the heir had no interest in courting at all and turned down any woman that his father offered him, all but one that is. His marriage to Lady Barba of the House Bracken came as a shock to many, rumours had been circulating that he may never marry or that "he preferred sword play to jousting" and most had taken them as fact, though not a word was spoken to him, however it appeared that the young Tully had finally found love and that he was wiling to settle down and produce an heir for the Tully dynasty.

Walders life has remained relatively uneventful, he continued to participate in tourneys up until a leg injury (Sustained preventing fighting between the Lords Bracken and Blackwood) prevented him for properly being able to fight, though he would still often sit in the crowds and watch, enjoying nothing more than the sight of two fine warriors mercilessly beating each other with pointy sticks. During his time frequenting tourneys he met and acquainted himself with the Lord Osmund Baratheon an able knight and then heir to the Lord Paramountcy of the Stormlands, the two becoming not only fast friends but also occasional drinking companions, Walder being strongly opposed to the mans execution by the hands of King Mearyn.

Walder has not had the most eventful life, nor the most interesting, in fact he would often jape that the history books may skip over him entirely, he was so forgettable, though there is no denying that he has served his purpose as the Lord Paramount and that anyone that wishes to follow him will need a great deal of strength of mind and patience to keep in check all of the unruly Riverlords.


Walder Tully, Lord of Riverrun


Barba Bracken, Lady of Riverrun

http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net...Jarl_c1.png/revision/latest?cb=20140126073255http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net...Jarl_c1.png/revision/latest?cb=20140126073255Benjicot Tully, Heir to Riverrun


Olenna Mallister, Wife to Benjicot

http://www.herinterest.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/Red-Hair-Color-Idea_11.jpghttp://www.herinterest.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/Red-Hair-Color-Idea_11.jpghttp://www.herinterest.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/Red-Hair-Color-Idea_11.jpgAgnes Tully, Tully Scion


https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/f5/dd/b2/f5ddb233ae07a079856cf0a5df30059d.jpghttps://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/f5/dd/b2/f5ddb233ae07a079856cf0a5df30059d.jpghttps://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/f5/dd/b2/f5ddb233ae07a079856cf0a5df30059d.jpgGwenys Tully, Tully Scion


http://thinkfuse.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/red-haired-actors-and-actresses.jpghttp://thinkfuse.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/red-haired-actors-and-actresses.jpghttp://thinkfuse.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/red-haired-actors-and-actresses.jpgMalissa Tully, Tully Scion


https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/39/f0/d4/39f0d4749569df1054070c330b9700a5.jpghttps://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/39/f0/d4/39f0d4749569df1054070c330b9700a5.jpgLothar Tully, Knight of Riverrun


Roslin Bracken, Wife to Lothar


https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/ab/36/4b/ab364b6b6f2b4acd2272371ba99a9326.jpghttps://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/ab/36/4b/ab364b6b6f2b4acd2272371ba99a9326.jpgOtho Tully, Tully Scion


http://www.aceshowbiz.com/images/wennpic/amy-adams-16th-annual-hollywood-film-awards-gala-01.jpghttp://www.aceshowbiz.com/images/wennpic/amy-adams-16th-annual-hollywood-film-awards-gala-01.jpghttp://www.aceshowbiz.com/images/wennpic/amy-adams-16th-annual-hollywood-film-awards-gala-01.jpgBarba Tully, Tully Scion


http://31.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m6mrwzBxqG1rs1ef6o1_500.jpghttp://31.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m6mrwzBxqG1rs1ef6o1_500.jpgWalder Tully, Knight of Riverrun


http://thumb9.shutterstock.com/disp...rait-long-hair-and-red-lipstick-228152602.jpghttp://thumb9.shutterstock.com/disp...rait-long-hair-and-red-lipstick-228152602.jpgRevina Blackwood, Wife to Walder



https://www.rpnation.com/proxy.php?...c_1.jpg&hash=94b0aef33bc092ccaec9abc80142b3cahttps://www.rpnation.com/proxy.php?...c_1.jpg&hash=94b0aef33bc092ccaec9abc80142b3caAdele Tully, Tully Scion


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Name: Lord Rory Baratheon

Gender: Male

Age: 30

Nicknames / Titles: The Raging Stag, Lord of Dragonstone

Marital Status: Unmarried


Lord Rory Baratheon - a well recognized name throughout the Kingdom, known for his direct manner of speaking - and lack of social graces, he could be described as a bitter, hateful man. But those who label him as such know nought about him. Rory is a man of great determination, fierce passion, and incredible intellect.

No doubt, one of the greatest minds in Westeros, a battle against him - would be fearsome indeed. Whilst no slouch in many departments, his desire for what he believes is his often leads to blind arrogance, and rash actions. And his diplomatic skills are nothing short of poor.

Whilst born as the eldest son of the Baratheon household, it was no secret that the relationship between Rory and his father was always hanging by a thread, unlike most eldest sons; Rory received little direction in the ways of ruling, and was even denied his birthright as Lord of Storms End. Most considered him the 'failure' child, due to his own ambitions and blatant disregard for his fathers words - yet these traits were the results of his own neglect, likely a result of his mothers death in childbirth, his birth.

There were many reasons for the fallout between the two, some minor, some prominent. Such as Rory's disagreement with the lessons taught by Osmond, ranging to Rory's defiance to his father.

His physique was a combination of natural strength, and his rigorous daily training exercises. Whilst his younger brother Braedon was trained to rule the lands, Rory was busy training his body to mimic the perfect warrior. However, one thing his father never learnt was his eldest son's incredible ability to command an a battlefield, and not simply swing a sword.

The art of tactical warfare was the only thing the Baratheon could do better than fight, and all of his skills were mostly self taught; Rory actually spent the majority of his time away from home, and it became apparent that Osmund soon just stopped caring completely.

With that, Rory abandoned his home at the age of 17, in favour of trying to make a name for himself as the leader of a mercenary company - his success was in fact staggering, known throughout Westeros as an incredible warrior, strategic master, and of noble birth; meant he was the first to be bought - even at an increased price.

Spending 6 years as a mercenary honed Rory's war skills to perfection; yet such a lifestyle mad his social graces - and diplomacy - disastrous, yet his mercenary reign ended when he was awarded the fiefdom of Dragonstone by King Maerys the Mad after slaying the 'Knight of Glass' - a legendary outlaw - in personal combat, and one of the most fearsome figures in Westeros. It is likely he only received the fiefdom to spite Osmund Baratheon - who Maerys knew hated his eldest with a passion.

However, upon the execution of his father; Ser Rory ignored the call to arms from both sides of the war, choosing to remain in Dragonstone. Whether his siblings bear any hate towards him for this is unknown, but contrary to his earlier lifestyle, Rory seemed to wisen in his late twenties, and whilst he bears some level of desire to Storms End, he does not hold ill feelings towards Braedon.

Whilst he doesn't possess the marital finesse of Martyn Lannister, or Trevir Arryn; Rory's large physique of 6'6, and great strength combined with his battle rage puts him far above most fighters in Westeros. However, unbeknownst to most; Rory is of a sound tactical mind, and enjoys strategic board games to test his ability in command.




Name: Ser Mandon Seaworth

Gender: Male

Age: 54

Nicknames / Titles: The Sea Dragon

Marital Status: Single


Ser Mandon is not Westeros's typical knight; this is a man born of low born status, who fought tooth and nail for survival. He has the of such, direct, to the point and completely unafraid to speak his mind - despite his upfront way of speech, nobody can fault this man's unwavering willpower, and unquestionable loyalty to his Lord.

Whilst no combat master, or great warrior. His name is recognized all across the true Baratheon ranks as a man of incredible intellect - Rory Baratheon has even dubbed the Sea Dragon is the 'finest tactician in Westeros'.


Born to the decrepit slums of Flea Bottom, life was destined to be a terrible struggle for Ser Mandon at birth, like most born of such origin who survived; his early life was traversed acting as a thief and smuggler; the days littered with dangers, and prayers of evading capture from the City Watch. Like most children if Flea Bottom, Mandon was born fatherless; and without much care from his mother. Such things only reinforced the child's ambition to escape the shackles of King's Landing.

Alas, his chance came at the young age of 16, when the teenager overheard discussion of a ship entering the bay, one of Pirate origin. Under cover of night, with little other option. Mandon used the skills obtained throughout his life to sneak on-board this ship. Evidently, mid-journey to Volantis, he was discovered - yet rather than punishment - the Captain, impressed with Mandon's ability to avoid notice for four days, took the boy under his wing.

It was then, during the 'Glass Knights Terror' that Maerys the Mad hired a mercenary fleet to transport a small army of crown soldiers and mercenaries to Riverun to combat the outlaw. The pirates chose to accompany the army - under the joint command of a renowned knight, and Ser Rory Baratheon in the hopes of treasure. But instead, most found only death. Whilst the death of the outlaw is credited largely to Rory's skill - what most people do not know is the 'Glass Knight' possessed a Valyrian steel greatsword, which tore through Rory's own blade in seconds.

The reason for his survival was Ser Mandon's bravery through intercepting the killing blow with his shield, allowing Rory to regain his footing. With the huge Valyrian Sword stuck near the bottom of Mandon's shield - after slicing off most of his hand - Rory was able to finish the fight with a simple dagger stab to the throat.

He was promptly knighted by the future Lord he had saved, and has served Rory for many years - his loyalty fixed.


Ser Mandon is an incredible tactician, and battle commander. But his true mastery lies in the seas, a naval battle against this Sea Dragon is severely one sided. However, despite his abilities; he is plagued by the loss of a hand.

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Adele Tully





Nicknames / Titles:

Ade / Thrice Born

Marital Status:



Often a mediator between his family member's growing up Adele finds he doesn't much have a taste for violence. Though he certainly doesn't have a weak stomach and can hold his own when need be. Especially if given a bow. Instead Adele tend's to stick to the more political battles where the tongue is the master and where his seemingly unlimited amount of patients is well used. He is a smart and clever boy who like's nothing more then finding someone who is just as good as playing the battle of words. As a result he has been found to be quiet the charmer and manipulator.

"My upbringing truly formed who I became."


Adele is the son of Walder Tully and Revina Blackwood, the sister to Tytos's, in another attempt at a treaty between the Bracken's and the Blackwood's. Growing up he most of his life with his parent's at Riverrun but also spent many months at Blackwood vale and with the Bracken's. As a result he often found himself in the middle of dispute's between the two houses and playing mediator. It also meant that he never felt truly welcomed in either house because of his blood. As such he chose to spend most of his time with house Tully. However he does cherish the skill's he has learned at the Blackwood's and Bracken's.

"I have done many thing's that I regret over the years but I have done nothing that I didn't have to."


. Adele always carries his bow 'Whisper' with him.

. Adele once kissed a pair of siblings. One male and one female. He liked kissing the male better but found he enjoyed the female's company more as she was a better thinker.

. Adele isn't much of a swordsmen

"I grew up playing the game of silver soaked words. The Game of Thrones is my next challenge. For once I find myself weary of the game ahead."
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Kuvira Targaryen
Queen and Dragon of the West




" I'll let you take a guess"




Nicknames / Titles:

Queen Kuvira of the seven kingdom

dragon of the west

Marital Status:


"I'll possibly end up a virgin queen."




Kuvira is polite and well-spoken, but filled with quiet determination. She has extreme intelligence, grandiosity, incapacity for remorse, arrogance, and an unhealthy degree of self-confidence. Born a princess and hailed as a prodigy, kuvira grew up to be narcissistic and confident. She relentlessly drilled herself toward perfection and settled for nothing less from herself or those who serve her. She believes that power and domination are what makes a person strong, and as such will only help others if she has some personal gain at stake. She had absolute confidence in her "divine right to rule" which she believed she was born with. She had neither pity nor mercy toward those she marked as treasonous or inferior. As one who wanted nothing less than absolute control, she likewise had remarkable control of herself,seemingly always able to react to any situation at a moment's notice, never losing her composure.


she's an excellent tactician, regularly displaying cunning, perception, and resourcefulness that allowed her to take advantage of almost any situation. But she does suffer from targaryen madness. Suffering from her inner pain, she at times appear to be an insane, sadistic and psychopathic individual. a sarcastic, cynical, albeit childish sense of humour but often spoke in a tone that would intimidate or annoy her opponents. She had an incredible capability for changing his tone of voice and behaviour several times in a single sentence for psychological warfare - ranging from serenity, humour, mockery, childish, laid-back, to violence. Because of this Kuvira is extremely difficult to read and anticipate.








She had a deadly accuracy with these weapons and used them to pin her opponents down, even if she or the target was moving, Her expert marksmanship gave her enough strength to defeat powerful benders and multiple opponents.


Hand to hand combat:

She is able to perform acorbatic movements like they were childs play. She knows how and where to hit her enemy, vicious attack patterns keep her opponent off balance and leave them little room to make any kind of error without being punished for it.


Showing weakness

Losing power

Anyone finding out she's a bastard


Nobody (not even her) knows that she isn't a full blooded targaryen yet.

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Eveleen Rowan née Tyrell





Nicknames / Titles:

The Rose At Goldengrove

Queen Of Love And Beauty

Marital Status:



Eveleen Tyrell is the definition of a lady. She is generous, giving, polite, and well-mannered. This is all due to her mother's mentality. Her mother always believed that a lady should act like, well, a lady.

Eveleen has no ulterior motive behind her manners. She is not hiding anything at all. She truly is a traditional woman.

However, she is quite clever. And she definitely uses the people she wrangles in with her courteous behavior, to her advantage.

She can be seen as a little bit controlling to her close friends and family. She feels as if she needs everything to go perfect for her. BUT- she is not a power hungry person. She doesn't mind having a bit of power here an' then, but she would never seek something as powerful as The Iron Throne.


Born in a long Summer. Eveleen Tyrell was the first daughter born to Hollis Tyrell and Sibylla Peake. She grew up in Highgarden, and from a young age she learnt all the basics of being a woman in Westeros.

She learnt how to courtesy, and how to sing, and how to sew, and how to walk with poise. Due to her being the only girl ( for a time ), she would never get along well with her brothers. She would speak with them on occasion- but, they were always off doing some "boy-ish" thing that she didn't want to do at all. This caused her to become very detached from her male siblings.

Eveleen adored her mother though. She felt as if she could confide anything in her mother and she'd help in whatever way she could. Eveleen spent most of her time as a young girl with her mother.

Until her mother gave birth to a new baby girl. Sibylla passed away only hours after birth. The little girl she left behind was a poor, an' sickly thing- that didn't live to see her second nameday. Eveleen didn't react as you think she would after her mother's death. She didn't weep at all, she just... smiled. Eveleen was, in some strange way, glad.

Her mother had been her best friend, but she told Eveleen to never fear death- to, in fact, embrace death. So Eveleen did just that; she was happy that her mother would be able to rest easy.

At the age of 15- Hollis Tyrell remarried. Brynn Caswell was not much older than Eveleen herself. Eveleen was weary at first, but, her and Brynn soon became close friends. Brynn soon gave birth to Filicity Tyrell.

Eveleen immediately adored her baby step-sister. And it made her want children of her own one day.

When she was only 17- Eveleen was crowned "Queen Of Love And Beauty" at The Tourney At Ashemark by Ser Erik Rowan, a young knight. She fell in love with the gallant man as soon as he place the crown upon her head. She begged and begged her father to let her marry Ser Erik.

And after a year of begging; she found herself in Ser Erik's bed, and her new name was now "Rowan".

But she quickly regretted it all. Ser Erik was a gentle man- yes- but he was also a glutton. She soon founder her husband would fall on their bed in the middle of the night, smelling of Arbor Red.

But, she kept on. She may of not of loved her husband, but she loved her position of power in The Reach. Her father was Warden Of The South, and her husband was a fool who'd listen to every little word she'd whisper in his ear.

Ser Erik's love has never wavered, but, Eveleen's has. And now she sees her husband as a 'tool' than a lover.

Her 35th nameday approaches and Eveleen has produced two younglings for her drunken knight. A boy of 16, Erik, and a girl of 11, Hallie. Both of 'em may have their father's genetics- but, they have their mother's mindset. And she couldn't be any prouder of them.


Eveleen earned the nickname; "The Rose At Goldengrove"- for how she placed and poised herself when she came to Goldengrove, alone. There wasn't any other Tyrell at her side, but she managed to integrate with the people of House Rowan and Goldengrove very gracefully.

She is known for her 'luncheons' at Goldengrove. On warm summer days- she will hold large feasts only catering to the ladies of Westeros. She regularly holds one every year.

She would like to think she doesn't fear death, due to her mother's beliefs.

Eveleen has never touched a weapon. She hasn't even ever gone hunting with her lovely lord husband.

- - - - -



Filicity Tyrell





Nicknames / Titles:


Marital Status:



Although mostly stubborn and brooding- Filicity Tyrell can be a fun young woman. She enjoys going to the inn outside of Highgarden and drinking with friends an' small folk. Even though she doesn't care about being a 'lady' and getting dirty- Filicity still cares for her appearance. She bathes more than a normal person should and she is a little bit of a neat freak when it comes to her bedchamber.

She likes to take her time and contemplate things. When she was younger, she would make rash decisions constantly- but she never does ANYTHING without thinking it through thoroughly.


Filicity Tyrell is the only daughter of Hollis Tyrell and Brynn Caswell. Filicity had a fairly normal childhood. And from an early age; she was proclaimed as "A Beauty". Unlike her step-sister, Filicity was never fond of being a 'lady'. She would always disobey her septa. One day, she threw her sewing kit on the floor and ran out to the stable at Highgarden to hide. As the septa searched desperately, Filicity was given a nudge by her step-brother's horse.

Filicity clumsily mounted the horse and rode east to Cider Hall. Well, she tried. She was caught by her father's guard and brought back to Highgarden with a scolding.

She confessed to her father that she wanted to learn to ride a horse, like her brothers. Hollis mulled it over, before allowing her to do so.

Filicity grew up with a saddle underneath her- as she would go out for a ride almost every day of her pre-teen years.

When she was 13- Filicity began learning how to joust from her cousin, Willam. They would spend every single moment with one another training. And soon, she found herself attracted to the boy.

Relationships between cousins was not unheard of- but, as soon as they were caught fooling around near the stable, Hollis sent Willam away and he got so mad that he struck Filicity upon the face. He apologized, and apologized afterwards but from that day on, Filicity's love for her father begin to dwindle.

Now, at 19. Hollis has tried to find a suitable husband for Filicity for years. But, she has rejected every proposal. Her father would argue with her, but he still regrets hitting her- so he goes easy on her whenever she does defy him.

Filicity's life, as of present, consists of riding, jousting, and chatting with her step-sister- either by raven, or by when Eveleen holds her "pompous" tea parties.


Filicity has a gray mare, called "Wither". Even though it is an animal, she treats it like a family member. It even has its own little luxurious stable.

Filicity has been proposed to several different times by several different men. She has rejected them all, even when she didn't actually want to. She did this because she doesn't want her father to choose her lover, due to the event between her and Willam.

She has a very close relationship with her step-sister, Eveleen. But, sometime the duo fight like cat and dog. They would do anything to protect one another though.
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Revina Tully, nee Blackwood





Nicknames / Titles:

Vina/ Lady of the blade

Marital Status:

Married to Walder Tully


Revina may be skilled with a bow but her true talent lay's in politics. She is skilled in manipulation and very cunning though finds her heart is to soft for bigger game's then the one's she encounters in Riverrun. However she hope's her son has a harder heart then she. Though, she can't imagine leaving Riverrun should she ever get the chance to go to kings landing and battle the lord's there. She is to used to and loyal to her family.


Revina grew up learning the fine skill's of politics and archery from her mother with the knowledge that one day she would be married off for an alliance. So she stayed pure and didn't fight it when she was told she would marry Walder Turry. Though she was shocked and worries that if a war between the Blackwood's and Bracken's occured she and her future children would be caught in it. Thankfully nothing of the sort has occurred yet.


. Revina is a skillful horseback rider and very talented with a bow.

. She is pregnant

(She won't be a large character in the rp but will be featured)
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