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Fandom A Game Called Life (Accepting)

I honestly have no idea what to do now. Alexander is gonna die. And he's probably gonna die laughing like a maniac. Or he might try to use one of the various wolves as a mount to try and escape, only to get mauled savagely. I mean, he's gonna get mauled savagely no matter what. But how is the question. A man like that won't give up in the face of overwhelming defeat. He'd just... I don't know, be a dumbass and hope he comes out on top.

I literally have no idea where to take this rp anymore. And it's been like two days.
>~0 Because reality is kind of a pain @Exanis

Though it would be somewhat interesting to have your character reach level Zero for the others to watch then you could make another. •-• or We could rush in to help ya out and be rather heroic as well at the same time >_0
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Exanis said:
I honestly have no idea what to do now. Alexander is gonna die. And he's probably gonna die laughing like a maniac. Or he might try to use one of the various wolves as a mount to try and escape, only to get mauled savagely. I mean, he's gonna get mauled savagely no matter what. But how is the question. A man like that won't give up in the face of overwhelming defeat. He'd just... I don't know, be a dumbass and hope he comes out on top.
I literally have no idea where to take this rp anymore. And it's been like two days.
Well, you could be the first to experience the pain of death, only to wake up on the temple floor. That could lead to some funny events. Just, try not to die at Level 0..

As for the other topic, this is due to the first RP day being used to gain a general feel for your character. As well, reality putting us behind schedule. This RP is not about doing dungeons, or even quests. Your job is to live, and find what this world has to offer. Go grab a flute if you really want, and become the peculiar hermit living within the woods. Otherwise, just enjoy the ride.

@Kimura959 ; Yay for blacksmiths!
I mean like, it's pretty much guaranteed that Alex hits level zero at this point. He's gonna die. I'm not even sure how many miracles it would take for the group to somehow manage to get to him in time. But yeah, all this talk of interesting respawns as gotten me, well, interested. Prepare for complete death of Alex in an upcoming post. Should take me like a minute or so to pretty much type up, "yeah he ded"
Lana Valentine] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/23334-clockwork-syringe/ said:
@Clockwork Syringe[/URL]
I've been waiting for EXP but, we can rush in real quick if you want >~0
I kind of was waiting for you to handle that
So should I type up the "I am dead" post or should I hold off until you get there?

Cause I'm pretty sure he's gonna die either way.
He's gonna fight GleamFang to the death. As in fight and kill gleamfang and die, or fight and die to gleamfang

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