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Fandom A Game Called Life (Accepting)

Alexander has taken off the kiddy gloves, aka his scythe, and put on the big boy claws. So, he's about to die and if you want to save him you may want to hurry up. Or not, cause you may come in time to see him fall gloriously in battle and be moved so greatly by his determination and savagery that you follow in his footsteps and jump the wolves recklessly.
If/when he dies, he's probably just gonna go to a cafe and eat. And maybe sleep some. Might even take up a hobby. Most likely eat some cake.

But first he must show the glory of himself to the monsters to show that he is the alpha and they are the omega.

But yeah, cake sounds nice.

@Lana Valentine
Lot of people are going for Pansexual in this story, this now makes 4 as compared to 3 Bi, 6 straight, 2 demi, and the outliers of heteroflexible and the one I LIKE SWORDS, lol. Great to have variety!

@Clockwork Syringe

For now I can only speak for my own Character but I think she stands the most chance with being paired with....

Kala aka Bunneh's Character, Orlando Aka Clockwork's character and probably The blacksmith girl character controlled by @Kimura858 whose name eludes me at the moment...
Oh and heteroflexible is my favorite term to describe ones sexuality. Means your straight but hey...shit can happen
Yeah, I got behind on the story so I just put her at the blacksmiths and she'll await the return of you guys from the den. Either that or if someone walks by or does something within the scope of allowing her to interact with someone.
@Clockwork Syringe

Just replied


I messed up your name a bit ago sorry and I knew that but, Ships generally don't always match perfectly with what the actual characters feel about themselves or any situational stuff...

Like Naruto X Sasuke and junk like Gaara and Hinata (I secretly do have a thing for that idea >_> and have a thing Naruto as well)

So yeah •-•

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