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Realistic or Modern A Family Affair: The Irish Mob - IC (Ended)

Ryan Donahue
Deadly Dean.gifIt had been threatening to rain all day and it wasn't until shortly before they left the manor that the sky proved that the threat wasn't empty, albeit a bit weak. The gloomy atmosphere matched Ryan's mood the past week as he had mostly spent it to himself cooped up in his flat keeping a low profile after the coordinated attack against the Porters and their affiliates. This meant he had spent a long time with his thoughts, which was mostly consumed by the inner conflict on dealing with Conor's betrayal and his reasons behind it. Part of him hated Conor for sacrificing his own familial relations for a woman who's own family had wronged so many. Yet, another part of Ryan missed the friendship he once had with the man and could see how happy the woman and their child made Conor, even if he didn't quite understand why. Even with the conundrum spending so much time on the surface of his thoughts, partly thanks to the soreness of the injuries he'd sustained in their fight, he'd come to a stalemate rather than a conclusion about the matter. Ryan's indecisiveness was not part of his normal modus operandi and this left him out of his comfort zone and feeling uneasy.

The solitude was brought to an end when Cillian, the silent guardsman, appeared at his door. True to his nature, the man spoke not a word, but Ryan knew why he was there. Ryan was needed at the manor. After grabbing a satchel of things he'd prepared in his immense amount of downtime, he made his way with Cillian back to the Porter home. Several hours later, Ryan was sitting behind the wheel of James' '57 Imperial. Not one of his favorites, especially after being used to reshape Conor's older '55 Imperial. The main thing he disliked was the car's size, as it was even bigger than it's older brother and weighted more too. However, a larger V8 engine helped compensate for the increased mass. Ryan did like how it was built like a brick shithouse and while they may not outrun most pursuers, actually stopping them was not going to be an easy feat since the car was basically the bastard lovechild of a luxury vehicle and a M46 Patton Tank. Once it got moving, you did not want to be in front of this Imperial regardless if you were in another vehicle or not, because it was not stopping unless it hit another one of its kind or an actual tank.

When they arrived at their destination and James warned them of the point of no return, Ryan wasn't surprised when the offer to bail was ignored. In the few weeks that he'd know him, Ryan had only seen Peter lose composure once, and that was when Sinead was poisoned. One could almost hear Jackson's blood boil underneath his skin and Ryan recognized the man's eyes from some men he served with. Those that had lost comrades, but it wasn't sorrow that produced that look, it was the thirst for bloody vengeance. James was not far off either, although years and experience had tempered him and allowed him to keep an almost serene look about him. Ryan merely nodded to show his acknowledgement, for he knew full what this night would entail.

James' asking after him nearly knocked lose the baggage Ryan had stowed away for the duration of the mission and not because he'd not done a decent enough job of keeping under wraps, but because James was one of the very few people that he could complete confide in and he was tempted to do so when opened the door for it. Ryan continued to survey the dark street as the debated bringing his worries to the table, but decide that now was neither the time nor place for it. Keeping his mouth shut took some effort as his grip on the steering wheel tightened until his knuckles turned white. "Mostly. Could use a drink though. Care to join me later?" James' inquest to how dirty Ryan wanted to get his hands was met with a dark chuckle. "I believe I was the one that was asking for you to let me just cut head off the snake last week. Offer still stands by the way." Ryan's light tone betrayed his eagerness a tad. "It feels good to actually be on the offensive instead of reacting to threats."

Misty Gray Misty Gray [James]
Gary Danvers

Gary followed Peter out of the pub, taking in the man's height and build to determine how large he should expect the man who had unsettled Callahan to be. The supposed Debt Adviser wasn't exactly skinny or fragile-looking, but Gary figured the guy was likely not a fighter himself and there were bound to be many men bigger than him. Gary knew Jared would be expecting Peter to collect tonight and if that didn't happen then the boss wouldn't be happy, especially if Gary had refused to step in to help. The sound of a man saying "G'day" broke him out of his thoughts, but before he had chance to process the scene, he felt a fist slam into his throat. Gary stumbled back, placing one hand around his own throat as he swallowed hard to overcome the painful blow. As Jackson asked Peter to step aside, it immediately became clear he'd been tricked into stepping outside.

"You..." Gary remarked as he looked Jackson over. He knew exactly who the other man was from a week ago when he watched the other guys beat the shit out of him. As far as he was concerned, Jackson asked for trouble when he got involved with Blake, but he could hardly speak of such a thing and blow the woman's cover. He'd feel sorry for the bloke, if he wasn't loyal to the Porters. Meanwhile, as Jackson took his stance, Gary briefly looked the man over. He was about the size he'd expected - bigger than Peter but smaller than himself. Still, Jackson seemed to carry himself with some confidence and perhaps even the belief he'd be able to take him down, so Gary wasn't going to play with this one. Quickly smash his skull in against the kerb and then return inside for another pint.

As soon as Jackson turned his head back to Gary, the larger man had already pulled his right arm back and was now sending a forceful, heavy fist in the direction of the left side of McCarthy's jaw...

Enzyme Enzyme (Jackson) Bellz Bellz (Peter)
Watching nearby: Fletchawk Fletchawk (Ryan) Misty Gray Misty Gray (James)​
Michelle and Alexandra Romano
It had been over a week since her mother was hurt and ended up in hospital and Michelle was still as heartbroken now as she had been 8 days ago. Playing with Savvy had helped keep her mind off it but once they finished playing, her mind immediately flew back to her mother. She was an observant child and had picked up in the fact that not everyone was confident Alex would wake up, which only fed into her own fears of the situation.

School that morning had been the usual boring place that it always was however there was a slight difference in the air due to the teachers knowing about Alex. They seemed to be letting her get away with stuff she shouldn’t such as not paying attention in class.

Michelle was presently sitting on the bed beside her mother. She was telling her mother everything that had happened today when she suddenly be heard a noise from beside her. Her head snapped around to see her father sleeping in the chair and the book he had been reading was no lying on the ground. She bit her lip deciding against waking him before turning her attention back towards her mother. She saw movement out of the corner of her eye and looked towards it to see her mothers finger start to twitch. Michelle eyes went wide in surprise before she scooted back nearly falling of the bed in process.

Alexandra opened her eyes suddenly and nearly started choking on the tube that was down her throat. Her eyes went wide as she tried to figure out where she was, her hands went towards her mouth as in a panic she began coughing, struggling against the tube. “Mam” she heard a child like voice giggle from beside her. Alexandra turned her head to face the sound, a confused look on her face as she in that moment had no idea who this little girl was. Unable to speak due to the tube, Alex gingerly lifted her arm and placed her hand on top of Michelle’s in a somewhat comforting jesture

Misty Gray Misty Gray

(More to come later)
Jackson McCarthy

Jackson had remained light on his feet, bouncing up and down on his heels. The sudden sight of the dominant right hook allowed him to tap into his boxer instincts. He fluidly bobbed under the punch, feeling the gushing wind blow over his head. He used his momentum to swing a left hook at Gary. The feeling of his knuckles smashing against the larger man's back teeth was an indicator that he had made a direct hit. His unrelenting rage urged him to burn his stamina in a serious of hate-filled swings, but his sober mind pushed him otherwise. He momentarily observed the man's meaty hammers with the help of the moonlight. He knew that if a single one of Gary's punches were to make contact with Jackson's already-damaged skull, the fight could end abruptly.​

Seeing the size difference, Gary didn't have to be as careful with his punches. Jackson, on the other hand, would have to be strategic and sparing with his strength and energy. He'd have to chip away at Gary with every hit in a methodical manner. Seeing the opportunity the last hit presented, briefly leaving Gary stunned, Jackson cocked back his right leg and sent his knee into the man's diaphragm. The squishy barrier Gary's stomach presented was a problem, for his knee couldn't dig far enough to knock the wind out. Instead, Jackson bounced off like he'd hit a springboard. Stunned, he staggered back into his fighting stance, not allowing the big man to believe that he'd gotten the upper hand.​

Misty Gray Misty Gray (Gary)
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Gary Danvers

Gary let out a frustrated groan when Jackson dodged his fist, but he wasn't about to let that one missed opportunity get to him. He didn't have the chance to process his next move before the knuckles of Jackson's left hand violently collided with the back of his right jaw, causing his own teeth to rip the skin on the inside of his mouth. He could see the anger burning in Jackson's eyes, perhaps one which had been simmering under the surface for some time. He could only assume this was revenge for him hurting that silly whore, Blake.

The next thing, Jackson's knee slammed into his diaphragm, though the impact knocked him a little it didn't have much effect on the bulkier man. With his opponent knocked back and staggering a little, Gary couldn't help but chuckle at his poor attempt. "All this because I hurt some slut you got the hots for?" he asked, spitting out the blood from the back of his move. Despite his size, Gary was still quick to step forward, grabbing the shoulders of Jackson's top and pushing him backwards until his body slammed harshly against the brick wall. Gary let go of Jackson but only so he could then use his right fist to deliver a trio of strong blows into his opponent's ribs.

Enzyme Enzyme (Jackson)

Conor Sullivan
68747470733a2f2f73332e616d617a6f6e6177732e636f6d2f776174747061642d6d656469612d736572766963652f...gifConor wasn't sure what he'd been dreaming about, but all he knew was it had given him the hunger for a big, juicy cheeseburger. The sound of Alex coughing threatened to wake him from his sleep, but it was Michelle's voice and giggling that finally snapped him awake. "What?! Large fries, please!" he groggily spoke out loud. A couple of seconds later, his eyes shot open to see Michelle standing over her mother, which then redirected his focus to notice Alex moving her arm. "Alex?!" he muttered. He then rushed out of the chair to stand, almost tripping over his own feet in the process. He saw Alex's eyes were open and this prompted him to press the buzzer at her bedside, hoping to alert the medical staff so they would come to the room to check on Alex.

Conor stood over the woman and gently squeezed her shoulder. "Alex? Can you hear me?" he softly asked her, a relieved smiled taking over his face. His heart was racing in his chest. He'd started to come to terms with the belief that she wasn't going to wake up, so seeing her awake now had him stunned. "It's me, Conor. Shelly's here too." He moved his hand to gently stroke her cheek. "I love you, Alex," he reassured her, not that he hadn't told her the same thing over and over for the last eight days.

neverbackdown neverbackdown (Alex, Michelle)
Jackson McCarthy

Jackson watched Gary rise and spit blood from his mouth after calling Blake a whore. "C'mon then, you fuckin' wanka'," Jackson grumbled, bouncing on his heels once more. The muscular man stood there with a smile, giving Jackson the perfect opportunity to draw more blood. Just as he threw his right cross, however, Gary dodged the blow and wrapped his arms around Jackson. He felt the ground leave beneath him as he was momentarily suspended in the air. His loud grunts matched his opponents as his back was driven into the brick wall behind him. The end of his skull smashing against the hard surface caused a flash of white to overlay his vision. His hands gripped onto the back of Gary's shirt as the man lifted Jackson's arms over his back.​

The large man proceeded to play Jackson's exposed ribs like a xylophone. He gritted his teeth as he did all he could to escape, smashing his bare knuckles against the man's sides. He could feel the man's grip weaken, allowing Jackson to create a few inches of space. Using the opening formed, he bashed the edge of his knuckles against the side of the man's head, splitting open the skin just above Gary's eye. After a few more vicious strikes, Jackson was able to fit his boot onto the man's solar plexus. He used as much power as he could spare to kick the brute attacker off of him.​

Without having Gary pressing into his gut, his chest was finally able to expand and let in air. The oxygen rushed into his lungs and exposed the pain his bruised ribs were masking. He winced slightly but revealed nothing to his opponent.
Misty Gray Misty Gray (Gary)
Gary Danvers

When he loosened his grip on Jackson, Gary was rewarded with a fist smashing into the side of his head, tearing the skin above his eye and drawing blood from the fresh wound. This was followed by more violent strikes, knocking his head to the side each time. He had a thick skull, but it still wasn't enough to prevent any the pain and the brief dizziness the strikes inflicted upon him. As he then felt Jackson's boot slam into his stomach, Gary stumbled back a few steps. He took a series of deep breaths as he once again assessed his opponent. He realised he'd perhaps underestimated Jackson and now was the time to put the fight to an end by knocking the bastard out. "You're fucked, mate!"

After making a split second decision, Gary performed a powerful right hook, sending his fist crashing into Jackson's face. Immediately after, he pulled back his left arm, preparing to deal a heavy and potentially final blow to the side of Jackson's head. Gary's intention was to knock the guy out. To put an end to this fight once and for all!

Enzyme Enzyme (Jackson)​
Alexandra and Michelle Romano
Alexandra’s mind was blurry and felt somewhat groggy as she tried to come to terms with what was going on. This child called her Mam and Alex looked at her deeply, trying to come to any memories but found it impossible, she didn’t even know if they looked alike. While Alex was still coming to terms with this child, a man stepped into her view and told her he loved her. She raised a quizzical eyebrow at him and flinched back slightly from his touch. While she found it easier to be comfortable to be around a child, an unknown man was not as easy to pretend around.

Michelle saw the confusion in her mother’s eyes and turned to her father quickly her eyebrows also lifted in wonder “dad what’s wrong with Mam?” She asked slightly panicked. Did her Mam not know them anymore?

The doctors rushed into the room and promptly made Michelle get off the bed as they began to check her vitals, stats and reactions . Once pleased with the results, they slowly took the breathing tube from her throat which caused Alex to suddenly sit up coughing and spluttering as a reaction

Misty Gray Misty Gray [/imagefloat]
Jackson McCarthy

Jackson's mind had become his enemy, for once the feeling of pain presented itself, it was no longer bearable. His body had not been given the proper time to heal, instead pushed past its limits. The back of his head throbbed, his ribs ached, and even standing was becoming a challenge on its own. Gary's voice caused Jackson's ears to perk up. When he looked up to the man, he was met with a mighty blow to the side of his face. The hit felt as if it were the final nail in the coffin. The punch caused the inside of his cheek to tear and the tuning fork to belt out in his eardrums. His legs turned to jelly, and his hazy vision played tricks on his strained, exhausted mind. The ringing was followed by a lullaby tone which he could almost recognize as Blake's sweet voice. His eyes half-closed traced to Gary, who was winding up for another powerful hit.​

A surge of energy ran through his veins. His senses rushed back to Jackson as the fate-sealing punch was thrown. As if his mind had been switched to autopilot, his knees bowed below, and the punch flew over his head. Jackson's right fist connected with one of Gary's kidney, followed by another kidney shot with Jackson's left. He felt the large man begin to buckle, moving his attention to his exposed head. His back knuckles connected with the side of Gary's nose, causing it to snap to an unnatural position.​

He watched the massive man collapse onto his hands and knees, now tasting the copper in his own mouth. Jackson ran the blood across his teeth with his tongue before spitting it onto the pavement. Letting out a loud grunt, he slammed the tip of his boot into the side of the man's ribs. The vicious kick seemingly winded Gary and forced him onto his back. Jackson began to circle Gary like a hyena, before planting his weight on man's chest. He let a loud grunt with every left and right cross to the man's exposed face, as if he were trying to make the pavement and his skull one. It became clear that Jackson's emotions had gotten the better of him, almost beating Gary to death. He looked down the unrecognizable face, planting his bloody knuckles on Gary's torso to push himself up. Huffing and puffing, his exhausted eyes drew to Peter. "Let's get this prick in the trunk," He slowly drew out, his words fumbling together into a slur.​

Misty Gray Misty Gray (Gary) Bellz Bellz (Peter)
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Finn Sullivan
Porter House

The morning had started like any other for Finn, he woke around 4 am or so, just to make sure that Delilah was doing well, checking every 4 hours. She had been making great progress now, which for someone so young and small, it was surprising to the doctor. However, he was well reminded of whose daughter she was when Lucy joined him around 8 o’clock for another check up, asking a million questions about her daughter progress. She had been there since her daughter had been brought home by James, in gruesome condition and although her wounds were able to be tended to easily, it was all about the strength of a patient to tell how well they will heal from all the trauma. Delilah was a fighter and Finn was mighty proud of her for how far she had come in the last 8 days, she made more progress than he could have ever imagined. Now this evening, with Lucy and James out of the house, he would be making this next visit alone. Walking up the steps slowly, he wondered why he had to make this visit alone. He wondered where Eleanor had been. Sure she was around him and yet, she wasn’t really there. He missed his love so much. He wondered what he had done wrong for her to act in such a way, he wanted to fix it, to make it right but he didn’t know how.

Reaching the door of Lilah’s room, he knocked gently. ”Delilah?” he called lightly before opening the door slowly. Seeing that she had been napping, he shook his head, ”Oh I am so sorry, Dear” he smiled before clearing his throat. ”I’m sorry but I’ve got to do another routine check up, Doctor’s orders.” He said before breaking out into a laugh, finding his own joke funny. After another moment of laughter, he moved to set his medical kit on the floor and then went to turn on a brighter light. Once that was done he turned around and reached for a few things in his kit. ”I’ve got to test for a few things today, making sure that there is no infection and what not. Unfortunately that is going to involve a blood sample.” He sighed, frowning lightly. ”I promise I am an expert sticker.” Finn sat down at the end of her bed before reaching down into his kit again, grabbing a pair of latex gloves. He strapped them on before moving to uncover a clean needle from the package, He screwed the needle onto a clean syringe he had unwrapped before reaching down and grabbing a sterile tray. Setting it down on the bed, he set the syringe down on it and reached into his bag again. ”This will only take a few moments I promise, but how are you feeling, headaches? How is your pain right now on a scale from 1 to 10?” Pulling out rubbing alcohol and a few cotton balls, he opened the bottle and pour some of the alcohol onto the cotton before putting the cap back on the bottle. Setting that back on the metal tray as well. He then smiled reaching his hands out for her arm, ”May I?” He asked politely, hands waiting for her approval before touching her.
With: Delilah ElectricDandellion ElectricDandellion
Mentions: Eleanor neverbackdown neverbackdown


Delilah was kept up in her sleep, haunted by the images that had occurred; Tommy and leo being shot, being carved into herself and the knowledge that she’d lead to the death of a man. Instead, she took to sleeping in the day so if she woke up half-nightmare, she wouldn’t have to be scared because all of her family were around in the house. She hadn’t felt safer before. The attack seemed to heighten the security measures the porters had on the house. It helped Delilah get through her trauma, which seemed to be fading away piece by piece.

A knock on the door caused her to stir in her slumber, first reaction being to bury her head in the pillows, hiding from the light the open door would inevitably welcome into the room. Upon hearing the door open, then a familiar voice arise from within her room, she lifted her head lightly, pillow hanging uneasily on her head. “...It’s cool,” she mumbled, balling her fists to rub her eyes. Delilah felt awful that Finn was always spending his time doing nothing else but medicate her and check up on her- it didn’t seem fair but whenever she’d protest, her mother and father and Finn seemed to think it was for the best. Every 4 hours for 8 days spent checking up on the young girl must’ve been exhausting, and she couldn’t help but feel she was making his life very difficult. “I should have woken up a while ago, so you did me a favour,” sitting up now, hair tousled every which way around her head, she gently smiled. At his joke, her smile widened and she nodded. “Sorry you have to keep checking up on me. It’s like I’m a baby,” Delilah joked, eyes squinting at the light the hallway brought in. It was beneficial that she’d adjusted to the light so quickly because it wasn’t too long after that Finn turned on the main light, and she had to cover her eyes. “It burnssss,” she joked, grinning to herself as she pulled her hands away from covering her eyes.

“A...blood test?” Delilah mumbled with a frown, the idea churning her stomach. She’d rather not have one, but that didn’t mean she was going to kick up a fuss. “It’ll be quick right?” The woman knew it would be a silly question to ask, but she wanted the length of time until the needle to increase as much as possible- enough to get her used to the idea and not faint. Her eyes lingered on him as he walked around, looking through his bag. She couldn’t help but feel the need to see the needle before it went into her arm, but, then again, the sight might’ve made her sick. The entire concept of shoving a thin piece of metal into the arm was sickening in itself. “Pain is minimal. The headaches are dying down, I don’t have them unless I don’t sleep, but sleeping is getting easier too,” she admitted, eyes turning away as he pulled the syringe from the bag. “Have you heard anything on Leo?” Her voice softened, cracking lightly mid sentence. “I haven’t been told much. Is he doing okay?”

“You may,” answered Delilah, mentally preparing herself as she outstretched her arm. “It’s a shame you couldn’t go to that show tonight. I’m sorry about that.”​
Alexander Quinn Armstrong
The casual.gif
The picture that Quinn and his sibling came to the theater to watch was good, he could at least say that even though he didn't think much of the story as a whole. Still, it was worth watching his energetic sister be her vibrant self after being cooped up in the house most of the time. It hadn't bothered him as much as it did his sibling, but he was growing tired of being escorted to the shop and back by Carter. Quinn had not liked the man before, but being in the man's presence repeatedly only strengthened his dislike, as he reminded Quinn of a hyena he saw on a film. Needless to say, Carter obviously didn't like playing the chauffeur either and mostly kept to himself. He stepped away from Grace for a moment as he retrieved his long coat and umbrella from the check-in, as the dreary weather was quite normal for this time of year. Quinn sighed a little as returned as he returned saw his sister lost in thought, something he'd seen more of around the house of late. He thought about offering his coat to her, but decided that as long as Carter showed up within a reasonable time to pick them up that he'd just let his sister suffer a bit from her own lack of forethought.

"It's fine, due to our incarceration, it's not like I had plans this evening." Quinn patted his sister's head after she released him from the quick hug. "I know you don't like it and I'm not saying that I agree with it, but there is reason in why father is keeping us under lock and key." He let out an exasperated exhale, as of today alone, this was third time he'd listened to Grace grumble about having their wings clipped. "Besides, even with that sleazeball acting as our chauffeur, I think father knows that that there isn't much the Armstrong siblings can't handle as long as we're together." Quinn gave his sister a warm smile as she spoke about their parents going on holiday before they exited the building and were greeted by the dismal weather that the evening was treating them to. He nodded, mostly to himself, in agreement as their mother, while a strong individual, was prone to worrying about her family. Her quietness of late had been concerning to Quinn, as he was catching her deep in thought more often than not. He certainly hoped that this little get-away their father planned would help.

It had started to sprinkle lightly while they were in the theater and Quinn slowed his pace a little to focus on opening the unusually heavy umbrella, but was interrupted by Grace drawing his attention to a familiar face in the crowd. He nodded his head to his sister's suggestion and made his way to the alcove that Arlene and another woman inhabited. Letting his sister greet Arlene first, Quinn's eyes were drawn to her companion. The woman was certainly gorgeous and while she looked young, something about the way she moved implied a wealth of experience pooled within. He sure that he'd never met her before but there was something familiar about her and it nagged at him. Not wanting to be rude, Quinn turned his attention and a jovial smile to Arlene now that Grace had finished her greeting. "Salutations, Arlene! It is a pleasure to run into such radiant ladies on such a gloomy eve and under more pleasant circumstances, of course. I must thank you again for your assistance on that day." He bowed slightly towards Arlene as a small showing of his gratitude. "It would seem that you ladies also came to see the picture featured tonight. I trust you enjoyed it?" It was then that Quinn realized that Arlene's accent was strikingly similar to those in the film and deducted that she might also be from the States. Something he'd bring up should the conversation continue on.

The look up.gif
"Now, you must forgive my asking, but whom is this ravishing creature accompanying you?" He returned his attention to the striking woman who's identity had set his mind whirling for a basis of her familiarity. "Introductions are in order, of course." Motioning to his sibling first, "This sprightly lass is my sibling, Grace, and I'm Alexander. Although, those I'm familiar with call me Quinn, and I must say, there is something familiar about you, Miss..." He trailed off to let the woman answer for herself, but it was then that his brain found the answer in a memory that had been in stored away in his brain. It was of a newspaper article, of the Grand Opening of The Clover Casino. One of the many that he had paid one of the employees at the tailor shop to collect for him in he past week. After his father warned him of the Porters, he didn't want to remain uninformed about this perceived danger. But in this article was a photo of the Owner, James Porter, standing in front of the casino, his arm around the very woman that stood before Quinn now. While his mind stopped for a second at the revelation, he also recalled that while his father labelled them as dangerous, there was no evidence that proved it. "...Ah, excuse me. Mrs. Porter." His voice was clear as he corrected himself, making sure that his sister heard him over any ambient noise. While his expression didn't change much, his tone had became slower and more guarded.

Misty Gray Misty Gray [Arlene + Grace] Bellz Bellz [Lucy]
James Porter
Close to the 'Blind Beggar' pub.

After watching Peter enter the pub alone, James' vigilance intensified, sharing his focus on the areas around the pub whilst also wishing he could see through the walls to watch his brother-in-law. The need to successfully extract Gary and complete the tasks at hand was important, but Peter making it home alive and well ranked above that. James briefly looked to Ryan when the man confirmed he was mostly okay and he figured there perhaps was something on the man's mind that needed to be spilled at a more appropriate time. Ryan followed up with needing a drink later and Porter didn't hesitate to nod in agreement. "Yeah. I'll join you. Once tonight is through I'll need a few hard drinks," he flatly remarked. He smirked when Ryan mentioned how good it felt to be on the offensive this time around. "We held back because it seemed like the best way to protect my family and our gang members, but Armstrong has made it clear he has no boundaries. He threatened me with Elijah's safety, but it's clear he'll use him whether I retaliate or not. Armstrong's far too comfortable playing the role of the good guy, so we're going to break that illusion and hopefully ruin him in the process."

James fell silent as he watched Peter emerge from the pub with the large figure of Gary behind him. As he watched Jackson throw the first punch, the size difference became apparent. Still, James didn't doubt Jackson was the more skilled fighter of the two. James had experienced first hand how it felt to be punched by Gary, even if the prick did have three more goons helping him, so he practically felt every punch Jackson took. It then crossed James' mind that he'd perhaps let Jackson do this too soon after being let out of hospital. He found himself sitting forward, ready to intervene at any moment. Thankfully, Jackson picked himself back up in time to dodge what looked like it could have been a finishing blow from Gary's boulder of a fist. Jackson took the guy down and with Gary spread across the pavement, McCarthy repeatedly slammed his fist into the man's face, making a mess of the big guy's semi-good looks.

"Fuck..." James hissed as he grabbed the door handle, ready to get out of the car and stop Jackson from finishing the man off. Whilst he knew Jackson had his own reasons for wanting to smash the life out of the guy, he couldn't let him. On a selfish level, James could say that he wanted to finish the guy off himself as revenge for Gary jumping him and also for what had happened to Delilah. On another level, James needed to stick to his word. It was only two months ago that Jackson had killed and strung a guy up on display in a shop window, as a message to warn the other gangs whilst also securing the safety of James' family. Porter assured McCarthy that he wouldn't put him in that position the next time and he would get his own hands dirty. The message James was sending to Armstrong was the same, but this time there was a sense of vengeance for Delilah and the others who were hurt. James would not put Jackson in that position this time.

Before he could open the car door, James saw Jackson stop beating Gary' face in and instead seemed to come to his senses. James slowly moved his hand away from the door handle and sat back again, glad McCarthy had stopped in time. He did another scan of the area around them as Jackson and Peter worked together to drag the unconscious mess into the trunk of the car.

Fletchawk Fletchawk (Ryan) Enzyme Enzyme (Jackson) Bellz Bellz (Peter)

(Conor coming up shortly...)
Conor Sullivan

Conor observed Alex as she looked at Michelle with a somewhat confused expression. After everything that had happened to her and being unconscious for over a week, he figured it would take her a few moments to come around and wake up properly. He pulled his arm away from her and took a step back as she seemed to be surprised by his presence. The way she flinched made him fold his arms around his chest.

When Michelle asked what was wrong with Alex, Conor managed to give her a casual shrug, despite his deeper concerns. "Ah, your mother's only just woken up since the accident. She's probably still getting her bearings, love," he reassured her. "Happens to me all the time... after a heavy night out," he lightly added.

The doctors eventually rushed into the room and Conor lifted Michelle out of their way. As he watched them do their checks, he awkwardly chewed the inside of his mouth. The medical professionals seemed happy with her vitals and stats, but Conor wasn't completely convinced. "What about her head, Doc?" he spoke up, tapping his his forehead with his fingertips. "How long does it usually take for people to come round and start remembering things? I think she's struggling at the moment. Looking at me like I'm an alien..." he remarked, still trying to stay relaxed for Michelle's sake.

neverbackdown neverbackdown (Alex, Michelle)
Alexandra and Michelle Romano
The doctor looked to Conor with a slightly raised eyebrow as he was informed that the patient did not remember everything. He bit his lip in thought as he tried to figure out how to answer this to Conor aswell a child was present which made this all the more difficult. “Well em” he scratched the back of his neck as he looked back to Alex “it all depends on the patient, it can be as quick as minutes or it can take years” he said sadly, leaving out the part that some amnesia’s never actually rectified themselves but Conor would be able to tell what he was thinking by his expression. “Just talk to her gently, be patient and try to talk about as much of her past as you can” he suggested before leaving the room as his beeper rang signaling that another patient needed his help.

Alex was beyond relieved to have the goddamn tube out of her mouth, finally feeling like she could breath again well after the coughing stopped anyway. She lay back down as the pain slowly began to creep in but she subdued the pain by trying to figure out what had happened to her, where was she and who was she?. She listened intently to the doctor and the girls father talk figuring that’s how shed learn some stuff but they seemed to just be talking about her memory. She sighed inaudibly to herself before looking down towards her finger and was surprised to not see a ring on hers or the mans finger, so they weren’t married? She tried to rack her brain for any sort of memory but nothing came back to her. She wanted to scream or cry, hit the wall and hope that this was all a dream that she could wake up from. Her thoughts were momentarily halted when the small child climbed onto the bed beside her and buried her head into her chest.

“I thought I lost you like Fallon” there was a mixture of sadness and relief present in Michelle’s voice and Alex bit her lip as she placed her arm around the child in a hug. She felt awkward doing this but knew that the child very clearly needed this right now. The word Fallon however had rang a bell yet Alex couldn’t figure out how or why she knew this person nor did she know what had happened to them. “I’m not going anywhere dear” she told the child before looking at the man present hoping he would give her some inclination about what the hell was going on

Misty Gray Misty Gray

The past few days Ali spent in the hospital, bouncing between visiting Tommy and Leo. While Tommy's condition was improving, Leo's wasn't. Well, not to say it wasn't improving. He just wasn't waking up at the moment even though his wounds were healing. The nurse managed to convince her to go home, shower, and get new clothes. She didn't want to leave his side in case he finally did wake up. She finally got the idea to just pack herself a bag so she'd be able to stay and shower there. That and she would need to get Leo some clothes for when he did wake up.

The long bath she had taken was very much needed and appreciated. It gave her time to think about everything, like what she was going to do and say to James whenever she saw him. Give him a piece of her mind at first and then slide into what was going to happen to the man who shot her brother. But that would come later; at the moment, she needed to focus on getting back to the hospital. With both bags on her shoulders, she walked back inside and smiled at the nurses at the station, having gotten acquainted with half of them. She left the bags in the room before leaving for the cafeteria. Starving herself wasn't about to make him wake up, that much she knew.
Conor Sullivan

The doctor's immediate body language when asked about Alex's memory wasn't exactly comforting. The man seemed awkward and vague about the situation, unable to commit to giving a real answer. The fact he said it could be years was quite upsetting to hear and the only thing preventing Conor from shouting at the man was the fact Alex and Michelle were present. The doctor suggested Conor talked about the past to try jog Alex's memory. He watched the doctor leave and shook his head at the thought of the suggestion, knowing that wasn't as straightforward as it would be for most people.

Conor watched on as Michelle climbed onto the bed to hug her mother. The child mentioned Fallon but it seemed to confuse Alex more that anything. Though she hugged Michelle and reassured her, it seemed quite awkward. Conor didn't think he could take any more stress and loss, but apparently he was wrong as problems continued to be thrown at him. If there was a god, then He or She was seriously punishing Conor. Or perhaps it was the Devil - Vinnie himself getting revenge from the grave?

Thinking of that psychopath only reminded Conor of how difficult talking about Alex's past would be. He could tell her about the war between their two families. She could be told of how her father killed his father, James's father and Ryan's father, as well as repeatedly torturing others. Conor could then tell Alex how Lucy murdered her mother. Also, James slaughtered her father, at the same time her brother and uncle were murdered. Alex's past had been riddled with violence and loss, which may jump-start her memory but how could she handle hearing all of that from him, especially considering she was presently looking at him like he was a complete stranger? How would she take hearing her family was once in charge of Chicago's Italian Mafia? It crossed his mind that she may not even believe him and how could he prove their relationship? They'd spent all of their time together sneaking around, so there were no photographs of them together to show her.

"Alex, I'm not sure what you're thinking right now, but this is Michelle, your daughter," he told her. And Fallon was your recently murdered sister. "I'm Michelle's dad. You and I are together. Do you remember?" he desperately asked her. "Do you remember how you ended up in here? Someone hurt you, love. The cops will no doubt be desperate to find out who, but you can tell me too," he urged her.

neverbackdown neverbackdown (Alex, Michelle)

Thomas Dempsey

1530737383853.png"Mr. Dempsey, where are you going?" the nurse suspiciously asked as she intercepted the young man when he tried to leave the room.

"Ah, come on. The cops stopped hanging around here days ago, don't be taking their place," he remarked. He had been ready to sneak off outside to smoke the cigarettes James had smuggled in for him. Apparently, smoking wasn't good for a recovering patient, but what did the doctors even know? "I'm just stretching my legs and having a change of scenery. Tell the doctor I want to be discharged tomorrow morning, otherwise I'll sign myself out," he told her. His shoulder was still painful and it would be a few weeks before he could drive fast and use his gun with ease, but he'd rather be out finding some way to be useful than festering in a hospital bed.

The hospital lights were too bright, so he slipped on his shades to reduce the pain on his ongoing headache. Knowing the nurse was watching him, he headed down the corridor rather than outside for a smoke. As he walked, he stopped in the doorway of Leo's room and looked in at the unconscious teenager. He'd not woken up since been admitted to hospital. This worried Tommy greatly and he wished it had been himself who had taken the worst of Carter's attack. He felt it was his job to protect Delilah and Leo, yet they'd ended up worse off than him. Tommy's attention shifted to the bags near Leo's bed and he realised Aliana must be around somewhere. After asking the nearby nurse, she pointed in the direction Aliana had headed in.

Tommy eventually found himself in the cafeteria where he saw Aliana a short distance away. He walked cautiously towards her, his legs and back having stiffened up after so much bed rest. He couldn't wait to get back to his jogging and workout routines, feeling he already had a lot of catching up to do. "Ali!" he spoke her name as he caught up to her. He then slid into a chair at the table and removed his sunglasses to reveal his tired looking eyes. Added to the fact he hadn't shaved in a week, he would have worried he looked a mess, but he figured Ali had seen him looking worse during his time in hospital and that really she had more important things on her mind. "Are you holding up alright?" he softly asked her. "Has there been any progress with Leo? The doctors here won't tell me a thing. They barely even give me a straight answer about myself, but I'm checking out of here tomorrow, with or without their go ahead. There's too much going on for me to do fuck all."

Melanin-Gxdess Melanin-Gxdess (Aliana)

Sitting in the cafeteria, all she ordered was a coffee. Really she wasn't that hungry but it was the worry and the stress taking over that destroyed her appetite. What was she going to do to get revenge on who had done this? How was she going to even get revenge when she didn't even know who the gunman was? Definitely had to go and get more information out of Tommy.

Speaking of, here he was wandering around in the cafeteria. A small smile crept across her lips, as well as a look of worry. "You shouldn't be up and walking right now, should you?" She asked jokingly. Knowing him, he wasn't about to listen to any of the rules that the doctors had set up for him. When he sat down and asked how she was doing, she shrugged her shoulders and looked to the said. "I'll be better when my brother is awake and the guy who shot him is six feet under." It was said in all seriousness, with a distant look in her eyes before she blinked it away. Turning her attention back to Tommy, she answered more of his questions. "His wounds are healing fine and the docs say there's brain activity. He just hasn't woken up yet. They say it's just the trauma of it all and that he'll be awake soon."

At the mention of him escaping, she shook her head and chuckled. "Thomas Dempsey. Always the rule breaker, aren't you? Things have indeed gone to shit, but I'm sure James would prefer you got better before getting hurt even more." She momentarily hesitated before continuing. "I know I do; but don't let me stop you from your destiny." Another joke to ease the awkwardness she was feeling. After a small pause she reached across the table and rubbed his beard. "I can't tell if I like this or not."

Tommy ( Misty Gray Misty Gray )
1530809251665.png Syd Porter

Syd had expected the house to be fairly quiet for the evening, what with his mother being out at the theatre, his father out on a job with Ryan and his uncle, and Delilah recovering in bed. Of course, there would never be total peace when his three cousins were around and this evening they had chosen to be particularly rowdy. Syd had spent the better part of his day cleaning out and rearranging the tool boxes in the garage, mostly out of boredom but also to keep out of the way. Now settled in the main room, he had brought through last month's issue of Autocar magazine and had just begun to read a road test feature on the Ford Taunus 17m when the sound of china smashing against the kitchen tiles caused him to lift his head. Almost immediately, Emery appeared at the doorway wearing a sweet smile and innocently explained the situation, and Syd had no choice but to set the magazine back down on the coffee table and follow the sound of the commotion.
When he arrived at the scene, Brady and Savannah were in the middle of a heated argument and Sinead had a look of despair on her face.

"Right, come here you two," he tutted, stepping forward carefully to lift his little cousins in turn out of the mess of smashed china. "Don't want anyone stepping on the broken bits or we'll have another casualty on our hands!" He knelt down and gathered up what he could, quickly sweeping up the smaller fragments with a brush kept under the counter. "Just leave the rest to me, you two, yeah? Remember Delilah's trying to rest, so keep it down. Skye'll be back soon, she can keep you busy then." Syd loved his cousins, but when they were misbehaving like this it was Skye who was better at calming them down and keeping them distracted. All he felt he could do in that moment was get them out of the way. As he got to work on the drying up, he glanced back at his aunt, who was still looking stressed out.
"You worried about him?" he asked her. Whenever there was a job to be done, Syd knew to expect bad news upon their return. It wasn't that he didn't trust that the team was capable, but the people they were dealing with had proven countless times to be dangerous and it was only natural to feel slightly on edge when left in the dark. "Peter's a strong, sensible guy, and he's got Jackson and Ryan and my dad with him. They have good judgement, they don't make mistakes. They'll come out of this okay, you'll see." He tried to sound confident and reassuring, but it was hard to convince someone else that everything will be fine when he wasn't convinced himself.

Misty Gray Misty Gray Savannah, Braden, Emery, Sinead
Thomas Dempsey

Tommy raised a defiant eyebrow when Aliana said he shouldn't be up and walking. "Ah, come on. My legs didn't get injured," he lightly reminded her. "I shouldn't be smoking, but that's where I was headed until the nurse stopped me. I get the feeling she suspects I'm a wrong-un since the cops were lingering around for so long. I'm a law-abiding citizen, me. Just like the pigs are honest men," he sarcastically remarked. He turned more serious when Aliana spoke of her brother. "I think we'll all feel better when the prick who shot Leo is dead and buried," he agreed. "For once, I believe the doctors may be right. I stayed with Leo until he was driven off in the ambulance and his wounds were serious. I honestly didn't think he'd make it, Ali. The fact he's still here over a week later proves he's a fighter. Hopefully he's just letting his body heal more before he wakes up... or just using this as an excuse to slack off!" he lightly joked.

"Ali, I only break the rules I don't agree with," he assured her. "I'm sure I can still keep watch at James' place, like I did before he made the mistake of thinking I was ready to go out on the field," he said, still feeling like he'd let the Porter family and Ali's family down by letting Delilah and Leo get hurt. "And someone's got to be there to remind Brian to stop trying it on with every woman who passes through the gates."

When Aliana reached over to run her fingers across Tommy's beard, he couldn't help but blush a little and momentarily struggled to reply to her. "What's wrong with it, huh? Does it hide my boyish good looks?" he said, feigning offence. He then slowly reached out and gently took her hand in his. "Perhaps we should go on another date and that'll give me an excuse to shave it off... I think we could both do with a few hours away from this hospital."

Melanin-Gxdess Melanin-Gxdess (Aliana)
Sinead Callahan

Sinead massaged the temples of her forehead as she took deep breaths and told herself to stay calm. She loved her children to bits and hated having to yell at them. Yet, when Savannah and Braden got together there was always a risk of them arguing, no matter how much their parents tried to get them to be nice to each other. She was sure they'd grow out of it - she hoped they would. She'd hate for them to grow up resenting each other. Right now, she didn't have the energy or patience to mediate between the children and that worried her greatly. She didn't want to be a bad mother, but she felt so tense that she knew she'd end up shouting at the pair. That very nearly happened as she heard Savannah call Braden a dickhead. Sinead slammed her hands down on the table and was ready to berate Savannah when Syd entered the room and moved the children away from the smashed plate before ushering them out of the room.

Sinead folded arms arms on the table and watched her nephew as he swept the mess up. "Thank you, Syd. You're a star," she softly told him. The teenager was perceptive enough to know what was troubling her. She quickly nodded her head to confirm she was worried about Peter. "You're right. Peter is strong and they're all smart men..." she said, letting out a sigh. "I just worry about them all. I feel like everyone is getting hurt these days and even our tough cookies aren't invincible." Sinead stopped herself as she realised she shouldn't be burdening the young man, especially after what had happened to Delilah. "I'm sorry, Syd. You don't need to listen to your aunt fretting."

In an attempt to lighten the conversation, there was only really one obvious route she could take with her nephew. "So, Syd, darling... What's your gossip, huh? I heard someone's sweet on our resident nanny and Skye clearly has the hots for you," she said, managing to flash her first genuine smile all evening.

Pyroclast Pyroclast (Syd)
Syd Porter

Syd listened attentively as Sinead told him what was on her mind. "Yeah, I know," he quietly agreed, thinking of all the times he had watched people leave for a job and not come back the same night. "You, for one. But you pulled through, didn't you?"
After he had put the last of the dishes away, Syd slung the towel over his shoulder and came over to sit beside his aunt, frowning slightly when she apologised for unloading her worries onto him. "Honestly, I'd rather people talked to me like an adult than try to keep me sheltered. If you've got something on your mind you don't have to hide it from me, okay? I can take anything."

When she brought up Skye, Syd's frown disappeared and a subtle blush came over him. "You heard, huh? You mean you saw," he corrected her with a shy smile, lowering his gaze and running his fingernails along the grain of the wooden tabletop. He had no doubt she knew more than she was letting on, being so naturally good at sussing out gossip. But she looked genuinely excited for him, and if it would take her mind off Peter even for a minute then he wasn't going to deny her the low-down she was after.
"I'm surprised you're so behind, Aunt Sinead! I'm not just sweet on her anymore, I'm actually dating her..." His eyes shone in disbelief, still getting used to the fact that he was hers and she his. "It's the real thing this time, I can tell. That girl is fucking amazing." He looked up at her to quickly apologise for his language, having lost himself in reverie. "Even Emery's calling her my girlfriend now so it's no longer gossip, I'm afraid. All's out in the open, and as soon as I can get out of here I'm gonna take her out on a real date."

Misty Gray Misty Gray Sinead
Peter Callahan
Blind Beggar Pub
Peter had tried not to smirk as poor Gary agreed to follow him outside. He had done his job and now Jackson was going to get the big bloke on the ground. After stepping outside of the door, Peter was quick to get out of the way, watching as Jackson laid the first hit into Gary’s throat, sending the man stumbling backwards in surprise. Peter watched the entire fight, honestly amazed that Jackson was able to hold his own with the giant man that was Gary. Peter’s eyes moved from the fight scene to take in the area surrounding them. If the fight was scene by someone passing by, it was a no brainer that they would most likely try to call the cops. Turning back to Jackson and Gary, hearing the fight get more intense, he could see that maybe Jackson had taken it a bit too far.

Peter looked up to Jackson as he spoke of getting Gary into the trunk. The guys face was unrecognizable to Peter now, nothing more than a bloody, black and blue mess. He nodded his head to Jackson before moving to grab the man’s arms. ”Grab his feet.” Peter told Jackson, who looked like he could pass out at any moment. Once Jackson would grab Gary’s legs, they would both carry the unconscious man towards the car that was waiting. Peter steadily held the man’s arms, pulling them up into awkward positions to keep him from slipping between Peter’s clammy hands. Finally making it to the car, Peter tapped the trunk once before it was opened.

”In ya go.” Peter said, helping Jackson stuff Gary into the back of the trunk. Off in the distance, sirens could be heard, but it was unsure if they were meant for the group of men who had just kidnapped someone, or if they would get farther and farther away. Either way, Peter was on edge about it. ”Fuck. I don’t like the sound of that. Let’s get into the car.” Attempting to close the trunk, Peter found that the big body was not going to fit the way they had him positioned. Peter hissed out in frustration as the sirens got closer and closer, quite possibly heading towards them and making his heart race in his chest. ”Come on you fucker!” He hissed before giving Gary a violent shove, pushing his legs and arms down before the trunk closed completely…

With: Gary Misty Gray Misty Gray ; Jackson Enzyme Enzyme ;
Mentions: James ; Ryan Fletchawk Fletchawk

Lucy Porter
Lucy rolled her eyes at Arlene as she agreed with her statement about being a little dramatic, stating that she was chalking it down to the hormones. The statement was sweet though, as she recognized the woman was a tough and it made Lucy smile fondly. ”That’s right and don’t you forget it, missy.” Lucy said in a teasingly firm voice before her eyes caught Grace and Quinn stepping up behind Arlene, the girl tapping on her shoulder and stating that it was good to see her again. Lucy’s blonde brows furrowed in confusion on how Arlene would know these two younger people. The blonde looked over Grace and Quinn curiously as Grace chatted away. Lucy could see the familiarity, knowing that she had seen these two people somewhere before. Grace brought up the name Armstrong and red alarms went off in her head. These had to be Jared’s children. James had spoke of Armstrong’s family on more than one occasion. She watched as Grace glanced her way, making Lucy tense slightly, wondering if they knew who she was. Clearly, they didn’t know who Arlene was allied. Lucy listened in on the conversation, but felt eyes were watching her. Her blue eyes met Quinn’s for a moment before the young man turned his gaze to Arlene, greeting her as well.

After another moment of pleasant conversation, the young man turned his eyes to Lucy. His compliments on her appearance were enough to make any woman blush, but Lucy smiled gracefully at the lad. Lucy nodded along lightly, smiling to Grace as she was introduced before her eyes landed on the young man named Alexander, he stated that something was familiar about her and she bit the inside of her cheek. He gave her a chance to introduce herself to the pair, but she could see that the wheels were turning and soon, he came to the conclusion on his own of who she was. The tone he used was a dead give away; he had heard about the Porters. The smile Lucy had faded away as she could see him becoming more guarded about her presence now. She cleared her throat and looked to Arlene a moment, wondering how she knew the Armstrong family again. ”Well,” Lucy said, her eyes still on her cousin a moment. ”Most people call me Lucy, but.” Her eyes looked back to Grace and Quinn, ”It’s a pleasure to meet you.” Her tone was pleasant and calm, actually not wanting to alarm the poor dears. Her eyes then tore from the people in front of her to look around the area. She briefly wondered if any of Jared's goons were watching the kids from a distance, or if one of them was closer, blending in with the crowds that were still exiting the theatre.

With: Arlene + Grace Misty Gray Misty Gray ; Quinn Fletchawk Fletchawk
Alexandra and Michelle Romano
Alex hugged onto the child and slowly relaxed into it, this child was her daughter and while her memory of her was gone, Alex still had to be her mother regardless. When the man began talking to her, Alex looked towards him again taking in the information he was giving her. It was good to know that her daughter was Michelle since having to call her would be extremely hard to do with out her name. Her name was apparently Alex , she wondered if this was short for something or if her parents wanted a boy. Her mind drifted towards her parents and she wondered if they were alive or dead, what were they like and was she like them but her mind was brought back to Conor when he mentioned her getting hurt.

The fact that someone had hurt her caused some sort of restart in her brain and she closed her eyes to stop the dizziness she was suddenly feeling. As she closed her eyes she’s saw herself shoot someone with a gun before getting shot herself in the shoulder before she could focus entirely on this memory another one came into her mind of her being tied to a chair and being thrown to the floor by a man, the name James came to mind but she wasn’t sure if this was his true name. Alex opened her eyes slowly and looked to Conor shock clear on her face before she looked towards her shoulder very quickly finding the wound from her memory.

She looked back to Conor again with confusion etched on her face “James?” she questioned unsure if that memory was recent or years ago or if the mans name was really James.

When her mother mentioned James, Michelle looked up extremely confused “but that’s your cousin?” She turned to her dad “uncle James didn’t hurt her, did he?” She asked

Misty Gray Misty Gray
Jackson McCarthy

Jackson used his remaining strength to hoist the big man up by his feet. The pair carried the incapacitated man back out, onto the murky streets. Mildew had covered the road, making it a tricky terrain to navigate. They gingerly made their way to the idling car, careful not to fall on the slippery cobblestone. After reaching the vehicle, he let Peter open the trunk, before stuffing Gary inside. Jackson's head snapped around to the familiar tune, as they were dimly illuminated by flashing red and blue. "Great," Jackson muttered as the pair attempted to slam the trunk shut. Jackson was well aware of Gary's size by now, and so was the trunk, refusing to close. It was clear that Gary hadn't been stuffed inside correctly, but there was no time to take him out and rearrange him.

"C'mon ya' drunks, get back inside!" Jackson could hear the cop shout from afar, ordering a group of men to disperse. The pair frantically shoved Gary, Jackson grabbing onto the lid of the car and pushing his foot against the large man's chest. The police cruiser pulled over to the side of the road, as the two cops casually walked out onto the street, their attention drawn to the front of the Blind Beggar. Jackson and Peter managed to stuff Gary inside just in time, slamming the lid shut.

The two police officers stood over a bum, who was rested against the alley wall of the pub with an empty bottle in hand. "Alright, lad. No more drinkin' for yous'. We don't need another incident." The bum grumbled, shifting onto his side to avoid looking at the officers. The two men rested their hands on their utility belts and sighed, turning their attention to the idling vehicle on the road. "Oi, the lad's okay to drive, is he?" Jackson cursed under his breath, briefly looking at Peter. "He's alright," Jackson called out, resting his weight against the trunk. He had a strong fear that the lid would pop open and expose Gary.

The two officers walked closer, casually strolling to the pair. "Is that right?" They stepped a few feet from the men, stopping in their tracks and sizing them up. One of the officers squinted his eyes at them, before looking at his partner. "You lot look like you've seen a ghost."

Bellz Bellz (Peter)
Ryan Donahue
displeasure.gifRyan give his companion a grim nod as he turned his to watch the terrain around him. It wasn't long before Peter, true to his word and skill, had coaxed the target out of the bar. While Jackson's approach to subduing the man wasn't one that Ryan would of taken, especially since it was reiterated into him only last week that picking a fight with a man bigger than oneself is generally not good for a person's health. Still, he knew if things turned sour, Peter would be able to at least stall the man until he and James intervened. As with most fights where one side had the advantage, it didn't last long even though the man got a few good licks in. While it annoyed him and concerned James, Ryan could understand Jackson's indulgent brutality. Fortunately, he reigned himself before James was able to intervene.

Even though it was dark, he still caught a glimpse of the man's already bruising and bloody face. The prospect of having to get the man to talk didn't particularly bother him, as he was an enemy and one who's wronged his comrades, but thought of it becoming harder due to the injuries inflicted did annoy him. However the sounds of distant sirens did distract him somewhat as he tried to distinguish from what direction they were coming from. Ryan's nerves were on edge as Peter and Jackson shoved the large limp figure into the trunk, unsure if they'd be able to finish before they were seen and garnered unwanted attention. As the trunk finally came down and he heard the click lightly resonate through the car, Ryan could see Garda vehicle pulling up the street behind them. A part of Ryan feared the worst, but he quickly reminded himself the Garda was definitely no CPD back in the States and that the vast majority of them were unarmed.

Not wanting to arouse much suspicion, Ryan decided to wait until the Garda had already initiated contact before opening the door and yelling at his companions. "Come on now, mate. If you're done gabbing, I'd like to 'ead 'ome and 'ave go at bonkin' ye' sister." The accent wasn't great but it was steady and didn't break as he mocked surprise at seeing the officers. "Oh, evening! Sorry 'bou the cheek." Ryan paused with a confused face as though he wasn't sure why they were there. "Is 'ere a problem?"

Enzyme Enzyme [Jackson] Bellz Bellz [Peter] Misty Gray Misty Gray [James]

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